2 - The Michigan Daily -- Friday, October 17, 1997
Continued from Page 1
said LSA junior Karen Ginman.
Most recently, controversy has sur-
rounded Nike's labor practices in over-
seas factories, which has given rise to a
national anti-Nike day this Saturday.
Member of "Just Don't Do It" plan to
rally on the Diag at 10 a.m. Saturday and
match to the stadium to disseminate anti-
Nike fliers calling for the University to
suspend its contract with Nike.
"This is a public institution, and we
are making money for Nike, said
Rackham student Eric Dirnbach, who is
heading up Saturday's activities. "With
the money comes a certain amount of
control and a certain amount of respon-
-Senior Associate Athletic Director
Kith Molin said the Athletic
Department receives money from a
number of sources, including revenue
from television broadcasting rights.
"Those people who are opposed to
(corporate sponsorship) probably watch
those games on television," Molin said.
LSA senior Brandon Rubin said he
wouldn't buy a Michigan hat with a
Nike logo because corporate sponsor-
ship is "turning the University into a big
capitalist machine.
"I'm not in favor of turning the
University into any more of a capitalist
organization than it already is, because
it's against the nature of the academic
endeavor," Rubin said.
Among the most controversial agree-
ments between the University and cor-
porations is the licensing agreement
with Mattel that allowed the Barbie
manufacturer to make a doll that wears
a Michigan cheerleading uniform.
"People were critical of this particu-
lar doll because it was questionable
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whether the Barbie reflected the alues
that many of the women at this
University believe in," Harrison said.
In an effort to develop a consistent
policy on the commercial use of the
University's name, former interim
President H omer Neal created the
Committee on the Use of the University
Name. Harrison, who heads the com-
mittee, said it grew out of a concern
about the Athletic Department's con-
tract with Nike, as well as the overall
increase in business relationships
between universities and commercial
"We don't want to recommend an
end to corporate partnerships,"
Harrison said. "What we do think is that
there should be some guidelines to
make sure the corporation shares the
values of the University."
Morris said Nike respects the
University's values.
"We've worked in cooperation with
officials to develop the partnership in a
way that reflects the fundamental values
of the University of Michigan," Morris
said. "That's important to them. That's
important to us."
Through the contract, Nike also pro-
vides the University with four student
internships and supports a graduate
journalism fellowship. The University
also participates in Nike's Reuse-a-shoe
program, which uses the rubber from
recycled athletic shoes to build outdoor
athletic courts in inner-city areas.
"A lot of people take a look at us and
see us as an ominous threat," Morris
said. "That's unfortunate, because it's
certainly our intent to be a positive
force on those campuses we have part-
nerships with."
Bokov said in exchange for respect-
ing the University's values, Nike should
have similar expectations of the
University to maintain values in its ath-
letics programs.
"If the University of Michigan wants
to continue to generate large amounts
of money, then we'd better keep our-
selves in check," Bokov said, citing the
recent investigation into the Michigan
men's basketball program.
Continued from Page 1
opportunity of 45 days after the end of
the season when other schools can talk
to him.
"If (Michigan) wants to hire an inter-
im coach and then talk to our guy after
the season, that's fine. But not now, a
few days before practice," he said.
Providence Athletic Director John
Marinatto also reportedly denied per-
mission when Goss called about coach
Pete Gillen.
And as quickly as Goss comes call-
ing, so does the media, hungry to find
out who might be on Goss's list.
Even before Saturday's announce-
ment of i'isner s dismissal, speculation
engulfed the campus of California that
coach Ben Braun was already in Ann
Arbor, ready to take over the Michigan
But it wasn't until Tuesday, Goss
said, that he had his first conversation
with Braun. Just hours afterwards, Cal
locked up Braun through the year 2004
with a two-year contract extension and
a salary increase.
As for who the other candidates
might be, the only additional one Goss
has confirmed is former Brigham
Young coach Roger Reid.
Goss said he might have been able to
reveal more of the candidates if the
timing was different.
"In some cases, one of the reasons
they decline is because of the status of
people knowing that they were talk-
ing," Goss said. "It's so different with
the closeness of the season."
As the Wolverines prepare to start
practice on Saturday under the guid-
ance of assistant coach Brian Ellerbe,
Goss is off to meet face-to-face with
candidates. Yesterday, he interviewed
former Michigan basketball great
Cazzie Russell in Ann Arbor, before
leaving town to conduct more inter-
Goss said he will return Saturday
and may conduct more interviews dur-
ing the first part of next week.
Russell is now a second-year coach
at Savannah College of Art and Design.
Russell's Bees went 16-9 in his first
season and finished with a No. 7 rank-
ing in the NCAA Division IlI southern
region polls.
Reid's Cougars made the NCAA
tournament five times during his tenure
and finished first in the Western
Athletic Conference three times.
Other names circulating in the media
include Oklahoma's Kelvin Sampson,
Tulane's Perry Clark, Illinois State's
Kevin Stallings, Bradley's Jim Molinari
and Leonard Hamilton from Miami
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Robert Hoepner, Campus Pastor
First U.S. baby born
from frozen eggs
ATLANTA - In what may be the
first such case in the United States, a
Georgia woman gave birth after being
implanted with eggs that had been
Up to now, U.S. doctors have been
able to produce pregnancies from
frozen embryos - that is, eggs fertil-
ized with sperm and then frozen -- but
eggs alone were considered too fragile
to freeze.
The latest feat, which has been
achieved only sporadically elsewhere
around the world, could give women
some new reproductive options and
sidestep some of the ethical objections
to test-tube fertilization.
'"This stretches the reproductive
field as far as you can envision it right
now," said Dr. Joe Massey, co-founder
of Reproductive Biology Associates,
the Atlanta clinic that accomplished the
The same clinic in 1993 produced
the first U.S. baby using sperm injected
directly into a woman's egg.
"This is an area in our field in
which no one has been able to reliably
achieve results over the past decade,"
said Dr. Anna Namnoum, director of
in vitro fertilization at Emory
University's Center for Reprodue
Medicine. "This is a significant d l-
Businesses, payrolls,
grew in Michg
WASHINGTON - The number of
businesses in Michigan and the number
of people employed increased in 1995,
prompting a surge in payroll paym ts,
according to new figures released y r-
day by the Census Hureau.
Economists in the state said the
growth was reflective of the solid econ-
omy Michigan has been experiencing
throughout the 1990s.
"This is the sixth consecutive year of
very solid gains in employment in the
state of Michigan," said David
Littmann, vice president and senior
economist at Comerica bank.
Judge urges renouncing of gay policy
LOS ANGEL ES - A veteran fedcral'judg i'sued a stern challenge to President
Clinton yesterday, urging the president to "admit his mistake of judgment" and
renounce the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
"Renounce it because it is wrong, it is evil - as you surely know in your heart,"
declared U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge William Norris.
The liberal jurist issued the unusual challenge in remarks prepared for del'
at an evening ceremony at the Pacific Design Center where he was to recei a
"Liberty Award" from the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, a national
nonprofit legal group working for full civil rights for gay men and lesbians.
"Discrimination against lesbians and gay men as official governmental policy
has emerged as the most intractable civil rights issue of the 90's," said Norris, 70,
who is perhaps best known for his strong opinion in a 1988 case in which he said
the military's ban on guys violated the Constitution's equal protection clause.
"To be sure, other forms of discrimination, such as discrimination based on
race or gender, persist as grave social problems in America," Norris said yester-
day. "But at least they are no longer acceptable as official governmental policy.
Regrettably, however, it continues to be acceptable for the government and -
ernment officials to promote hatred, fear and intolerance against gay mend
...,.,...,......... .. ............... ..,....,.. i
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First Lady strikes
chord in Argentina
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - First
lady Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered
a broad discourse on feminism to a
crowd of some of Argentina's best-edu-
cated women yesterday, telling her audi-
ence that "access to quality health care
- especially family planning and repro-
ductive health services - is crucial to
advancing the progress of women."
That line, which drew the most sus-
tained applause of her speech, clearly
struck a chord in a nation that is more
than 90 percent Roman Catholic and
where abortion laws, while among the
most liberal in Latin America, are
much more restrictive than in the
United States or Western Europe.
Clinton did not spell out her view that
access t6 reproductive health services
includes a right to an abortion. She said,
rather, that one reason for better family
planning information is that both mater-
nal death and abortions will drop.
Speaking at the historic Colon
Theater, an opera house in the heart of
Buenos Aires, Clinton denounced
domestic violence "as one of the most
serious and under-reported human
rights violations in the Americas. And
she warned of a coarsening "consumer
culture" that "does its best, in my C*-
try and yours, to objectify women and
make girls believe that only their
appearances - not their hearts, minds
or souls - are important."
U.S. soldiers shuttle
in and out of Bosnia
EAGLE BASE, Bosnia-Herzog&ina
- The roads are jammed with arnrd
vehicles, the tents are bursting and it's
hard to find a seat in the mess hall at
this gritty military base in central
A new contingent of U.S. soldiers is
arriving for a mission they've been told
will last until June. But few seem to
think that this latest move into Bosnia
will be America's last.
About 10,000 American troops are in
the region now, but the number willkp
back to 8,500 in the coming weeks.W
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus sub-
scriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
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/' 1 JshWte Edto i Ci
NEWS Jodi S. Cohen, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jeff Eldridge, Laurie Mayk, Anupama Reddy, Will Weissert
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Reilly Brennan, David Bricker, Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud. Margene Enksen, Megan Exley, Maria Hackett. Stephanie
Hepburn, Steve Horwitz. Heather Kamins, Jeffrey Kosseff. Chris Metinko, William Nash, Christine M. Paik, Katie Plona, Susan T. Port, Diba
Rab. Alice Robinson, Peter Romer-Fredman. Ericka M. Smith. Mike Spahn, Sam Stavis. Heather Wiggin, Kristin Wright, Jennifer Yachnin.
CALENDAR: Will Weissert.
EDITORIAL Erin Marsh, Editor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Jack Schiltaci Jason Stoffer.
STAFF: Ellen Friedman. Eric Hochistadt, Scott Hunter. Jason Korb, Yuki Kuniyuki, David Lai, Sarah Lockyer, James Miller, Joshua Rich, n
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SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Alan Goldenbach, John Leroi, Jim Rose, Danielle Rumore.
STAFF: Nancy Berger, TJ. Berka, Evan Braunstein, Chris Fsrah. Jordan Field, John Friedberg. James Goldstein. Kim Hart, Josh Kleinbaum,
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ARTS Bryan Lark, Jennifer Petlinski, Editors
WEEKEND. ETC. EDITORS: Kristin Long, Elizabeth Lucas
SUB-EDITORS: Aaron Rennie (Music), Christopher Tkaczyk {Campus Arts), Joshua Rich (Film) Jessica Eaton (Books), John Ghose (TV/New
STAFF: Colin Bartos, Neal C. Carruth, Anitha Chalam, Emily Lambert, Stephanie Love, James Miller, Anders Smith-indall, Philip Son,
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PHOTO Sara Stillman, Editor
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn
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Vishen Morandas Lakhianl, Emily Nathan, Paul Talanian.
COPY DESK Rebecca Berkun, Editor
STAFF: Debra Liss. Amber Melosi, Elizabeth Mills, Jan Woodward.
ONLINE Adam Pollock, Edito
STAFF: Elizabeth Lucas.
STAFF: Alex Hogg, Jordan Youn , Jonetfhan Wertz. __________________________________
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