8B - The Michigan Daily Weekenay, Otoer9, 1997
Photostory by Louis Brown
(Clockwise from left)
Senior Minister Robert Livingston
washes dishes after a dinner at the
First Congregational Church.
y Maria Coward fills a
pitcher with drinking water for the
thirsty at the First Baptist Church of
Ann Arbor.
U Dale Breval enjoys dinner at the
First Baptist Church.
s * Lance Dobbins recives food from
#c sa volunteer worker at the First Baptist
" ,Church.
*Salad and rolls are some of the First
k s foods served to the hungry at the First;
Baptist Church.
The Hunger Coalition of Ann Arbor offers
17 anybody who is hungry, homeless or just
vice rotates monthly between various
breakfast is served by the Coalition ev(
Episcopal Church. All the people who woi
unteers, and some student volunteers sa
rior to residence hall food. Though the ft
hungry come to the meals to relax and s
mation about meals or how to get involve
Andrew's Episcopal Church
The Michigan DailyWeekend Mag
lonely. While dinner ser-
churches in Ann Arbor,
ery day at St. Andrew's
rk at these meals are vol-
y they find the foodsupe-
oodis gdmany of the
ocialize as well. For infor-
ed as a volunteer, call St.
at 663-0518.