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December 08, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-12-08

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One hundred seven years of editorlreedomn

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December 8, 1997

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Subtle, confident moves mark Bollinger's reign

By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
Perhaps it is difficult to judge a University
president who hopes to leave his mark with
intangible achievements. Lee Bollinger
sped into the presidency 10 months ago
ing to build confidence in the University's
commitment to academic excellence.
To reaffirm the University's faith, he began
a chain of small but incremental actions that
he hopes will direct the school toward satis-
fying this academic thirst.
"People are hungry for some kind of insti-
tutional identity that corresponds with their
sense that this is a serious intellectual and
artistic place;' Bollinger said. "My sense is
t this has been lacking. There has been a
m of business mentality around."
His success at the University may never be
precisely tallied. Buildings and monuments
still stand to tell of past administrations.
Improvements in budget and fundraising are

literally tested by dollars and cents. The lega-
cy of former University President James
Duderstadt lives in a decade of physical cam-
pus growth. But knowledge and inspiration
cannot be drawn on a map or preserved and
acknowledged by a plaque.
School of Business Administration Dean
B. Joseph White said he sees a significant
difference in emphasis between Bollinger
and Duderstadt.
"Jim was very focused on building the
campus," White said. "In contrast, I think
Lee is really emphasizing intellectual excel-
lence. Lee has the luxury and opportunity to
focus on intellectual values."
Bollinger's moves are symbolic. His inten-
tions are thought-out. And his conceptions are
released publicly during their planning stages.
During his first major public address as
president, Bollinger spoke of moving the
administrative offices out of the barracks-like
Fleming Administration Building in an effort

News Analysis
to physically unite the administration and com-
munity. Details of a move have not been drawn
out. When asked about his intention to move,
Bollinger simply shrugs and says it's an idea.
Recently, he announced plans to construct
a theater in honor of playwright and alumnus
Arthur Miller, an attempt to capture and
embrace a piece of University history. The
proposal was given to the press before
Bollinger even spoke to Miller.
These two plans were released to the public
when they were just that - plans. These are
ideas that may take years to come to fruition.
These are Bollinger's visions, which once
shared will set the pace for academic growth.
He knows the power of symbols, the
importance of appearance and the strength of
high-powered appointments.
Each of Bollinger's appointments are

emblematic of the ideals he values - open-
ness, knowledge and diversity
To take the reigns of the ailing A thi'tic
Department, Bollinger chose Toim ioss as
the department's director - a no-nonsens,
man who says he does not accept excuses.
Goss serves as the University's first black
athletic director and Nancy Cantor is the first
woman provost.
Immediately, Bollinger claimed he was cre-
ating an administration based on openness and
the individual. By teaching a class and attend-
ing sporting events and concerts with students,
Bollinger took steps to tear down the barriers
between students and the administration.
He breaks down the formality of the pres-
idency. Following the Michigan football vic-
tory over Penn State, Bollinger welcomed
more than 1,500 students into his home, say-
ing, "Stay here as long as you want. This iss s i r Past
your house." Lee Bollinger is inaugurated as the 12th University president
See BOLLINGER, Page 2A at a ceremony September 19.


,at reception
By Joshua Rosenblatt
Far the Daily
The young women of Martha Cook residence
hall became the center of attention yesterday
evening as they served as escorts for some of the
University's top administrators, faculty and staff.
Violin music and perfume filled the air during
the 52nd annual Messiah Dinner. The dinner,
which followed the performance of Handel's
S"Messiah" in Hill Auditorium, is one of the more
Wunique Martha Cook traditions.
In the mid-1940's, then-director of the University
Musical Society invited soloists in "Messiah" to
have dinner at their house. That same night, the
director of Martha Cook called and invited the UMS
director to have dinner at Martha Cook.
The solution? "Bring them to Martha Cook with
you," Cook's director, Leona Diekema, said at the
The event yesterday, however, was far from
spontaneous. "We started planning in October;'
said Holly Moulton, chair of the Cook Messiah
committee. Since then, the residents have been
busy sending invitations, arranging a menu and
completing all of the other details needed to pull
off a successful event.s
"It's wonde s'id Vice President for Student
Affairs Maureen Hartford.i"udon't normally see
this kind of formality in residence halls. It's nice."
As the guests entered the front hall, they were
introduced to their esort for the evening, a Martha
Cook resident. Esoats provided their guests with a
name-tag and shadowed them for the evening.
"A lot of the guests actually show the girls
around," Moulton said. "Most (of the guests) have
been coming for years and they know each other."
Last night's escorts said their guests made the
event a special one. "It'll be nice to meet people
from higher up "said LSA first-year student
Maicie Jones. Among the invited guests were for-
mer Universi Presidents James Duderstadt and
Robben Fleming.
Others said last night's formal tone set the dinner
Sapart from typical University events.

Bv tickets
available a

By Mike Spahn
Daily Staff Reporter
In an attempt to calm;
fear long lines when t
their Rose Howl tickets
officials have extendedt
od when the ticket wit
The nearly 6,000 stu
ty, and staff who purcl
through the University
their tickets at 8 a.m.
one day earlier
Tickets can be picked u
until 4 p.m. on both Dec
In addition, tickets will b
will call the day of the ga
Students making t
Pasadena feared a repeat
hour wait many faced last
stood in line at Yost1
reserve tickets.
Assistant Athletic Di
Madej said he hopes the
cut down on long lines in
"This way, people that
just go and get their ti
said. "It will allow there
Madej said AthI.
Department officials
extend the hours when
how many activities w
pening at the sam

"We just want to make sure peo-
ple don't have to wait in line,"
students who Madej said. "It could really have
hey pick up been bad."
in Pasadena, Tickets still will be handed out on a
the time peri- first-come, first-served basis, so the
tdow will be first students to pick up their tickets on
Dec. 30 will get the best seats. Students
dents, fatul- who want to sit together also must pick
hased tickets up their tickets together.
can now get Though the switch in dates is atn
on Dec. 30, attempt to avoid concerns about long
than first lines, many students don't think it will
change anything. LSA junior Michelle
tp from 8 a.m. Stacer said she still plans to pick up her
. 30 and 31st. ticket early.
te available at "I'm sure I'll be there on the 30th
me. now"e' Stacer said. "We were planning
he trek to on camping out. Now, we'll probably
of the three- camp out" on the 29th.
t week as they LSA senior lan Lucas said he plans
Ice Arena to on getting to the stadium early so he
can get a good seat despite the extend-
rector Bruce ed hours,
extra day will "Everyone knows they have to get
I California. there early to get a seat in a good sec-
are there can tion,' Lucas said. "I think it could be a
ckets," Madej five-or-six-hour wait"
a little more While the additional time will help
avoid long lines, some travelers feel
etic Ticket left out, Many fans who planned
decided to trips assuming they could not pick up
they realized tickets until Dec. 31 now will have to
ould be hap- pick up their tickets later than other
e time in students.

Hye-Jin Park enjoys the Messiah Dinner at Martha Cook residence hall last night. Park's clothing reiflcts
the intemational theme of last night's event, which also featured an intemational music performance.
"We get a big kick out of dressing up and seeing hall leading from the main hall to the dining area.
each other" in a formal setting, said LSA junior After eating dinner, there was a musical presen-
Patricia Dark, who has been attending the event for tation by several Cook residents. In conjunction
three years. with the theme, there was an Indian dance routine
"There's more of a formal atmosphere this year," as well as piano selections and other acts.
Dark said. "And the theme is really different." As the evening drew to a close, comments of
To show this year's international theme, guests "great," "delightful" and "wonderful" abounded.
enjoyed wine and appetizers from around the Not one negative comment could be heard with the
world. International flags also hung along the main exception of, "I can't believe it's over already"

See TICKETS, Page 7A

Rose honored with
Rhodes Scholarship

By Mike Spahn
t)aily Staff Reporter
With the recent success of University
athletics, many people may tend to for-
get about the acade-
mic honors that stu-
dents receive. But ,
sometimes, acade-
mic successes are u
impossible to over-
look. '°
LSA senior Fiona -
Rose was named a
Rhodes Scholar on a
Saturday, a scholar- .
ship that will allow Rose
her to study at
Oxford University
during the next two years.
"I'm very excited and happy to
receive this honor," said Rose, who
served as president of the Michigan
Student Assembly last year.
Each year, 32 college students from
eight different regions are selected as

Rhodes Scholars. The application pro-
cedure began in July, when Rose sub-
mitted a written application. From
there, she went through a series of inter-
views at the University and state level,
.culminating in the final regional inter-
view Saturday in Chicago.
Of the 12 people interviewed in
Chicago, four were chosen.
Each interview included questionson
a wide range of subjects. Students were
required to have vast knowledge of not
only their specialty, but many other top-
ics as well.
"I've been listening to National
Public Radio and the British
Broadcasting Company every day, as
well as reading two newspapers just to
keep up with what's happening in the
world," Rose said. "This has basically
been my second major."
At Oxford, Rose plans to pursue an
M.Phil., or master's of philosophy, in
her current field of classical archaeolo-
See ROSE, Page 7A

smells of roses
By Heather Kamins Earlter thts fall, whtle planning thetr
Dlaily Staff Repsrter golden anniversary,the Nortons decd-
After 50 years of marriage, Perry ed it was finally time to venture to the
and Harriet Norton are finally going to "Granddaddy of Them All."
smell the roses. "It was my idea," Harriet Norton
The newlyweds had hoped to spend said. "We decided in August or
their honeymoon at the 1948 Rose September that it would be a special
Bowl to cheer the Wolverines to victo- thing to do."
ry when they were still students at the Harriet Norton said she and her hus-
University. Due to time constraints and band considered other vacation desti-
the more enforced study habits of that nations, but just could not pass up on
time period, they were unable to a dream they made long ago.
take time off from school. "We talked about going to
"We thought we would go, e Hawaii, but that didn't really
but we would miss about week 4 r interest me. And it's the wrong
of classes," Perry Norton said. time of the year to go to
"The conventional wisdom of Alaska," Harriet Norton said.
the time was that not only did you "So I said, 'why don't we go to
not miss a week of classes, but you the Rose Bowl' since it was some-
didn't drop a pencil. That's how serious thing we always wanted to do."
everything was in the '40s after all the Perry Norton said that although they
vets came back from the war." have only been to one Wolverine foot-
The Nortons said students would not ball game since they left campus, they
dare miss such a large chunk of school. are still just as enthusiastic as ever.
Therefore, the couple chose to go to They decided to spend their anniver-
Florida instead, but never forgot their sary at the Rose Bowl for sentimental
original plans. reasons and because they never have
"We haven't been there since," been to a post-season game.
Harriet Norton said. "We thought that we would go to the
Though the couple never lost their pas- Rose Bowl now, and with a little bit of
sion for the maize and blue, they put off luck, Michigan would go too;' Perry
the trip to Pasadena for half a century. See ANNIVERSARY, Page 2A

t hristina Gonzalez plays with a paper dinosaur Saturday at the Museum of
Natural History.

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