4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 6, 1997 ti c E, lticl 'tg at 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSH WHITE Editor in Chief ERIN MARSH Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Dailys editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY The way to go 'U' and United Way are a good team NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'The officer did what he was trained to do.' - Department of Public Safety Director Leo Heatley, on the officer who shot Kevin Nelson x g .JORDAN YOUNG Tu\U 4, LErR T H EITOR LETTERS TO TH E EDITOR r A t first glance, University faculty, stu- dents and administrators often appear to be locked behind academia's ivory walls. These first impressions should be quickly squashed - the University is intimately intertwined with the communities that sur- round it. It serves as one of the county's largest employers and its buildings pervade the Ann Arbor landscape. With its far-reach- ing influence and huge financial resources, the University should help expand services local charitable organizations provide to the community. On Sept. 22, administrators came through with a commitment to help non-profit organizations - announcing the University would commit to a $1 million fundrasing drive for the Washtenaw United Way. The University collects more for the United Way than any other campus across the nation - but charity efforts should con- tinue to increase. Contributions to local non- profit organizations enhance the vitality and well being of Washtenaw County, the city of Ann Arbor and the University community. Washtenaw United Way distributes fund- ing to more than 100 human services agen- cies. Recipients include noteworthy and essential charities like the Ozone House and the Domestic Violence Project. The Domestic Violence Project provides resources for domestic violence perpetrators and victims. The Ozone House provides shelter and a tele- phone hotline for runaway youth. Thanks to United Way donations, Ozone House was recently able to purchase and renovate a much-improved shelter. Members of the University community should do their best to spare a few hard-earned dollars to continue to make these types of services available. If the University meets its pledge, it will Breaking Lawmakers shout A woman is physically assaulted in her home every 15 seconds in the United States. One-third of all female homicide victims die at the hand of their husbands or intimate partners. While domestic abuse and violence against women continue to be serious epidemics in the United States, frightening statistics often do not lead to lengthy jail sentences. Michigan repeat offenders of "domestic relationship assault and battery" may soon get a wake-up call as state Rep. Sharon Gire (R-Clinton Twp.) pushes a bill that would broaden the term "aggravated stalking." As the law stands, a second conviction for domestic assault and battery is a misde- meanor, punishable by imprisonment for no more than one year and/or a fine of no more than $1,000. A Endi third conviction is a felony, and dome punishable by up to two years Viole in jail and/or a fine of $2,500. If the proposed bill passes, the First in a term "aggravated stalking" raise 15 percent of the United Way's $7.5 million fundraising goal. Campus efforts, headed by Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford, are massive and ambi- tious. More than 400 volunteers split the University into eight regions and hope to receive donations from many of its 22,000 employees. The United Way is a noble cause, but the University's charitable activities must not end with this single fundraising drive. Along with asking for funds, the University should provide employees with volunteering information - many wish to volunteer, but may not know how to find organizations coinciding with their area of interest. Project Serve is a wing of the University devoted to matching potential vol- unteers with organizations - by intensifying the program's publicity efforts, the University can help alleviate the dearth of volunteers facing many local charities. In addition, the University should hold more campus wide community service events. Community Plunge takes place dur- ing the week before classes begin in the fall. The Plunge is a daylong event in which stu- dents are offered a number of different volun- teering options. A large number of new and returning students participate, and a lot can be accomplished. For example, past projects have led hundreds of volunteers to clean up large stretches of the Huron River. More ser- vice-oriented days like the Plunge should be planned throughout the year. The United Way is a noteworty charitable cause to which the University should lend its support. Additionally, the University should share its financial - and human - resources with charitable organizations throughout Washtenaw County. the cycle d pass Gire's bill ety will come to erasing domestic abuse. The tragic death of University student Tamara Williams at the hands of her boyfriend - charged more than once with domestic assault - must teach our law- makers a lesson. Violence does not go away and will, in most cases, increase over time. On a campus level, the President's Task Force on Violence Against Women on Campus is working to educate the University community about violence against women. In doing so, task force members hope to eradicate attitudes that condone and perpetu- ate violence. The task force educates through many channels. Among the task force's efforts is to increase a postering campaign featuring student-athletes' speaking out against violence against women. It also sends its message to all cam- ,tic pus communities by sponsoring .Ce education programs though the Greek system, a Web page and the eries English as a Second Language pro- gram. The task force deserves I Miller hit the 'meathead' nail right on the head TO THE DAILY: Once again, James Miller has made massive generaliza- tions offensive to a large por- tion of the student body ("Meatheads embody the bland, dull and invisible masses," 10/1/97). Once again, I am shocked to find his observa- tions all too accurate. We have all seen these "meat- heads." We have been inside their houses, perhaps while party hopping as first-year students, and drank their cheap beer, put our ciga- rettes out on their floors, It is God's own truth that these people live among us, and it is about time that someone gave them the opprobrium - that is, recognition -- they deserve. All hail Livonia. JAMES WILSON LSA SENIOR Affirmative action is no longer 'useful' To THE DAILY: I am writing to applaud Gregory Hillson's letter ("Affirmative action is un- American,"' 9/29/97). Hillson has hit the nail on the head - affirmative action in its present form cannot hope to end discrimination because it is by its very nature discrimi- natory. Hillson's argument that affirmative action is effectively "stirring up resentment among whites" is particularly relevant. What surprises me is that the minorities who benefit from affirmative action have not spoken out to reform it. I am completely against discrimination, but affirma- tive action asks employers and institutions like the University to ignore their standards. What self-respect- ing person would want to be judged by lesser standards just because their skin is of color, or they have a different lifestyle, religion, or back- ground than the "majority" of their peers? I should think such a concept would be insulting at best. As Hillson asserts, "we must create a colorblind society by focus- ing only on merit." I will lend my whole voice to this rally- ing cry. When affirmative action was first implemented, its measures were quite neces- sary. However, the beneficia- ries have seen significant improvement in the situation Affirmative action has reached the end of its useful- ness. Discrimination of any kind has no place in our soci- ety, and the law rightfully should take steps to prevent it. But we should give our- selves some credit for having become a more open-minded society as a whole. We should recognize the benefi- ciaries of affirmative action as being able to stand on their own merits and stop insulting them by insinuating that we need to "level the playing field," because by doing this we imply that they are inferior. Most of all, we should stop compromising excellence at the expense of a few people's unhurt feelings. DAVID JORDAN ENGINEERING FIRST-YEAR STUDENT Banning alcohol would not address# the problem" To THE DAILY: Contraiy to Eiyass Albeiruti's letter ("There are no benefits to alcohol use," 10/3/97), there is at least one thing that many people see as a benefit from alcohol use, or they wouldn't do it: For some people, using alcohol can be fun. And although in the newspapers we read about the negative effects ofbalco- hol and other drugs, there is another widespread phenom- enon that is not reported in the newspapers: people enjoying themselves without violence, illness or death, safely in their own homes, while using alcohol or other drugs. The fact of the matter is, targeting the substance misses the point - the problem is when people use alcohol or drugs in danger- ous ways. Targeting the substance also misses the point when it comes to prevention. No amount of soapboxing or legislation will stop people from using alcohol and drugs. We have seen this to bey the case. What will prevent deaths, violence and other problems associated with alcohol and drugs is educa- tion about responsibility. And as long as we hide behind our hands and act like we can wish alcohol and drugs away by criminal- izing them, our educational programs will not be effec- tive. Finally, Albeiruti says, "I don't need a chemical com- pound to induce a state of merriment." It is true that if someone needs alcohol (or anything) to be happy, that is a problem.. reading) to feel good, you have narrowed your hori- zons and aren't appreciating life to the fullest. However, Albeiruti'sassumption that all people who' ruse alcohol need to use it is mistaken. Most people who use alco- hol or other drugs to have fun simply use it as a sup- plement to increase their repertoire of fun activities, and can also have fun with- out it. So, banning alcohol or any other drug misses the point behind the problems associated with drinking or using any drug. To stop-the problems we need to make sure we know how to use alcohol or the drugs responsi- bly, and we need to make sure we don't become depen- dent upon it. Banning or criminalizing alcohol or other drugs will simply prevent effective education and wors- en the abuse that we already see. Those seemingl1 harmless okes mayhurtmore than we think: % emetimes it's not .about the hate and violence, you see. Sometime it's about the hat and v'iolence, you' do't. In the wake of the devastating mur der of Tamara.: Williams, we .are # left --as caam- pus, community and society-tos - evaluate the kfeel-s insand fears that ' mark us. Some of US noAw stand painfullyawsareof the nuancesnands innuendo that seeps.-E through the crcs nMARSH to hurt us at ourecgnidy hI e core.,. The jokes are- not :so 'funny; the imaes-arenotso Case in point: the flyers Trnly disc ' tributed by the fraternityZetaPsi.Thte group' is !not. recognized.by the Interfraternity Council and is thus exempt from the IFC's standards of conduct and rules surrounding rush. Zeta Psi's unsanctioned flyero for'rush)" depict stark, terrible pictures and more terrible phrases. one shows a utout of a man's hand cleching a pistol, witB' C the nose of thae pistol aimed at a sec- ond cutout of a diaper-clad baby The flyer reads, "Rush Zeta .Psi - or the kid gets it!" .., A second depicts4 young, painfully thin woman, standing withher back fo us andgazing pathetically over h left shoulder, Her stiek arms and legs.' are barely covered by a tank top and skirt that, if itb were much shorter, would have,.to -beoaled.,a,,beltThe text~on this flyer reads: "Why.do men prefer women in short skjtts?" It goes on to answer: "At the dawn of human ity, women, mn long. skirts trippe,' squashing, theirbabie," Thl~t}arge print at the bottom of the page reads "Now that calls for a drink." And o course, we're reminded to "Rush Zeta- Psi: The offenses here. are so thick, 71,j Kbarely know where to begin. The image of a gun held t a baby's head is blatantly awful. That " isaiviouse The second image of,,le, bjectifie~d young woman in thehort skirt; how-. ever, troubles me no less. What are we meant to glean from this flyer, and on a larger scale, this group of men? They like their women skinny, santi , ly clad and firmly entrenched in. Neanderthal-type gender roles. The .mini-skirt isan evolutionar.advan- ~ djd y )l hf otost to1 ' that. Let us nro forget ao "rs are .4tn adv~rising flay 'r, thi' group. 'They wish to attract future memers tQ their club by appealing to the darkest underbelly of "masculinity? (Those men closer to true masculinity rely on. no such measures. Ask..any, self-.; assured man who respects men and women as .human beings sharing this . planetand he'lJ tell you that being a "real man" i no way invpes teating women ike dols to e dressed and undresse. bjordoestitivo &e o ject-' fyi:ng them as irep Rctiduciv&tfez i - pensers.) And this is not an isolated social malady. Ideas like the ones spelled ou on these flyers pervade every corner of society. This amazing double standard we hold .about men and weomen, this tendency to portray everything with violence seething just below the sur- face. The imag of the ;young woman and the printed text were not created by the members of Zeta. Psi - all they. had to do'tofhnd it was open amaga zine and start snippinig. The temptation to l1ae al1 these soial ills, on the "media" (a term sorely overused by people who usually haven't a clue what they're alking about) is great. ' But that wouldonly slye pafof thi problem. SSitting in class before lecture, or- standing inlin'e at AmerIs, or watching, 'a ,gam in Michigan Staid iitn, . I've,, overheard 'oiversatioris thdr make my stomach slowly turn over. It's hard td explain how it feels to hear, "I'm nqt going out with her again'. She's kind of fat, dude." Or, "She was really drunk, but he wa dn t gc to iyroom. bu -h ol ntg i o m o mWhat a bitch." Or, I hate it when girls" wear sweats to class. 'it's so gross. They should all wear those Tittle dress., es those are so sexy" h s We live in a place where; fashion trends drive women to expose more- and more of themselve a% 7 f they want to be comfortable , wear, baggy jeans and sweaters, they should probably wear 'm~akeup 'to' still "loot ke a girl" We live in a place where' 'isults are 6a1ed jokes,"'and 'if yu dot happen4 l k GREG STEVENS RACKHAM 1 in 1 Is( Television commercials demonstrate disrespect To THE DAILY: Contrary to the vibe that's been buzzing around, this letter is not about James Earl Jones and the CRISP Lady. This is about something even more trivial, but shock- ing none the less. I was watching cartoons the other day, as is my wont, and I noticed a disturbing change in one of our cultural icons. In the new "Cookie Crisp" ads, the cop, who is almost stereotypically Irish, is now the bad guy; where the Cookie Crook is now the hero, valiantly bringing the kids of America a cereal guaranteed to rot the teeth right out of-their mouths. Why this disturbs me exactly, I don't know. Is it because something older than most of the people read- ing this paper can be changed by the whim of a marketing group? Is it that our level of respect for offi- cers of the law has sunken so low that we're npw preaching it to our kids? Is it the fact that obviously demeaning icons such as the Cop and Lucky can exist without rep- rimand,.simply because they've been there so long? Is it the fact that I'm getting philosophical over a chil- dren's cereal that I've never even eaten? Ah well. It's the price we pay for living ima generation I would include repeat offenders of domestic assault and battery. Under this law, the offender would be charged with a felony and face up to five years in jail and/or a $10,000 fine. The state needs to treat repeat offenders with more than a slap on the wrist. The pro- posal to classify offenders as "aggravated stalkers" is a good start. Society should allow no room for one-time offenders, but when the problem continues, lawmakers need to punish the offender with a sentence that fits the crime. Five years in jail for repeat offenders will not make the problem of violence against women go away, but the longer the accused can be separated from society and applause for recognizing the problem and taking action to educate. Recognizing that violence will not stop with education alone, the task force contin- ues to create ways to stop the violence against women. It hopes to work with the Department of Public Safety to review pro- tocol for responding to domestic violence and sexual assault. Violence against women is a chronic problem that must be addressed effectively by the state and the University. While groups such as the president's task force continue their commendable efforts to edu- cate and respond to the problem, Michigan lawmakers must adopt Gire's proposed bill and continue to show that violence against } r I