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aows: 76-DAILY
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One hundred seven years of editorialfreedom
October 9, 1997
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fasketball report hits
3y Heather Kamins
)aily Staff Reporter
The report detailing the investigation of the
igan men's basketball program most likely
vi not uncover any new NCAA violations,
iccording to a source close to the investigation.
The complete 250-page report is scheduled to
e distributed to the public at a 9:30 a.m. press
onference today.
Numerous allegations surfaced against the
eam after the University announced in March
hat the basketball program committed two
ninor violations through contact with Detroit
booster Ed Martin.
In response to the allegations, University
President Lee Bollinger hired Kansas-based
law firm Bond, Schoeneck & King to investi-
gate the team and compile a report about its
The source said the NCAA now will have to
examine the report to determine if any new vio-
lations have occurred.
"The investigators have had a very hard time
getting anyone to substantiate the allegations
made," the source said, referring to anonymous
sources who have spoken to area newspapers.
"Without that, it is likely that the report won't
contain any significant information. It's unlikely
that there will be any new violations."
Bollinger, Athletic Director Tom Goss and
Vice President for University Relations Walter
Harrison will conduct the press conference. A
knowledgeable source said Michigan men's bas-
ketball coach Steve Fisher is out of town and
will not attend the press conference.
Harrison said the University received the
report at 3 p.m. yesterday and immediately
decided to distribute it this morning.
"The purpose of the press conference is to
release the report and to discuss it with
reporters;" Harrison said.
The release of the report marks the conclusion
of an eight-month investigation of the basketball
Numerous unnamed sources claimed Martin
passed gifts and cash to players, sometimes
through girlfriends or stashed in birthday cake
boxes. Other allegations claim that Martin may
have assisted players in obtaining car and apart-
ment leases.
The most serious charges allege that former
Michigan stars Chris Webber and Maurce Taylor
accepted more than $100,000 from Martin.
There were also claims that Martin was used
by the coaching staff to assist the recruitment of
new players. Complimentary ticket lists reveal
that Martin often received complimentary tick-
ets to home games and, on one occasion, was
purposely seated next to recruits.
If these allegations prove to be true, the reper-
cussions from the NCAA could be devastating
for the University. If heavy sanctions are levied,
the team could lose scholarships or be banned
from post-season competition and television
Daily In-Depth: The Code of Student Conduct
tase gives insight
into University's
dudicia process
By Alice Robinson
Daily Staff Reporter
It may seem difficult to unravel what happened one particular
night in one particular fraternity house on this sprawling campus of
36,000 students.
It may be hard for people to remember the details about what
happened one night when alcohol blurred memories.
In fact, it may be that most of the thousands of students on cam-
pus don't really care what happened one night at one isolated fra-
temity party.
But whatever happened during an incident last March resulted in
high emotions, a clandestine Code of Student Conduct hearing that
lasted until about 3 a.m., and a tenuous resolution. The Code is the
University's set of disciplinary guidelines for students.
In the meantime, poignant questions have been raised concerning
the effectiveness.of Code arbitrations, the difficulty of discerning
the truth, and sexual harassment on campus.
The facts
A female student told The Michigan Daily that a fraternity pres-
ident ripped open her shirt in his house's foyer during a crowded
party last spring while he was drunk, then followed her and sug-
gested they go to a room together.
The man says he did not sexually harass the woman that night,
but did grab her hand and try to get her to leave the house by pulling
her toward the door. He said his actions were justified - she had
been "banned" from the house earlier in the year.
"(She) had a history of getting drunk and passing out at our house.
'U' official
to lead
By Janet Adamy
D~aily StaIT Reporter
One of the University's top technol'
ogy experts has been tapped to oversee
the next generation of Internet devel-
Prof. Douglas Van Houweling,
vice provost for information and
technology and dean for academic
outreach, will soon leave the
University to serve as president and
chief executive officer of the
University Corporation for Advanced
Internet Development.
UCAID was established to coordi-
nate the Internet2 project - a consor-
tium of nearly 110 universities that are
working with corporations and federal
agencies to tackle the Internet's prob-
"What we want to do is come up
with solutions to some of the problems
the Internet has right now," said
UCA ID spokesperson Jeff Ebois.
Van Houweling could not be
reached for comment yesterday.
School of Information Dean Daniel
Atkins said Van Houweling was cho-
sen for the position because he played
an important role in the development
of NSFnet - a network that connected
research universities in the late 1980s
and laid the foundation for today's
Vigil looks
at domestic
1 len
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
With nearly 100 candles raised, par-
ticipants in a vigil last night decried
domestic violence, chanting, "There's
no excuse for violence against women.:
The Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center, the Office of Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Aff6irs
and SAFE House held the vigil on tie
Diag last night to support survivors of
domestic abuse and inform students of
ways to get help.
"We had the idea in July as a kick-off
event for Domestic Violence
Awareness Month," said Davidde
Stella, student volunteer coordinator
for SAPAC. "We usually held this event
in April, but we found it conflicting
with Take Back the Night."
About 100 students attended the
vigil to listen to several speakers.
"Hopefully (students) will get a
sense that domestic violence is a reali-
ty every day," said Brenna DeVaney,
See SAPAC, Page 3A
I *~ -.,
Late December, we decided, 'hey, this
Because the
establishes high
standards for
Smembership, its
standards of
*conduct, while
falling within the
limits of the law,
may exceed
federal, state or
local requirements.
*- Code of Student Conduct
girl's not going to come here
anymore,"' he said.
He said the woman
made up the sexual harass-
ment story and charged
him under the Code, per-
haps to get revenge against
fraternity members who
had acted unfriendly
toward her.
The accused student sug-
gested that the woman
might have made up the
story in order to use it for "a
women's studies project."
Both students said they
were drinking on the night
of the incident, but were
not drunk.
The male student
allegedly followed the
woman after ripping open
her denim snap-button
shirt and suggested that the
girl go with him to a room.
He "was like, 'let's go
somewhere else, or, let's go
to a room,"' the woman
He remembers the situation differently. "That was all part of her
story," he said.
The case was resolved through an arbitration hearing held by the
Office of Conflict Resolution, in which five student panelists found
the man responsible for battery, harassment and alcohol possession,
all violations of the Code.
The panel ruled that the man was not responsible for two charges:
sexual assault and sexual harassment.
Case 97-39
The incident is listed as case 97-39 in the Code of Student
Conduct Public Record.
Besides a list of charges and outcomes, the only information the
sterile white binder offers about the case is that "a male undergrad-
uate student was alleged to have sexually harassed and sexually
assaulted a female student. It also was alleged that the accused stu-
dent was intoxicated.:
The woman who brought sexual harassment charges against a fraternity president last March under the Code of Student
Conduct sits outside the Fleming Administration Building, where the Code hearing was held last semester. Her case was
one of 14 sexual assault and sexual harassment cases that have been heard under the Code since January 1996.
Code cases, 1996-97
Contact the Daily:
We are interested in your opinions about
this article and the Code of Student
Conduct in general. Please e-mail
code. letters@umich.edu before
Sunday at 4 p.m. with your input.
Since the Code
was instituted
in 1993, there
have been eight
suspensions and
three expulsions
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