The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 24, 1997-7
' U
gains more voice in library, information studies policy
By Maria Hackett
Daily Staff Reporter
As people become familiar with the possibili-
ties of finding information on the Internet, going
to the library may not be the first step in doing
W research.
The National Committee on Libraries and
Information Studies researches how the two
methods of finding information can balance
each other out, among other issues.
"It's a challenge to preserve traditional print-
oriented publications, and still support new tech-
nologies,' said Jane Williams, acting executive
director of NCLIS. "All types of libraries have to
strike a balance'
The University will now have increased input
the debate thanks to the U.S. Congressional
proval of Dr. Jose-Marie Griffiths, the director
and chief information offi-
cer of the University'sg
Industrial Technology
Division, to the NCLIS. They
approval came after
Griffiths was originally
nominated by President
Clinton in December.
University officials recog-
nize the impact Griffiths's
membership can have on the
committee as well as the Griffiths
University community through policies and input.
"Jose-Marie Griffiths has broad experience
with technology and its interface with academic
programs and will be an enormous resource for
the committee," said Provost Nancy Cantor.
"Insodoing, (she) will keep Michigan in the cen-
ter of new developments."
Since Griffiths is familiar with computing in
the academic arena, she has become an impor-
tant advocate for policies looking out for the
needs of educational institutions.
Because the work on the committee is only part-
time, she will be able to maintain her ITD position.
Cheryl Munn-Fremon, director of ITD for
consumer relations and support, said that
Griffiths is not only representing the University
of Michigan, but other universities as well.
The 16-member committee researches rapidly
evolving issues such as "electronic government
information dissemination, digital libraries, uni-
versal access to information, telecommunica-
tions services, intellectual property and human
resources development for the digital arena"
Griffiths said in a written statement.
"All of these and other issues are of interest to
the University. As policies, protocols, and stan-
dards for information services evolve, the
University will be involved in the discussion;
Griffiths said in a written statement.
iTD officials are excited about the new input
the division will have in policy decisions and
greater access to government information.
"It's a nice blend for Jose (Griffiths) to be able
to both bring back ideas from the committee, and
also share our ideas with the members of the com-
mittee and government," Munn-Fremon said.
Munn-Fremon said part of what Griffiths will
be doing is trying to make sure government regu-
lations don't hinder scholarly access to federal
information like statistics, protocols and software.
The NCLIS gathers information through stud-
ies and supplies the President and Congress with
poignant information and statistics that are then
used in the policy-making process.
"The commission's focus is really the presi-
dent and Congress" Williams said. "The better
advice we can provide the more responsible
those decisions will be and in turn, the better the
service to users and libraries will be."
For example, Williams said, "One of the
favorite things of the president and vice presi-
dent is to say they want to connect every school
and library by 2000." Williams said it is the duty
of the NCLIS to study if that goal is possible.
At the beginning of her five-year appointment
to the committee, Griffiths has already represent-
ed the committee at an international conference.
She also sits on the search committee, which will
narrow the field of nominees for a new executive
director of the NCLIS in the coming weeks.
Clot-busting drug saves stroke victims
Running on empty
By Heather Wiggin
Daily Staff Reporter
eath was the last thing on Harold
inch's mind last Thursday as he lay in
his hospital bed recovering from hand
surgery. But the line between life and
death grew thin when Finch's health
took a sudden turn for the worse.
Instead of being crippled by a sudden
stroke, however, Finch was treated with
a life-saving procedure that prompted
an immediate recovery.
Finch's initial injury seemed unim-
rtant. "I was pulling blackberries and
Woked my finger," Finch said. His fin-
ger became severely infected and doc-
tors performed hand surgery at
University Hospitals.
Finch first reported weakness in his
hand a few hours after the completion
of his surgery. After a span of 15 min-
utes, Finch was "unable to move his
limbs, had no gag response and could-
n't move his face;' said Neurology resi-
nt Brett Kissela.
. issela identified the warning signs
of brain trauma and rushed Finch to the
CT scanner. The brain scans showed no
signs of internal bleeding.
Kissela and other doctors had to act
quickly because Finch could no
longer speak and his condition was
"We had to presume that it was a
stroke from lack of blood supply to the
brain," Kissela said. "A blood clot
formed somehow."
Blood was clotted on Finch's brain
stem, which controls breathing and
other vital systems.
"I was really scared," Finch said
about his stroke. "I've had foot surgery,
open heart surgery, hand surgery and a
stroke since March, 1997."
Doctors infused a fairly new blood
clot-busting medicine called tissue-
plasminogen activator into the
patient's bloodstream over the course
of an hour.
TPA has only been used in stroke
patients for a little more than a year,
said Medical School Prof. William
Barsan, who has been researching the
drug for 10 years. "In his case, it was
very lucky that he was in the hospital,'
Kissela said.
The results have amazed both Finch
and his doctors.
"He responded about an hour and a
half after finishing the infusion and was
able to lift his arms off the bed," Kissela
said. "The next day he was totally nor-
TPA is "basically a protein made in
the body,' Barsan said. Researchers
have "discovered a way to make it with
recombinant technology."
TPA may seem like a miracle drug,
but doctors do not use it casually. "The
risk part of the drugs is that it's indis-
criminate;" Barsan said. In a patient
with healing wounds, the medication
breaks up scabs and can cause internal
But researchers said the benefits of
TPA have outweighed the risks in stroke
"Thirty percent more people end up
normal" after TPA is administered up to
three hours after a stroke, Barson said.
Kissela and Barson said people
"I think it was a
miracle. They
saved my life.
- Harold Finch
Stroke patient
should be familiar with the warning
signs of a stroke and call 911 immedi-
ately if any are suspected. Typical warn-
ing signs include weakness in the
extremities or the face, loss of sensa-
tion, visual loss or double vision, and
slurring of words, Kissela said.
"Stroke is the third leading cause of
death in America, and the first leading
cause of disability" Kissela said.
With quick detection of stroke and
the use of TPA, doctors hope to
reduce these statistics. More stroke
cases should have results like that of
"I think it was a miracle,' Finch said.
"They saved my life."
The Ann Arbor track club runs along the University track. The club, com-
prised of students, teachers, and Ann Arbor residents, has been running
every Tuesday for about 25 years.
New online service
targets gay men
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TEMPORARY DI VERY POSITION tact Nina (810) 231-7374.
AVAILABLE Drivers are needed to deliver
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THE UNIV. OF MICH. Golf Course has
temporary fall groundskeeper positions avail-
able both full & part-time. a will range
from $7-$8/hr. + golfing privileges. Please
contact Chris Bollinger for more info. at 998-
THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan Medical
School seeks knowledgeable students to
work in the Leaming Resource Center's com-
puter site. Tasks include staffing the circula-
io A desk & assisting patrons with computer
questions. A working knowledge of Macin-
computers is essential. The most impr-
skills being knowledge of MS rd,
Telnet, WWW, & the UofM computing
environment. IBM compat. knowledge is a
bonus, but not necessary. Good communica-
tion skills are a must since dealing with the
public amounts to 95% of the tasks involved
with the position. Pay starts at $5.75/hr. Only
a few shifts remain to be filled. Call Marc
Stephens at 936-2241.
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Mon.-Fri. Selecting, listing, packing lots of
great books. Math skills, ability to lift and
carry 70 lbs. w/o assistance. $7/hr. Call us at
936-2227 or e-mail recs~aumich.edu
needed. No exp. necessary. $10/hour. For
Thurs., Sept. 25, Fri., Sept. 26, and Sat., Sept.
27. Aftemoon & evening shifts. Please call
- 2142.
[ RSITY BASEBALL managers needed.
Part-time paid position. Contact Ian at 763-
WANTED part-time kitchen pep & light
cleaning helper. 6 hrs/day. Call 994-4478 &
leave a, message.
WANTED part-time housekeeper. 4 hrs/day.
Time of day negotiable. Call 994-0478 and
leave a message.
WANTED Register Operator Receptionist
for indoor track. Part-time, weekends,
evenings. Call Peter at 764-6400.
WEB DESIGNER. Intemet-based advertis-
ing agency is seeking a creative and
motivated intern to help with web design.
Knowledge of HTML and Photoshop a must,
CGI programming experience a strong plus.
Call Aimee at (313) 747-8619.
a variety of work experiences? Flexible
hours. Computer skills (word processing,
data entry) a plus. Will train. Positions avail-
able in accounting, Web design, member
services, and conference planning. Off-cam-
pus office. Own transportation necessary.
Free Parking. Contact Heidi or Peg at: 998-
7832 to schedule an interview.
ADORABLE TODDLER needs care in our
home Monday 3:30-7:30. Light
housekeeping, own car, non-smoking. Call
BABYSITTER NEEDED for 1 night/week
for 3 yr. old & 3 mo. old. 764-6782._
BABYSITTER NEEDED Thurs thru after-
noons & evenings thru school year. Old
Westside home. 994-3155 or email dpopkey.
CAREGIVER NEEDED for our 9 yr. old
daughter after school. Transport from school
to our home and some activities. Occasional
errands, but No housekeeping. Comfortable
environment, excellent compensation, great
kid! Mon.-Fri., 2:30-6:00 p.m. preferred, but
some flexibility possible. Call 769-1895.
CAREGIVER FOR 1 & 5 yr. old sons in
our NE A2 home. 10 hrs./wk. in 1997 and 20
hrs./wk. in '98. Own trans. and genuine love
of kids. 663-5635.
children 3 & 18 months. Call 741-9626.
CHILD CARE 10 HRSJWK. For 3 boys
ages 10, 8, 5. Wed. a.m. definite other time is
flex. Non-smoker. Own transportation. Must
have lots of energy & a good attitude. Bums
Park area. 994-5368.
weekdays, 3:00-5:30 p.m. Two children, 10
& 13. Must have car. Call 994-0353.
EXECUTIVE WITH three older children
needs ovemight babysitting-Ann Arbor. Must
have own car. Needed for 9/28 to 10/3 and
later. Call 327-6819 24 hrs.
LOOKING FOR Responsible babysitter for
2 month old baby. Flexible hours. Experience
necessary. 332-8735.
MOTHER'S HELPER- Flexible schedule.
10-15 hrs. per week. Must have car. Call 944-
NONSMOKING FEMALE to babysit ap-
proximately 10 hrs/wk. Must have own earl
ye message at 996-9077.
giver for sweet energetic 4 yr. old girl. Tues.
& Thurs. 9:30-3:30. Ref. & trans. req. 973-
SEEKING childcare for our 8 mo. old in our
home. Tues-Fri. 1:30-3:00 pm. Please call
Notre Dame. Any section. Call 313-561-
LOOKING TO TRADE my 2 tickets for
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Iowa. Call George (610) 779-7456.
chase Eurail passes issued. Regency Travel
209 S. State 665-6122.
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NEED 2 NOTRE DAME tickets. Will pay
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Andy at 332-6127.
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WANTED Notre Dame vs. U-M. General
Admision tickets. 1-800-955-2916.
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just guitars. Percusion & Wind. Herb David
Guitar Studio. 302 E. Liberty. 665-8001.
By Peter Romer-Friedman
For the Daily
Seeking to challenge larger compa-
nies like America Online and
Compuserve, Gay Net, a new Internet
service for gay men, is breaking onto
the campus scene.
Organizers are offering free service
to all college students.
Two years ago Andy Cramer, the
founder of Gay Net, surveyed 12,000
people to measure the interest for an
all-gay online service. After finding a
popular demand for his product,
Cramer transformed Gay Net into an
entire online service, similar to AOL or
"It's the most complete online ser-
vice on the Internet," Cramer said.
"Most (gay) sites are small and region-
al. We've gone worldwide, since the
Internet is international."
Gay Net offers news, community
chat lines, matchmaking and many
other options
Many University students expressed
enthusiasm for the creation of Gay Net.
Others said they are cynical, citing that
there are already thousands of sites for
gays and lesbians to log on to.
"The Internet is a powerful organiz-
ing tool" said Beth Harrison, a gradu-
ate student in social work and sociolo-
gy. "It's a great way for the gay com-
munity and many other communities to
Another reason for gays to use the
Internet is the anonymity of cyber-
space, said Ken Blochowski, interim
director of the Michigan Student
Assembly's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgendered Programs Office.
'Many of the resources on the
Internet are anonymous," Blochowski
said. "People (who) take steps to inves-
tigate a same-sex attraction or a conflict
with their gender can talk to others who
are sympathetic about how they're feel-
But Blochowski said that he is suspi-
cious of new companies coming into an
already crowded market.
"There are zillions of these things;'
he said. "Who's to say which are better?
Services like Gay Net serve to be an
entertainment forum. AOL is entertain-
ment. There's a place for those things in
the world, but it's only a sliver of the
tools and resources the Internet has for
information and support.:
The staff at Gay Net pointed out that
there are major differences between
mainstream services like AOL and the
expressive nature of Gay Net.
"There's a lot of gay bashing on the
regular services" Cramer said. "I start-
ed Gay Net because I was on AOL talk-
ing to a gay man from Chicago. He told
me not to log off because he'd never
meet a gay man on the Internet again.'
Whether or not Gay Net is entertain-
ment, Cramer promises tp give free
Internet access to thousands of college
students worldwide. Hundreds signed
up days after the free access was initiat-
ed, Cramer said.
"We just launched the program,
Cramer said. "We sent over 500 invita-
tions to participate. We're expecting
tens of thousands of people to join."
Gay Net's free access period for stu-
dents will last at least until the end of the
year. Cramer said he may extend the free
time for another year, or even for the four
years that students are in college, if the
program continues to be successful.
Students can access Gay Net at
http://www@gay net./college/index.himl.
WORK STUDY students are needed for
library duties at Student Publications. We're
looking for punctual, energetic students.
Various hours available. Pay $5.90 to $6.50
per hour. Call for information or apply at
764-0550, 210E Student Publications.
for various office type duties in the medical
center. Call Liz Cole at 936-5504.
Resource Center. School of Education
Building. Daytime hours only. $6/hr. Call
Donna @ 647-2418.
Reaction to Englers
education plan mixled
Blue rv
ME y0u'M NOT
hy -;th homw a nd inn wpit7,
I r- -
WANTED-dependable, caring female for *ARCHE
child care. Mon-Fri, 3:30-5:30 pm. Must beginners
have reliable car to take children to lessons. 9 p.m. @ C
Call 665-0625 leave message. Call Kriste
tickts tave
RY CLUB* Looking for members
welcome. Practice Mon.-Thurs. 7-
Coliseum coiner of Hill & Division.
en 663-9245 info..
LANSING, Mich. (AP) -
Educators listened carefully yesterday
as Gov. John Engler urged them to sup-
port his plan to sell up to $768 million
in bonds to pay school districts for state
underfunding of special education pro-
But after the speech at the third annu-
al Governor's Education Summit, many
were still shaking their heads.
They want the money. But they aren't
were not part of the suit.
Democratic gubernatorial candidates
Doug Ross and Larry Owen both said
the state shouldn't borrow to cover
school operating costs.
"To load up debt is irresponsible fis-
cally" Ross said. "Because the debt was
accumulated over a number of years, it
should be paid back over a number of
Owen had even harsher words for
.11 11