The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 24, 1997 - 3
Student hurt on
way to stadium
A woman called the Department of
ublic Safety on Tuesday to report that
Sher brother's foot was fractured by a
gate on Elbel Field on the way to the
Michigan-Iowa football game.
The incident occurred Saturday
around noon, when the gate on the east
side of the field fell on his foot, DPS
reports state.
The injured subject went to a hospi-
tal in Maryland on Sunday and found
that he had fractured his big toe on his
right foot. A DPS officer took pho-
*ographs of the area where the foot
trauma had occurred.
Tantrum occurs
in Angell Hall
A man in the computer lab in Angell
Hall stood and screamed at other stu-
dents and staff Tuesday, DPS reports
The University student was being
verbally aggressive toward staff,
yelling about the inadequacy of the
computers at the University.
As students in the lab laughed, he
stood up by the computer he had been
using and shouted about his inability to
get e-mail on the computer to the staff
who asked him to leave.
*Car damaged at
construction site
A woman called DPS to state that
she hit a huge rut on Kipke Road, caus-
ing damage to her automobile.
The rut is on the north side of the road,
near the tunnel. DPS reports state that the
rut was due to construction on the road.
The caller said that the construction
site was not blockaded to prevent traf-
9fic from hitting the rut, according to
DPS reports.
The front left tire of the woman's
Pontiac Sunfire was flattened and there
is possible suspension damage, DPS
report state.
Vomiting student
taken to hospital
A possibly intoxicated person was
throwing up on the third floor of West
Quad residence hall Wednesday, a resi-
dential staff member reported to DPS.
A staffer at the residence hall met the
DPS officer in the hallway of West
Quad where the sick student was vom-
iting. The student was taken by ambu-
lance to University Hospitals' emer-
gency room.
*Wendy's worker
has seizures
A DPS dispatcher reported to offi-
cers that a person was having a seizure
at Wendy's in the Michigan Union on
Wednesday. The Wendy's employee
was on the floor coming in and out of
seizures. She then went into a deep
Her superviser contacted the
*employee's family to determine her
medical history, which was communi-
cated to the emergency room at
University Hospitals. The survival
flight, the University's helicopter trans-
K. port, also was notified of the seizures,
reports state.
The subject was then transported to
University Hospitals' emergency room
for observation.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Stephanie Hepburn.
Campus group focuses on
Tibetan issues
By Ken Mazur
Daily Staff Reporter
Film releases, the Tibetan Freedom Festival
Concert and the activism of top movie stars have
all heightened public awareness of China's occu-
pation of Tibet.
At its first mass meeting last night, the
University of Michigan Students for a Free Tibet
joined the ranks of institutions championing the
cause of Tibetan liberation.
"Our primary purpose is to bring awareness
about Tibet to the Ann Arbor and Ypsilaniti com-
munity," said LSA first-year student Erik Hofer,
one of the group's organizers.
Students attending the meeting said the situation
in Tibet deserved the attention of the University
"The atrocities are going on and on, but nobody
seems to know," said Medical School first-year
student Dan Hamburger.
Hofer said he and LSA first-year student Brian
Siff established the group to "educate people about
Tibet and the Tibetan people, and to nonviolently
exercise their universal responsibility to assist the
people of Tibet in their struggle for self-determi-
Siff, who is from Colorado, said he wanted to
start the organization because he saw a lack of
knowledge and involvement regarding the issue on
the Ann Arbor campus.
"The Tibetan cause is pretty well known in
Colorado. In Fort Collins and Boulder, everyone
knows about it," Siff said. "Here, there's no aware-
ness, and that really surprised me on a campus this
Students attending the mass meeting said they
became aware of the Tibetan situation from many
"I've always known about it, and then I wrote an
article on it this summer, so I decided to come,"
said Emily. an iEngineering sophomore who asked
that her last name not be used.
The blitz of media attention about the issue has
brought Tibet into national consciousness. Helped
by such celebrities as Adam Yauch of the Beastie
Boys and actors Richard Gere and Brad Pitt, the
issue has found its way into American entertainment,
including Pitt's recent film "Seven Years in Tibet"
"Millions of people are about to become more
aware of the situation in Tibet, and we believe
many people will want not only to see the film, but
do something about it,' Lodi Gyari, president of
the International Campaign for Tibet, said in a
written statement. "Our job is to turn awareness
into practical support for the people of Tibet, who
have maintained a valiant non-violent struggle
against China's brutal rule."
Siff said now is a great time to educate people
about Tibetan issues. "I think it's a prime time to
get a group going," he said.
Hofer said groups like Students t'or a Free Tibet
can supplement entertainment with tftcts about the
political situation.
"In the American consciousness, there's a sepa-
ration between media and society, so we want to
help build political pressure instead of just enter-
tainment," Hofer said.
The two organizers said they see great potential
in the University community to help raise awqre-
ness about Tibet.
"We've got a really positive, really strong
response from students so far," Siff said.
The upcoming visit of Chinese President Jiang
Zemin to the United States has made the focus on
Tibet especially intense, Hofer said. The newest
chapter of Students for a Free Tibet may assist in
the national protests and demonstrations surround-
ing the visit, he said. Hofer said the group is con-
sidering delivering a petition to the Sino-American
Students guided
at Law Day
By Rachel Edelman
Daily Staff Reporter
Questions about GPAs, the LSAT
and the law school experience were
discussed yesterday as about 600 stu-
dents attended Law Day events held in
the Michigan Union.
"My main concern is just getting
into the schools that I want to go to,"
said Business senior Jared Stadlin.
Representatives from about 100
law schools across the country
attended to address the questions
and concerns of prospective stu-
dents. The information fair was fol-
lowed by a law school admissions
panel discussion. Law Day was
sponsored by the Office of Career
Planning and Placement.
"It's important because it provides
general information, so that students
can make more informed choices,"
said Cornell University Financial Aid
Director Jane Deathe. "We make it a
point of being here every year."
LSA senior Lisa Wilson said she
appreciated the chance to speak one-
on-one with officials.
"I'm already involved in the appli-
cation process, but it's always helpful
to talk to more people," Wilson said.
LSA senior Laura Biancke said she
felt less nervous after attending Law
"It was really helpful. It made me
feel better about applying to law
school," Biancke said.
At Law Day, students had an easy
opportunity to obtain law school
applications and brochures, and to
get information from schools they
may not have previously consid-
"It was very useful. I don't have to
hassle the law schools about getting
the application," said Social Work stu-
dent Laura Rojo.
Law Day also allowed admissions
directors and representatives to meet
prospective applicants and students.
"It's an opportunity for us to talk to
the students and get an idea of what
the student body is like," said
American University representative
Brooke Sandoval.
"Most of the questions I've been
asked have been geared towards
what it's like to be a law student,"
said Fordham University Law
School student Jennifer Gaylord, a
University alumnae who attended
the fair.
Law fairs are assets in the recruiting
process, Sandoval said.
Students collect information and ask questions of various law school representatives yesterday during Law Day in the
Michigan Union. Law Day was sponsored by the Office of Career Planning and Placement.
"A lot of the students that I met at
the fair last year are enrolled in the
school now' Sandoval said.
Nancy Ramsayer, an assistant dean
of admissions at California Western
University, said law fairs are "a good
idea on a big campus."
The fair was followed by an infor-
mation panel, featuring representatives
from law schools from Indiana
University, Emory University, Santa
Clara University and Boston
"We discussed what students and
members of the University should do
to apply and eventually attend law
school,' said Emory representative
David Patton. "It was a chance for
them to hear from people in law
schools, and what we look for in the
application process."
Law Day was part of the Midwest
Association of Prelaw Advisers law
school tour. MAPLA provided stu
dents with profiles and listings -of
about 170 law schools.
"I definitely think it was informa-
tive. It was an easy and effective way
to get a feel of the process," Stadlin
MSA reps look at U' advising
By Susan T. Port
Daily Staff Reporter
If members of the Michigan Student
Assembly have their way, academic
advising at the University may soon
have a different makeup.
MSA members gathered last night to
discuss their experiences with their
advisers - both positive and negative.
Each representative recounted stories of
their interactions with academic advis-
ing. The assembly plans to formulate
recommendations for each advising
Doug Yatter, chair of MSA's
Academic Affairs Commission, said he
was excited by the group's honesty.
"I think everyone spoke candidly and
offered constructive ideas," said Yatter,
an LSA senior. "The Academic Affairs
Commission wanted to create an oppor-
tunity to give a voice to the general
murmurings that everyone hears about
academic advising. Out of that, we
hope to derive recommendations for
every college."
Yatter said the meeting was also about
hearing positive aspects of advising.
"We want to hear criticisms, just as
importantly as we want to hear positive
feedback on the advising system,"
Yatter said.
Kinesiology Rep. Brad Holcman,
who transferred from LSA, said he
prefers being in a smaller school. In
Kinesiology, Holeman said he has more
of an opportunity to develop a personal
relationship with his advisers.
"The academic advising is a very
hands on (with a) structured approach."
Holeman said. "I wanted something
personable. That's what I got in
MSA Vice President Olga Savic said
academic advising is an important issue
that needs to be improved.
"I think academic advising is crucial
to students' success at the University,"
Savic said.
Karie Morgan, Chair of MSA's
Budget Priorities Committee, said she
was impressed with the general flow of
discussion at the forum. Morgan said
there needs to be minimum standards
established in academic advising.
"I thought it was a good start," said
Morgan, an SNRE senior.
LSA Rep. Barry Rosenberg predict-
ed that the meeting would point the
assembly in the right direction.
"I was really impressed with the
quality of ideas," said Rosenberg, an
LSA senior. "It was really honest and
open dialogue."
Yatter said the main objective is to
come up with recommendations that
apply to all colleges.
"We want to assure that every student
gets a certain level of quality in advis-
ing;" Yatter said. "We recognize the dif-
ficulty drawing analogies between col-
leges due to the difference in size and
A couple of representatives also said
advising for first-year and undeclared
students is insufficient.
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U "Can the Past Live in the Present?
Recontextualizing Poems,
Readers and Social Spaces,"
Lecture, Sponsored by The
English Department, Angell Hall,
Lecture Room 3222, 4 p.m.
0 "Halloween Party," Sponsored by
The Ann Arbor Jaycees, 459
Hollister Ct., 7:30-11 p.m.
J "Libertarianism" A Challenge to the
Politics of the Past," Speaker,
Sponsored by The College
Libertarians, Modern Languages
Building, Lecture Room , 7:45
L3 "Male Idols of the Japanese
Cinema," Movie screening,
Sponsored b The Center for
Japanese Studies, Natural
Science Auditorium. 7 o.m.
Studio, 400 Fourth St., 7:30 p.m.
D "University Alkido," Sponsored by
The University Club Sports
Program, Intramural Sports
Building, Wrestling Room, 5-6
P. M.
U "Book Signing," Sponsored by
Shaman Drum Bookshop, State
St., 8 p.m.
U "Canine and Human Blood Drive,"
Sponsored by The American Red
Cross, Tappan Middle School,
2215 East Stadium Dr., 12-6
U "Having a Global Vision," Sponsored
by The Graduate Christian
Fellowship, Ann Arbor Christian
Reformed Church, 6 p.m.
n1 "UIU/AIDSC Trin" enAncnrAd ,
Center, 1500 East Medical Drive,
1-4 p.m.
Q "Weekly Rummage Sale," Sponsored
by The Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor,
Kiwanis Building, 200 S. First St.,
corner of Washington, 9 a.m- 12
U "Calling the Ghosts: A Story About
Rape, War and Women" and "The
Women Next Door," Film show-
ings, Sponsored by The Institute
for Research on Women and
Gender, Chemistry Building,
Room 1300, 1 p.m.
U Group Meeting," Sponsored by The
Black Biology Association,
Trotter House,Third Floor, 3 p.m.
U "Seekers Meeting," Sponsored by
The Ann Arbor Society of Friends,
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