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October 16, 1997 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1997-10-16

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8A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 16, 1997
Intrasquad meet to preview season CJ

By David DenHerder
Forthe Dily
Is the Michigan women's swimming
and diving team on the road to its
unprecedented 12th straight Big Ten
title? Only times will tell.
And times are exactly what coach Jim
Richardson will get tomorrow at the
Michigan intrasquad meet at Canham
Despite losing a highly talented class
to graduation, the Wolverines look very
strong again this season. Tomorrow's
meet will be a chance to get some of the
new talent on the clock. And the coach is
eager to get started.
"We're going to have some areas
where we'll be better than we've ever
been before," Richardson said.
Topping the list are all three freestyle
relays, each of which Richardson feels

has a shot at an N" (A A record. I le med-
lcy relays also have ery good potential
but hinge on the health of two essential
F resliman backstroke sensation Jen
Crismian is suIeri ng from mononucleo-
siS ind Will 110 compete at tomorrow's
meet. Breastrokcr and fifth-year senior
Rachel G(ustin is recovering from arthro-
scopic shoulder surgery and is listed as
Individual events are also looking
strong. The team has lost some depth in
the distance freestyle events, but the spe-
cialty strokes make up for it. Senior
Talor Bendel leads the Michigan butter-
fliers in their assault on the Big Ten, and
senior Linda Riker is a proven leader in
Michigan's backstroke squad.
The freshman class will also add
depth to the Michigan attack. Though

last year's graduating class seemed irre-
placeable, this years incoming class is
equally impressive.
"It's a very good freshman class,"
Richardson said. "I like what I see."
Though the freshmen will provide an
extra punch for team, Richardson is rely-
ing on senior leadership to pave the way
for a successful season.
"This team has the potential to be a
top 10 team at the NCAAs and will be a
team that will contend for the Big Ten
title," Richardson said.
As for the intrasquad meet, times are
always interesting, but Richardson
emphasized that there is a long season
"We're just trying to build strength
and endurance in the water - and if a
little speed comes with it, we won't be

Although the season is still a few weeks away, the Michigan women's swimming team is gearing up already. The Woverine
will hold an intrasquad meet tomorrow for a team that features several new faces.

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Continued from Page 5A
he didn't think it was "appropriate at this
time to make a change."
But it makes you wonder. What if tie
legal report was given to the University'a
month ago -- when everybody thought
it was going to be delivered? What if this
whole brouhaha happened a few weeks
ago? What if Braun was otered the-j
in early September instead of mid-
October, days before practices get under-
Nobody knows the answer to tlkese
questions. Considering Kasser locked tip
Braun well into the next century within
days of speculation that he was thetop
candidate for the Michigan position, the
results might have been the same. But
Michigan's chances still might have been
The red carpet practically was rol*
out for Braun, but it was primarily the
media that did the rolling. Goss W'Js
ready to speak to Braun, but now h chas
to take him oft his speed dial.
Goss doesn't want to reveal his'i st
because he is worried that all the media
hype to one candidate will lead to aiot
er press conference like Braun's.
"What will happen is what happened
(with Braun)," Goss said. "Coach Bra
might have been the coach we mig,
have wanted. But I never will know, will
I? Because they started running artiee
on him right from the very start.: -
Goss need not worry that the same
results with Braun will happen with
Russell - no matter how much media
attention he receives.
Do you think Russell, coach of 'a
Division III school will have second
thoughts about coming to Michigan a
college sports mecca - if he is offer
the job?
I don't think so. Russell must be foan't
ing at the mouth to come here.
The three-time All-American, t"'.-
time Big Ten MVP recipient and 1966
College Player of the Year holds the
Michigan record for points per game it a
single season with a 30.2 average during
the 1965-66 campaign, his freshman
year. His single-game output of 48 poiri
against Northwestern ties him with Rd
Tomjanovich for the most points in a
game by a Wolverines. -
Before Russell, there were emjit
seats in the old Yost Fieldhouse. Then
came Russell, who all but on his own,
put the Michigan basketball program on
the map.
His No. 33 jersey hangs from the
Crisler Arena rafters, as he was the fitst
Wolverine to have his number retired-in
The Dawn of Braun is officially can-
celed. But if the interview today betwe6eh
Goss and Russell goes well, don't betsur-
prised if Russell walks into "The House
that Cazzie Built" in the near futures'
coach of the Michigan basketball team.

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