AA - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 22, 1997 i1Jz £Irdigw Daig 420 Maynard Street r Ann Arbor, MI 48109 JOSH WHITE Editor in Chief Edited and managed by ERIN MARSH students at the ..Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan . Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY "NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'We want to make sure our admissions procedures really mirror what we want to achieve in our student body.' -- University Provost Nancy Cantor JORDAN YOUNG U erV'rre Dt' Self-important officials regulat 'U' events w u r~i~ih Bollinger will dev 0 n Friday, students, faculty and distin- guished educators filled Hill Auditorium for Lee Bollinger's inaugura- tion as the University's 12th president. The Festive ceremony provided a perfect plat- form for Bollinger to introduce his vision for the University. His remarks included ideas on the nature of public institutions and the role the University plays in the sphere of creative learning. His speech lacked deeper substance - which will evolve with time -- but he displayed a great deal of personal excitement and charisma. Bollinger arranged his address into a Dumber of broad and abstract principles. He peppered his remarks with literary refer- ences, and called the University "a living culture revelling in exploration of complex- ity" and "an epicenter of idealism." While 4is speech lacked certain definitive quali- ties, Bollinger did set forth a few meaning- ful goals. He called for a transparent administra- tion that will "make things happen without people knowing it's happening." A large bureaucracy is inherent to an institution as large as the University, but certain efforts can be made to cut red tape. But a speech lone cannot meet this goal - within a Short period of time, Bollinger should pre- sent a specific plan to streamline the admin- istration. Bollinger also reaffirmed his support for fflrmative action. He said a public institu- tion has the obligation to reach out to as many segments of the population as possi- ble - whether they vary by ethnic, racial, socioeconomic or geographic distinctions. i policies must further the University's (&gstanding commitment to diversity. Most important, Bollinger said the University, along with other public institu- tions, should not be subject to political interference. In Lansing, Gov. John Engler and his legislative colleagues have continu- ally breached the University Board of I elop vision for 'U' Regents' legal autonomy. In the past, the legislature used the threat of withholding state funding to butt its head into University affairs - several glaring examples are forc- ing the University to adhere to a certain in- state to out-of-state student ratio, and trying to withhold funding for benefits to University employees' same-sex partners. The regents, elected by a statewide majori- ty, are most qualified to handle these kinds of issues. While it is important for Bollinger to maintain good relations with the capitol, he must remain firm on this front -- mak- ing every effort to put this non-interference policy into state and national law. In spite of these few promising state- ments, Bollinger never indicated how he would leave his permanent mark on the University. He should consider taking a cue from his predecessor. Within the first six months of his presi- dency, James Duderstadt created the Michigan Mandate - which successfully increased the University's minority popula- tion. Duderstadt furthered his aim of increasing campus diversity through the Michigan Agenda for Women - a drive to increase the number of women in faculty and administrative positions, and to increase female students' campus opportu- nities. He also kicked off a fundraising ini- tiative that put the University's endowment on par with those at the nation's top private colleges. Duderstadt's actions were not all commendable - nevertheless, he quickly established objectives, and worked cease- lessly to accomplish them. The University lies at a crossroads - and Bollinger has the opportunity to forge its path ahead. He first needs to determine where he wants it to be heading. The University must not be left to muddle along without any apparent goals - it is an insti- tution with limitless potential, and Bollinger must quickly seize the opportuni- ty to shape its future development. -S VS. - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Faring weie Work requirements excessive for students Greek community offers involvement To THE DAILY: Every year, the Daily feels the need to publish the same editorial ("What's the rush?" 9/12/97). The editori- al, generally aimed toward first-year students, tries to convince students not to rush a fraternity or sorority in the fal. Obviously, the author did not take the time to speak with any member of the Greek community. Like always, the editorial was misleading in many ways. The Daily states in the editorial that "because most incoming students have not yet adjusted to class sched- ules, new roommates or the broad offerings of college life," perhaps waiting another semester or year to rush is the best choice. In addition, the editorial claims that "joining a Greek house may prevent (a student) from exploring other activities and opportunities on campus." Let us correct these statements by offering the complete picture of Greek life. In actuality, joining a Greek organization provides one of the best outlets to become involved in other campus activities. The diversity of membership in each chapter opens many doors in acquainting its members with a wide vari- ety of campus organiza- tions. Greeks are found in the Michigan Student Assembly, Project Serve, Student Alumni Council and much more. It is not sur- prising, then, that the man and woman who were awarded "The Most Outstanding Graduating Student From the University of Michigan of the Class of 1996" were both members of the Greek community. That the Daily itself gives this advice to new students is rather hypocritical. In many ways, joining the staff of the Daily is similar to joining any Greek organization. Allow us to explain. As the senior staff of the Daily grad- uates, incoming students are continually recruited to fill in for the missing spots. Every fall, the Daily holds mass meetings and requires that their staff spend time at their "house;" the Student Publications Building. Sound familiar? Even the Daily, on the samepage as the "What's the rush?" editorial, advertised their mass meeting. We doubt that the Daily would discour- age an incoming student from attending this meeting so that he or she may absorb a more comnlete nicture of next year, when the "What's the rush?" editorial is reprint- ed yet again, the Daily could interview some members of the Greek community and get their opinion. The majority of them would explain that they were so happy to have rushed in the fall. MIKE INGBER INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL SHELBY BROWN PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION Construction crews deserve thanks TO THE DAILY: It seems that students often complain about the amount of construction tak- ing place on campus, or how long the projects take, so I'd like to take a moment to thank the crews that worked to make the most identifiable part of campus a whole lot better. The Diag restoration was a huge undertaking that involved all sorts of drainage improvement, sidewalk con- struction and light installa- tion. While it might have been easy for the University to start the project as soon as everyone left and forget about Spring and Summer term students, that's not what happened. We didn't see one or two workers each day, didn't see idle equip- ment, didn't see a complete lack of progress until the Art Fair, at which point we saw a miraculous and renewed commitment to the project - no. We saw a continuous and grueling effort all along, which meant the crews didn't have to scramble to finish everything in the last week before students returned. So the next time you see one of our various construc- tion sites and grumble about how long it's taking, I ask you to remember the Diag! ERIK BEST LSA SENIOR Reconsider benefits of contraception To THE DAILY: This is a response to Thomas Bress's letter, "Birth control insert was 'offen- sive"' (9/19/97). I am sorry that he was dismayed and offended by a birth control pill advertise- ment inserted in the Daily. He is a practicing Catholic and believes that sex should be only for nroducing chil- They realize that it is expen- sive and difficult to raise large families. A good thing for the planet, because the human population is growing too much as it is and causing a decimation of other species of life. Catholic Italy, which already has a very high popu- lation density, has the lowest fertility rate in the world - less than two children per woman. They have not achieved this by relying on the rhythm method! I hope he doesn't think that the Daily should forbid birth control ads, even if they are aimed mainly at unmar- ried students. Be aware that there are some Hindus here who believe that cows are holy and one should not eat beef. Some Orthodox Jews believe that men should not listen to women singing. Should the Daily stop adver- tising hamburgers and women singers? If everyone had to abide by everyone else's religious prohibitions, no one would be able to do much. Yes, birth control pills increase the risk of some types of cancer. The fine print Bress referred to also indicated that they decrease the risk of some other types. For non-smokers under 35, there is probably no net health hazard in using the pill. Birth control pills may sometimes prevent implanta- tion of a fertilized egg. But a fertilized egg is not a person. As a biologist, I know that life does not begin at concep- tion. Life continues at con- ception. Life only began once on Earth - billions of years ago, when an inanimate col- lection of molecules acquired the ability to replicate itself. Everything since has been part of one continuous process. We are connected in time to every other living thing. A fertilized egg is no more in possession of a soul than one of your liver cells. There are no scientific data to suggest that it is. Nor does the Bible, if you accept its authority (I don't), say that life begins at conception. The Catholic church once held that the soul takes pos- session of the body at the time of quickening; that is, when the mother first per- ceives the movements of the fetus. The idea of the soul arriving at conception is a modern-day conjecture of some theologians, and is unfounded. It takes more than nine months for a fertilized egg to develop into a person. The mental characteristics that distinguish humans from other animals appear only after birth. Condoms have an advan- tage over pills, not because they act before fertilization, but becaue thev nmrtect beyond reason I t's not all that unusual for University students to come away from the college experience with a few minor brushes with the law -"noi violations, parking tickets and the like. However, it seems that more and more of the things we do here are becoming sanc- tioned events. Take, for instance, a Michigan football game. Walking to Michigan Stadium ERIN on a football MARSH Saturday is like THINKING strolling through a oK 'i' strange kind of marketplace. Vendors hawk T-shirts hot dogs and sodas, students try to lure drivers onto their front yards for a cramped $10 parking spot, and scores of people are either trying to buy o sell tickets for the game. Great fun, right? It's a spectacle, and haggling deals for parking and tickets used to be one of the best parts of the day. Now, anyone walking down the street with tickets in their hand is sub- ject to being stopped and threatened by an Ann Arbor police officer. Apparently, holding a couple of tickets is a crime - it implies intent to sell (which is illegal on University proper- ty unless you have a license). That' funny - I thought the only thing it implies is that you don't have any pockets. You don't have to be waving the tickets around, you don't have to holler, "I got one, who needs one?" All you have to do is have the tickets in the open, and some law enforcement offi: cial can decide you're trying to sel them. I talked to one student who wa slapped with a $50 fine. But beyond the subjectiveness of th "crime," who really cares if someonri, is selling a ticket? If it's my ticket,: paid for it, and I want to get back ony what I paid for it, who cares if I con duct a private transaction? I und r. stand the problem of counterfeit tickc ets, but that's why we have phrases like "let the buyer beware." It's a simple exchange of property, and as long as you're not trying to gouge someone and make a huge profit, there's no rea son for University and city officers to have such a heart attack about it. The fun continues once you get intc' Michigan Stadium. Anyone wh: attended one of our first two ga1e could probably tell you that things are different in the student section this year. Those little men in the yellow "Athletic Department Staff" jackets are not so friendly any more. They bark orders at students filing into thei sections, physically blocking the entrance until everyone shows them a ticket. OK - they are trying to control seating and keep kids from sneaking into the wrong section. Fine. I respect that. But I have never heard anyone so rude and mean-spirited at what is sup- posed to be an enjoyable event. None of these kids deserve the browbeating they take for standing a few rows away from the number designated on their ticket. People could, of course, avoid this whole scenario by biting the bullet and sitting (standing) in their assigned seats. But that still doesn't justify the rotten attitude of these athletic depart- ment bouncers. I asked one of them about the big "crackdown," and I received this response: Apparently last year, they failed to help one kid find his seat Turns out Daddy was a big-time con-- tributor to the athletic departmentand held a $250,000 grudge. So now you see: Damn if the athletic department is going to let that happen again! No matter what, they're going to make sure they get theirs from all. those beautifully wealthy alumni. You'd think with all the money the depart- ment rakes in in a year, it could take a breather to treat students like human beings or - and here's a wacky ide - let freshmen attend the football games. Apparently not. (A brief aside: University President Lee BollingerGand new Athletic Director Tom Goss- neither of whom have had anything to do with the lousy things the department has done lately -- have been inviting tick- edess first-year students to sit in their boxes during the game. Goss and Bollinger don't have to do it, but the want to. I think that's one of the neat- est things I've ever heard.) After the game this week, I was thinking about all of the fun post-game things I used to do as a kid - I remember waiting outside the locker- room for autographs from my.favorite r--m ...T gra A 11 students face the challenge of suc- ceeding at the University: Hundreds of pages of reading, papers, quizzes, prob- lem sets - most feel the strain. Yet some students face more - welfare recipients. Michigan welfare recipients who attend college full time must also work, at least 20 hours a week, or attend a "welfare-to-work" program weekly, while also tending to their personal lives, which could include single parenthood. This clearly constitutes a heavy workload. The welfare requirements need restructuring - recipients need help, not hurdles. While the arguments supporting these harsh guidelines render some truth, state officials should look more toward the basic purpose of welfare - to help improve the lifestyle of those less fortunate. State offi- cials claim that any job is better than no job and they point to declining welfare rolls as proof that this approach is working. However, welfare advocates question these claims and the types of jobs those moving off welfare actually receive. According to these advocates, education is the answer, not a minimum wage job. Not only can a college education improve the chances of entering the work force, but it will also improve the chances of remaining in the work force. This is key so that past recipi- ents do not have to depend on welfare whenever times get rough. State officials also point to the fact that numerous students must work their way should not receive or expect special treat ment. But most working students are no concerned with parenting, transportation child care or food concerns while many welfare recipients are. Until 1994, Michigan welfare recipients could attend college instead of looking for o job. It was not until after they received z college degree that work was strictly enforced with penalties of monetary sanc- tions. Currently, possible sanctions include a 25-percent cut in recipients' welfare checks and food stamps or complete cut-of after four months. The state should return tc the pre-1994 welfare policy - its focus oi, education and then work should not have changed. The welfare guidelines should no abolish their concentration on working bu should not be so stringent as to force stu dents to work beyond what they reasonabl3 can. It is an unfair expectation of welfare recipients, especially single parents, to con tinue their education, manage their childrei and work 20 hours per week. A higher education embodies the hope and dreams of many - today more thar ever, a college degree is a necessity, not at added bonus. Welfare used to do its part tF help those less fortunate realize this dreanr in a way most beneficial to the recipients Today, welfare helps recipients realize thi dream in a way most beneficial to state offi cials, passing political fads and the finan cial bottom line. Welfare must help those it need one way or the other - it is up to stat Mi Lc ,,v