The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 - 3
MSU student
ckims police
MSU student is alleging police
misconduct following two traffic stops
Mn bampus, The State News reported.
The allegations have prompted an
internal investigation by MSU police,
Police Chief Bruce Benson said.
Tahneka Jones reported she was
asstulted by an MSU police officer
aftershe was pulled over in November
1996 Jones allegedly was struck on the
and back with a blunt object and
was banged into the police
ar. Jones sustained a fractured skull,
ntusions on her legs and back and her
hair was torn from her scalp.
MSU police claimed Jones assaulted
e officer at the traffic scene, report-
Sgthat Jones repeatedly punched the
fficer in her face.
Jones was convicted of resisting and
structing arrest in June for her role in
ovember incident. She was sen-
n last Wednesday to two years pro-
tion and 15 days in the Ingham County
'ail,.according to The State News.
Incoming U of
Texas class
shows small
m'inority gains
'hsority enrollment in the University
f Texas incoming class has changed lit-
I despite concerns about the effect of
he Hopwood decision, University of
eias officials said Monday.
The Daily Texan reported that offi-
fiaf enrollment reports released
onday show the freshman class has
1 I16 more students than the previous
lass; while the minority enrollment in
hlass has changed little.
is year's entering class was the first
o bq admitted without race as a factor in
dnissions. A 5th U.S. Circuit Court rul-
ngjn 1996 effectively banned affirma-
ive-iction in Texas public universities.
everal Jewish
tudents to sue
Yle University
leveral Yale University Orthodox
ewish students have decided to file
ut~gainst their school, charging that
ale's rule requiring first-year students
nd sophomores to live on campus vio-
ates the Jewish doctrine of modesty,
6wn as "Tznius," the Yale Daily
ewss reported.
'4e students are demanding the right
G ve off-campus in order to live in a
er consistent with their interpreta-
lonf Jewish law.
- University officials expressed inter-
st in finding a compromise, but vowed
s efend the on-campus rule, the News
Stadents involved in the case said
'ae s residence halls are not appropri-
te environments for their conservative
ivig habits.
nk loses
ition checks
A large number of Princeton
a rsity parents got some unexpect-
Ils when they received a letter
i :New Jersey-based PNC Bank
i g that the bank had lost their
ftionT checks earlier this month, The
>aily Princetonian reported.
bank misplaced 125 checks
otaling more than $1 million, said
ohn Yuncza, the University's associate
reasnrer, adding that the checks have
ot been recovered.
N.iC apologized for the error and
id'it already had credited the uni-
erity accounts of those students
'hose checks were lost and asked
parents to send replacement checks.
PNC acknowledged that the error was
"Ry the responsibility of PNC Bank
not the University' Yuncza said,
acording to The Daily Princetonian.
--Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Megan Exley.
MSA members support affirmative action rally
By Susan T. Port
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly voted last night
to support a rally for affirmative action today.
"We took a stand on what the assembly's position
is on affirmative action," said MSA Vice President
Olga Savic. "Basically, alot of students we represent
see this as a serious (affirmative action) problem."
The rally, organized and supported by various
campus groups, is slated for 1 p.m. on the Diag.
However, the resolution to support today's rally
was met with mixed reactions.
Campus Governance Committee Vice Chair
Mehul Madia said he is one of the few minority stu-
dents who does not believe in affirmative action.
"I think it's good in a sense that minority repre-
sentation is an issue that should be dealt with,"
said Madia, an LSA sophomore. "I personally feel
affirmative action is a bandage as to the bigger
problems this campus should deal with."
Madia said the rally will voice many student
concerns about affirmative action policies.
"The rally will be good at opening people's eyes
that we need more minority (representation),"
Madia said. "Affirmative action is the wrong way to
go about this."
Rackam Rep. Tamyra Rhodes-O' Neill said she
was happy that the resolution passed. But O'Neill
said she wished the affirmative action resolution
been put on the agenda last week to allow more
"Basically, last week there would have been
more time to be clear what MSA's opinion is on
affirmative action" O'Neill said. "I think it's great
the resolution passed, but now we can't find a per-
son to step forward and get involved on an issue
that will affect everyone on campus"
The rpAtin inrnA d d use statinc that
someone from the student assembly will officially
represent MSA at the rally. MSA did not choose a
representative at last night's meeting.
LSA Rep. Dan Serota said he thought it was
important that MSA support the rally as long as rally
participants remain non-violent. Serota said it is
important that students form their opinions now
since students will probably vote on an affirmative
action ballot question in November's MSA elections.
"I am wary only because of (the National
Women's Rights Organizing Coalition) because
the nature of their rallies in the past have tended
towards violence:' Serota said. "Since other large
campus groups are supporting the rally, I am sure
the rally will be a positive event for students."
Engineering Rep. Mark Dub said he did not
agree that MSA should back the rally.
"I think it's totally inappropriate for MSA to
sten forward and sav the unrt affirmtiv
action" Dub said. "Essentially, by passing this res-
olution, we are saying all students are for affirma-
tive action while some are against it."
The assembly discussed affirmative action, recent
allegations of racist comments at the Nectarine
Ballroom and a first draft of the assembly's budget.
Members postponed making a statement about the
alleged Nectarine incident until next week when they
plan to hear arguments from the individuals who
filed complaints against the establishment.
Next week, MSA also will hammer out its budget.
LSA senior Doug Yatter, chair of the Academic
Affairs commission said the meeting was fairly
efficient considering the complexity of the issues
assembly members debated.
"I think we should focus on getting out the bud-
get," Yatter said. "We should be able to deal with
students' requests and allow committee leaders to
da thei inh
ienuresojiu onnc~uue a
Uic baig tet tp llau iugy uey suppurt a11ILV rma ve r jo.
Fratermity reps offer students'
information about Greek life
By Peter RonetFriedman
For the Daily
Representatives from 35 fraternities
camped out on the Diag yesterday
afternoon in an attempt to draw
prospective members to the offerings
of Greek life.
Hundreds of students surveyed the
scene on the Diag, while fraternity
members did their best to familiarize
students with their respective fraterni-
"We want to inform prospective
rushees about our house and what we
pride ourselves on and the whole
Greek scene," Phi Delta Theta
President Andrew Lower said. "We're
answering questions and doing pretty
Many first-year students in atten-
dance seemed enthusiastic about the
event, as well as upcoming activities.
"I'm excited to meet a lot of great
people and go through the process"
said Engineering first-year student Jeff
Yost. "Hopefully, I'll join a great
But not all students walked away
with such enthusiasm for the Greek sys-
Joe Jugenow, an Engineering first-
Continued from Page £
"Hopefully, P11
join a great
h- Jeff Yost
Engineering first-year student
year student, expressed his ambiva-
lence concerning Greek life. "I'm a lit-
tle skeptical still," Jagenow said. "It
seems like a good idea, but I'm not
sure if I'll fit into the whole fraternity
Rushing a fraternity can be a time-
consuming process - at new student
orientation, leaders customarily tell
incoming students that rushing and
pledging is like taking another four-
credit course. Fraternity recruiters yes-
terday said the time commitment is
worth it.
Todd Michaels, an LSA junior,
said prospective fraternity members
should not be concerned about haz-
ing. Such activities, like the recent
incident at Louisiana State
University that left one pledge dead
from alcohol poisoning, are frowned
upon by individual fraternities and
the University's Greek system as-
"While we don't haze, there are cer-
tain steps prospective brothers have to
take that we feel encourage aTid
enhance the brotherhood which Alpha
Epsilon Pi symbolizes," Michaels said.
Rush week officially starts Sunday
with barbecues and open houses, giving
interested students a few more days to
contemplate whether or not Greek life
is for them.
LSA senior Andy Lemanski, a Pi
Kappa Phi member, said fraternity life
has something for everybody.
"We have close groups of guys,
philanthropic events and social
events," Lemanski said. "We try to
make college men better prepared to
go out into the world and be success-
Next week, all fraternities will have
open houses, where members can get to
know those students who are rushing.
At the rush week's end, the houses wit]
issue bids, or invitations, to join their
Subsequently, each student who
receives a bid will have about a week to
accept or decline bids.
Aikido master Akira Kushida teaches students a martial arts maneuver yes-
terday. Kushida teaches Alkido several days a week at the IM Building.
Aikido Club stresses
enj oment, discipline
student Samir Gupta said the abundance of donated cadavers
reflects the community's willingness to support the Medical
"It's an incredible gift, really," Gupta said. "There's no
other way to learn. It's fortunate that we still have a good
relationship with our community, which trusts us to make
good use of a tragedy."
The Medical School's Class of 2000, which enters its sec-
ond year this Fall, was the recipient of this year's honored
Some of the students gave back, too. As a part of the
memorial service, 16 Medical School students sang to
the mourners in recognition of their passed loved ones'
For many of the' second-year students, this was the first
time they were given a real glimpse into the personal lives of
their dissection subjects.
"We weren't aware of who gave us the gift. The system
is designed to keep them anonymous," Gupta said.
Some students said the cause of death is not made
known to the students before they make their first dissec
But Medical School second-year student Nelangi Pinot
was quick to clear up the confusion.
"Actually, we learned (the cadaver's) cause of death at the
beginning of the year, last year," she said. "But this puts
everything straight in our minds."
Ultimately, it is the public at-large that benefits from the'
"This research has saved millions of lives," Mueller:
Those 18 years and older may be eligible to pledge dona-:
tions of their cadavers to University Hospitals. For more:
information, call (313)764-4359 or e-mail Mueller at
By Sam Stavis
For the Daily
Many people envision furious
punches and leaping kicks when
they think of the martial arts.
Not so with Aikido.
"We do not fight or compete" said
Sensei Akira Kushida, head instruc-
tor of the University's Aikido Club.
"We strive for peaceful resolution."
The Aikido Club sponsors classes
in Yoshokai Aikido, one of four dis-
tinct branches of Aikido.
"The goal of the class is to teach
the traditional Japanese martial art,
Aikido" said third-degree black belt
instructor Karen Clark.
"Aikido is based on the fighting
arts of Japanese Samurai," Clark
said. "It grew to include philosophy,
ethics, (and) a code of honor."
Aikido uses smooth, flowing
motions to disable opponents with-
out actually striking them.
"One important aspect (of Aikido)
is to not try to be stronger than your
opponent," Clark said. "You use your
opponent's energy to your advantage."
The Aikido Club held its first
meetings last week, drawing interest
from the student body.
RC sophomore Aaron Gillum
went to his first Aikido class
"It's cool. I think it's different from
most IM sports here at Michigan,"
Gillum said. "I've always been inter-
ested (in martial arts) but I've never
taken a class before."
School of Music alumnus Al
Hearn, who has had two years of
Aikido training, also was impressed
with his first class.
"The sensei knows what he's doing.
He's a very good teacher" Hearn said.
Kushida, who holds a sixth-degree
black belt, is the second-highest
ranked Aikido instructor in the
United States. His father, Takashi
Kushida, holds the No. I ranking. He
founded the club in the early 1970s,
and now teaches in Detroit.
Fifth-degree black belt Larry Beck
is also an instructor in the program.
Hard work and discipline are parts
of any martial arts program, and
Aikido is no exception.
"It's a strenuous workout,"
Kushida said. "It's good for the mind
and good for the body."
"Aikido training takes a lot of
dedication," Clark said.
Kushida's students have varying
levels of experience, the highest
holding a brown belt. Most are with-
out any formal training.
"In our style, it takes about fouror
five years to become a black belt,"
Kushida said.
However, one does not need to be a
master to benefit fromAikido training.
"Rank is not stressed as much as
the enjoyment of each class,"
Kushida said.
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A The times for the following Latino/a Heritage Month events were incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily: The Bienvenida
lance will be held Friday, Sept. 26, from 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. The Grand Baile will be held Saturday, Oct. I1, from 9 p.m. to
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0American Movement for Israel, Mass SERVICES
meeting, 769-0500, Hillel, 1429 EVENTSC
Hill St. 7:30 p.m. CICampus Information Centers, 763.
Parsha andPi 769-0500, Hillel, Q "Evening with Career Author 'Martin INFO, info@umich.edu, and
'' 1429 Hill St., 6-7:15 Yale,'" sponsored by The www.umich.edu/'-info on the
DThe Black Student Union, Mass Engineering Career Resource World Wide Web
meeting, 332-0391, Trotter Center, Chrysler Center Northwaik, 763-WALK, Bursley
House, First floor Lounge, 7 p.m. Auditorium, 7 p.m. Lobby,8 plm- 1:300 Samio.
Q Undergraduate Law Cub, Maas U"Last Great Wiidemess Project: The OSafwaik, 936-000, S iro Library
meeting, 769-0500, Michigan Alaskan National Wildlife Lobby, 8-2:30.a.m.
Union, Anderson Room D, 7 p.m. Refuse," sponsored by U Psychology Peer Advising Office,
OVolunteers in Action, Mass meet- Environmental Action, Dana 647-3711, East Hall, Room 1346,
11 a.m.-4 p.m.
'CALENDAR POLICY: The calendar's purpose is to provide a place for organizations to announce free events open to the
'06'lversity community. However, we can only print announcements the day of the event. Announcements for events that
1geadmission will not be run.
l items for THE CALENDAR must be mailed or delivered to the Daily at least three days before publication. Events on
FAiily, Saturday or Sunday must be submitted by 5 p.m. Wednesday prior to the event. We can not accept requests over the
telephone, and we can not guarantee that an announcement turned in within three days of the event will be run.
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