2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 21, 1997 NATiON/WORLD Soros to give $5 nadto Rssia M Billionaire hopes to improve mother-child care, bacteria infections MOSCOW - U.S. financier-phil- anthropist George Soros announced yesterday he will spend up to half a billion dollars on Russia in the next three years, investing in such projects as improving health care, spreading Internet know-how and helping reform the country's chaotic armed forces. The new gifts would make him a big- ger donor to Russia than the United States, which gave the country $95 mil- lion in foreign aid last year. "For planning purposes, we are using a target of $300 to $500 million over a three-year period, but I want to empha- size that until we have the proper man- ~Agement in place, our plans will remain just that - plans,' he said. The health program, a response to Russia's declining birthrate, will target mother-and-child care, widespread tuberculosis and treatment of drug- resistant bacteria. Soros also plans new Internet cen- ters in many universities, legal and public libraries. "Our intent is to make the Internet broadly available to the public at public places rather than limiting it to the relatively few who can afford their own comput- ers," he said. His charity, the Soros Foundation, will offer retraining for those being demobilized from Russia's army, which under long-promised military reforms is to be cut from its huge Soviet-level size. A similar program in another former Soviet republic, Ukraine, has allowed 50,000 people to retrain, about 80 percent of whom have found civilian jobs or started small businesses. Soros has spent the past two weeks traveling across Russia, inspecting the results of his 10-year philanthrop- ic involvement in the country. During that decade, the Hungarian- born businessman has contributed more than $350 million, much of it on programs to shore up Russia's scien- tific community and support educa- tion. Soros, who is critical of the "robber capitalism" he believes has developed in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, said he wants to underpin the growth of legitimate capi- talism here. He called for Russia's top half-dozen bankers, who wield immense power in Russia, to lead the way. "The consolidation of the oligarchy into legitimate capitalist entities would be a step forward for the coun- AROUND THE NATIQ!N Commission proposes health changes WASHINGTON- A terminally ill patient could appeal if an experimental treat- ment was turned down. A man with chest pain could go to the emergency room without worrying so much whether his HMO would pay the bill. Americans frustrated by managed care would have a host of new guarantees under a proposed bill of rights a presidential advisory commission is expected recommend this week. Because the commission includes representatives of both the managed care industry and consumer groups, many hope the work will lay the foundation for future federal laws. But some consumer rights advocates say the bill of rights, as written, doesn't go far enough, and they are considering a dissenting report if the commission does not expand it. "I must say, this is a slice of a slice;" said commission member Ron Pollack, president of the consumer group Families USA. He likes what's in the bill of rights. "But it is inadequate." Others are more optimistic. "If we can succeed in getting those proposals enacted into law, it will have a pro- found and lasting impact on health care," predicted commissioner Stephen Wiggins, chair of Connecticut-based Oxford Health Plans. AP PHOTO Billionaire financier-philanthropist George Soros announced that he would spend as much as $500 million to improve facets of Russia's health care systems. try," he said. "I think they are the players at the present time, and they must make the transition from acting as robber capitalists to legitimate cap- italists." He also shrugged off Russian sus- picions that he is one of the "robber capitalists" he criticizes. Many Russians remain wary of the motives behind Soros' aid to and investment in Russia, suspecting that his commit- ment to open government masks a desire to enrich himself at their expense. "I have a political objective, which is to help foster an open society, and I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of," Soros said. The Psychology Peer Advisors Present on Tuesday, October 21, 1997, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. "Are You Interested in Majoring in Psychology?" featuring: Dr. Patricia Gurin Department of Psychology Supreme Court votes unanimously on abortion law Greenhouse gas emissions increase WASHINGTON - Releases of heat-trapping "greenhouse" gases by U.S. industry soared last year, con- founding efforts by the Clinton admin- istration to craft a proposal for upcom- ing climate talks that would protect American business. An Energy Department report said yesterday that carbon emissions rose more than 3 1/2 percent in 1996, com- pared with a growth of 8 percent over the preceding six-year period. Carbon dioxide is the predominant "green- house" pollutant. The report came amid continuing debate within the administration over how far the United States should go to curb heat-trapping emissions. Talks are under way in Bonn, Germany, in an attempt to work out an agreement on mandatory emission caps to be signed in Kyoto, Japan, in December President Clinton is expected to dis- close additional details, including how deep a reduction in emissions the United States would accept, later this week for presentation at the Bonn discussions. But White House press secretary Mike McCurry said yesterday that no decision has been made. "There are remaining issues that are very im tant to the position that we 'Tl advance, that are still unfolding,' McCurry told reporters. Microsoft accused of stealing customers WASHINGTON - The Justice Department accused software gignt Microsoft Corp. yesterday of using ' dominant Windows 95 computer ope ing system to steal customers from rival Netscape's popular Internet browser. The department's antitrust division sought an unprecedented $1-million-a- day fine that would take effect if a judge orders a halt to the challenged activity but the company persists. "Microsoft is unlawfully taking advan- tage of its Windows monopoly to protect and extend that monopoly,"Attor General Janet Reno told reporters. Dr. Lance Sandelands Professor of Psychology Dr. Warren Holmes Professor of Psychology ALL ARE WELCOME! All Focus Groups will be held on the 4th Floor Terrace in E.H. Enter through the Church St. Entrance. The elevator is to the left. Go to the 4th floor and follow the signs to the Terrace. http://www/personal.umich.edu/-hsy/PeerAdvising.html High court decides that judges can't have more power over young girls' decisions WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court, in a rare near-unanimous vote on an abortion question, refused yesterday to give judges more power over young girls' decisions to end pregnancies. The court's 8-1 vote left in shreds a Louisiana parental-consent law found by lower courts to unduly interfere with some girls' abortion rights. Only Justice Antonin Scalia, one of the court's most fervent opponents of any constitutional right to abortion, voted to review the state's appeal and consider reviving the law. Louisiana Attorney General Richard leyoub had argued that the case "cuts to the core of this nation's ability to pro- tect the welfare of children." Janet Benshoof of the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy applauded the court's action. "Louisiana's passion over making a political statement on abortion far exceeds its ability to draft a law that will withstand constitutional scrutiny," she said. "But this is not the end of any story; it's the end of one episode." The court's action was not a ruling and therefore set no national precedent. It continued, however, the court's five-year record of denying full review to any case dealing directly with abortion rights. The court in 1992 barred states from banning most abortions, voting 5-4 to uphold the core of its 1973 decision in Roe vs. Wade that said women have a constitutional right to end their pregnan- cies. Since then, the justices only have granted full review to disputes involv- ing protests outside abortion clinics. Several disputes more directly involv- ing abortion rights have resulted in unsigned decisions issued without full briefing or oral arguments, and others have been turned away after languishing on the court's docket for months. "The real question is, when is the court going to come out of the closet on abortion and debate the issue in the open?" Benshoof said. Most states have laws requiring unmarried girls under 18 to get the per- mission of one parent before having an abortion, and the nation's highest court has upheld such laws. But those past rulings have required a judicial bypass - letting judges act without parental consent to permit abortions for girls deemed mature enough to decide on their own or when telling a parent would not be in a girl's best interests. Before 1995, Louisiana's parental- consent law said judges "shall" autho- rize abortions without telling a parent in those cases in which a girl's maturity or best interests are argued and proved in her favor. The 1995 law said judges "may" authorize abortions in such circum- stances. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the law, ruling in April that it unconstitutionally imposed an "undue burden" of young girls' abor- tion rights. "Louisiana stands alone on this front," the appeals court said. "As far as we are aware, every state with a parental consent or notification statute has used the mandatory 'shall' lan- guage in their bypass schemes" AROUND THE WORD Peace talks focus on Gaza Strip airport JERUSALEM - In a first sign of progress after months of crisis, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators said yester- day they were closer to agreement on the operation of a Palestinian airport in the Gaza Strip. Israeli leaders, meanwhile, hinted at flexibility on Jewish settlements, suggesting they were willing to shelve new construction projects for a few months. Opening the airport, which Palestinians envision will bring in a half-million passengers a year, is of enormous symbolic as well as practical importance to the Palestinians. Most of Gaza has been autonomous since May 1994, but Israel has maintained strict control over the airspace. The lack of a working airport con- tributes to Gaza's economic and com- mercial isolation. Even fledgling Palestinian Airlines has to fly in and out of the Mediterranean resort of El Arish, across the border in Egypt. The status of the airport is being dis- cussed by one of nine committees working on outstanding issues fr already signed peace accords. "The Palestinian side wants imple- mentation on the ground - that's what counts, and that's what we are here to achieve," said chief Palestinian nego- tiator Saeb Erekat. U.S. hopes China will free dissidents BEIJING - U.S. officials red hopeful that China will release one or more of the country's prominent political dissidents before President Jiang Zeinin visits Washington next week for the first formal U.S.-Sino summit in 12 years. "The Chinese have taken the posi- tion this is a legal question that has to be resolved by the Ministry of Justice;' a senior official with the U.S. Embassy said yesterday, "but they don't fore- close the possibility of certain di r dents being released on medi l parole." - Compiled from Daily wire reports. IThe Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus scriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated collegiate Press. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327. 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