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September 03, 1997 - Image 49

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-09-03

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A RTS The Michigan Daily -

Wednesday, September 3, 1997 - 3D

Concert venues
rock audiences

By Elizabeth Lucas
and Philip Son
Daily Arts Writers
' Live music may not be the first thing
that comes to mind when you hear the
words "Ann Arbor." Yet this city boasts
a number of musical venues that are
sure to please fans of rock, jazz, folk or
any other type of music.
To begin with, Hill Auditorium is
located on Central Campus, just across
from the Diag. Along with a number of
University-related events, Hill
Auditorium hosts several concerts each
*ear - the auditorium is known for its
magnificent acoustics. This past year,
Blues Traveler and INXS played stellar
shows at Hill, as did University musical
groups like Amazin' Blue and the Men's
Glee Club. The School of Music also
presents numerous free (or inexpensive)
events at Hill, including its legendary,
and always sold-out, Halloween concert.
Ann Arbor's most historic music
venue is The Ark. Located at 316 S.
#lain St., The Ark offers a varied selec-
tion of music: bluegrass, blues, R&B,
jazz and folk. This is usually a good
place to catch up-and-coming artists in
a smaller, less crowded setting. The Ark
also co-sponsors the Ann Arbor Folk
Festival in January, and the Frog Island
festival, which features folk, blues and
zydeco artists, in July.
Fans of alternative, pop and rock

music have several venues to enjoy. The
Blind Pig (208 S. First) hosts local bands
like South Normal, Getaway Cruiser and
the Holy Cows, as well as the occasional
major-label musician. Unfortunately,
most first-year students can't partake of
this excitement, as the Blind Pig has a
strict 19-and-over policy. (Fake IDs will
get you nowhere - your best bet is to
celebrate your 19th birthday in grand
style by going to Windsor and then catch-
ing a Blind Pig show.)
Rick's American Cafe, better known
as Rick's (611 Church St.), offers alter-
native/rock bands, with the reputation
of serving a largely Greek-based clien-
tele. Though Rick's is a little on the
mainstream side, it's also more accessi-
ble, with an 18-and-over policy.
A more relaxed setting can be found
at the Bird of Paradise (207 S. Ashley
St.), a restaurant with live jazz perfor-
mances. The Bird of Paradise is classy
and comfortable, with a less manic
atmosphere than that usually found at
Rick's or the Blind Pig.
For a truly original concert event, go
to the Michigan Theater. This theater
(603 E. Liberty) shows classic, foreign
and independent movies, but occasion-
ally it also hosts concerts. At the
Michigan Theater, you're likely to see
famous (or soon-to-be famous) artists
in a unique, intimate setting. Some past
Michigan Theater shows have included

Colin Stetson, a graduate of the School of Music, performs avante jazz with has band Transmission at the Blind Pig on June
12. The Blind Pig showcases locally based and nationally known musicians.

the Verve Pipe, the Indigo Girls, and
Big Head Todd and the Monsters.
Ann Arbor isn't far from two other
venue sites - Pontiac and Detroit.
Pontiac is home to more than the Detroit
Lions. The Palace of Auburn Hills, a bas-
ketball arena (I-75, exit 81), frequently
hosts major-label acts like Phish and the
Smashing Pumpkins. Further up the free-
way (exit 89) is Pine Knob, an outdoor
amphitheater that offers patrons either
pavilion or hill seating. Before leaving

Michigan, attend at least one concert at
Pine Knob - preferably one like the
Dave Matthews Band or Counting
Crows, where you can dance and smoke
various substances all over the hill.
Pontiac is also home to Clutch Cargo's
(65 E. Huron St. at Mill St.), a smaller
venue that hosts trendy new acts like
Veruca Salt, Foo Fighters and That Dog.
Detroit's music venues are also small
clubs, and they feature a variety of
artists. St. Andrew's Hall (431 E.

Congress) presents famous and not-so-
famous alternative/rock musicians,
such as Matthew Sweet, Soul Coughing
and even Keanu Reeves' band, Dogstar.
The State Theatre (2115 Woodward
Ave.) hosts similar acts.
Though you may not have a car and
you may be only 17 or 18, have no fear:
good concerts are still within reach. In
Ann Arbor, a walk down the street may
be all it takes for some rockin' live

U,' A2 rich in theatrical fare

By Christopher Tkaczyk
Campus Arts Editor
Ann Arbor offers such a wide variety and selection of the-
ater that it doesn't compare to any other city in the state. With
more than seven performing spaces contained within the city,
Ann Arbor theaters and concert halls serve as temples to the
theatrical arts.
While most of the theater that comes out of Ann Arbor incor-
porates the talents of artists and individuals who are associated
with the University, there is also a large selection of live per-
formance which generates from the non-University aspect of
Ann Arbor.
The University is considered by many to have one of the best
theater departments in the United States. While there is little
doubting this claim, it is often overlooked by theater critics and
audiences alike when it comes to the amateur theatrical talents
of non-theatrical concentrators. Many locals see Ann Arbor as
the New York City of the Midwest.
This is due largely to the high concer-
tration of artistic expression and cre-
ativity on its streets and in its build-
ings. and
Whether the buildings happen to be
theaters or lecture halls is up to the per- serve as
former. In and out of the classroom,
students learn about the theater of life. to the thE
And that's what theater is -, a
grand interpretation of life that arts
moves an audience to think and feel.
Even a student who only experi-
ences a small handful of productions while enrolled at the
University still has the advantage of experiencing life not
only as the doer, but also as the thinker - the student who
takes what has been learned through the glory of live perfor-
mance, and has somehow applied it to life. That is what to
take from Ann Arbor's theater.
The University's School of Music presents the largest bill
of theater in Ann Arbor. This season's schedule includes "The
Marriage of Bette and Boo" by Christopher Durang,
"Ladyhouse Blues" by Kevin O'Morrison , Shakespeare's
"Henry V' Sophocles' Greek drama "Antigone" and "The
Best People," written by University alum and creator of the
Hopwood Awards, Avery Hopwood. The fall opera will
include two one-act productions: "L'enfant et les sortiliges"
(The Child's Imaginations) by Maurice Ravel, book by
Collette, and "Le Rosingof' (The Nightengale) by Igor
Stravinsky, from the story by Hans Christian Andersen.
The Dance Department will conduct its spring show with
"The Choreography of Geography," a production featuring
works by .Merce Cunningham and faculty choreographers.
The Department of Musical Theater will present the Stephen
Sondheim musical thriller "Sweeney Todd" in the fall, and
"West Side Story" in the spring. Tickets for all School of
Music productions can be purchased at the League Ticket
Office, located in the back of the Michigan League near the

Mendelssohn Theater.
One of the University's hidden treasures is Basement Arts.
While many hear about it, few experience some of the best the-
ater in town. Basement Arts is a fully student-run production
group that is housed in the Arena Theater, on the ground floor
of the Frieze Building. While the Basement Arts productions in
the past have all been admission free, last year brought a
change when donations became accepted. This group's offer-
ings shouldn't be overlooked, especially since the value
received by the viewer is rich indeed.
Student theater not associated through the School of Music
is not as plentiful in Ann Arbor, but among established
groups, few compare to the offerings of the groups sponsored
by the University Activities Center. UAC sponsors two stu-
dent-theater groups comprised of students from all concen-
tration areas. MUSKET, UAC's musical theater group, pre-
sents two shows each year - one in the fall and one in the

give late-
might fun
By Kristin Long
Weekend, Etc. Editor
The final hours of a Friday night
slowly dwindle to a close. You've had
your fill of school for the week, and
you are looking for a break. The near-
est house party is too far away, and the
fraternity scene does not top your list of
things to do. There is nothing on televi-
sion, and you think you have seen every
good movie that is playing at the the-
aters - or, then again have you?
Two of the campus cinemas, the
Michigan Theater and the State
Theater, offer a wide array of late night
films that exceed ordinary screenings.
The selection stems from "Pulp
Fiction" to "2001," and the show times
begin after the placid have gone to
sleep, and just as the wild ones roam
the streets (usually around 11:30 p.m.).
What makes these screenings unique
and exciting is the atmosphere in which
the films are shown. The aura of an
antique theater that has pre-show organ
interludes hardly compares to the stan-
dard matinees and early evenings.
The Michigan Theater (which turns
70 next year) has the mystique of an
old-time moviehouse with its decor of
the late 1920s and its acoustics that
carry the sounds that make films come
alive. Russ Collins, the executive direc-
tor at the Michigan Theater, says, "A lot
of times students don't realize what a
tremendous asset (the Michigan
Theater) is. It is one of the best things
about going to a late-night show."
The selection hardly follows the
norm either. Collins says, "We offer an
eclectic program of late night films.
Instead of the standard monotony of
modern features, we offer a wild mix
from 'Monty Python' to 'Alien' to
'Clockwork Orange."' The diverse
menu changes on a regular basis, and
most films at the Michigan play ran-
domly and only for a limited time.
If classic cinema is not your style, the
State runs more recently released films.
"Pulp Fiction" and "Scream" have been
among those that reign supreme after
hours. Films like these that have a long-
running appeal to the student popula-
tion only run in the late-night spot.
Engineering junior Ryan Sockalosky
witnessed the 80 millimeter showing of
"2001: A Space Odyssey" at the
Michigan. "It was a more intimate
movie-going experience because it was
just me, the movie and other dedicated
fans who braved the trek "he said.
While many students go in normal
attire, some films denote an occasion to
get a little bizarre. Collins said that
sometimes the Michigan holds a cos-
tume or a look-alike contest. When a
Marilyn Monroe classic is shown,
many fans don Marilyn apparel to
accentuate the mood.
The mood, however, thrives on the
more than clothes. The opportunity to
see "Aliens" on the big screen is hardly
one to be missed. Nor can one forget
seeing "Scream" for the eighth time
with fellow fans who long to be scared
right before they go to bed.
"We want to leave students with some-
thing that is a unique part of their
University experience," Collings said.

Not all endeavors to the theater stay
in one's memory as those that occur at
unusual times, covering barely-run
films. The most avid fans journey into
the darkness to experience cinematic
excellence at its finest.
So maybe some popcorn and a pop do
not have the same effects as what ensues
after an evening on the party-circuit, but
it does offer an experience to witness
vintage movies in a classic venue.


Kevin Canze, an employee at the University's Museum of Art, searches for a
particular vase in the museum's permanent collection.
cultivate the arts

spring. Last year, MUSKET showcased
______________ excellent new productions of Kander
and Ebb's "Cabaret" and the ever-pop-
ular "Jesus Christ Superstar." Students
from all concentrations are encouraged
to audition and volunteer.
/S Another UAC-sponsored group is the
Rude Mechanicals. The Rude
atrical Mechanicals present two plays each
year - one Shakespearean perfor-
mance in the fall, and one modern piece
in the winter. Expect Shakespeare to
haunt the stage of the Mendelssohn the-
ater this November when the Mechanicals present "Macbeth."
The University of Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan Society
presents two Gilbert and Sullivan operettas each year.
Composed of University students and area amateur singers,
UMGASS's shows prove to be entertaining.
The Ann Arbor Civic Theater presents an average of 10
musicals and plays each year in the Mendelssohn Theater and
the Ann Arbor Civic Theater, located off-campus near
Washtenaw Rd. and 1-23.
Not to be overlooked is Ann Arbor's Performance Network,
the only professional theater in Ann Arbor that showcases many
new plays as well as performance art. The network's season is
teeming each year with fresh, exciting performances that com-
plement the amateur scene often found at the University.
Students get discount rates at some performances, and Thursday
nights are usually pay-what-you-can nights.
For students wishing to participate onstage, many of the orga-
nizations mentioned above welcome new students to contribute
their talents and creative energies. For students wishing to audi-
tion for School of Music and Basement Arts productions, the
Call Board, found on the second floor of the Frieze Building in
front of room 2528 is the best place to look for casting calls. For
those wishing to join UAC groups, visit Festifall on the Diag
early in the term or go to the UAC office in the Union. Look for
flyers around campus advertising auditions and productions.

By Anitha Chalam
and Anna Kovalszki
Daily Arts Writers
Three letters, a thousand possibili-
ties. And here in Ann Arbor, those who
choose can experience every diverse
possibility known to the art world.
The first thought that may come to
mind when pondering art might be art
museums. Good thought, since the
University of Michigan Museum of Art
is the second-largest art museum in the
state, and boasts one of the most impres-
sive collegiate collections in the nation.
The art museum houses permanent
collections, as well as a number of spe-
cial exhibitions throughout the year.
Currently on display are two shows,
"The Museum Collects: 20th-Century
Works on Paper ll," a small but inter-
esting show, and "Through the Looking
Glass: Sculpture by Fred Sandback," a
work in string, affectionately dubbed
"the invisible installation." True
enough, the thin yarn used by Sandback
creates a subtle effect as he outlines
delicate geometric shapes, and his con-
cept of defining space is noteworthy.
Both the Sandback installation and
the 20th-century works on paper shows
are on display through September.
Special exhibitions run for approxi-
mately two months at a time, and there
are 13 temnorarv shows each calendar

show will include 12 paintings from the
Museum's permanent collection, with
1i more that will come from museums
around the world.
Temporary exhibitions are only a
small part of the University's Museum
of Art, however. The permanent collec-
tion is enormous, with only about 2-3
percent on display at any one time..The
first floor is devoted to periodic
exhibits and permanent galleries of
European and American painting and
sculpture, from 1300-1900 AD. Well
known artists and sculptors like
Delacroix, Guercino, Rodin and
Whistler represent their respective
artistic movements. The 20th century
gallery is located on the museum's
upper level, as well as Chinese and
Japanese galleries. Indian art resides in
the apse area located above Sandback's
"invisible installation."
But for those who enter the Museum
and wonder where the ancient Greek
and Roman art resides, the answer lies
down the street, at the Kelsey Museum
of Archaeology. Since many of these
pieces have been recovered from site
excavations, they are better suited to a
museum of archaeology than one of art.
Though much smaller than the
Museum of Art, the Kelsey Museum
also boasts an impressive collection.
Currently ondisplay are the permanent
Egyptian and ancient Western collec-

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