2A -- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 16, 1997
<Continued from Page 1A
The Arb has trails for people to run, bike and
-ak. There is a scenic path alongside the Huron
River, with clear water flowing over stones. In the
fall season, leaves have adopted various hues of red
I4like the fact that it's enjoyable, and its beau-
.it feels like you're in the middle of nowhere,"
t&id Rackham graduate student Bianet
uastel lanos.
4ishop said the Arb's atmosphere puts her in a med-
;tativestate of mind.
came here to study and ended up writing,'
S5ish op said. "It's a really nice place to let out your
oughts and relax."
w; .ut the Arb doesn't just take care of itself - a
roup called Friends of the Arb consists of people who
look after the grounds, providing manual labor and
financial support. The group includes some students.
"Students play a very important role at the
Arboretum," said Inger Schultz, Arb development
officer. "It's a really special place, and it's nice to
have people who care to take care of it."
Schultz said the Arb is usually full of activity.
"There were several different things going on," she
.said. "There was a wedding in the the prairie, there
was the planting of a tree, the Korean Student
Association held a picnic, Indian American Student
Association members volunteered to remove over-
crowding plants. and ... presidents of different orga-
nizations were having a retreat and volunteered to
clean up the Arboretum."
Public tours of the Arb are held on the third
Sunday of every month. The Docent Program
allows volunteers to lead tours of the Arb.
Schultz said the history of the Arboretum's land-
scape will be explained Sunday at 2 p.m., when a
power walk presenting "Rooms with a View" is going
to start at the Washington Heights entrance.
A workshop titled, "Hazardous Tree Evaluation and
Treatment," is also planned for Oct. 25, at 9 a.m.
A major Arb project on which the School of
Natural Resources and Environment is working is
the Burnham House, which Schultz described as
"like a visitor house" that will host educational pro-
grams. The house is registered as a historic home in
the Ann Arbor city registery. Built in 1837, it's the
oldest house in Ann Arbor.
Once the house is moved from its Wall Street loca-
tion to the Washington Heights entrance of the Arb, it
will be used as a place to hold workshops, lectures and
other educational programs for the public.
If students are interested in volunteering some of
their time, every second Saturday of the month from 9
a.m. to noon, a volunteer environmental restoration
work day is held.
"We're going to continue offering more," Schultz
said. "We're thinking of have an 'Arts in the Arb'
series. ... We're thinking about having other people
lead special tours."
Organizers also are contemplating the idea of form-
ing a writers' workshop at the Arb.
Schultz said the Arb has changed much in the last
10 years, noting that it has put a bigger "emphasis on
Schultz encouraged students to take advantage of
the Arboretum. Despite a "No Sledding" sign, many
students use the Arb for this exact purpose. But sled-
ding is prohibited in the Arb because it is dangerous
and ruins plants, Schultz said.
"Students have broken legs. One student got para-
lyzed," Schultz said.
Despite such injuries, the Arb remains a happy
place for Schultz.
"People come to me and tell me that the Arboretum
is where they proposed," she said. "A lot of weddings
have occurred there. It's a place where people can sit
and dream big."
To find out more about the programs offered and
the events held, call the Docents Office at 763-5832 or
visit the office's page on the world wide web at
http://www umich. edu-~snrewww/arb/.
Continued from Page IA
shoplifting problem to feelings like
this. Eric was arrested for theft last
year, put on probation and was court-
ordered to attend a support group such
as CASA.
He described the desire to shoplift as
"feeling like you're doing something
for someone else, and feeling that you
deserve something. I felt like I needed
Shoplifters often are embarassed to
admit that they have a problem. Eric
described "being too proud of a person
to ask someone for help."
Expressing anger through
shoplifting is what happened in
Shulman's case. He was arrested and
put on probation for shoplifting in
1986 while an undergraduate at the
"I had some anger" he said, and
shoplifting was a way to act out.
What Shulman didn't realize was that
his behavior was becoming habitual.
"I just felt it was a bad phase I was
/ going through. After probation, I got
cocky again," he said.
Shulman said this kind of behavior
can become compulsive.
"I don't think people realize that
shoplifting can develop into a habit or
an addiction," he said.
College students in particular are
susceptible to picking up dangerous
habits when they are experimenting
with new activities, Shulman said.
"There's a relatively normal stage of
experimentation with right and wrong,"he
said. "But before you know it, you can use
this kind of behavior to cope with life."
Once stealing becomes an addiction,
the recovery process involves more
than just bringing an end to the activity.
"Not only are they going to have to
stop the behavior itself, but they're
going to have to work on other rela-
tionships," Shulman said.
Compulsive stealing can cause many
problems in addition to legal issues,
such as problems with relationships,
lower grades and feelings of shame and
paranoia, Shulman said.
"I was keeping a big secret," he said.
"You start turning into a person you
don't recognize anymore."
Cassini spacecraft
lifts off for Saturn
its destination beckoning in a moonlit
sky, NASA's plutonium-powered
Cassini spacecraft rocketed flawlessly
toward Saturn yesterday on a mission
activists had tried to stop for fear an
accident would shower Earth with
radioactive fallout.
Saturn appeared as a yellowish speck
above the nearly full moon as the mon-
strous Titan 4-B rocket carrying Cassini
thundered away before daybreak. Forty
minutes later, Cassini shot out of Earth
orbit and was on its way to Saturn.
The journey to the ringed planet will
take seven years and cover 2.2 billion
miles. Once there, Cassini will spend
four years exploring Saturn, its rings
and its icy moons, especially the
biggest, Titan.
The chair of the Italian Space
Agency's scientific committee pro-
nounced it "a historic moment."
"It is the link that connects this mil-
lennium to the next," Giancarlo Setti
After a two-day delay caused by high
wind and computer problems, the
launch was perfect. Anti-nuclear
activists, 22 of whom showed up at the
last minute to protest, feared the wo e
if the rocket carrying Cassini and its.
pounds of extremely poisonous pluto-
nium exploded.
Six scientists Wi
Nobel prizes
Six scientists, three of then
American, won Nobel Prizes a week
ago today. The awards were given for
research into what makes cells 1
and how to make atoms sit still.
In chemistry, American Paul
Boyer, John Walker of Britain and
Jens Skou of Denmark were honored
for discovering aspects of how the
body's cells store and use energy, a
fundamental process that affects
everything from the building of
bones to the contraction of muscles
and the transmission of nerle
Reno gives FBI veto power over probe
WASHINGTON - Assailed by house Republicans, Attorney General Janet
Reno promised yesterday not to close any avenue of her campaign finance inves-
tigation w ithout the FBI director's agreement - an unprecedented safeguard. But
GOP lawmakers insisted the investigation "bristles with conflicts of interest" and
should be handed to a special prosecutor.
During an occasionally testy, daylong hearing before the House JudiciW
Committee, Reno repeatedly said she was barred by law from supplying details of
what her investigators were doing. "If I could tell you what was being done, I think
you would feel much more comfortable,' she said.
Instead, she delivered for the first time an extraordinary assurance not required
by the independent counsel law: She has given FBI Director Louis Freeh veto
power over the course of the investigation. In the long history of the often-con-
tentious relations between the FBI and the Justice Department, no previous attor-
ney general has publicly shared -authority so explicitly with an FBI director.
Pressed by Republican lawmakers about reports that her prosecutors had
prevented FBI agents from interviewing top administration officials, she
repeated three times that no allegation would be dismissed without the pers*
al assent of Freeh, who has publicly criticized the Clinton White House more
than once.
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Albright makes visit
to troubled Haiti
seedling of democracy planted when
President Clinton defied U.S. opposi-
tion to send troops to Haiti is withering,
threatening to turn his foreign policy
success story into a fiasco.
Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright arrives tomorrow in a country
where democratic institutions are not
working, and crime and frustration are
on the rise. Many fear Haiti could soon
head back toward dictatorship under
the very man the United States once
returned to power - former President
Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Albright will meet President Rene
Preval, whose 1996 election the
United States had praised as key to
ending the nearly two-century cycle
of despots and dictators. Preval was
the first democratically elected presi-
dent to succeed an elected president
in Haiti.
But Haiti has been without effective
government since Premier Rosny
Smarth resigned in June, charging
Aristide partisans of sabotaging his
Former President Leslie Manigat
said he expects Albright is being sent
put Preval back in line. "Preval h
allowed the situation to deteriorate.
Clinton wouldn't be sending such °a
strong signal, unless it was to call him
to task," Manigat said.
Rebel battle kills 18
in Sri Lankan capital
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka
Separatist rebels launched an aud
cious attack on Sri Lanka's capital yes-
terday, blasting a luxury hotel with a
truck bomb, seizing a newspaper office
and touching off gun battles that killed
18 people. The government said .it
would press ahead with reforms that
the separatists have already rejected.
At least seven Americans were among
more than 100 people injured in the day
of violence by Tamil rebels, who want
independent nation in the north of
Lanka, which lies at the-tip of India.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.
g Id bon
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(Across from Nickels Arcade)
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