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September 16, 1997
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Chris Metinko
y Staff Reporter
The Senate Advisory Committee
niversity Affairs announced yesterday that
* xplore the idea of placing both a Univers
tudent and faculty member on the Board
At yesterday's meeting of the faculty's g<
rning board, SACUA member Bunyan Bry
*ntroduced the possibility of getting student a
acuity members.
"I've been thinking about this for a ko
ime" said Bryant, an associate professor of n
rl resources. "It's something that should
oed into. Faculty and students can
*n ved in building a community of shared g
SACUA approved a motion in the meeti
o hold a teleconference with officials at 1
niversity of California at next week's me
tills two
diet drugs
Popular fen-phen could
cause heart damage for
millions of patients
ASHINGTON (AP) -Two of the
nation's most popular diet drugs were
pulled off the market yesterday after
the government uncovered disturbing
new evidence that they could seriously
damage patients' hearts.
The Food and Drug Administration
urged millions of dieters to immediate-
ly stop taking Redux, also known as
dexfenfluramine, and Pondimin, also
known as fenfluramine.
Sndimin is one-half of the wildly
p lar fen-phen diet combination; the
other half, phentermine, appears safe
when used by itself, the FDA said.
But doctors said phentermine, the
sole remaining prescription diet drug,
has only mixed results - and they pre-
dicted a surge of patients distraught
both at the possibility their hearts were
damaged and at losing their treatments.
"We are anticipating lots of very des-
p e patients that need help, said Dr.
Jo Foreyt, an obesity expert at Baylor
College of Medicine.
"Obesity does kill," said Dr. Richard
Atkinson of the American Obesity
Association, who said many Redux and
Pondimin users will regain their weight.
The FDA asked Wyeth-Ayerst
Laboratories, which sells Redux here
and whose parent company makes
Pondimin, to withdraw the drugs
See FDA, Page 7
fice long
By Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud
For the Daily
Computer users all across campus
recently have been faced with blank
screens as they attempt to login to the
University's e-mail server.
t's been incredibly slow, said
ool of Natural Resources first-year5
student Noah Levin.
Just a few days ago, many students
who logged into their Informational
Technology Division accounts found B
long delays in opening their e-mail D
inboxes or folders.
Sending and saving commands was es
also delayed for some users. The prob- D
lems led to some student discontent, to
4 the grumblings have been quieted
by recent improvements in server per- ye
formance. pa
The slowdown in e-mail and other ot
server services has arisen not out of w
any specific system failures but
rather from a whole slew of prob- 6t
lems, said Cheryl Munn-Fremon, act- th
in Aire-nor nf nneratios n Airpe.. i
discusses additional regents
ing. The University of California already has
speaking members of the student body and
faculty on their Board of Regents. SACUA
members said they want to discuss the
potential benefits and drawbacks of that sit-
"I think that is something we need to talk
about," said Carol Loveland-Cherry,
SACUA vice-chair. "I think it requires a lot
of exploration. We're not clear what the ben-
efits are."
Both students and faculty members said they
can definitely see the advantages of having rep-
resentation on the board.
"To have a student representative with a voice
would be (great for) the student body, Rackham
student Doug Noe said.'
Matt Phillips, an Engineering junior, agreed
with the idea but also offered a potential draw-
"one of the real
benefit is to
establish a dialogue"
- Carol Loveland-Cherry
SACUA vice chair
"Obviously, the benefit is that the students'
view is from the student body's perspective,"
but, Phillips warned that, "if you get the wrong
person, it could be a wasted spot.".
Bryant said that "faculty and students could
be an integral part of the discussion," and could
offer additional insight.
"It seems to me that student life and student
culture is very different from faculty's lives and
the administration's," Bryant said.
"Same with the faculty. Faculty members
have certain interests, and I think we have a
perspective that I think could be very help-
Daniel Fisher, a professor of geological
sciences, also said he believed there are ben-
"I think there's a possibilty it could provide an
additional point of view," Fisher said.
However, Fisher also said he hopes that the
regents are already getting that point of view
through different avenues to before making their
Bryant said he believes the members could be
an extremely valuable resource to the regents in
making the University stronger.
"We could come together, build a community
that would enhance the power of the Board of
Regents," Bryant said.
Bryant also suggested that the Senate
Assembly should open its committees to regents.
SACUA Chair Louis D'Alecy, a professor of
physiology, said that University President Lee
Bollinger has the power to let people sit at the
table during regents' meetings. However, a seat
on the board does not give individuals the right
to vote or participate in "gentle discussion;"
D'Alecy said.
Bryant said he supports the idea of at least
having speaking members, if not voting mem-
bers, on the board.
SACUA has been trying to develop a better
and more vocal relationship with the administra-
tion, members said.
"One of the real benefits is to establish a dia-
logue," said Loveland-Cherry, a Nursing School
associate professor.
SACUA plans to discuss its ideas with
Bollinger during next week's meeting.
Bill proposed
to eliminate
action hirin
By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
As the debate over affirmative action policies in Michigan
continues, state Rep. Michelle McManus (R-Lake Leelanau)
has proposed a bill that would revamp affirmative action
policies in hiring, firing and promotions.
House Bill 4457 would require that all changes in state hiring
policies be approved by Michigan's Civil Rights Commission.
"Under the bill, if a university or other state employer has a
LISA senior Amy Elforman leads a campaign during Festifall to hire University alumnus James Earl Jones to record the "CRISP lady" voice. The
group hopes to collect 5,000 student signatures and then contact Jones and talk with the University administration.
Stuents 'petition to hr
Jams fEarlCllJon6es faor CRISP
voluntary affirmative action poli-
cy, it would need to be approved by
the commission," said Jim Murray,
McManus's legislative aide.
"Some of the plans are so old that
they do not meet current standards
set by the courts."
The bill is one of many being
proposed by McManus that attempt
to abolish affirmative action and
minority preferences in Michigan.
Most of her bills were referred to
the Constitutional and Civil Rights
committee, which is chaired by
Rep. Ed Vaughn (D-Detroit).
"She has introduced many bills
that are anti-human family'"Vaughn
said. "We will just have to see if
action at the
u OfM
By Lee Palmer
For the Daily
"Luke, I am your father."
"If this is not correct, please press I now."
A petition already signed by more than
800 students is currently circulating on cam-
pus requesting that University alumnus
James Earl Jones become the official voice
of the University's CRISP (Computer
Registration Involving Student Participation)
With two Tony Awards, two Emmys and
an Oscar nomination for Best Actor, Jones is
still probably best known to younger audi-
ences as the powerful and haunting voice of
Darth Vader.
Now, instead of clearing up the mystery
behind Luke Skywalker's family tree, if stu-
dents organizing the petition get their way,
Jones's distinct voice may inform students
that Political Science I11 is closed.
"Everyone who is enrolled at the
University has to CRISP, and we thought,
since we're such a big school, we shouldn't
have an anonymous person's voice as our
phone registration person, said LSA junior
Jeremy Elman, who is one of 11 founding
members of the James Earl Jones (JEJ) For
CRISP Lady Task Force.
After collecting the bulk of its signatures
at Festifall and receiving approval from the
Michigan Student Assembly, the group is
optimistic about its mission.
"If students really want it, and as long as
JEJ is willing and the University is willing,
I believe that it can really happen," said RC
senior Shari Strauss, who said she got
involved because the current voice of
CRISP is "all right, but it's not James Earl
If Jones were to record his voice for
CRISP, it would not be the first time he has
gone out of his way for his alma mater. In
1994, he returned to campus to present
University ROTC awards and to be the first
inductee of the ROTC Wolverine Battalion's
newly established Hall of Fame. He has also
come to speak and has held a book signing
for his autobiography, "Voices and
Jones also has recorded a Campus Day
video for prospective first-year students,
taught a one-time, two-hour master class for
School of Music students, and worked as co-
chair of the William and Clairbel Halstead
Scholarship Endowment.
See JONES, Page 7
those bills will be brought up for a hearing."
It is the decision of the chair whether or not a bill receives
a committee hearing. Vaughn said he is against the bills and
thinks affirmative action programs need to be stronger in the
state. If a bill is denied a hearing, the sponsor can bring the
bill to a vote on the House floor.
"I am a strong supporter of affirmative action," Vaughn
said. "Affirmative action is too little, too late."
Under the bill, affirmative action programs would have to
be examined by the commission every five years.
Rep. David Jaye (R-Macomb), a co-sponsor of the bill,
said McManus's bill is a step in the right direction.
"Her bill keeps out the affirmative action thieves for five
years" Jaye said. "Putting a time limit on minority preferences
is a good start."
Jaye, who has long been an advocate of eliminating affir-
mative action, previously proposed unsuccessful legislation
in the state House that would completely terminate any affir-
mative action initiatives.
See MCMANUS, Page 5
MDS avoids royalties
through self-serve copies
,y Ericka M. Smith
aily Staff Reporter
The hustle and bustle of the first weeks of class-
got even busier this semester at Michigan
ocument Service, as frustrated students lined up
copy their own coursepacks.
The longer hours of waiting are a result of a five-
ar lawsuit against MDS by several publishing com-
nies "because they were making a profit off of
her people's work; said attorney Joan Lowenstein,
ho specializes in communications law.
A new interpretation -of the law by the federal
h Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati allows
e royalty-free copying of materials by individu-
s nui ngthem for eduetional or research nur-
copies their professors left with the store.
So, students have to wait twice for their
coursepacks this year: once to request the master
copy, and again until their name is called to use a
copier. Some larger coursepacks are copied by stu-
dents from a computer operated machine instead
of a manual copier.
MDS owner Jim Smith said the company still
provides some coursepacks at royalty rates but
said he would rather keep the prices down.
"They're wrong in what they're doing and it's
harmful," Smith said. "We are not charging royal-
ties (on materials copied by students). The royal-
ties make it cost three times what it would:'
The court ruling has not changed business for
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