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September 16, 1997 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-09-16

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 -

Mystery man
walks into 'U'
A man who claimed he does not
know who he was or where he came
ftom walked into University Hospitals
The mystery man, who carried no
identification, was admitted to the
Medical Center. He was wearing a
white shirt and white pants.
'the Department of Public Safety is
asking for help in identifying the white
estimated to be 45-55 years old,
w short brown hair and brown eyes.
DPS Capt. James Smiley said police
believe the man may have spent some
time in the Mountain time zone recent-
ly because his watch was set two hours
behind when he arrived at the hospital.
The man seemed to be in good health,
despite his memory lapse.
People who think they may be able to
helt identify the man should call DPS
a63-1131. A Web page has been set
up with the man's photo at
Two incidents of
home invasion in
past week,
Two separate breaking and entering
i dents occurred in the past week,
according to Ann Arbor Police
Department reports.
The first incident occurred in the
1199 block of East Ann Street. The sus-
peq pntered using a key and left with a
laptop computer and rings. AAPD has
no suspects.
The second home invasion occurred
in the 200 block of North State Street.
n the previous incident, the suspect
g'!! entry by key.
A 'computer was missing from the
State Street residence after the inci-
dent. The suspect is believed to be a
40-year-old male, approximately 5-
foot-11. AAPD reports state that the
suspect is an employee of Ann Arbor
Man arrested
f football game
A man with a misdemeanor warrant
out.of Wayne County Airport for his
airrest was found laying down on the
grass of Michigan Stadium on
Saturday afternoon, according to DPS
A -witness told DPS the man had
been down on the field from the middle
of the first quarter until the end of the
fotball game around 5 p.m. The sus-
{ resisted arrest but was taken into
custody without injury to the suspect or
the officer, DPS reports state.
Men leave
hospital, drive
ufder influence
"Five men who were intoxicated left
the emergency room of University
Wpitals early Sunday morning.
ey entered a black sports car after
tieing advised not to drive, DPS reports

$fter entering the vehicle, the driver
began heading toward Observatory
Steet, hospital security told police. DPS
offcers were unable to locate the car.
vehicle found
PS officers stopped and ques-
tioned five teen-age males early
Sunday morning after the suspects
were found tampering with an unat-
tended University vehicle, according
to IPS reports.
The vehicle, which was parked in
the Church Street parking garage,
was found to be damaged. All of the
suspects were questioned and
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Alice Robinson.

Latino/a celebration begins on campus

By Christine M. Paik
Daily Staff Reporter
Latino/a campus groups joined national organi-
zations yesterday to begin a month-long celebra-
tion of their culture.
Katalin Berdy, the Latino/a coordinator at
Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs, said the events
planned for the Latino/a Heritage Month will
hopefully bring the students, the community and
the nation together to share their pride.
"The purpose of Latino/a Heritage Month,
which is a national event, is to celebrate historical
contributions of Latino/as," Berdy said. "It pro-
vides a form of exchange for the University and
the community. Almost all universities have some-
thing going on to participate in the festival."
While there are no official events scheduled
until Sept. 21, other than a handful of mass meet-
ings for different student organizations, a variety
of celebrations will lake place throughout the
month until Oct. 15.
"We have a welcome picnic, a dance, different
speakers, and lots of entertainment planned,"
Berdy said. "Everyone is invited to come and
share. Our events are very mixed, and it's really a

"We want to educate
and enlighten all
- Jasmeen Khilji
Alianza communications chair
chance for a multi-cultural exchange"
A welcome picnic at Palmer Field will kick off
the festivities Friday. From 1 to 4 p.m., students
can talk with prominent campus and community
Latino/a leaders, as well as enjoy games and enter-
Other events throughout the month include the
Bienvenida Dance, various dance performances by
professionals in the Latino/a community, guest
speakers, Latino/a film screenings, and much
With this year's theme of "unity in community,"
students of all ethnic backgrounds are encouraged
to learn and become aware of Latino/a culture, as
well as the culture of other groups.

"I hope that people see that we are here on cam-
pus;" said Jasmeen Khilji, communications chair at
Alianza, one of the campus' largest Latino/a student
groups. "We want to educate and enlighten all stu-
LSA senior Alexander Martinez, a member of
Sigma Lambda Beta, a Latino fraternity at the
University, said he has been an active participant in
different Latino/a organizations for most of his
college career.
"I think that this year's Heritage Month can be
very successful and even better than those in the
past years," Martinez said. "As a member of this
year's task force, I'm trying to get more people and
more events. I want people to get a better under-
standing of different cultures."
Khilji feels that it is important for all members
of the community to learn about Latino/a culture.
"Latino/a Heritage Month is a conglomerate
event, Khilji said. "It's a chance for all organiza-
tions to come together to participate in and cele-
brate our culture. At the same time, we also want
to create a sense of unity on campus among the
Latino/a students and to promote and celebrate our
common heritage:"

Latinoa Heritage
Month Celebrations
8 Welcome Latino/a Picnic
Sunday, Sept. 21
Palmer Field, 1 - 4 p.m.
Bienvenida Dance
SFriday, Sept. 26
U-Club at the Michigan Union,
9 a.m. 1:230 p.m.

- ' En La Brega" (dance performance)
Sunday, Sept. 28
. Betty Pease Studio Theatre. 7 p.m.
"Follow Me Home" (film)
Thursday, Oct. 2
Michigan Theatre, 6:30 p.m.
a Grand Baile
Saturday, Oct. 11
Ballroom at the Michigan League,
9 a.m.-1 p.m.

La m offers servce
for students
By Diba Rab
For the Daily
School of Public Health students yesterday took
advantage of the school's first big event this semes-
ter - the fourth annual Community Service
Learning Day.
The affair, which is held in honor of the first
African-American professor to be tenured at the
University, encourages students to experience first-
hand public health issues.
"it is important for a school to make it visible
that so much of what we do is at the community
level," School of Public Health Dean Noreen Clark
Starting in 1994, the school has held the fair in
commemoration of Dr. Albert Wheeler, a graduate
of the School of Public Health.
State Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Twp.),
Dr. Wheeler's daughter, delivered the opening
remarks at yesterday's fair.
"This really is what my dad taught us, that we
should be involved in social, environmental and eco-
nomical issues," Smith said. "This program shows
that the University understands that public health is
concerned with more than just diseases"
Smith, a University alumnae, said the Learning
Fair is a "two-way street" between students and the
More than 45 community-based organizations
from all across southeastern Michigan were at the
Many students and faculty browsed the dozens of
brochures at the organizations' booths on the third
floor of the School of Public Health building.
Several students said that the fair gave them an
excellent opportunity to meet with organizations
that aren't usually publicized.

Judge may

not retry

A University hospital representative outlines volunteering options for Public Health graduate students
Sarah Forquer and Anand Parekh.

DETROIT (AP) - The judge who
heard the first trial of two police offi-
cers accused of beating Malice Green
to death is scheduled to decide today
whether he will preside at the retrial of
officer Walter Budzyn.
Budzyn and his partner Larry Nevers
were convicted of second-degree mur-
der in the Nov. 5, 1992, fatal beating of
Green outside a, suspected crack house.
Green died of flashlight blows to the
The hearing by Recorder's Court
Judge George Crockett is the first step
in Budzyn's retrial. In August, Crockett
said he was not confident he couldbe
fair in a new trial.
"Even if I were confident that I could
be fair, how would it look to the person
charged to have the same judge sitting
in control over the case doing it all ofver
again?" Crockett asked. "I think I
would be a little concerned if I were the
defendant. Anyone would."
If Crockett withdraws from the case,
the chief judge of Recorder's Court will
pick a new judge to handle the case.
Even if Crockett stays, any jury
seated for a second trial could look
different than the first. A second trial
would occur after Recorder's and
Wayne County Circuit courts merged,
and it is unlikely a jury drawn from:all
of Wayne County would be mostly
The jurors decided the officers beat
Green with flashlights as he sat in a car
outside a suspected crack house in
Detroit. A confrontation between
Green and police developed when he
refused to show officers what he was
holding in his hand.

"I'm trying to find something to do that will be
mutually beneficial. This is a good way to see
what's available," Public Health first-year student
Jennifer Cardani said.
A diverse array of public health-based and envi-
ronmentally concerned organizations were repre-
sented, including the Community Family Health
Center, Joy of Jesus and Ozone House.
The theme that resonated from various groups
was a focus on bettering society by providing ser-
vices to needy individuals.
For example, the Michigan Neighborhood
Partnership brings different organizations together
and assists in housing, job training, health and youth
and family initiatives.
"I find the fair to be useful. We get a large partic-
ipation of U of M students," said Carol Thompson,
operations coordinator at Michigan Neighborhood

Lisa Ziske, community development director for
the American Cancer Society, said she came back
this year because the fair attracts good student vol-
"We're nationally known so a lot of students come
to us:' Ziske said. "One great volunteer from last
year came from here."
Not only do the organizations get a chance to
recruit students, but they also get a chance to meet
with other organizations that have similar goals,
Beyer Hospital representative Linda Carter said.
The Learning Fair began with a kick-off program
in which Community-Academic Liaison
Coordinator Renee Bayer welcomed the faculty and
thanked participating organizations.
At the end of the kick-off program, Smith was
presented with an award to thank her for her service
and for being a role model and inspiration to every-

Continued from Page 1
"We have not changed our service
standards at all," said Dan Clark, an
owner of the store. "We still offer every-
thing we've offered before. We just can't
control the add-on cost of the copyright."
MDS, a 20-year-old Ann Arbor busi-
ness, purchased new copiers and
increased its staff scheduling to handle
this semester's coursepack demand, but
students still found the wait difficult.
Ben Shaw, a second-year School of
Public Health graduate student, said he
did not appreciate the new system but
was happy to save money by doing the
copying himself.
"It's just a lot more of a hassle," Shaw
said. "It was never really too much fun
but now it's even worst. I guess we save
a little money here so it's a plus"
LSA senior Rebecca Anderer blamed
publishing companies for the two trips
she made to MDS before obtaining her
"I'm already behind for the readings in

this class,' Anderer said. "If your profes-
sor tells you that you need these articles
for class and for the publisher to stand in
the way - I think that's ridiculous. I'm
sure they make enough money."
Despite the inconvenience to stu-
dents, Lowenstein said the store's new
policies meet federal guidelines.
"It's a question of who's doing what,"
Lowenstein said. "Since Michigan
Document Service is not copying the
material, it is not in violation of any
copyright law."
Next semester, Smith said he hopes to
add counter space, more copiers and
wants to work with professors and stu-
dents on scheduling.
"As far as we are concerned, it was a
disaster," Smith said. "What we're
going to try to do (winter term) is have
students come back once a month for
parts of the coursepack so that lines
will be shorter."
Smith said that he is dissatisfied with
the court's ruling and hopes to organize
a University boycott against 12 of the
largest publishing companies he calls
"the dirty dozen"

* Law and Order won the award for Best Drama series in the Oscar Awards on Sunday night. This was incorrectly reported
in yesterday's Daily.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today

T-3Cotlege Democrats, Mass meeting,
747-8482, Michigan Union,
Pendelton Room, 7 p.m.
n PAncor-neum M.num AQnr nn

U Students Honoring Outstanding
University Teaching, 769-0500,
Hillel, 1429 Hill St.,7 p.m.
0 University Aikido, 668-0464,
Intramural Sports Building,
Wrestling Room. 5-6 o.m.

Repertory Troupe Auditions,"
sponsored by Hillel, West Quad,
Wedge Room, 7-9 p.m.

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