4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 1, 1997 e lCu igttn ttilg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSH WHITE Editor in Chief ERIN MARSH Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Urban restoration 'U' graduates help revitalize Detroit "NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'We're not here to just hear David Jaye, we're here to bury his attempt to resegregate the schools.' - Renee Brunk a member of the Coalition to Defend AffirmativeAction by Any Means Necessary, protesting Monday's Shelby Twn. hearing on 'U'affirmative action policies ,JORDAN YOUNG TUNE UP FROM THE PRESIDENT 'u' f tsback 'nst violence n many ways, Detroit's heyday is gone. An exodus of businesses and industries from the city's downtown area to suburbs and smaller cities resulted in severe eco- nomic problems. Now, as the city rebuilds itself and its economic base, massive reno- vations and new buildings are necessary to attract companies back to the downtown area. Raynall Harris and Dorian Moore, two graduates of the University's College of Architecture and Urban Planning, con-. tributed to the rebuilding efforts - setting an excellent precedent the University and other graduates should follow. Detroit landed in the national spotlight earlier this year when Vice President Al Gore visited the city to deliver an address to the White House Community Empowerment Conference. Praising the community's efforts to rebuild the city, Gore added the importance of "empower- ment zones" to Detroit's and other cities' continued enhancement. In these areas, the federal government encourages growth by offering tax incentives and priority consid- eration in federal programs. Detroit's zone is at the site of a former Cadillac factory - when it closed, unemployment rose and the neighborhood deteriorated. The govern- ment's declaration of this area as - an "empowerment zone" helped it greatly as businesses began moving back to the pover- ty-stricken urban area, bringing with them jobs and economic stability. The revitalization makes necessary the construction of new facilities to house busi- nesses. In addition, old, dilapidated build- ings, and neighborhoods full of neglected houses, need renovation and upkeep. A comprehensive plan for improvement and assistance from urban planning profession- als is necessary to breathe life into the city's economy. Harris and Moore are already involved in the city's improvement. Harris - who graduated in 1994 -- is involved in several initiatives with the city government. One of them is the renovation of an old warehouse to accommodate the Detroit Police Customer Service Center that will house administrative offices, conference rooms and a dispatch center for emergency calls. Moore's work with the city involved restoring a predominantly Mexican American public high school in southwest- ern Detroit. He now works on converting a deserted office building in the downtown area to loft apartments. But Moore expressed dismay that many of his fellow graduates are not working on rebuilding Detroit. The University has a vast array of resources - from professors to students - that could aid and consult on downtown Detroit's revitalization. The University should offer its services to city officials and to private companies considering moving into downtown Detroit. The resulting boost in economic strength would enhance the entire metro Detroit area. The city of Detroit is on the rebound. With increased support from private indus- tries, and federal aid to revitalize its urban centers, the city could be well on its way to regaining its previous economic vibrance. The University should place a stake in enhancing the metropolitan neighborhood and encourage both students and faculty to contribute to the city's revitalization. With help from the community, Detroit could again emerge as an industrial and economi- cally stable hub. As a campus community, it will take time to recover from the shock of the recent murder of one of our students, Tamara S. Williams. Even as we mourn our loss, we also want to recognize and com- mend the many individuals who intervened on her behalf and who responded after the assault. Beginning with her North Campus neighbors who immediately called 911 and tried to dissuade her attacker and the Department of Public Safety officers who respond- ed to the call, members*of the University community have demonstrated their compas- sion, concern for others and sincere desire to create a safe climate. The trauma team and sur- geons are to be commended as are the many faculty, staff and students, who, each in their own way, responded to this tragedy. Many have helped us express our grief: counselors; Housing and Student Affairs staff who worked with Tamara's friends and neighbors; The Michigan Daily, which published a spe- cial edition; and individuals and organizations that planned vigils, just to name a few. Although Tamara's death brings the issue of domestic violence to the forefront of our public consciousness, the campus community has been working for the past several years on concerns surround- ing campus security. The first Task Force on Campus Safety and Security, which issued a report in 1990, and a second task force, which issued its report in April, have played a leadership role in these efforts. The President's Task Force on Violence Against Women on Campus also has been working to educate members of the campus community about the many forms of vio- lence against women - from sexual assault, sexual harass- ment, and dating and domes- tic violence to stalking, threats and other abusive behavior- and to change attitudes that condone or per- haps even encourage acts of violence toward women. The task force is co-chaired by Patricia W. Coleman-Burns, assistant professor of nursing and director of multicultural affairs at the School of Nursing; and Daniel G. Saunders, associate professor of social work. Student athletes have played an important role in this educational campaign. Team captains and their com- ments about violence against women are featured in a poster that is displayed promi- nently in a number of campus locations. The task force also has been working to broadcast its educational message through other means, as var- ied as bumper stickers, the Greek system, the English as a Second Language program, publication of a special issue of PRISM that addresses vio- lence against women, and a Web page, which will be oper- ational in the near future. Much more needs to be done, and to that end the task force is moving in new direc- tions. Plans include: Create a comprehensive system to distribute safety information using e-mail, campus newspapers and a dis- tribution list for crime alerts Determine the range and type of training provided to University child care work- ers and teach child care work- ers to recognize and identify children affected by family violence Work with DPS to review current policies and protocols for responding 'to domestic violence and sexual assault among students living on campus Increase the scope and amount of material across the curriculum about violence against women g Increase awareness among employees by provid- ing additional training for supervisors regarding vio- lence in the workplace and include material about vio- lence in new employee orien- tation N Identify gaps in campus services to victims of violence and recommend ways to fill those gaps We are extremely proud of how members of the Michigan community responded to this crisis; of the care provided to the victims, their neighbors and friends. We will continue our educa- tional efforts regarding vio- lence against women. Violence affects and concerns all of us, as demonstrated by our communal response to Tamara's death. LEE C. BOWLINGER UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT NANCY CANTOR PROVOST, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS GILBERT S. CMENN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT FOR MEDICAL AFFAIRS Meatheads embody the bland, dull and invisible masses A re you a meathead? Chuck, porterhouse, rib-eye - this one's for you guys. You see them everywhere. Within the confines of Central Campus, the are as common as coffee bars and hippie band posters on tele- phone poles. They are the reason that lines for nearly every service in town have. that kind of Soviet, ration-card huge- ness. They are the JAMES bread crumbs in MILE our little colle- MLE giate casserole. They are the meatheads. Meatheads are the only population that no one has a definite opinion on Most people don't even notice them as they cover the campus like pollen on a summer afternoon. You may not real. ize it, but you know meatheads. Meatheads are the guys who wear "Football is life" T-shirts to class at least two days out of the week. When you sign that get-to-know-you sheet that GSIs pass around the first meeting of a discussion section, meatheads are the undecided, second-semester juniors. Meatheads are not athletes, but wish to God they were. Meatheads are no- in fraternities, but wish to God the were. You know these guys. Meatheads derive their irritating manner from their blandness. Even at their worst, every other population on campus has a distinct personality, be it RC dirt-eaters, monkish engineers, B- school Beemer chasers or any of the castrating Huns from the social sci- ences. They all have an ethos, a pas- sion that makes them different fro the rest of us. Meatheads don't have this. They just are. They aren't very smart, but not stupid enough to be entertaining or profitable -the living embodiment of a 'C' average. Meatheads are content to live in a world of 15 cent packages of Ramen noodles, plastic Burger King cups of Milwaukee's Best, scum-covered front porches and John Belushi posters. They blunder through life, breathin with their mouths open, asking for the syllabi in Nove-mber and keeping Cliff's Notes, Blue Notes and Anheiser- Busch comfortably in the black. They are suburban semi-heroes named Josh, Matt, Mike and Rob who take up space, have weight and convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. They fill the bottom ranks of the psych and engineering departments, and if the vanished from the planet tonight, nobody but the landlord and their mothers would notice - the human equivalent of tapioca pudding. They are harmless, typically inoffensive and have absolutely no reason to exist. If you or someone you love can agree with two or more of the follow- ing statements, please don't hesitate to get help: The levels of my wit and charm are inversely proportional to the pri of domestic keg beer. My favorite color is flannel. The last book I understood, fin- ished and read for pleasure was writ- ten by Judy Blume, John Grisham or Michael Crichton. E I spent at least 20 minutes picking out a baseball hat to wear with my prom tuxedo. Standing in the mob outside Scorekeeper's is just as fun as bein inside. Subway and the films of Adam Sandler can yield at least three dates. 0 Pouring her a beer is foreplay. Steve Miller is a musical genius. The only black people I know are on "SportsCenter" or "Different Strokes" reruns. The jingle from the diamond com- mercials was written by either Mozart or Beethoven. 0 Course numbers higher than the 200s give me a headache. I was denied a bid because I couldn't remember my house letters. Volvo is a part of the female anatomy. E If the words "So, how about it?" don't melt her heart, she ain't worth it. E Sweatpants with creases are con- sidered formal wear. E Foreign countries do not mak beer. N French toast is ethnic food. Vegetables are those funny crispy things in your burrito. E High-fiving during action movies makes me closer to my friends. E Watching pay-per-view porno makes me closer to my friends. Ignoring student rigts Mandatory drug testing violates civil liberties School administrators in Florida's Dade County are sending a firm message to high school students: If you do drugs, beware. Their approach is both simple and unique. The school board, with the parents' written permission, will contract a private agency to randomly conduct drug tests on all participating students. However, the law is vague in regards to drug testing. A 1995 United States Supreme Court ruling declared that public school athletes must submit to random mandatory testing, even if administrators do not sus- pect usage. Administrators based the legali- ty of their testing plan on this ruling, but what they fail to recognize is that their interpretation of the law may be incorrect. The ruling applies solely to athletes, and says nothing about general students. The administrators, in an effort to validate their plan, formulated their own interpretation of the ruling. The court is the only body dele- gated with the authority to make interpreta- tions. The administrators have no right to manipulate the law. The law is not the only issue at hand - the plan clearly violates both the students' right to learn and their civil rights. There is absolutely no reason to test students with- out probable cause. The threat of drug test- ing only instills fear within the student body, especially given the occurrence of false positives. The punitive measures a stu- dent could face as a result of false positives could seriously undermine their academic careers. School should be a place of learn- ing, not of threats and punishment. By randomly testing all students, the school system is conveying a dangerous message of distrust. The school-student relationship should be one of mutual respect and reliance. When the school sys- tem initiates its plan, the cohesive bond between students and faculty will break down. All relationships dictate the necessi- ty for both parties to be on equal terms. The school system's plan places the administra- tion above the students, thereby creating an added burden to the majority of innocent students. Another issue is that the school system plans on investing $200,000 in this pro- gram. That money could easily be used to supplement drug education and general education. Such a large sum assuredly could also finance an immense amount of books and faculty. Instead of concentrating on punishment, the school system could utilize the money in a more progressive and encouraging way. Education can include drug and alcohol awareness in addition to the traditional studies. It is not the school's responsibility to act as law enforcer and judge on top of its more important duties. Rather than using testing as a means of deterrence, the school system should spend more money on drug awareness. By assum- ing the role of educator rather than enforcer, the school would give students the respect administrators desire themselves. Educating students is a much more proactive and long-term solution than pun- ishment. Punishment, in most cases, pro- vides no guarantee that people will refrain from taking illicit substances. Only through education will students learn the dangers and consequences of drugs and alcohol - and that is the best deterrent of all. VIEWPOINT vigii shows ftat students care I Our generation is relent- lessly accused of apathy, lack of direction, misguided val- ues and other such disem- powering labels. This past Thursday night, the University community stood together on the Diag in one of the most moving and pow- erful retorts to those accusa- tions that has been witnessed in recent years. In response to recent acts of hatred that had been quiet- ly emerging on campus, sev- eral members of the student body formed a plan to raise public awareness of the occurrences, and to unite the student body in a stance against violence and hatred. In the early wake of the pow- erful momentum of student commitment, a member of our community, Tamara vigil was planned. A message was sent to all reaches of the University, calling for a stop to all activity on Thursday evening - calling for all stu- dents, faculty, staff and Ann Arbor residents to gather in the center of our campus and make a silent statement pro- claiming our solidarity. The statement made was so penetrating that it could only have been done with silence. The trees and the bricks that have witnessed demonstrations of talent and of protest, of sorrow and of laughter, of preaching and of pleading in the very heart of our University, on Thursday evening, watched as near two thousand people united for one reason: to show that we care. To show that the future of our community, and of the 2,000 people with dripping candles in hand said all that needed to be said. That dozens of groups had literal- ly stopped their meetings and walked together to the Diag was a realization of our com- mitment to change. We listened as the presi- dent of our student body called on us to recommit to our common values, to stand together in solidarity. As we blew out the candles, we thought of two real action steps we could take to com- bat violence and hatred. And as we went back to our homes and offices, the ,imprint we left on the heart of the University was more than the patches of dripped wax that covered the span of the Diag, but the realization that the students will hold II