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October 27, 1997 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-10-27

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 27, 1997 - 3A

pays homage to
Far er's work
in two-day conference commemorat-
William Faulkner's life and impact
is scheduled to take place Nov. 7-8.
The events include lectures by well-
known scholars, videos about Faulkner
and his career, readings from his writ-
ings and other presentations.
A corresponding exhibit remember-
ing the 100th anniversary of Faulkner's
birth will continue through Nov. 22.
Most of the events will be held on the
floor of the Harlan Hatcher
duate Library.
'U' financial
manager dies at
age 58
Alexander Makarewich, financial
manager of the University, died last
week at the age of 58. He died of a pos-
le heart attack in Bloomington, Ind.,
Oct. 19. Funeral services took place
Friday morning.
Makarewich received a degree in
accounting from Eastern Michigan
University and served in the U.S. Army
and National Guard.
In 1966, the University hired
Markarewich as an accountant. He
worked in the financial operations
office for 31 years, eventually taking
responsibility for gifts and designated
*ds, general accounts receivable and
student financial operations.
Tech Day to
welcome future
The University's College of
Engineering will invite high school
juniors, seniors and transfer students to
Wnd Tech Day on Nov. 8.
Enrollment is limited to the free
open house showcasing the engineer-
ing facilities. Students and their parents
can tour engineering departments,
attend information sessions on admis-
sion, scholarships and financial aid.
For more information, check out
Run raises funds
er United Way
The Parke-Davis United Way Fund
Run is scheduled for Nov. 8. All pro-
ceeds from the competition will go to
benefit the United Way.
The events include a one-mile
run/walk, a two-mile run/walk and a
10K run. Trophies will be presented to
the top runners in the 10K race, as well
as one for the runner with the best time
lusted for their age and gender com-
pared to the U.S. record.
The 13th-annual race also will fea-
ture a 10K corporate team competition,
which is split into two groups accord-
ing to company size.
The race is sponsored by many local
businesses. For more information
regarding the race, contact Sheila
Calhoun at (313) 998-2867.
' hysics series
ontinues with
study of solids

The multi-media physics series
Sgeared toward the general public con-
.tinues its third season this upcoming
weekend with a discussion titled "The
,Science of Solids."
This second installment in the series
uses on teaching how solids' proper-
can be understood from the atomic
model and the applications of that
knowledge, including creation of cus-
tom materials.
The lecture will be given by John
Erland Nov. 1, 8 and 15. The lectures
are free from 10:30-11:30 on Saturday
mornings in 170 Dennison.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Marla Hackett

Students use NetDay to wire classrooms


By Lee Palmer
Daily Staff Reporter
Saturday's warlike crash on the foot-
ball field was ignored by a group of
students in favor of the more soothing
hum that accompanies computer tech-
Engineering first-year student
Matthew Shapiro was one of 19 mem-
bers of the University's Volunteer
Computer Corps that wired the Saline
Christian School for internet access in
the first-ever NetDay in Washtanaw
"There was a NetDay at my high
school last year, so I thought it was my
turn to help out, even though I'll miss
most of the football game," Shapiro
What began in California in 1996 as
an effort to use donated material and
labor to reduce the high costs of wiring
the state's schools, NetDay has already

seen approximately 250,000 volun-
teers wire more than 50,000 class-
rooms in more than 40 states.
"They did the same program at my
little sister's school in Folsom,
California, and she was able to do
some really neat projects with the
Internet access," said John Dockstader,
a VCC member and mechanical engi-
neering graduate student.
In their first experience with
NetDay, VCC selected the Saline
school as its site after researching sev-
eral schools.
"Originally, we aimed at helping
Ypsilanti High, but in the end we set-
tled on the Saline school because it
had the best computer infrastructure
already established," said LSA alum-
nae Susan Dundas, vice president for
public relations and external affairs for
While the group's goal was to select

the school that most needed help, it
was also important to consider what
school was most prepared to receive
the assistance, Dundas said.
Once the school was chosen, fund-
ing was secured by the Ann Arbor
World Wide Web development firm
Fry Multimedia, which donated the
necessary wiring, at a cost of about
S600. ,
"Everyone in our company was
extremely excited that we could help
out in this way," said Mark Livingston,
a creative strategist for Fry Multimedia
who came out for the day to help with
the wiring.
Saline ninth-grader Billy George
was so excited about his school's new
network that he came to school on
Saturday to lend a hand, but he said
most students at the school have not
yet heard of the project.
"I just heard about the wiring last

week from my dad, who is on the com-
puter committee here," George said.
But George said he is confident that
when his classmates begin to use the
network, they will recognize its bene-
A network has the potential to
improve certain computer games, by
adding the possibility of inter-comput-
er play, George explained.
Along with exploring their own
city's new Website, the students can
now "voice their opinions by writing to
me, or even the president over e-mail,"
said Saline Mayor Rick Kuss.
VCC was founded in 1993 by a
group of technically inclined students
who wanted to use their expertise to
aid local non-profit organizations by
expanding or improving their existing
Since its inception, VCC has
expanded to more than 300 members,

said VCC President Philip Tom, an
Engineering senior.
VCC also has created Web pages
and installed new equipment for the
Huron Valley Humane Society,
SAFEHouse and other non-profit
groups. Ongoing projects include free
technology workshops open to the
public and the online CyberAssist pro-
gram, which matches donated used
computer equipment with people with
disabilities, many of whom are home-
"By giving them a computer and
connecting them to the Web, they
could start their own business online,
take online classes and meet people
from all around the world," Tom said.
For more information about joining
the VCC or for a list of scheduled
events check out their Website ,at
or email vcco~cumich.edu.


Web helps study
of world culture,~

T-shirt designs and red silhouettes represent domestic violence in the Michigan Union Arts Lounge. The silhouettes tell the
stories of women who died from domestic violence, while the T-shirts were made by women who have survived.
SAPAC at exhibit tells tales
of d
o d -m et C lence. .ci

* Human Relations Area
Files go online for the
first time ever
By Alero Fregene
For the Daily
A powerful research tool that facili-
tates the comparative study of world
cultures is now available on the
Internet. Using search words or phras-
es, students and researchers can obtain
information on dating rituals, health
concerns, child care, religious prac-
tices, cooking styles, other cultural
aspects of a variety of world cultures
and more.
Previously only available on micro-
fiche and CD-ROM, the Human
Relations Area Files has teamed up
with the University's Digital Library
Production Service to offer this Web
Since its foundation in 1949,
HRAF's goal has been to encourage the
study of human society, culture and
behavior. Today, HRAF is a collection
of more than 400 research and educa-
tional organizations in more than 30
countries worldwide. Production has'
advanced from paper-slips in the early
'50s to microfiche in the '60s, '70s, and
'80s, and in 1991, HRAF decided to
create an electronic version.
The electronic HRAF (eHRAF),
which is available on both CD-ROM
and on the Web, is designed to provide
easy access to more than one million
pages of information and primary
research about 340 cultures worldwide.
HRAF Executive Director Carol
Ember said she hopes the accessibility
and ease of the Web access will
increase the number of students and
faculty who do cross-cultural research.
"The detailed information that is (on
the eHRAF) gives students a way to
compare the variety of life-styles

around the world in a very short tiime
frame; Ember said.
To help create the Web-base. tr-
sion, HRAF turned to the Universit's
Digital Library Production Service sdv-
eral years ago.
DLPS Director John Pierce-Wilkens
said the collaboration between DLS
and HRAF has been successful.
"We are responsible for building the
Website. It was a collaborative enter-
prise" he said.
Pierce-Wilkins said eHRAF has oply
become operational at the University in
the last few weeks.
"(eHRAF) is a fabulous thing,"
Pierce-Wilkins said. "Using the micro-
fiche version is extremely cumberine
for even the most sophisticated of usps.
eHRAF is fast and much easier to use"
The Website and CD-ROM are not
yet complete. Only 47 of the 340 world
cultures are available on both the QD-
ROM and the Web. However, eHRAFis
expected to grow annually as HRAF
adds more cultures to the its electroflic
"HRAF is converting and upd4t4*g
about 12 cultures a year to electspk
form, and adding a few new cult ,'
Ember said.
Even though the electronic vers s
not complete, the number of )e s
worldwide is fairly high.
"Last month, HRAF was searkd
2,300 times. These reflect true seanft es,
rather than access of individu40F
files and individual Web directul'
Pierce-Wilkins said. "They are thug a
fairly accurate reflection of reserh
University librarian Karl Longstth
said use may be so high because users
"can search very quickly and eH F
has a broader range of texture" thanthe
microfiche version.
The HRAF Website can be acesse4it

By Neal Lepsetz
Daily Staff Reporter
T-shirt designs and poetry tell the stories of those who
survived dating and domestic violence. Nearby, red silhou-
ettes tell the stories of some who didn't.
In the Michigan Union Arts Lounge, the tales of victims
and survivors stand side by side.
Sponsored the University's Sexual Assault Prevention
and Awareness Center, the "Picture My World Survivor Art
Show" will occupy the Union lounge through Nov. 7. The
display is part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month,
which is held every October and also includes tonight's
Speakout, to be held at 7 p.m. in the Union.
"This exhibit comes at a really important time for the
University" said LSA senior Heather Sauber, one of the
month's coordinators. Sauber said the recent death of LSA
senior Tamara Williams at the hands of her boyfriend
brought domestic violence issues to the forefront. "This
exhibit is another way for us to keep remembering and heal-
ing and just keeping that heightened awareness that we
experienced after the homicide.
"When you have artwork, it kind of hits emotions and you
can kind of feel what they're going through," Sauber said.
Art can be an important part of the victims' healing
process, Sauber added. She said artwork is "just another
way of breaking the silence," adding that society places bar-
riers on survivors that make them "feel like it's their fault.'

"In this context, through art, sometimes it's easier to tell
your story," Sauber said.
As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, victims
have designed T-shirts depicting their experiences. The
shirts, part of the nationwide Clothesline Project, hang in
the corner of the lounge.
On one blue shirt, the word "why" is written 74 times
with "me?" written at the bottom. "I belong to me ... And
no one else! So does my voice," is written on another.
One poem asks the question, "Why can't they see? / the
anger inside me?" Written on a silhouette nearby is the story
of a 16-year-old track star who moved to Novi to escape her
stalking boyfriend, but was lured out of her house and found
shot in the head soon afterward.
Marc Matre, associate professor of sociology at the
University of South Alabama, visited the exhibit during a
lunch break from a conference.
"Very touching," Matre said. "Our society has males in it
that are angry, and it provides the implements for them to
take out their rage by violence on women."
LSA senior Stephen Patterson, who helped put up the
exhibit, said the display is a constructive way of letting peo-
ple express painful emotions.
"It's not really pushed down your throat, which is better
than having someone lecture telling you how things should
be;' said Patterson. "It gives the viewer some type of free-

Gunman killed at border ,

DETROIT (AP) - A man intent on
fleeing to Canada shot two motorists yes-
terday after the driver of a taxi in which
he was riding refused his request to
ignore border checkpoints, police said.
Federal officers and Detroit police
fatally shot the gunman on the U.S. side
of the Windsor Tunnel, a heavily trav-
elled passage linking Detroit to Canada.
The wounded motorists were taken to

Detroit Receiving Hospital with
injuries not considered life-threatening,
an investigator said. A nursing supervi-
sor said a male shooting victim was
treated and released. A female victim
had not yet been released.
"The guy went on a rampage,"
Benny Napoleon, Detroit's executive
deputy police chief, said of the spree,
which happened shortly after 6 p.m.

* The Lloyd Scholars Program (formerly the Pilot Program) was the University's first living-learning community program.
This was incorrectly reported in Friday's Daily.
A Wendy's worker suffered seizures at the Wendy's hospital store. This was incorrectly reported in Friday's Daily.
Justin Schulman, an employee with the WNBA, was mis-identified in the Daily's Fall Outlook.

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