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September 25, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-09-25

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September 25, 199

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"There's a sense that what
happens to one happens to all."
- E. Royster Harper
Dean of Students
piag vigil
planned for
By Peter RomerFriedman
Daily Staff Reporter
In the aftermath of the death of LSA
Sior Tamara Williams, members of
the University community are organiz-
ing to pay tribute to her life.
A vigil is planned for tonight at 8
p.m. on the Diag.
"I think that the vigil is absolutely
necessary to show ourselves and the
world that the University of Michigan
community stands against the incidents
that have happened, and the unfortunate
killing of our own because of domestic
,alence," said LSA junior David
rline, one of the vigil's organizers
and a member of Hillel's governing
body. The vigil was originally planned in
response to recent hate crimes in the
community. "What we need to do is
stand together in solidarity. We need to
come together, not come apart."
~Dean of Students E. Royster Harper
said she was proud of how the commu-
nity pulled together after such an upset-
"Any time out of a tragedy, you look
for ways to heal and be better" Harper
said. "There's a sense that what happens
to one happens to all. I think it will make
a lot of people look at their own behav-
ior. What's so powerful about silence is
that you can hear your own voice."
Williams' funeral will be held
Saturday at the Eastlake Baptist
Church, located at 12400 E. Jefferson
ve. in Detroit. The church will open
visitors at I1 a.m. and services will
begin at noon. Leo Heatley, director of the [
See VIGIL, Page 5A Tuesday morning. Alarmed ca
"I think he'
Shes trying to

Remembering Tamara Williams
Vigil tonight, 8 p.m. on the Diag.
To give money toward a fund for
Williams' 2-year-old daughter, Kiera, call
the Office of Student Affairs at 764-5132.

Report details
Williams murder

By Stephanie Hepburn
Daily Staff Reporter
As Tamara Williams' boyfriend brutally stabbed
her more than 10 times with a kitchen knife on
Tuesday, at least 25 neighbors called 911 in a futile
attempt to stop the murder.
Williams, a 20-year-old LSA senior, died during
surgery at University Hospitals at 3:24 a.m. from
multiple stab wounds. She died from puncture
wounds on her back, neck, chest and upper and
lower back, Washtenaw County Medical Examiner
Bader Cassin said in a preliminary autopsy report.
"She's trying to get up, she can't," said the first
man who got through to a 911 dispatcher.
"I think he's killing her" said another caller.
Leo Heatley, director of the Department of
Public Safety, said that two or three of the deep
stab wounds that Kevin Nelson, inflicted would
have been enough to kill her. Heatley also said
yesterday that a second bloody knife was found in
Williams' apartment.
According to the medical report, Williams had
cuts on both of her hands and across her fingers,
as well as scratches on the back of her left forearm.
Such injuries seem to be indicative of efforts to
defend herself, the autopsy report stated.
The DPS officer who arrived on the scene saw
Nelson standing over Williams and repeatedly
stabbing her in the back. The officer then fired two
fatal shots at the 26-year-old Ann Arbor resident,
who died at 2:57 a.m. as a result of one of the gun-
shot wounds. Both bullets entered the right side of
his body, hitting his chest and abdomen.
The DPS officer arrived on the scene at 12:20
a.m., three minutes after the first 911 call was
Ivan Mosely, an Ann Arbor resident and friend
of Nelson's, spoke to Nelson just hours before the
violent attack began.
"He told me that he and Tamara were working it
out and they were talking a lot more," Mosely said.
"He was calm. Everything was cool. I have never
seen him in a rage where he was capable of doing
something like this."
Two bloody knives were found on the crime
scene, one in the basement and the other outside,
where the attack ended.
"The knife that Nelson used was a long-bladed
kitchen knife," Heatley said.
Heatley said there is still no theory about what
exactly occurred in the apartment. "The argument
may have started in the basement and moved
upstairs to the kitchen area. There is a blood trail
from the basement to the kitchen,' he said.
The second knife adds another dimension to the
murder, Heatley said: Perhaps Williams used the
knife to defend herself.

Friend ma
know reason
behind -attack
By Jodi S. Cohen
Daily Managing News Editor
Tamika Pennamon wanted to hear her best
friend's voice one last time.
So she called the phone number she nor-
mally dialed at least three times a day - and
got the same answering machine message that
she's heard dozens of times before.
"I called her this morning out of daily rou-
tine. I wanted to hear her voice," Pennamon
said yesterday about Tamara Williams, who
was brutally murdered Tuesday morning by
her live-in boyfriend. "I left her a message..I
told her she was in a better place."
A college senior who lost her best friend,
Pennamon has hardly been able to function in
the past two days, vomiting when she pictures'
the horrific murder scene.
"She's my angel. I miss her so much that .
have to stop thinking about her" Pennamon
said. "The only thing I am thinking about is
the time we had together - when I used to
babysit for her or when we would go to the
mall together."
At Williams' funeral on Saturday,
Pennamon will remove the "21" charm she
wears around her neck and place it on her best
friend. It will be her birthday present to
Williams, who would have celebrated her 21st
birthday on Monday.
See FRIEND, Page 5A
"It is within the realm of possibility that
Williams used the knife in self defense," Heatley
said. "We haven't established if it was self defense
or if Nelson used it."
Multiple horizontal "sharp cuts" were on the
insides of both of Nelson's wrists, Cassin said. It is
not yet known when the cuts were made or what
the cuts could indicate about Nelson's mindset that
Bruises and scrapes on the left side of Nelson's
face may indicate that Williams was defending
herself, Cassin said.
Williams managed to get out of the house, go

Department of Public Safety, listens to tapes of $11 calls made early
oilers alerted officials of the killing as it took place in Northwood housing.
s killing her."
-- --:-... -- --------.----- - -
get up, she can't.
-From two 911 calls placed early Tuesday morning

Campaign for


exceeds $1B

fundraising goal

Weekend celebration
to honor donors,
qinounce money totals
By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
Celebrations begin today to mark the
end of the largest fundraising campaign
ever by a public university.
The Campaign for Michigan closes
this weekend after exceeding its initial
fundraising goal of $1 billion by an
extra $300 million.
"Virtually every major goal was
hieved and we're very pleased with
that,' said Roy Muir, associate vice
president for development.
Among the major donors who will be
honored is University alumnus Preston
Robert Tisch, co-chair of Loew's Corp.
and co-owner of the New York Giants
football team.
In honor of his $7.5 million donation,
there will be cemeronies today to dedi-
Ste Tisch Hall at 12:30 p.m. and the
Tsch Tennis Center at 2:30 p.m.
The names of the more than 250,000
donors and the fundraising totals will
be announced tomorrow during a mul-
timedia presentation at the Power
Center hosted by University alumnus
Mike Wallace.
Followina the announcement cele-

the donors. Both events are closed to
the public.
Overall, the campaign raised $340'
million in endowments, $150 million in
bequest donations, $100 million in new
facilities donations and $410 million in
unrestricted support, which already has
funded current academic programs and
The campaign began in 1989 under
former University President James
Duderstadt in an effort to maintain the
strength of the University, Muir said.
"The underlying basis for all of this
was in order to maintain the academic
position of the University of Michigan,
it would depend on a growing bank of
private support in addition to state sup-
port," Muir said.
Muir said the difference between this
fundraising campaign and the
University's previous fundraising
efforts was the size of the goals and the
comprehensiveness of the campaign.
"We asked for larger gifts, but we
tried to make the case for those gifts in
terms of what impact those gifts would
make on the University," Muir said,
adding that the campaign targeted a
broad base of University alums, friends
and corporations through personal
Muir attributed the campaign's suc-
ces to the Universitv's deans. School

control of
Los Angeles Times
MOSCOW - President Boris
Yeltsin moved to reclaim control over
his country's economy yesterday when
he put a small group of powerful
bankers on notice that they will no
longer decide frontier capitalism's rules
of play.
The president's announcement, in a
speech to the upper house of the legis-
lature, was the latest salvo in a war that
has waged for months between Yeltsin's
key architects of market reform and the
"Big Seven" financiers who are
thought to control as much as half of
Russia's economy. Their funding
helped the president get re-elected last
The seven have enjoyed insider
access to major privatization deals over
much of the past two years but have
lately bridled under government efforts
to make the process more competitive.
Yeltsin warned yesterday that future
selloffs of state assets will be through
competitive tenders and that "the state
will not tolerate any attempts'to put
pressure on it by the representatives of
business and banks?'
"The government is setting clear and
equal rules of economic behavior,"
Yeltsin said. "We shall make everybody
unconditionally abide by those rules-
big business, medium business and
small business, as well as the state

Engineering senior Matther Wang, LSA senior Tricia Bagamasbad and ESA Junior Andrew Wong, United Asian
Organization members, work together yesterday on office hour scheduling for the group.
New A. agazine J..poli ranks
'U' 15th for Asian Americans

By Nika Schulte
For the Daily
The Asian Pacific American student
population on campus has risen more
than 40 percent in the past seven
years, reaching a total of about 3,600
More than 25 APA student groups
organize these students to perform in
cultural shows. do community service

place for APA students, according to
an "A. Magazine: Inside Asian
America" survey.
"It shows U of M has a lot to offer
academically," said Marie Ting, pro-
gram director for the Office of
Academic Multicultural Initiatives.
A. Magazine focused on factors
such as the percentage of APA admin-
istrators, the percentage of APA facul-

participating universities' statistics.
LSA sophomore Jane Kim has
always been impressed with the
University's opportunities for APA
students but never fully appreciated
them until this summer.
Working as an intern in Washington
D.C., Kim met students from schools
including Yale University and
University of Maryland.



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