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October 10, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-10-10

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One hundred seven years of editorilfreedom

October 10,1991

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aw f
emain on
eather Kamins
Staff Reporter
Though seven months of investiga-
ion were unable to expose any major
iolations in the Michigan men's bas-
etball program, University officials
efused to say yesterday whether
oach Steve Fisher's job is secure.
University President Lee Bollinger
nd Athletic Director Tom Goss dis-
buted copies of the final 250-page
port, which documents the investiga-
ja of the basketball program.
finger and Goss dodged questions
bout Fisher's future at the University
uring yesterday's press conference,
ying they had no answers at the time.
Fisher did not attend the confer-
ce. He is currently on vacation.
Goss said he will review the report
ith Fisher when he returns, and
together they will examine the
University's conduct.
0 am concerned that some of our
own' practices and procedures that we
have here with our own standards need
to be reviewed over the next few days
as we get into this report," Goss said.
"At that time, we will better under-
stand overall the standards."
Goss said the report is no longer the
"The issue is how we run our athletic
programs," Goss said. "Quite frankly,
t 's no major violations. At this point
i e, we have to make sure the things
we do here at Michigan are within the
practices and standards we set:'
During the investigation, the com-
plimentary ticket lists from 1991-94
were obtained and examined to deter-
mine who authorized the tickets that
Detroit booster Ed Martin received.
See FISHER, Page 5

irm finds


major infractions
250-page report
4; unclear about

Martin's impact

By Heather Kamins
and Jim Rose
Daily Staff Reporters
The complete report detailing the
seven-month investigation into the
Michigan men's basketball program
revealed no major violations, but called
into question the relationship between
Detroit booster Ed Martin and the
At a press conference yesterday,
University President Lee Bollinger and
Athletic Director Tom Goss delivered
copies of the finished report to mem-
bers of the media. The names of stu-
dents had been deleted. A copy of the
report also was delivered to the NCAA
for further review.
"I'm gratified that there's no major
violations," Goss said. "But ...
absolutely there are things in the report
about the program that are trouble-
The 250-page report, compiled by
the Kansas-based law firm Bond,
Schoeneck & King, catalogues docu-
ments pertaining to Martin's relation-
ship to the program.
The firm concluded that "it is debat-
able whether Martin has been a repre-
sentative of Michigan's athletics inter-
ests." This contradicts earlier findings
the University released in March,
which in its joint inquiry report with
the Big Ten, asserted that Martin was a
"nontraditional" representative of the
"It's not clear cut," said Scott
Tompsett, an attorney with Bond
Schoeneck & King. "He may be (a rep-
resentative). There are good arguments
saying that he is a representative. There
are also good arguments that he is not."
The discrepancy is central to the

"I'm gratified that
there's no major
- Thomas Goss
University Athletic Director
firm's interpretation of the University's
actions with Martin.
"If Ed Martin is not an Athletic
Department representative, then there
probably are no NCAA violations with
him providing players with benefits,"
Tompsett said. "It is a very important
question. NCAA institutions are only
responsible for representatives of their
Though Bollinger said there were no
major violations, documents in the
report suggest the existence of potential
For example, during each of the 1992
and 1993 NCAA Final Four Men's
Basketball Championships, Martin,
through the coaching staff's office,
used his personal credit card to reserve
hotel rooms. These rooms were set
aside for players' families, Athletic
Department staff members or "friends
of the program," according to the
However, members of the coaching
staff denied they were aware of the
reservations, despite the fact that on
April 2, 1992, two days prior to
Michigan's first Final Four game,
Fisher placed a "four-minute call to
Martin's home," according to Athletic
Department phone records.
Another account in the report details
a conversation between Martin and a
See REPORT, Page 5

Athletic Director Tom Goss and University President Lee Bollinger discuss a 250-page report detailing the recent activities of
the Michigan men's basketball team. The report came after the University admitted minor NCAA infractions last March.
Details revealed in yesterday's report:
Three minor violations were uncovered by the probe, including a car, which was refused.
all of them pertaining to Detroit booster Ed Martin's t 4U The report maintained there was not sufficient evi-
gifts to players. ' dence to label Martin a representative of the
p Martin reserved hotel rooms through the basket- r University's athletic interests, contrary to the find-
ball office for the 1992 and 1993 NCAA Final Four l ings of the University's internal review.
Men's Basketball Championships. .®5 Handwriting experts determined that Steve Fisher
- ® Martin told an unnamed source that he purchased a - inscribed an assistant's initials on a complimentary tick-
variety of items for a pair of Michigan student-athletes, et order for Martin five of six times.

Plates celebrate Burton
Tower, other landmarks

By William Nash
Daily Staff Reporter
* Students have seen and heard the clock tower.
But have any students eaten off this landmark?
Classic Collegiate Company's Burton
'Memorial Tower Plate gives anyone with $50 the
opportunity to do just that.
"The tower was chosen because it seems to be
the icon of the University," said J. Downs Herold,
the company's president.
The idea for the plates was sparked when the
Downs family sat down for Easter dinner. They
te on an old set of the Wedgewood Company's
ichigan Series plates, which were produced
from the late '20s to the early '60s.
Herold's son Tim suggested an updated version
of the plates, and Herold liked the idea so much
he started his own company.
The project was initiated two years ago, with
designer Judith Martin and artist Tom Osbum
working on the plate.
Martin designed the border of the blue-and-
white plates, which features roses, ribbon, rope
and the University insignia.
* "I wanted to do it by hand," Martin said. "I
started with a penciled sketch, scanned it and
then used Photoshop for the finishing touch-

Osborn designed the tower image, beginning
with rough pencil sketches. It took Osburn 60
hours to complete his final blueprint, with the
whole process spanning two months.
"It was really a great opportunity to be
involved in the project," Osburn said.
The next plate will feature Michigan
Stadium. Osburn is involved in the plate's
design, with the final result going on sale in the
next few weeks.
"We chose to do the football stadium because it
also was not done by Wedgewood, and it appeals to
not only University graduates," Herold said.
Herold decided to emphasize the University's
grandiose structures, rather than people or physi-
cal action.
"He wanted the focal point to be the monu-
ments," Osburn said.
Herold is on his way to retiring as director of
short courses and conferences for the College of
Engineering. He's planning to devote extra time
to his company.
There will be one to two plates released per
year, beginning in 1998. Herold doesn't have def-
inite plans for which monuments will be featured
on future plates.
"I'm placing suggestion cards in with the
plates to find out what plates people want,"

Classic Collegiate Company's Burton Memorial Tower plate brings the campus landmark to the dinner
table. Plates can be purchased at the Michigan League gift shop.

for letter
'U' Housing expresses
regret for initial response
to Markley swatstikas
By Peter Romer-Fredman
Daily Staff Reporter
A month after swatstikas appeared
on the walls of Mary Markley resi-
dence hall, University Housing apolo-
gized this week for its initial response
to the incident.
On Sept. 9, a letter was sent to
Markley residents by Coordinator for
Residence Education T. Rose Roane and
21st Century Program Director Marita
Inglehart in response to the vandalism.
William Zeller, director of
University Housing, sent a second let-
ter this week to Markley residents,
labeling some language in the first let-
ter as "inappropriate."
"We want to express our deep regret
for the inappropriate language used in
that letter," Zeller wrote. "In our efforts
to respond quickly to the writing of
swastikas in the hall, the letter had lan-
guage and a quotation which should
not have been included."
The quotation Zeller referred to was
from the "Women's Encyclopedia of
Myths and Secrets," and described the
origins of the word "swastika.'
"The swastika did not originate as a
Nazi symbol of hatred. Swastika is
derived from the sanskrit word:
swastikah, which means, 'being fortu-
nate,"' the first letter stated.
The first letter drew criticism from
Markley residents and students on
campus. Students held a forum shortly
after the letter was received to discuss
both the incident and the letter. LSA

Herold said.
Herold said he is considering Angell Hall and
the Law Quad, but is open to other suggestions.
He also plans on producing a plate for Michigan
State, which will display their clock tower.
"Potentially, anywhere with a demand for at
least 15 dozen plates could have one done"
Herold said.
The plates are available at a number of sites in

and around Ann Arbor, including Jacobsen's in
Briarwood Wall, John Leidy, the M-Den, Crown
House of Gifts and the Michigan League gift
At the League, student employee Anyesa
Thomas said people have called about the plates.
"I assume older folks and alumni that like
Michigan stuff- would be interested in them,"
Thomas said.

Tomorrow in Football Saturday:

Speech focuses on research ethics


:an vs.

Confidentiality issues
face changing laws,
moral expectations
By Kristin Wright
Daily Staff Reporter
Balancing moral and legal obliga-
tions can be a delicate issue in today's
research environment.
Manv researchers want to maintain

was the focus of one of the first
Research Responsibility Programs
yesterday in the Towsley Center at
University Hospitals. Yesterday's dis-
cussion was sponsored by the
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
and the Office of the Vice President
for Research.
Edward Goldman, Medical
School attorney and School of
Public Health lecturer, noke to

think confidentiality is important
because the only way you can have a
meaningful relationship with subjects
is by saying that I will keep and
respect the privacy of subjects."
Goldman discussed the conflict of
morality that a researcher feels versus
the obligation to disclose certain
information in instances when the
law requires them to do so.
"The fact that you say 'anything?

Michigan (1-0 Big Ten,4-0
overall) vs. Northwestern (0-2, 2-4)
Michigan Stadium (cap. 102,501)



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