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48 - The Michigan Daily Weekend Magazine - Thursday, October 16, 1997
The Michigan DaiyvWeekentt
I III-, iTI1N1115MI I LIA1Il f t Vv:avaar a, s
School of Music presents variety of concerts, lectures
By Stephanie Love
Daily Arts Writer
It's not hard to find music at
Michigan. A walk down North
University takes you past Hill
Auditorium, where on any given night,
students can find an orchestral perfor-
mance or a choir concert. Across the
courtyard, the Michigan League's
Mendelssohn Theater boasts a lineup of
theater and drama performances, while
Rackham Auditorium showcases cham-
ber music. Cross Fletcher and the Power
Center plays host to operas and musicals.
Across the bridge to the Hill area,
The Betty Pease Studio Theater in the
Dance Building features dance recitals.
And a bus to North Campus brings you
to the School of Music, the heart of the
Michigan music experience, where
recitals, lectures and master classes
occur on a daily basis.
Students like LSA junior Katya
Metidieri have ample opportunity to
take advantage of this musical atmos-
phere. "I think it would be nice to hear
what my peers are doing," Metidieri
said. "I know we have a great music pro-
gram, and I'd like to attend a concert."
The Michigan School of Music boasts
one of the most active and varied concert
lineups of any university in the country.
With more than 400 performances in an
academic year, the Music School pro-
vides an invaluable service to the
University and Ann Arbor community.
According to Jeffrey Chase, editorial
assistant of "Music at Michigan," pub-
lished twice a year by the School of
Music, "one of the advantages of hav-
ing an extensive and high-quality music
program is that students and the public
have access to events which in other
cities would have an admission."
In other words, if you're looking for
it, the School of Music has it. In addi-
tion to the ensembles that focus on tra-
ditional band, choir and orchestral liter-
ature, Michigan is home to one of the
most active jazz and improvisation pro-
grams in the country.
Beyond the larger ensembles, music
students perform in a variety of smaller
ensembles, which highlight the diversity
within the music school. From the Early
Music Ensemble, which plays music that
predates thel8th century, to the Digital
Music Ensemble's multimedia perfor-
mances, the scope is overwhelming.
Few people know that the School of
Music, in addition to being a power-
house for the performing arts, is a bar-
gain hunter's dream.
"Ninety-five percent of the Music
School's activities are free and open to
the public, and the concerts are general-
ly very high-quality," said Chase.
While most of the music perfor-
mances are free, the theater and dance
departments do charge admission to
University Productions events, which
include musical theater and drama per-
formances. Events such as the
Halloween Concert and Band-O-Rama
also charge admission. Student tickets
generally cost around $7, a steal in a
town where tickets to concerts through
the University Musical Society start at
See CONCERTS, Page 118
Giorgio Arnani
* Entertainment News
Lawrence sentenced;
Jackson's album banned
KRjchardfson s
320 S. State St.
(located in the lower
level of Decker Drugs)
Hours: M, T, TH, F 9 am-6 pm
Wed.& Sat 9 am-1 pm
® Film
~ In the wake of the recent cancella-
tion of his eponymous Fox show, it
looks like comedian/actor Martin
Lawrence has quite a bit more than
"nothing" to lose - his freedom, for
starters. Regularly in trouble with the
law, Lawrence, star of TV's "Martin"
and the 1995 action blockbuster "Bad
Boys," was sentenced to two years'pro-
bation and 240 hours of community
service on Sept. 17, in Los Angeles.
Lawrence pleaded no contest to battery
charges stem-
ming from a
March incident in
which he was
arrested for hit-
ting an unidenti-
fied man in a
nightclub after
the man allegedly
bumped into him.
And the woes
don't end there:
Lawrence is still
slated to pay an
amount of money
to his victim.
~ Following
another lousy
performance by
one of his films
- both in the box
office and, more
surprisingly, with
-critics - ubiqui-
tous director
Oliver Stone
seems to be slow-
ing up a bit. The "Who, me?" Comedi
creator of "U- has run afoul of the1
Turn" has big plans for the future, how-
ever. According to Entertainment
Weekly, Stone hopes to direct a film
tentatively called "NFL," about the pro
sports league. He also hopes to film the
script he has written as a sequel to
1996's hit "Mission: Impossible." The
original, directed by Brian De Palma,
starred Tom Cruise as spy Ethan Hunt.
A chance to work again with Cruise,
the star of his 1989 film "Born on the
Fourth of July," is reported to be Stone's
biggest reason for doing the film. More
important, it would seem, is a chance to
get his career back on track.
~ Just because you're rich doesn't
mean you're invincible. Just ask Steven
Spielberg, director of some of the most
profitable films of all time and one of
the wealthiest men in the entertainment
industry. Spielberg suffered a minor
shoulder sprain when he was involved
in an automobile accident on Sept. 23.
His wife, actress Kate Capshaw, and
their driver suffered no injuries.
Spielberg's latest film, the slave ship
mutiny saga "Amistad," is scheduled to
open later this fall.
~ The name may not ring a bell, but
the face certainly does. After 15 years
of- starring as .'Fred.the , Baker" <in
iDsikiY oau -nimer'cials2 3dinu-
calling it quits. Entertainment Weekly
recently reported that Vale's final spot
for the pastry chain aired on Sept. 28,
the last in a string of more than 80
memorable advertisements.
U Music
V The Straits Times reports that
Janet Jackson's long-awaited new
album, "The Velvet Rope," has been
banned in Singapore. The reason? Well,
it appears that Singapore's Office of the
Controller of Undesirable Publications
feels that three
songs about
abuse, homosex-
uality and sexu-
ality are not in
the best interests
of Singapore's
people. Perhaps
Jackson will now
sell only 10 mil-
lion copies of
"The Velvet
Rope," not 10.1
' million.
V According
to USA Today,
Strong Island's
favorite son,
Billy Joel, is
"following in the
footsteps of
Elvis Costello,
P a u 1
McCartney and
Joe Jackson" by
having written
some classical
ompos ition s.
ni Martin Lawrence copstn.
3wn rectLwrenes.Russian pianist
winrecentYweeks. u I i y a
Gorenman performed this collection,
called "Reverie," on National Public
Radio's "Performance Today" on
V Actor Warren Beatty "is slated to
rap over tracks by the atmospheric mix-
master DJ Muggs of Cypress Hill in
his upcoming movie, 'Bulworth,' due
out in early '98;' reports Addicted to
Noise. Beatty plays a congressman
who, according to Muggs, "goes to this
club, and he's up for three or four days.
He's delirious, he smokes weed and
everything. And he's having this big old
fundraiser with all the big oil people
from the world," says Muggs. "He just
loses his mind and flips out and starts
V SELECT reports that "American
dates for The Verve begin on
November 1st, and are expected to
attract a group of crazed fans who are
convinced (that lead singer Richard)
Ashcroft is an otherworldly priest of
voodoo, and that live The Verve shows
are, in the words of one source, 'going
to open some sort of time tunnel to an
alternate universe."' (Be sure to catch
the group at St. Andrew's Hall in
Detroit on Nov. 10).
- Compiled by Daily Film Editor
Joshua Rich and Daily Music Editor
-. -. ,Aaron Rennie.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Rainy days can bring your mood
down, and make life seem a bit
crazy. Be aware of the weather
forecasts to prepare for your mood
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
An intense situation will come to
some resolution this week.
Remember that to every issue
there are two valid sides - despite
what you may believe.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Your insecurities exist more in your
mind than anyone else's. This will
begin to be more clear to you this
week as forgotten strengths resur-
Capricom (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Friendly troubles will continue
throughout the week. Your best bet
is to lay low, and try to keep-your
temper under control.
Top 10 movies
(for the week of Oct. 10 to
Oct. 13)
1. "Kiss the Girls," $11.1 million
(two weeks in theaters)
2. "Seven Years in Tibet," $10 mil-
lion (1)
3. "Soul Food," $5.6 million (3)
4. "In & Out," $5.5 million (4)
5. "The Peacemaker," $5.2 million (3)
6. "Rocketman," $4.5 million (1)
7. "L.A. Confidential," $3.7 million (4)
8. "The Edge," $3.5 million (3)
9. "Most Wanted," $2.8 million (1)
10. "Gang Related," $2.4 million (1)
Source: The Associated Press
Billboard Top 10
(top albums for the week ending
Oct. 18, 1997)
1. Leann Rimes, "You Light Up My
Life" (four weeks on chart)
2. Boyz II Men, "Evolution" (2)
3. The Rolling Stones, "Bridges to
Babylon" (1)
4. "Soul Food" Soundtrack (3)
5. Mariah Carey, "Butterfly" (3)
6. Master P, "Ghetto D" (6)
7. Aqua, "Aquarium" (4)
8. Fleetwood Mac, "The Dance" (7)
9. Trisha Yearwood, "(Songbook)
A Collection of Hits" (6)
10. Bob Dylan, "Time Out of Mind" (1)
Source: Billboard Magazine
keno Magazin
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
A new interpretation of
you to a new understan
self and your surroundin
Appreciate the value in
Pisces (Feb. 19-March
Windy conditions could
disclosure of your conce
secrets. A cautious attic
keen eye will prevent yc
making yourself an ope
Aries (March 21-April 1
A surprise discovery wil
ten day into one you wil
remember. Just include
your circle of friends ant
will work out fine.
Taurus (April 20-May 2(
Perseverance in your w
the path to a new posit
obstacles may set you c
this week, but such prc
* Help Me
Dear Harlan,
I'm a student at the
Connecticut. I thought
going to be a blast, but I
would be this fun. See,
arrived here, I've been me
and right. I haven't gone a
being with a new girl.
I haven't slept with al
I'm worried I might g
someone pregnant or may
get a disease. This n
sound all fine and dar
and you could ask, "W
don't you just stop do
what you're doing?"
Well, it's not as easy a
sounds. When I get drun
get very aroused and I he
estly can't stop myself fr
going after the nearest pre
girl I see.
Tell me, is there anythir
gest to me to help me sto
- Scared
Dear Scared,
I'd suggest a few pac
and a few weeks in rehat
If you're getting so v
can't control yourself,
problem. Losing control
too drunk is a totally
The unsafe sex and
making are just signposts
of destruction. You're inte
to recognize you have a
deal with it before you m
and the lives of those clo
You must eliminate
lable drinking. If you ca
keg alone, there's help it
nity. To find support in yc
contact your local hospita
or look up Drug or Alco
Happy Hour 4 pm - 7 pm
23 oz. Drafts $1.50
Sam Adams, Murphy's, Amstel Light
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www.Dlayot[ 14p 44..,.m
Well Drinks $1.50
"No Two Nights Are The Same"
. . . .. * .
a z> ESARATIr9 2QS. Universty._ - ' ®"x~' -° -
35 years ago in ft idjii
The Residence Halls Board of Governors is scheduled to conven
ed to receive the report and recommendations for the implemer
In this regard, two houses in South Quadrangle have registered
-went on record -favoring the action; Van Tyne House opposed it.