One hundred seixyears ofeditorifreedom
September 22, 1997
News: 76-DAILY
Advetising: 764-0554
I IN 1 1 1 11 111 1 1 11 mill 1 111 1=11
,New president
eXamines U'
Heather Kamins
and Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporters
With an inaugural celebration that mixed formal pomp
and circumstance with Frisbees, hotdogs and rock music,
new University President Lee Bollinger officially took
office Friday, demonstrating that a new era has begun at the
Bollinger was inaugurated as the University's 12th presi-
dent during a public ceremony in Hill Auditorium.
After officially signing himself in as president in a special
figuration book, Bollinger outlined principles of academ-
ic autonomy and the importance of having a transparent
He emphasized five principles that should guide the
University, including focusing on collective goals, the
importance of independence from political interference,
and instilling historic pride in the University before it gets
"When someone comes to us with an idea that seems
good, our response should not be first and foremost what
11it it mean for our school, our department or our group,"
Ullinger said.
"Instead, there ought to be ... a University perspective at
heart and a sense of pride in helping make things happen
without anyone having to know it happened," he said.
Bollinger said the administration should take the attitude
that everything it does should be "transparent or invisible to
our faculty and students."
"I share the view a few others have expressed that the
greatest problem for the modem university is not its disor-
dered, somewhat chaotic, structure, but its tendency towards
bureaucracy," Bollinger said. "Creativity abhors a bureau-
Physiology Prof. Louis D'Alecy, chair of the faculty's
governing body, said Bollinger's insights on the impor-
tance of the autonomy of the faculty are significant and
"He's just an intellectual shining light," D'Alecy said,
adding that Bollinger's statements show his commitment to
the faculty. " feel a certain responsibility to carry his mes-
sage to the faculty ... I hope to work to convince them by
his actions that he is very pro-faculty."
Before his inaugural address, Bollinger was introduced by
mer University President Harold Shapiro, who now
serves as president of Princeton University.
Shapiro shared some poignant words of advice with
Bollinger that he withheld from the new president prior to
his accepting the reins of the University.
"You and I discussed many of the tasks and responsibili-
ties that would lie before you if you were to accept this posi-
tion," Shapiro said. "But since I very much wanted you to
accept the job, there were just a few things I neglected to
"I feel it is now my responsibility to articulate certain
&pectations we have of you that I have not previously dis-
sed and that are at once highly specific, perilously vague
and often quite conflicting," he said.
See ADDRESS, Page 9A
Inside: More inauguration coverage and the full text of
Bollinger's speech. Pages 8 and 91.
AORIANA YUGOViCH/Michiganension
Participants of the 300-person procession leave the Rackham Building and walk toward Hill Auditorum Friday morning for the inauguration ceremony of University President Lee BollingeL
Below, Boilinger greets members of the University community on ingalls Mall following the formal ceremony.
Reception brings
community together
By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA senior Jeff Kurson slipped
away from his responsibilities as a
University groundskeeper Friday to
grab some official inauguration
Frisbees and five different colors of
YoHA yo-yos.
"Free stuff is free stuff," Kurson
said, adding that he was amazed at the
number of people who filled Ingalls
Mall at the reception following new
University President Lee Bollinger's
"It makes it look like all these peo-
ple came to see the inauguration, but
really they just came to get free
stuff," Kurson said.
In an attempt to include all members
of the community, Bollinger and the
inauguration committee created day-
long events that mixed the tradition of
the formal ceremony with a relaxed
atmosphere that would make students
in jeans and backpacks feel comfort-
Faculty, staff and students piled out
of Hill Auditorium around noon as
the Michigan Symphony Orchestra
played traditional ceremonial music.
As they entered Ingalls Mall, they
were greeted by live music, hotdogs,
balloons, popcorn,t ice cream and
"free stuff."
Student volunteers handed out free
Frisbees and T-shirts that donned the
official logo of Bollinger's inaugura-
tion, yo-yos that celebrated the inau-
guration of the Year of Arts and
Humanities and balloons printed with
the slogan YoHA on one side, and Yo-
Lee on the other.
"It's fun. I have one of each color,"
police crack down on
noise violation offenses,
Officials respond to
admissions debate
Ay Allce Robinson
Daily Staff Reporter
Drinks, people, loud music.
Most parties on campus don't seem to be com-
*ete without these three elements.
But for those considering hosting a party soon in
Ann Arbor, that last item may not be such a good
With the school year barely underway, Ann Arbor
Police Department officials have already issued
stacks of noise violations to party-throwers, and
expect to give out many more.
The citations for noise violations, which most
often result in a $100 fine but can technically cost
e recipient up to three months in jail, are issued
When police receive a call from a neighbor com-
plaining about too much noise drifting from a cer-
tain house.
AAPD officials say that when cruising the streets
at night, they leave loud parties alone unless they
receive a call from an irritated neighbor.
"In my 12 years (with the police department),
I've never driven by a party and just stopped
house, which resulted from a neighbor's complaint.
"It was a very sketchy situation," Kohen said.
"We asked them, if using their own discretion ---
would they have given us a noise violation, and
they said 'no."'"
Kohen said he was upset when the violation was
issued because the noise was being contained in the
house at the time. "The house was soundproofed
pretty well. You couldn't really hear it from the
sidewalk," he said.
One student, who did not wish to be named, said
that his fraternity received a noise violation two
weekends ago. "The police came and made every-
body leave from our house that didn't live there,"
the student said.
AAPD Sgt. Larry Jerue said that since a noise
violation citation is a misdemeanor, the maximum
penalty possible is 90 days in jail and/or a $100
However, Jerue emphasized that it would be
highly unusual for a student to serve jail time for
playing music too loud.
"Jail time is normally not imposed on first
State government offi-
cials react to 'U' affir-
mative action policies
By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
The potential lawsuit that would chal-
lenge the University's affirmative action
policies has sparked reactions from
some top state government officials.
The four state representatives orga-
nizing the potential lawsuit allege
unconstitutional discrimination in the
University's admissions and financial
aid programs.
Michigan Supreme Court Chief
Justice Conrad Mallett Jr., who said he
may hear the case if it is filed on the state
level, said he supports affirmative action.
"I am a product of a system that has
had affirmative action," said Mallet,
Michigan's first black chief justice, in
an interview with The Michigan Daily.
State: Rep'
David Jaye
one of the
four legisla-
tors leading
the fight
against affir-
m a t i v e
action at the
contends that
t h e
action poli-
cies demon-
strate blatant.
afirm ativhe
Uof M
Two Ann Arbor Police officers issue a noise violation
ticket Friday to partlers at 719 McKinley St.
an increase in noise offenses "because you have a
new influx of students ... therefore more parties
happen in the fall than among any other time of the
discrimination against non-minority stu-
dents in an effort to increase diversity.
"The only preference Michigan
should give is to taxpaying citizens,"
Jaye said. "It's the University of
Michigan, not the University of the