4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 13, 1997 4Iw £rtidgituI lg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 JOSH WHITE S~ Editor in Chief Edited and managed by yERIN MARSH students at the .. Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan . Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Breaking the silence Code does not help accuser or accused C losed doors, pacts of secrecy and punishment at the University than local, state excruciatingly long trials without and federal systems because "the University lawyers or a judge bring to mind some dark has higher standards (of conduct)." brand of justice that existed only in history Does the University have so little respect or in the movies. for the American judicial system that it must It also exists at the University. Not only create this insufficient knockoff? And what does it exist here, it is the primary mode by should students make of the "higher stan- which to decide guilt, innocence and pun- dards" of which Antieau speaks? Certainly, ishment on campus. the standards are not representative of the The Code of Student Conduct has struck entire University community. The Code res- again. The Code, implemented by the olution panel consists of five students who University Board of Regents in 1993, stands act as judge and jury for individual Code as the University's vastly imperfect judicial cases. Antieau bases her assumption of system. The Code's panel of five students "higher standards" on the standards and val- decides cases based on testimony from the ues of those students. When the regents accused and the accuser, neither of whom are usurped the justice system to implement the allowed the benefit - and the legal right in Code four years ago, they did it for the the judicial system - of legal representa- "higher standards" of a measly handful of tion. Students tried under the Code may not student jurors. Moreover, the student pan- seek precedent for their cases; all files of elists receive grossly inadequate training for previous cases are closed to the public. the important decisions they must put forth. The most recent case brought to light is The creators and enforcers of the Code known only as "Case 97-39." A female take themselves too seriously to justify the University student accused a male Code as just another learning experience. The University student of sexually harassing and secret and arbitrary nature of all the Code's sexually assaulting her in a fraternity house proceedings mark it as a primitive and under- last spring. After several hours of testimony, handed way to pursue justice. It robs students the Code student panel found the male stu- of rights they would have in any court in the dent not guilty of sexual assault and sexual country: legal representation, access to previ- harassment, but guilty of battery, harass- ous case decisions and the principle of"inno- ment and underage alcohol possession. cent until proven guilty" The Code disser- The University community knows about vices both the accused and the accuser - the incident only because the two students both are forced to prove their case without the involved broke the pact of silence and came benefits characteristic of legal trials. forward with their stories. If it were up to Since its inception in 1993, cases tried the University, the student population under the Code of Student Conduct have would still be in the dark about the case. resulted in eight suspensions and three Mary Lou Antieau, the judicial code expulsions. Eleven cases resulting in severe adviser in the Office of Conflict Resolution, punishment - and the University communi- maintains that the Code serves as a valuable ty knows nothing about them. If the "educational" tool. Through the Code, she University administration is looking to teach hopes that students will internalize some val- students something about the "real world," it ues of right and wrong to carry with them should start by abolishing the Code - a sys- into a successful post-University life. Antieau tem that would never survive in the world claims that the Code is a better instrument for outside the hallowed halls of the University. ks th & si Wesson " NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'I feel so bad for Steve. He's not a cheater. ... He's a victim of high-pressure, big-time athletics. Obey the rules, but you're in trouble if you don't bring home the gold.' - ESPN basketball analyst Dick Vitale JORDAN YOUNGGTT NE HAV'I You HA1 D-ouTz LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Child safety locks may M ore than one-third of privately owned handguns - some 22 million - are kept loaded and unlocked. While most hand- gun owners store their guns responsibly, the rest create a dangerous environment for chil- dren. Gun accidents in the home cause injuries to nearly 1,500 children every year. In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling the Brady Act unconstitutional, President Bill Clinton met with eight major gun makers Who promised to install childproof locks on all new handguns by the end of 1998. The deal will keep unsuspecting children safe from the dangers of a loaded, unlocked hand- gun. The gun makers should be applauded for their commitment to keeping children safe. The childproof locks come, under criti- cism from many gun proponents. They argue the locks threaten personal safety because of the time necessary to unlock the trigger in an impending, dangerous situa- tion. If all handgun owners kept guns out of childrens' hands, the locks would not be necessary. But in 1994, 185 children died from gun accidents in the home. Children often devise ways of finding things parents don't intend for them to come across. Given the possible threat to childrens' lives, there can be no room for mistakes. Childproof locks are currently available for handguns - however, many gun owners do not bother purchasing them. Their rea- sons stem from the extra cost of the trigger locks to the time involved in equipping the gun. While about 80 percent of handguns will be sold with the lock intact by the end of next vear the 66 million uneouinned help prevent accidents handguns continue to pose a threat. The fed- eral government should implement a pro- gram to subsidize the purchase of the locks. Parents who own guns must also come to the call of keeping their children safe - while purchasing the locks may be inconvenient, a child's safety is worth the effort. While the agreement between Clinton and the gun makers will help keep children safe in their home, the Supreme Court's decision could put everyone in danger. The Brady Act required state and local law enforcement officers to execute a federal regulatory program consisting of mandato- ry background checks on handgun pur- chasers. The Court ruled that the act unfair- ly required states to execute a federal pro- gram. Twenty-seven states, including Michigan, have their own laws governing background checks. But the other 23 states provide an environment in which a criminal can easily purchase a handgun. Each state must take the responsibility to keep guns away from crim- inals. A second phase of the Brady Bill - providing a nationwide instant check system - is slated to go into effect by 1999. Until then, state lawmakers need to insist upon background checks to ensure that guns do not get into the wrong hands. Not all citizens take the necessary mea- sures to ensure their families' safety. Childproof locks should be installed on all guns to protect children whose parents have guns in the home. In addition, state officials need to mandate background checks for all handgun nnrchases tn ensure neonle's safet Swastika has a 'positive history' TO THE DAILY: I am writing in response to the story "Housing apologizes for letter" (10/10/97). I don't understand the reaction to the part of the letter explaining the origin of the swastika. I was concerned when I first began to see it in depictions of Hindu deities. But it was enlightening to find that the swastika had a lineage going far beyond the Nazis. I think everyone should know it has a positive history. After all, did not the Nazis also appropriate the cross? Whilepbeing aware of its gross misuse, we should appreciate the knowledge of its true meaning. Those who are part of a Hindu tradition should not have to reject part of the symbolism of that tradition because of its horrible misuse. Those of us not a part of that tradition should be aware in case we come across the swastika in drawings or carv- ings that have nothing to do with the corruption of the Nazi hate machine. Otherwise, we should reject the U.S. flag and the Christian cross because of their use in the murder, terrorism and continu- ing hatred inflicted on a large part of humanity by the Klan and other supremacist groups. MusoMI KIMANTHI RACKHAM QUP chalking was not appropriate TO THE DAILY: In "'U' grounds crew actions were unjust' (10/10/97) Khoa Huu Nguyen stated that this is a diverse uni- versity. In a diverse university, the environment should repre- sent the cultures present. Here's my point: QUP plas- tered the whole University, top to bottom, with pro-gay and lesbian sex graffiti. The ground from my room in West Quad to any class on Central Campus was painted with "I like my women butch," "Kiss me I'm gay" and various other inappropri- ate gay and lesbian inter- course comments. I wouldn't even want to see these com- ments written all over campus if they were heterosexual in nature. These things are a pri- vate manner, and shouldn't be graphically described in writ- ten text all over campus. Few student groups on campus take up more than the necessary space to make their point, use graphic sexual descriptions in getting their point across, and state that their beliefs are correct and that other nnnl shuld h inappropriate display of First Amendment Rights. BEN BAJCZ ENGINEERING SOPHOMORE Promise Keepers are not political TO THE DAILY: I have followed James Miller's columns for quite some time and more often than not, I have enjoyed his keen observations as well as witty humor on diverse issues pertaining to the University community. However, I must draw attention to Miller's piece "Keep God's code at home - and far away from legislators" (10/8/97) and how he has been biased toward the large misperceptions spurred by lack of evidence about the Christian group known as the Promise Keepers. Contrary to critics' and skeptics' opinions, the Promise Keepers do not have a political agenda. At the Stand in the Gap rally held on the National Mall in Washington D.C., there were more than 10 speakers who delivered powerful messages to men of all regions and backgrounds. Yet none of those speakers were politicians or represented any special interest group, including the Christian Coalition. Their messages were neither a ploy to gain support for the reli- gious right movement nor a message to influence politi- cians who attended the rally. Its sole purpose was to straighten the hearts of men before God and to ask for inner healing through acknowledging one's own shortcomings and through rec- onciliation with others. Yes, I must agree that good policy is most often made with deals and handshakes, but "fire and brimstone" is not directed toward good policy-making but rather directed toward us and our plan for salvation. The Promise Keepers do not advocate that women take a backseat nor does it push for male chauvinism. Too many people have mistaken the Promise Keepers' plight for men to take responsibility and leadership as fathers, husbands and colleagues. They believe it is demeaning the role of women and returning them to the back- burners of the kitchen. On the contrary, the Promise Keepers are chal- lenging men to be more nur- turing and caring, not to mention more respectful of their wives and children through realization of their God-given responsibility. I encourage skeptics to ask the wives and children of those who attended the Promise Keepers' conferences and see what +tbo+hink Or httr Miller's column and his insight into it all. What I am doing is taking a stand, attempting to clear the misun- derstandings and allegations created by the National Organization for Women. I realize I cannot influence everyone's opinion, but so long as I can get my point across and reveal God's truth just a little, I am satisfied. DAVID SHIN LSA SENIOR Bus drivers keep to their schedules To THE DAILY: I'm writing in response to the article "Students gripe about bus delays" (10/8/97). What I don't quite understand is the scenario presented by Mike Spahn when he states "It's 7:50 p.m. You have wait- ed half an hour for a University bus " The Bursley-Baits buses run every 15 minutes after 7 p.m and Northwood buses run every 20 minutes after 7 p.m. Neither has a scheduled break in the schedule before 8 p.m. Where do I get this information? From one of the schedules that is posted around campus and available in the buses. Spahn's scenario is unfair and untrue. Another thing that caught my attention is the fact that Patrick Franklin (as stated in the article) seemed upset that he was late for two exams because "of problems with the University bus system"'To his credit, I can understand being late to one exam. But why was he late to the second exam? It seems to me that the previous experience of lateness on your part would motivate you to get out a bit earlier, which you eventually realized was the best course of action. I realize that everyone has improvements and suggestions that could be made for the bus schedule. But please remem- ber that no system is perfect. Buses break down, traffic gets heavy and buses can only hold so many people. When that bus takes off with students running frantically toward it from 20 yards out, perhaps the driver is trying to merge into traffic and can't see them run- ning. Or perhaps students think the driver should pay more attention to them rather than oncoming traffic. Perhaps the driver is already late from waiting for five other runners and has to draw the line some- where in deciding to leave. What I would appreciate is a bit of understanding from the general public. I really think that most problems stem from the fact that people do not pay attention to the schedules. As a student driver, I can honestly say that we do the best we can to arr .n .-ria.. 0 ar.-n Goodbye Ruby Tuesday hello hearing aids "The generation that dropped acid to escape realit is now the generation that takes antacid to cope with it." - From a late-i 980s AIka-Seltzer commercial. Y ou have my sympathies Baby Boomers of the United States o America. You aren't the young, sex-crazed, dope- smoking, spend- thrift activists you once were. You aren't as responsi- ble for setting this country's popular trends as you used to be. You are now resigned to a banalJOSHUA life of sport-utility RICH vehicles, "60 TRICHA Minutes" reruns RIVIAL and AARP con-_ PURSUITS ventions. A life in which Walter Cronkite can only be found on Discovery Channel specials. There's no question that you are growing older; and William Jefferson Clinton, the First Baby Boomer, if yo will, is gracefully taking the lead. Last week, it was reported that the President of the United States was recently fitted for a hearing aid. And while this wouldn't ordinarily be a shocking announcement (as a child of Ronald Reagan's 1980s, I naturally think that presidents are supposed to be old and senile), it must have struck you to the core. After all, we're talking about a man who is just like you: He grew up li tening to Elvis, was greatly affected b the Vietnam War and Watergate fias- coes, undoubtedly engaged in a little sexual dalliance, and puffed on a joint at one point in time. What American, other than a cool Baby Boomer, would have dared play saxophone on "The Arsenio Hall Show" while campaign- ing for public office? He is the handsome president who embodied the youth of your tremen dous generation when he last year defeated a conservative - and just plain old -- Bob Dole (who was already a casualty of a world war by the time young Bill was born in August 1946, at the very beginning of the Baby Boom). Though ignored for the most part, Clinton's acquisition of a hearing aid should stand as one of the more mon- umental events of the 20th century. is a moment when your very own poster Boomer is gracefully admitting to his deficiencies - small inadequa- cies that come with glorious old age. It is when you understand that the coun- try that has until now aged with you is starting to leave you behind. Like Bill Clinton, no doubt, you have your drawbacks in this fast-paced world: a chronically sore back, arthri- tis, far-sightedness. Like Bill Clinto you are discovering the joys - and loneliness - of the childless empty nest. But are you prepared to honestly face these issues? Now is the relaxed time when you begin to look forward to grandchil- dren, retirement golf games and Social Security checks. You'll anxiously, await books-of-the-month and ponder trading in your minivan for an Oldsmobile Eighty-Eight. Nevertheless, I know that you wi try to trick yourselves. You can pay for all the step aerobics classes and cos- metic surgery you want, but those will only'make your skin tighter - they won't bring back your youth. You live in a new world of sad truths. No matter how many times the Rolling Stones go on tour, it won't be like Altamont. No matter how easy it is,. food still tastes better when cooked i a real oven. No matter how man movie and TV spin-offs are made, the original "Star Trek" shows remain the best. And no matter what they say, the Corvair really was a nifty little car. As it did with your parents, from whom you once rebelled, time is quickly passing you by and I'm sure life for you isn't easy. You wake up everyday to moody teen-agers (who, despite your better intentions, think that the Beatles is the group Pau McCartney was in before Wings), asi- nine talk shows, clumsy airbags and mysterious personal computers. Believe me, I know that the Internet is a tough highway to navigate and compact discs just don't have the nat- ural sound quality to which you're so accustomed. Still, it's about time you get on the new bandwagon. Perhaps Bill Gates had a good idea when he used one of your favorite old 'Stone -songs to "start up" his Windows 95 product line two years ago. Did that familiar ditty help make the instruc- tion book any clearer to you? I feel= sorry for you trend-setting dinosaurs. You are my parents, my employers, my mentors. To your cha- arin I'll nrnhahyneve4; hillindar-