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September 11, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-09-11

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September U, 1997

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%cene fil of4
color, flair
By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff ReporterP
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - Behind the
ghtly lit, towering stage where the 1997 Miss;
xmerica crown will be awarded Saturday, the
51 contestants looked like regular college stu-
dents yesterday afternoon when they posed in
jeans and matching T-shirts for a group photo.
In the back row stood University studentT
Kimberly Stec - an Engineering senior and
the bearer of the Miss Michigan crown - look--
ing confident and relaxed.
With the two largest portions of the competi-~
tion under her belt, Stec said she felt "really
"My emotions have run the gamut so far," Stec
said. "Some things are super exciting ... but I
know if I don't make it into the top 10, it's over"
Stec participated in the personal interview
portion Monday, when a panel of seven judges
focused on managed health care while ques-
tioning her on her "healthy lifestyles" platform
the cause she will focus on if she receives
the Miss America crown.
"My gut feeling was that it went really well,"
Stec said.
4 Her confidence stayed with her duringt
Tuesday night's talent competition, where she
performed a jazz routine to Whitney Houston's
"Step by Step."
During the current preliminary rounds, a pre-°
liminary winner is picked from both the swim-
suit and talent competitions.
Miss New Jersey Kathy Nejat won swimsuit
honors in the first night of the pageant compe-
tition. Miss Illinois Katherine Shindle won
Tuesday's preliminary talent competition.
Miss Hawaii Erika Kauffman won last
1ight's preliminary swimsuit competition. Miss
Florida Christy Neuman was awarded honors
for her rhythmic gymnastic dance to a medley
from the movie "Robin Hood."
During last night's evening gown competi-
tion, Stec's friendly smile stood out as she
walked confidently across the stage in her full- BOHOAN DAMIAN CAP/Daily
length, watermelon chiffon gown. Kimberly Stec, an Engineering senior, is spending the week in Atlantic City with 50 other contestants competing
See MISS AMERICA, Page 8A in the Miss America pageant.
Dutging Miss Ameica recounts eXperiences

to focus on
arts, culture

By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
Unlike past University presidents,
Lee Bollinger said he does not plan to
announce a major policy initiative at
his inauguration later this month.
Instead, he'll continue to focus on a
theme he has stressed since the begin-
ning of his term - the arts and the
More than $200,000 has been bud-
geted for the day-long event, which is
scheduled for Sept. 19.
"I've been thinking of possibly
announcing a small thing like a prize
for students in the arts," Bollinger said.
Although it would seem fitting that
Bollinger would weave the words of
poet Robert Frost into his inauguration
speech, Bollinger said he instead plans
to mention another of his favorite
authors - University alum and play-
wright Arthur Miller.
Frost's poem "Spring Pools" was the
focus of Bollinger's acceptance speech
in January. But in his inaugural
address, Bollinger will quote from
Miller's autobiography.
"Arthur Miller came here, walked
these streets,' Bollinger said, adding
that Miller's type of creativity should
be encouraged among University stu-
dents. Miller's works include "Death
of a Salesman" and "The Crucible."
"He came here because of the

Hopwood Awards. I was thinking of
starting an award like that for art."
At former University President
James Duderstadt's inauguration in
1988, Duderstadt announced plans for
the Michigan Mandate and the
Michigan Agenda for Women.
While Bollinger said the chances
are "slight" that any major policy ini-
tiative will be announced, some
University officials said they believe
that Bollinger is considering the possi-
Joel Seguine, project coordinator for
the Office of University Relations,
said Bollinger is currently contemplat-
ing what to announce.
"I know he wants to announce
something. He's trying to decide
between two or three policy initia-
tives," Seguine said. "He does plan to
make some announcement, but I'm not
sure what it is. I'm not sure that if at
this moment he knows what it is."
Although festivities for the inaugu-
ration do not start for another week
and a half, the University has been
planning the event since February.
The events, which begin with a 5K
run at 7 a.m., has been designed to
incorporate all aspects of the
"President Bollinger has been clear
right from the beginning that this was

Websites raise
plAagianism issues

By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - As she passes on the
crown Saturday night, this year's Miss America
Tara Holland will make a louder exit than any .of
her predecessors.
Holland will be the first Miss America to sing
the famous Miss America theme song - previ-
4isly sang by men such as Burt Parks - as the
new winner is crowned.
"We think it is something we should have done
a long time ago," said Steve Steurer, pageant
spokesperson. "We were scratching our heads try-
ing to think of a way to honor her and we came up.
with this."
Giving up the crown will be difficult, Holland'
said, but she has a wealth of accomplishments to
look back on.
Over the past year, Holland traveled nearly
95,000 miles while promoting literacy across the
nation. Working on her platform, "Literacy in

America: The Power of One," has given her the
opportunity to work with everyone from President
Clinton to illiterate women in correctional facili-
"It has been an honor for me because I do feel
strongly about my platform," Holland said.
During the past year, Holland earned $80,000
in scholarship money.
The Kansas native also has taken the time to
speak with all 51 of this year's Miss America
Pageant contestants.
In preparing them for. the possibility of holding
the crown, she advised them to remain humble
and be conscious that they are role models for
other young women across the country.
"People are just normal people," Holland said.
"You can't let yourself become enamored by the
press or people like the President."
Kimberly Stec - an Engineering senior and
this year's Miss Michigan - had lunch with
Holland when she was visiting Detroit.

. "When I sat down with her, I realized that she
was a normal person just like me," Stec said.
Meeting Holland made her realize that she too
could be capable of winning the Miss America
crown, Stec said.
Starting next week, Holland plans to sing and
speak in arenas and churches, as well as resume
sleeping regularly.
What she will miss most, Holland said, is the
ability to go into a city and have people listen to
what she says just because she has the national title
of Miss America.
"The crown stands for accomplishment and,
because of that, people look at you as a role
model," Holland said.
Holland's mother, Diane, said she is proud of
her daughter's accomplishments over the past
"Sometimes it's hard to realize that it's our
daughter," the elder Holland said. "It's nice to see
the growth that has taken place."

By Megan Exley
Daily Staff Reporter
Writer's block.
It's a problem nearly all college
students face in their paper-writing
career - the agony of staring at a
blank computer screen at 3 a.m.,
praying that some monumental idea
will materialize before the morning
For some University stu-
dents, a solution may rest at
their finger tips.
The Web increasingly
offers access to pre-written
term papers on almost any
subject imaginable.
The Internet provides


The existence of such paper distribu-
tion companies raises questions about
how these documents impact plagia-
rism on campus.
English and religious studies Prof.
Ralph Williams emphasized that
with the "large plethora" and easy
accessibility of term paper writing
services in the marketplace, the true
conventions of learning
are at stake.
"I'm deeply committed
>> to the notion that we deal
with (plagiarism) as a
learning group, not just as
individual cases," Williams
said. "The damage that is
done is not just to that stu-
dent, but to the whole University com-
Andrew, a Paper Store representa-
tive who requested that his last name,
not be published, emphasized that the
papers distributed are merely "study
aids" for students to use as refer-
See PAPER, Page 3

Web pages and addresses for dozens of
term paper writing services. One com-
pany guarantees that "virtually any size
research document can be prepared and
sent within 48 hours or less"
However, the papers aren't cheap. At
"The Paper Store," most custom-made
papers are $9.85 per page, with more
in-depth subjects at $15.95 per page.

U.S., Israeli differences stark
during current Abright visit

Post office's
planned move
irks merchants

I.Albright says Arafat must do more
to curb terrorism; US and Israeli
differences grow
The Washington Post
JERUSALEM - The wide differences between the
Clinton administration and the Israeli government over
how to salvage the tattered Israeli-Palestinian peace
ess were on display yesterday, laid bare by Secretary
tate Madeleine Albright and Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu at a joint news conference. Netanyahu said an
all-out commitment by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to
put an end to terrorism must precede any further steps by
Israel to implement the 1993 Oslo peace accords.
Albright said she agrees that terrorism must stop and
that Arafat has not done enough on that count, but said
Israel must do its part through economic and political
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this peace turns fundamentally on a political process
which meets, through a genuine process of give and take,
the needs of both sides. Clearly, Israel also has a respon-
sibility to shape an environment that will give that
process a chance to succeed."
Asked if he was prepared to respond favorably to
Albright by going ahead with further troop withdrawals
from the occupied West Bank or other gestures,
Netanyahu replied: "We can talk, and you can ask me
more questions of this nature, and they'll be largely irrel-
evant if we don't stop terrorism."
U.S. and Israeli officials said the public remarks by
Albright and Netanyahu largely reflected the positions
they took in their private meeting yesterday: Netanyahu
stressed the campaign against terrorism as the essential
precedent for all other steps, and Albright said the strug-
gle against terrorism can succeed only if the Palestinians
are convinced there is something in it for them.
Th t.- nae A .ar - nv i the rnrpnt va.P of te

Peter Meyers
Daily Staff Reporter
The post office in Nickels Arcade is on its way
out, but not without raising eyebrows and concern
among neighboring merchants.
Earlier this summer, local post office officials
announced that the post office would not renew its
lease, and would instead move to South University
Avenue in late winter. State Street Association
members have now launched an effort to keep the
post office where it is.
"I think it's terrible that it's leaving," said asso-
ciation member Rhonda Gilpin, owner of Caravan
Gift Shop in the Arcade. "I think it's going to be
Many merchants said the post office is a magnet
for nedestrians. especially students. When it

! .I

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