LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 17, 1997-- 7 Sexhibit to open at U' museums By Micah Peitz For the Daily plitting its time between two D~iversity museums, a 135-artifact exhibit about the ancient Galilee region will be displayed in Ann Arbor through the end of the semester The exhibit, titled "Sepphoris in Galilee: Crosscurrents of Culture" brings to campus artifacts from the archaeologi- cal site Sepphoris (which is named Zippori in Hebrew) and the surrounding Galilee region in northern Israel. "So far we have had a very good *onse," said Kelsey Museum Program Assistant Todd Gerring. "We have had many tours for grade school and high school groups, as well as many visitors in general since, this is a bigger event.' Due to the size of the collection, the University's Kelsey Museum of Archaeology and the Museum of Art have collaborated to house the entire exhibit. "This is the first time the art museum *Kelsey have collaborated on some- thing," Gerring said. "We have realized how different the two museums operate, but overall it has worked out very nicely" Of the roughly 135 artifacts, more than 80 are at the Museum of Art. "Kelsey holds more of the daily-life artifacts and household items, while the art museum contains sections on the religions of the time," Gerring said. The Museum of Art also contains more interactive portions of the exhibit such as the "Zippori Explorer" a multi- media presentation of the exhibit that reconstructs the buildings of Zippori on the computer screen, as well as a station where visitors can make their own mosaic. The exhibit itself includes some elaborate mosaics, and the station allows the visitor to use a variety of col- orful magnets to show off his or her own creative talents. The University has a special tie to the exhibit, since the scientific excavation of Zippori was begun by a team led by University Prof. Leroy Waterman in 1931. "I thought it was very interesting," said museum visitor Kyle Miller. "It made sense of what was happening at that time by showing what exactly was around there." Gerring said one of the most popular items is a mosaic depicting a man in hunting garb carrying a spear. "Some of my favorite parts of the exhibit were the hunter mosaic, the reli- gious artifacts and the station where I could construct my own mosaic," said LSA first-year student Rachel Weiss. "Overall, it was very interesting to see how the variety of cultures coexisted in this place." FRATERNITIES Continued from Page 1 discussed questions and concerns about the service requirements at a Greek Activities Review Panel mediation. All of the sanctioned fraternities have begun doing their various service activities. "Some residence hall dining services are under-staffed," Shah said. "The fra- ternities are scheduled in various times where they're needed." Tanner suggested fraternities can AWARD Continued from Page 2. cerned that minorities, including Native Americans, are currently underrepresented in mathematical fields. However, while Federbush said problems with minority representa- tion continue to persist on the nation- al level, he defended minority repre- sentation in University mathematical programs. "In Michigan, we have done really well with women students in particular," Federbush said. There are a variety of reasons for the lack of Native Americans in mathemat- ics nationally, Megginson said. Native American families' annual income is usually less than average and therefore many drop out of school in order to help bring in more money to their household, Megginson said. Megginson said he knows what it is like to experience some of the other problems faced daily by minorities and has seen first-hand the low per- centage of Native Americans in math- ematics. Megginson, part Lakota Indian, was the only Native American to attend his high-school. Things got no better when he then BRYAN MCLEUAN/Daily Lauren Talalay, associate curator at the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, shows an exhibit featuring the Roman period of Ancient Palestine yesterday. During the Roman period, Zippori was a thriving city where Jews, pagans and later Christians co-existed in rela- tive harmony. Another aspect of the exhibit for stu- dents is a two credit mini-course offered in the Residential College titled "Zippori Live!" In this course, students will participate in a living theater to become the people of Zippori. The stu- dents will act out situations including daily activities that would have taken place during various time periods when Zippori was occupied, such as prepar- ing an evening meal. "Sepphoris in Galilee" was originally brought to the United States by the North Carolina Museum of Art, and from Michigan it will continue its tour of Emory University in Atlanta. The exhibit runs through Dec. 14, and admission is free. still have parties without flyers. He said fraternity parties should be "friends" parties. "Go to the Diag, go to festifall and other freshman functions. Get to know some freshmen. Then, invite those you know," Tanner said. Delta Tau Delta President Ryan Van Houten, whose house also was not sanctioned, said he was not concerned about not using flyers, saying his house will continue to hold parties for those people whom they know. decided to attend the University of Illinois, where the Native American population was very low. Megginson said he never felt completely com- fortable, but his feelings changed when he came to the University of Michigan because of its minority sup- port groups, such as the American Indian Science and Engineering Society and the Native American Student Association - both of which Megginson is a part. "This community is a much more friendly place, making it a place where mentoring is easier," Megginson said. "I've been mentored by a lot of people in the community" Rauch also pointed out that Megginson has done a lot to help the mathematics community in Ann Arbor, including revamping the heavily fre- quented Math Lab. "He really brought it to life," Rauch said. University mathematics Prof. Paul Federbush said Megginson generally receives exceptionally high evaluations from his students. "We have a real find," Federbush said of Megginson. "This is very special." The National Science Foundation administers the presidential award that recognized Megginson, nine other edi- cators and 10 institutions. a healthy lifestyle. Nonetheless, if st*- dents find themselves awake at night, Aldrich suggested "getting out of bed and doing something else.' If a specific sleep environment becomes associated with anxiety and not sleeping, a change of loca- tion can allow the person to once again associate the bed with sleep, thereby reaffirming it as a pleasant place, Aldrich said. Some students have their own home remedies, however. "I just try reading the most boring thing I can find," Brimo said. "Usually it's a textbook. NOW HIRING!! Gross Electric, an electri- cal distributor of lamps, light fixtures, and supplies, has part time and full time employ- ent opportunities in showroom sales, cus- r .rservice, building maintenance, and sousing. Interested applicants must have experience with direct customer contact, dis- play positive attitude and willingness to help others and work as part of a team. Positions also require good organizational ability and follow through on tasks. If interested, apply in person or submit resume to: GROSS ELECTRIC, INC., 2232 S. Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. OFFICE ASST. part time. Mac intelligent. bookkeeping, customer service, inventory. Flexiblebhrs. 973-2948. OFFICE POSITIONS AVAIL. Work Study & non-work study. Mornings & 3-5 P. M. ?f- Fri. Provide program assistance, pwokcopying compute/word processing work, answering phone, & errands. Salary starting from $5/hr. Call Sue at 763-6939. PART-TIME WORK STUDY positions avail, in a friendly working environment & flex. hours. 647-7402. Project Community/ Serve. PART-TIME SALES POSITIONS. Learn- ing Express. An exciting specialty toy store, is seeking part-time sales associates for our new Ann Arbor location. Applicants must be energetic, outgoing and be willing to perform v s duties including assisting customers, n andising, and restocking. Some sales experience helpful. call 995-4353 for an ap- ication and more information. Ask for on PATIENT RECRUITMENT coordinator for genetics research. Duties include contac- ting ~patients and doctors, coordinating appointments, handling large mailings, and performing associated office work. Excellent communication skills req. 20-40 hrs./wk., $6- 10/hr. depending upon qualifications. Call 936-7509. PERSON WANTED TO OWN and to operate retail cand shop in Ann Arbor area. investment. For information call Mrs. Ien's Gourmet Candy Company, Fort Worth, TX. (817)-332-9792. PHOTOGRAPHER, Protrait, Experienced only. 313-591-9359. PROGRAMMER/SPORTS FAN: Sports literate programmer needed PT through fall. $10/hr. Jo tqstats.com 741-8829. RENNAISANCE CLOTHIER is now in- terviewing for part-time openings. The posi- tions are both immediate & for the near future. Contact Dave Gilbert 769-8511. RESEARCHER NEEDED. University stu- & -needed ASAP to do small research p~jkt. $10.00/hour for approx. 10 hours of work. Please call (512) 627-0554. SALES PERSONS Weekend work for Com- puter Hardware Company. Comnputer ex- perience mandatory. Call 761-1698 extension one or FAX resume to 313-669-8485. SALES PERSONS For Computer Hardware Company. Computer Experience Helpful. FlxbeSchedule. Call Mr. Joseph 313-761- ext one or FAX resume to 31369- 8485. SCOREKEEPERS is now hiring part-time cook for fall & winter terms. No experience but helpful. Flexible hours, great so- atmosphere. Apply today at 310 aynard next to Kinkos. Ask for Matt 995- 0100. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for an infer- tility c c. Male students or grads. 20-40 dccetable donation. Write APR P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SPECIAL GIFT-We're looking for healthy women between the ages 21-35 for egg donation. All ethnic backgrounds are encouraged. Fee paid. Send inquiries to , P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI SPRING BREAK! Out going individuals - sell 15 & go FREE. Cancun, South Padre, Mazatlan, Jamaica, South Beach FL Guaran- teed Best Prices 1-800-SURFS-UP. www.studentexpress.comn- STUCCHI'S-BEST ICE CREAM in A2 needs energetic, honest, hard working part tmier or full timers. Competitive wages & flexible scheduling. Apply at all locations. TYPIST PART-TIME, accurate, dependable, people-oriented. Call Pat 994- 5 15. UNDERGRAD STUDENT needed to work 10-15 flexible hours/week. Pleasant job for any major. $7.50/hour. Call Dr. Kirschner at 647-7722. UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE needs studs. to work at least 4 hr. shifts Mon.-Fri. Selecting, listing, packing lots of great books. Math skills, ability to lift and carry 70 lbs. w/o assistance. $7/hr. Call us at 936-2227 or e-mail recs@umich.edu WAITSTAFF needed immediately - Day Shift/Friday Nights (Big Night!) & weekends, Great Pay, Free Golf, 1/2 off meals & Banquet Gratuity. Exp. required & Micros knowledge a plus. The Links at Whit- more Lake Golf Club, Sara @ (313) 449- 5451. 10mini. from UofM. WANT TECHIE STUDENT to set up cor- pu ter network & support at Turner Senior esource Center. Working with older adults and teaching classes. 7 hrs./wk. Flexible hrs. Contact Carol at 764-2556. WANTED Student to provide administrative support & assist faculty who are learning to use technology. Must be familiar with Web authoring, MS Office, Mac OS & Win 95 as well as UM computing environment. 10-15 hours/week (flexible). Call 647-7406 for more information, or stop by the Faculty Exploratory in Room 206 Graduate Library (second floor) and pick up an application. WANTED: MATH TEACHER part-time afternoon & eve., Brighton, 810-2294844. WORK STUDY STUDENTS. Lawyers Club Dining is hiring for fall term. $7-$8 to start Catering opportunities. Meal benefits. Apply inprson or call 764-1115. 551 S. State St. (corner of State and S. University). WORK STUDY OFFICE assistants. Helpto process research grant proposals. Word- processing, filing, copying, addressingcam- pu s mail. Some Mac exp. Hrs. flex. $7.50/hr. Call JoAnne at 764-7230. WORK-STUDY STUDENTS: Looking for a variety of work experiences? Flexible hours. Computer skills (word processing, data entry) a plus. Will train. Positions avail- able in conference planning, publications, membership, and general office. Off-campus office. Own transportation necessary. Free Parking. Contact Heidi or Peg at: 998.7832 to schedule an interview. CHILD CARE FOR 3 young, very active kids. Mon. & Wed. 5:30-8PM & some wknd. hrs. NE A2, must have car. $8/hr. Call Cindy w/refs. 663-0191. CHILD CARE - Eleven year old. Own transportation helpful but not required. Sporadic evenings and weekend hours. $6.50 to start. Tolerance for birds, cats and large dog a must. 741-4874. CHILD CARE NEEDED FOR two boys ages 2 & 5. 15 hours/week. Flexible hours. 1 mile from campus. 761-1306. DAY CARE PROVIDER WANTED, weekends, 3:00-5:30 p.m. Two children, 10 & 13. Must have car. Call 994-0353. EARLY CHILDHOOD substitutes needed. Work according to your availability with young children in a fun environment. Call Pat at St. Paul's Early Childhood Center 668- 0887. MOTHER'S HELPER- Flexible schedule. 10-15 hrs. per week. Must have car. Call 944- 1700. NANNY IN A2 Full or part time. Can work w/ school sched. Pleasant 4 mo. old. Com- fortable house. Friendly dog. Nice parents. Great pay. Must have trans. English speaking please. 332-0192. NANNY NEEDED: Enthusiastic, loving, and experienced person to provide care in our home to two children ages 1 year and I month. Must be a non-smoker and be able to provide own transportation. Competitive salary. Hours Mon-Fri., 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. References required. Call eves. 313-426- 1950. PROFESSIONAL COUPLE seeking responsible student for child care, light cooking. 4pm-7pm M-F. Experience with in- fants and own transportation required. $8.50/ hr. 662-9491. SEEKING CARE for 7 yr. old on Old West Side. Own trans. a plus. 3:30-6:00. Refs. required. 668-1332. SITTER NEEDED for two children 5 1/2 and 14 months. Weekends and occasional weeknights. Good pay. 761-7291. SITTERS for 10 year old high func. boy w/ autism. Good pay. 426-8556. WED. MORNINGS and/or occasional eves. Start at $7/hr. Call Sally 975-9473. WEEKLY WOMEN'S GROUP seeks dependable, experienced child care. Own transportation please. Dana 741-8284. INSOMNIA Continued from Page g" g u gir Brimo said.- U U U U 16U i THE BEST REPAIR SHOP FOR YOU. Endorsed by idols & most makers. Herb David Guitar Studio. 302 E. Liberty. 665- 8001. What you want.. Baby we got it classifireds FWnnouncements Gross said her anxiety about the resumption of classes has led to a few sleepless nights. "Stress from the first week of school and getting adjusted to my classes contributes to my insomnia," Gross said. Worrying about getting enough sleep can lead to less sleep, creating a self-perpetuating cycle that is dif- ficult to interrupt, Aldrich said. The best way to prevent insomnia is ARE YOU INTERESTED in a career in Law? Come to the Undergraduate Law Club Mass Meetin. Wednesday, September 17 @7:00 p.m. Mich. Union Anderson Room D. AVID M FAN seeks to borrow videotape of last falls UCLA at M game for personal viewing. If you can help, lease call Roger collect-at (818) 362-9350 after Noon Sun. or 11 p.m. other days. INFORMATIONAL MEETING for those interested in becoming a U-M mens basket- ball manager. Thurs. Sept 18 @ 7pm at Cris- ler Arena. PARKING NEEDED on Central campus. Please call 769-0885. Alpha Kappa Psi The Professional Co-ed Business Fraternity Info. Rush Meeting Tuesday 5:30 B1279 Wednesday 5:30 B1270 Business Admin. Bldg. Free pizza & pOp! BRYAN MCLEUAN/DIly Business junior Pareen Shah, vice president of IASA, helped organize a letter-writ- Ing campaign to address alleged misrepresentation of Indian Americans on NBC. YES, HIRING NOW! tVC & av9e Paid training, talk on the telephone, never sell, get paid to do interviews for medical research [and morel, flexible scheduling, part-time or full-time. *Choose 10 to 40 hours per weekl *Set your LOW FARES WORLDWIDE Instant pur- own schedule and stick to it! *Choose to chase Eurail passes issued. Regency Travel work evenings and/or weekendsl*Consume 209S. State 665-6122. free coffee, tea or hot chocolate even as late as midnight! *Resume builder! *Eam $6---$9.50 prhour! *Wear whatever you want to work!*Eam $$$ in 1 days orless! Every "yes" directs you toward a telephone, research or interview position with DataStat, No sales, ever! Make your progressive step toward DataStat Come over and see us now, in Ann Arbor, at 3975 Research Park near Briarwood. CALL 994-4199. MICHIGAN FOOTBALL Tickets available. Call Ted 615-662-3769. NEED 6 TICKETS for Northwestern Game! Call Melissa ASAP at 248-661-1697. NEED NOTRE DAME TIX! 4 together or set of 2. Call Jon 769-9410. NEED ONE NOTRE DAME ticket. I will bring you great riches. 913-9387. L NBC Continued from Page :. on viewers' feelings. "I don't think that the skit was meant to be derogatory to anybody," Barnett said. "All of the comedy on Jay's show is meant to be comedy." , Barnett said the show's supervising producer, Patti Grant, is expected to respond to the 272 letters they received from University students. "She'll probably put together some sort of letter in response to the letters," Barnett said. Barnett said Leno probably won't make an on-air apology because he would then have to issue public apolo- gies to all groups he includes in his material. "He can't start that precedent, unfor- tunately," Barnett said. The letters addressed to "The Tonight Show" asked for an on-air apology dur- ing the show, as well as the production of a documentary intended to educate people about Gandhi and his life's con- tributions. "I know it's a big thing to ask, but hopefully something will come out of it," said IASA co-President Ruhul Shah, an LSA junior. "It's something that needs to be done in light of the Jay Leno show. ... I don't think it's too much to ask to give an apology on the show for a few seconds," he said. Pareen Shah, who earlier wrote an individual letter to Frank that was near- ly identical to the one signed by hun- rather receive individual comments from its viewers. "It was odd," Frank said. While Frank said that the way in which Indian Americans were por- trayed on the two episodes in question was insensitive, the intent was not to offend viewers. "I think we have to assume this was a one-time exception," Frank said. "Hopefully, the people will be more aware of the sensitivities." LSA sophomore Jigar Shah, the Asian-Pacific advocate for lASA, said he hopes the letter-writing campaign promotes racial awareness, more edu- cation and the breaking of racial stereo- types and barriers. "(Regarding) Indians in the media, there is no balance," Jigar Shah said. Jigar Shah also pointed to the fact that the episodes in question appeared at the same time India celebrated its 50- year independence from Great Britain, a time of acknowledging the country's positive events during the past 50 years. "They should have been celebrating the country itself, not the poverty," Jigar Shah said, referring to the NBC inci- dents and negative emphasizes of India in the media. An unnamed representative of the "Caroline in the City" show said the office had not yet received the letters directed to that show. Pareen Shah said members of the Indian American community have tra- ditionally not been vocal when faced with incidents such as this. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Roommates needed to share 5 bdrm. hse. near Business School. 662-0070. NOTRE DAME V. UM Football Tickets Wanted. Not in the student section. 1-800-901-8497. 1 CREATIVE and energetic 3-yr.-old gid needs P/T sitter Wed. and Fri. from 9-30- 5:30. Well paid.769-7245 Rita. 2 GREAT KIDS need afternoon babysitter on Mon. & Thurs. Call 662-4805. A WONDERFUL BABYSITTER Needed. Part-time. Flexible hrs. Walking distance to campus. 747-9493 or 668-2467. ABLE CHILD CARES5 & 9 year old boys. aforw2 n 9 f L..a,- r Itn L A..L wir i ROMANTIC GETAWAY- Cozy log cabins on lake. $54-79 ntly. Incl. hot tub, canoes & more. Traverse City. 616/276-9502. SINGLE FOOTBALL tix for sale. Great seats. Call Emily at 327-7902. SPRING BREAK Reps wanted for Acapul- co from $559. Quad Call Dan Regency Travel 665-6122. SPRING BREAK '98 - Sell Trips, Eam Cash & Go Free!!! STS is now hiring campus reps. Lowest rates to Jamaica, Mexico & Florida. Call 800-648-4849. SPRING BREAK! Free travel/highest commissions. Jamaica,dCancun, Bahamas, Barbados, Florida, Padre & More! Free