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October 21, 1997 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1997-10-21

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Stand-up Smith
Openly gay stand-up comic Bob Smith appears on campus tonight. No
topics are scared from Smith's keen comedic eye. From sex to Newt
Gingrich, from flea markets to pornography, from in-laws to lesbians,
Smith's observations promise to amuse. Catch Bob Smith this
evening, presented by the Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &
Transgender Affairs. U-Club in the Michigan Union. 9 p.m. Free.

October 21, 1997


'Advocate' is guilty of devilish fun

the edge of the building, the camera
sways and scans the skyscrapers of New
York City. Soon enough there is a feel-
ing of urgency, a need for the scene to
switch to a location more stable, less
This ominous feeling is what per-
vades "The Devil's Advocate," as
Lomax's promising career becomes a
hellish nightmare.
Nevertheless, the movie's credibility
is occasionally undermined by its over-
bearing religious imagery of supernat-
ural fires depicting a conflict between
Christ and the Anti-Christ.
Pacino brings out the best qualities in
his acting. He incorporates the toothy
grin, the gruff laughter and, most entic-
ing, the devilish look of innocence.
Reeves is a relief, but only because he
avoids the usual moronic tone of voice
that carries throughout so many of his
past films.
Here, he struggles with a southern
accent that fades in and out. He does-
n't quite fit the role, but the movie's
power makes up for his inherent
Welcome to Hell on Earth.

Al Pacino sings a few Satanic verses in "The Devil's Advocate."

'Frasier' finds love in its fifth stellar season

haps undiscovered in past seasons.
His inability for finding companionship and his
happened to Dr. unsuccessful forays into the world of the opposite sex
"Frasier." meet regularly with gentle teasing from his family
every Tuesday.
Frustrated by his uneventful
R E V I E W love-life, Frasier hopped a plane
to a tropical paradise at the end
Frasier of last season, hoping to come
back with a few adventures
sNBC under his belt.
Tuesdays at 9 p.m. His whimsical trip turns out to
be rewarding after all, since he
aught with affec- comes back with a semi-relationship. It's a little bit
improbable that a man who formerly dates no one,
me of the most now finds a model and Ph.D. student (Sela Ward from
life - his rela- NBC's former drama "Sisters") as his'female com-
chiatrist with his But this is what makes "Frasier" so enticing, the
free advice to the adventures which allow the wry humor and bitter sar-
uld have ample casm of the Crane family and friends to entertain the
not the case - viewers. The total disbelief in the existence of the
>preciated or per- mysterious new woman with which Niles, Martin,

home-care provider Daphne (Jane Leeves) and all of
Dr. Crane's associates react, drove Frasier to take a
picture of her in bed, thereby ruining his chances with
It is, after all, too soon to resolve this aspect of his life,
and this escapade allows script writers to tackle a new
dimension of Frasier's persona. According to
Entertainment Weekly Magazine, the shrink, "later starts
a more serious relationship with a defense attorney."
Frasier's relationships with women will, indeed,
come more into play this season, once the show stops
being pre-empted by the World Series. But it is doubt-
ful that his dating life will overshadow the strong
ensemble flavor of the series.
The ensemble is what made "Frasier," now in its
fifth season, win the Emmy for Outstanding Comedy
Series for four consecutive years, and it remains hilar-
iously intact, though Frasier's life often doesn't.
It is by the psychiatrist's relationships with his fam-
ily and colleagues, whereby his insecurities and at the
same time haughty demeanor allow conflicts, that the
comedy shines. And therefore, this season should be
"simply marvelous,' as Niles would say.

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Tuesday, November 11, 1997
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"Adventure of the Horses," by Ho Thanh Duc, is a 32-square-foot acrylic painting on wood.

Exhibit celebrates Vietnamese Art

By Tracy Jacobs
For the Daily
The Vietnamese Student Association is currently sponsor-
ing an exhibit of five world renowned Vietnamese American
artists, titled "20 Years of Vietnamese Art in America"
A e exhibit, running now through Friday, brings together
ery distinct pieces to present the college and community
a window into Vietnamese American
The exhibit itself is the first of its R l
kind to be initiated by students and sup-
ported by a major university. At is also Mel
the first-ever Vietnamese art exhibit in
the Midwest Region.

assembled to give individuals the opportunity to look beyond
generalizations to the creativity, style and inspiration typified
by these works and prevalent in Vietnamese culture.
"I felt that I was Vietnamese-American and art was an
aspect of my own culture that I had never been exposed to,"
commented Nam Ngyen, President of the Vietnamese
American Student Organization, and organizing force behind
the exhibit. "A lot about the culture has
been skewed, but art has a voice that is
V I E W raw and unadulterated." She said that a
lamese Art major reason for bringing the display
Exhibit together was "for the Vietnamese
American Students here to learn more
ichigan Union and take pride in their culture."

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