Uf tdm OatIgO
Don't pass up the chance to see Fritz Lang's "M" tonight. Marking
the film debut of Peter Lorre, the film is the disturbing portrait of a
serial killer who preys on children as he is pursued by police and the
Berlin criminal underbelly. Based on actual events, this German 1931
classic is a big-screen event not to be missed. Michigan Theater
9 p.m. $5 for students.
October 24, 1997
flome brings legendary voice to 'U'
By Christopher Tkaczyk
Campus Arts Editor
,The world of opera doesn't often lend
its prized possessions to Ann Arbor, but
when a featured performer visits, it is
no merely a concert or performance. It
is appening.
Marilyn Horne, famed mezzo-sopra-
no and American
national treasure,
will be in town this PF
weekend to deliver a
special recital as part M
of the University
Musical Society's
annual season. Best
k wn for her
r als, Horne has performed more than
1,300 such concerts during her illustri-
ous career. She is one of the very few
artists who can sell out a performance
space in this most definitive realm of
Born in Bradford, Pa., Marilyn Horne
began her training with her father and
eventually moved on to study music at
the University of Southern California.
By the age of 20, she was Dorothy
lIgridge's singing voice in the film
version of Oscar Hammerstein's
"Carmen Jones" -an alternative twist
on Bizet's "Carmen."
Considered to be one of the best
opera singers alive today, Horne has
sang on some of the world's most
respectable opera stages, including La
Scala, the Metropolitan Opera, l'Opera
de Paris, London's Covent Garden, and
the Chicago Lyric.
Receiving hon-
orary doctoral
E V I E W degrees from the
Juillard School of
rilyn Horne Music and the
Saturday at 8 p.m. University of
Mendelssohn Theater Richmond, Horne
$40 and $25 has also received
recognition as
being one of the nine "all-time, all-star
singers, in the MET's 100 years,' as
acclaimed by Harold C. Schonberg in
The New York Times.
Most important, however, is her com-
mendation in the Kennedy Center
Honors of 1995, at which President
Clinton cited her with an honorary
medal of recognition for her contribu-
tion to the arts in the United States.
Most recently at the Metropolitan
Opera, Marilyn Horne appeared in
January 1996 as Dame Quickly in six
performances of Verdi's "Falstaff." Two
years prior she recorded a complete
recording of "Falstaff" under the BMG
Classical label as well as a complete
recording of Handel's "Semele" under
Deutsche Grammophon, which received
a 1994 Grammy for Best Opera
Having recorded many Grammy-win-
ning albums, Horne has recently crossed
over from classical voice to musical
comedy and light pops. Titled "The Men
in My Life" the recording features
Marilyn with some of the best recent
male voices from the MET, including
Sam Ramey, Thomas Hampson, Jerry
Hadley, and Spiro Malas.
She has often appeared for perfor-
mances on both David Letterman's
"Late Show" as well as Jay Leno's
"Tonight Show" among others.
Apart from singing and performing,
Horne has led an active career as
humanitarian and teacher. In 1994,
Horne launched The Marilyn Horne
Foundation with a gala birthday concert
at Carnegie Hall. The foundation is a
non-profit organization that focuses par-
ticularly on the art of the vocal recital.
President Clinton was present at the
event and offered his praise when he
mentioned that her "role in helping to
strengthen this rich tradition has helped
to beautify our world. The Marilyn
Home Foundation will give many young
artists the encouragement they need to
continue their vocal careers"
A step into a new career direction
occurred when Horne hosted the
Marilyn Horne Vocal Workshop at
Carnegie Hall, a five-day program that
became the first-ever of such to be pre-
sented there.
While that particular workshop con-
centrated on the bel canto form of
singing, she insisted that there is no such
type of singing. Whatever the truth may
be, Horne knows exactly what she is
Accompanying Horne for her
Saturday recital will be none other than
the University's own Martin Katz, a pro-
fessor in the School of Music. This year
marks their 30th anniversary together as
performer and accompanist.
Having Horne in our midst is an
event. Her artistry and voice have been
praised from the early days of her career,
and continue to be done as such today.
Her Saturday recital is surely not to be
missed, for it will most likely prove to be
the best classical concert of the fall sea-
Author Pinker explores 'Mind'
Mezzo-soprano and national treasure Marilyn Home will perform Saturday evenIng.
God Street Wine
uncorks new album
By Cara Spindler
For the Daily
Steven Pinker is a cognitive psychologist and
ector at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at
MIT. He is well-known for his best-selling "The
Language Instinct," where his unconventional take on
language has earned him the title of
"Language's Bad Boy."
Tonight, he will be reading from P
his new book, "How the Mind S
Works," which is 550-plus pages of
why we humans think and act the
way we do. Sexuality, incest, vio-
lence, family relation and the five
es are all theorized under the
machination of the computational theory of the mind
and evolutionary psychology.
"The mind is a system of organs of computation,
designed by natural selection to solve the kinds of prob-
lems our ancestors faced in their foraging way of life, in
particular, understanding and outmaneuvering objects,
animals, plants, and other people, writes Pinker.
Gotcha. This is a book that's supposed to be written
for non-science folk, but at times his prose tries too hard
to be upbeat. In the case of "modules," it is still unclear
W- exactly what he means by mental organs that each
have a "specialized design that makes it an expert in
one arena of interaction with the world," because he
never physically nails down what a module is.
Instead, he explains it as a concept: "A mental mod-
ule probably looks more like roadkill, sprawling messi-
ly over the bulges and crevices of the brain." At a cer-
tain point, the mechanical/structural meaning to his
words lost me in his prose.
One of his main postulates is the universal structure
to human thought. By comparing human reasoning,
which is multi-leveled to binary computers, the com-
plexity of the simplest action, like holding a pencil, is
illustrated. "People in all cultures carry out long chains
of reasoning built from links
whose truth they could not have
C E V i E W observed directly."
In other words, to a certain
Leven Pinker extent, we share the same hard
Tonight at 7:30 drive and parse information sim-
Borders Books & Music ilarly. There is a universality here
Free that is comforting.
But, the demarcation between
the sexes is fairly universal.
Through "reverse engineering," Pinker dissects
human behavior today and tries to figure out how the
human mind evolved to fit its environment. And our
foraging past's remnants still affect human behavior and
biology today.
Using Pinker's guidelines, let's say that men have
smaller testicles for their body size than chimpanzees
but bigger ones than gorillas and gibbons. According to
Pinker, testicle size has become a measure of
monogamy, because chimpanzees are notoriously
promiscuous and gorillas are not. This suggests that
human ancestral females have not been entirely monog-
All right, so how do these testicles affect our behav-
ior? Well, a man that is jealous of his woman's sexual
activities is more likely to pass on his own genes. To a
certain extent, this makes sense.
By Reilly Brennan
Daily Arts Writer
The time-tested rock collection God
Street Wine is back on tour in support of
their self-titled, third major label
The New York-based group, consist-
ing of guitarists
Aaron Maxwell
and Lo Faber,
bassist Dan Pifer, God
keyboardist Jon
Bevo and drummer
Tomo, is no doubt with sp
one of the lesser-
Cognitive psychologist and author Steven Pinker.
"The largest cause of spousal abuse and spousal jeal-
ousy, almost always the man's." Why, if a man wants to
pass on his genes, would killing the woman be an act of
genetic preservation? There's a chance that the off-
spring might be his, too.
Pinker makes a weak refutation of the "common
feminist theory" that men are brainwashed by media
images that glorify violence against women.
"In our society, the best predictor of a man's wealth
is his wife's looks, and the best predictor of a woman's
looks is her husband's wealth." This isn't completely a
heterosexual world, and nor is it necessary that a
woman is dependent on her husband for wealth.
Pinker gives an entertaining argument for a mind that
has evolved to create a framework of our world.
However, personal experience seems integral to the for-
mation of an individual. Although "How the Mind
Works"has its problems, an evening with Steven Pinker
promises to be interesting nonetheless.
known bands of today's jam-band com-
munity. Still, the fivesome manages to
put out great material and continues its
tradition of putting on absolutely mind-
blowing live shows and never playing
the same version of a song twice.
Guitarist/vocalist Aaron Maxwell, in
a recent interview, said that despite
many fans' disappointment over the pre-
vious album's clumsy translation into
the live arena, their latest, "God Street
Wine,' is a great workable live collec-
"It is important to us that the songs
from the new album translate well live,
and they do,' Maxwell said. "That's an
exciting thing for us. The new stuff
makes us pumped to go back on tour
God Street is celebrating their new
album, as it not only captures the hard-
to-accomplish live
E V I E W "feel in the studio,
but it also marks
Street Wine their second release
Tomorrow on Mercury
Majestic Theater Records, coming
ial guests Strangefolk off the fiasco thay
encountered with
"We've had our ups and downs, but
what we do always has feeling,
Maxwell said. "We put so much of our-
selves into this album."
The album does have many bright
spots. The single that will be released to
radio stations, "Feather", is good,
though far from the best song on the
"Good Dream" is excellent, as
GSW's fine lyrics and emotional con-
tent force the listener to either smile or
tear. As in many great GSW tunes,
"Good Dream"'s final chorus really
does seem to accurately bring to a cli-
max the feeling of enchantment that is
conveyed throughout the song.
God Street Wine has matured froni
their bar-band image of old, but
nonetheless know their roots. Shows are
characterized by joyous lyrics and clas-
sic ,jamming that has brought GSW a
fan following and loyal support
throughout the music community.
Maxwell said that along with the con-
centration on the new Wine material,
old favorites like "Stupid Hat" or
"Waiting For The Tide" are still played
live, and the improvisation that live per-
formances are maintained by allow for
old stuff to sneak in here and there.
"We've been going without a set list
lately. It lends itself to a lot of weird-
ness, but is refreshing and makes for a
better experience."
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