108 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 3, 1997 COMMENTARY Finding your niche is pretty easy -join a campus group I N o \ that you hav e arrived at the Liniiersity, you share about two things in common with the oiiter 30,000 of us - you have an identification number and a unigname. 1 ie comparisons should end there. Whether you are from Escanaba or the Last Coast (like me, but I am not fomm New York or New Jersey, and I don't recommend visiting) the second you arrie you are faced with the daunt- ing task of fitting in. Or, more appropri- arel y, you are faced with the urge to change yourself to feel comfortable in the ieritable sea of people that takes over th is city eight months of the year. People and groups will tug for your attention, if you let them. There is nohiing easier than sitting in your resi- dence hal room wondering where the glory days of high school went, why Suzy Creamcheese went to State instead of following you here or why your roommate dyed her hair purple. Trust me, don't go there. The most destructive things a new sudent can do are to either become reclusiv e or to try to become someone they are not. Not everything at the University was meant for everybody, and there are certainly people like all of us wandering around this place. It might seem hard to find them at first, but they are there. And chances are, they are just as confused as you. What this larger University communi- ty is all about is all the smaller commu- nities within. The trick is to find that small community that makes you feel good and allows you to WHITE have fun in a way FANTASTIC you can appreci- THOUGHTS ate. There are so many people and places out there that you may find' per- fect, but first you have to find them. Some join fraternities and sororities to find a community of friends who will both support and encourage their efforts at the University. There are plenty of Greek houses to choose from, and chances are, there is one for almost everybody on campus - but joining the Greek system is a responsibility and a commitment not everyone can or should take. It isn't about parties and beer and status as much as it is about community - and some find it there. Others find their place through reli- gious and ethnic activities and groups. There is no shortage of groups like this on campus - some of them are the largest and most influential student groups - and all of them would love to have new members. What is incredible about these groups is that they take something large groups of people have in common, and create a community with which people can easily identify. Student activism, no matter how many people claim it has disappeared into apa- thy, is still a large part of campus life. Activist groups allow students to unite behind a cause and are able to at least try to affect change. Whether you are inter- ested in promoting equality or encourag- ing recycling, there are students who share your views and fight for them. Publications and broadcasting are also ways to get involved on campus, and provide several ways to work in journal- ism and keep on top of campus news. and be yourself From The Michigan Daily, the Michiganensian yearbook and the Gargoyle humor magazine to WCBN campus radio and WOLV student televi- sion, there are several options for stu- dents to explore. And the best part about campus publications is that almost any- one can join and anyone can excel. Of course for athletes, their involve- ment in sports will afford them the opportunity to meet and join a commu- nity of the nation's top competitors. Like any campus community, here is where the heart of the school is - in the people we share our time with. There are countless numbers of ways that students come together and make this place smaller. Because all 30,000 of us don't have much of any one thing in common, there are many smaller groups that bring us together and make us enjoy our time here together. Make the most of it - this vast school will seem small in no time. -Josh White is an LSA senior and the Daily 's editor in chief He can be reached over e-mail at jswhite@umich.edu. Sounds of summer I The Wolverine experience is all about hink about the moment you decided you would be Wo erine. Not the times when you were a little kid and you wore maize and blue because other people bought it for you and everyone else was chanting, "Go Blue," if that is true. Not the times when your friends were coming to the University, if that is true. Not even the times when you looked at a brochure and thought you could probably deal with living here for four years, if that is true. Think, instead, about the moment you decided you were really going to be a Wolverine. While some of the class of 2001 have already been so enlightened, some others are doubtlessly wondering if the choice they made was correct, or if just maybe they should be headed elsewhere in a few weeks. -At the University, there are many groups of people. But when it comes to this question, there. are two - those who basically could have filled out their application at birth, and those who aren't going somewhere else. Those in the latter group will decide they are Wolverines sometime in the next year. And a word to those in the first group: Just because you have always loved the University from afar doesn't guarantee you'll be happy here. I decided I was a Wolverine - meaning I finally felt like I belonged here - the last day of my first semes- ter. After my last final - and, inciden- tally, my easiest - I bought one of those stickers for the car rear window to give to my parents. That sticker meant I had triumphed. It meant all the obstacles a major uni- versity of 30,000 people throws at a first-year student, mostly unintention- ally, were not enough to defeat me. I still had lessons to learn, classes to take, sit- uations to deal with and victories to earn, but I had MEGAN taken most of the SCHIMPF biggest steps. I had PRESCRIPTIONS discovered that I could do this thing called college, this thing called being a Wolverine. Once I had figured out how to sur- vive, I could figure out how to live. It is a rather inescapable concept to define - how to go about being a Wolverine. This is because it is a con- glomerate of so many experiences and ideas - and the exact balance each person must strike between those enti- ties is unique to each person. The concoction entails what you do here, what you learn here, what you do when you travel away from here, what embracing new, un, you bring back here and who you experience it all with. Navigating the twists and turns of CRISP has enabled me to have incred- ible academic experiences with some experts in their field. I have been to lectures that leave the class stunned and silent, or inspired and exploring. I have read books and other writing that have left me amazed at the brilliance and perception of the human mind. I have created impressive projects. And yet, I have also slept through lectures, been disgusted with teachers, ignored reading assignments and pro- duced work that still bores me. This is why the entire experience of being a Wolverine cannot be defined in lecture halls and classrooms. Without doubt, part of it should. But the alumnus who never left home except to go to class should have a qualified diploma. Because Wolverines do more than that. The University has an incredible col- lection of opportunities stored in the miles surrounding our little Diag. They extend from the steps of the Hatcher Graduate Library to literally the ends of the world. To ignore them would be to miss part of why you originally decided to venture to Ann Arbor for four years. That students learn just as much or more outside the classroom is overused to the point of being cliche. Yet that does not diminish the truth in the statement. 7ique opportunities Stay up late into the night talking with your friends. Join a club or group and fill your time with meetings and events. Experience the joys and defeats of Big Ten athletics. Apply to the best internship or school - and get it. Take a road trip, just to go. Pull an all-nighter with a friend or two to finish an assign- ment. Cook a big dinner to treat your- self. Get all dressed up for the opera, a semiformal, a cocktail party. Be part of a tradition that Wolverines through the years have created. In the process of defining yourself as a Wolverine, you will also define part of who you are and what you will be for the rest of your life. Because what you now have before you are memories waiting to happen. If you let them happen, some will. But the ones you add a touch of effort to will be more meaningful. Four years from now, when you leave here, you will have a piece of paper that proves to the world that you were at the University. You will be able to buy new maize-and-blue wear, for yourself this time, that also proves to the world that you were at the University. Before then, prove to yourself that you are also a Wolverine. - Megan Schimpf is a first-rear student in the School of Medicine, a recent LSA graduate and afbrmer Daily news and NSE editor. You can ireach her over e-mail at mnschinpf wuni(ch.edit BOHDAN DAMIAN CAP/Dady From July 16-19, Ann Arbor was flooded with approximately 500,000 visitors during the city's art fairs. Comprised of three separate street fairs, artists and musicians from across the nation flock to the city to present their work. U U, Here's the Euyb Oi I TA - TV L Guaranteed Textbook Buyback If you buy books with the ssticker on them, you can sell them back at the end of the semester for at I I