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December 03, 1997 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-12-03

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 3, 1997 - 3

Commnission to
release report
on COllege COSts
A federal commission will release a
*port on Dec. II about how Congress
can help reduce the costs of higher edu-
The national group includes presi-
dents and chancellors of five universi-
-~tes, two professors and the heads of
four state college associations. The
commission met six times on campus-
es nationwide.
The commission is likely to suggest
relaxing government regulation, reduc-
*g the cost of accreditation and cutting
down on paperwork, said Robert
Burns, a commission member and a
South Dakota State University political
science professor.
The commission's job is to examine
vhy various costs are increasing and
how that influences the price of obtain-
ig a college education, Burns said.
The National Commission on the
Cost of Higher Education will make its
cggestions before Congress revamps
the Higher Education Act next year.
The act is reauthorized every five
years and determines federal funding
for loan and grant programs. g
U. of Coloradob
seeks new policy
on harassmentd
The University of Colorado is look-
cg into a new sexual-harassment poli-
cy that may be implemented as soon as
ianuary. Committee members who
,orked on the new plan say sexual-
harassment complaints will be handled
more quickly under this system. p
The new policy will address signifi-
cant delays that occurred when cases
were investigated in the past. According
to the revised policy, part-time investiga-
fors will now look into harassment com-
laints, the Colorado Daily reported.
Critics of the current policy, which
thas been in effect since December
995, say the university too often labels
e victim as a "troublemaker." They
contend that as long as men who harass
women are allowed to continue work-
Jg at the university, CU's sexual-
harassment problems will not go away.
J. of Virginia
-students plead
guilty in beatingg
Four University of Virginia students
may each face up to 20 years behind bars
and up to $100,000 infines for the
assault ofa first-year student last month.
The four men turned themselves in
last week in connection with the assault
f Alexander Kory, who was attacked
hile walking to his residence hall.
Kory, who is pressing charges, suffered
wroken bones abovehis teeth and will
have to wear a brace for several weeks.
He also will require several root canals.
The four students turned themselves
in after university police sent out a mass
e-mail alerting students to the attack.
'Woman shot at
ndiana University
Indiana University Police
Department officials are awaiting the

result of powder residue tests to help
determine how a 20-year-old woman
-vws fatally shot last week.
. According to IUPD, Heather Griffin,
-ho was not an Indiana University stu-
ZZent, a 15-year-old girl, and Griffin's
boyfriend, an Indiana junior, were en
route to the IUPD when Griffin appar-
'ntly shot herself in the abdomen, fatal-
ly wounding herself.
. Coroner George Huntington said noth-
ing was found during Griffin's autopsy
that would indicate she was murdered.
. The Indiana Daily Student reported
that the three were on their way to the
IUPD to clear up circumstances regard-
ing the theft of the boyfriend's car.
-Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Megan Exley from U-wire reports.

MSA urges change on North Campus

By Susan T. Port
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly urged the
administration to address the concerns of students
on North Campus in resolutions passed at last
night's meeting.
A recent MSA-sponsored survey that polled 300
students and faculty on North Campus pointed to
problems with inadequate transportation and din-
ing options on North Campus.
Engineering Rep. Jon Malkovich, who helped
organize the survey, said students wait too long for
buses, and the weekend bus schedule is particular-
ly inefficient.
"I hear complaining constantly from stu-
dents who have to wait 20 minutes or more for
a bus," said Malkovich, an Engineering sopho-
Malkovich said the MSA resolution passed last
night intends to urge the University to change the

bus system and add more North Campus runs on
He also highlighted survey results that
showed students are unhappy not only with the
bus system, but with limited food choices they
have on North Campus as compared to Central
"The recent survey showed students are very
unhappy with the food selection at Pierpont
Commons," Malkovich said. "The food selec-
tion is very scarce, and it needs to be
Malkovich said students have suggested
expanding the dining services to include Wendy's
and Subway restaurants as well as other fast food
Vice President Olga Savic said concerns from
students on North Campus have become apparent
through the research done by the North Campus
Affairs commission.

"It seems a lot of students on North Campus are
unhappy with the bus system," Savic said. "It was
a really thought-out plan."
Student General Counsel Dave Burden said
plans by the administration do not fall in line with
concerns brought about by the survey findings.
Burden said the University plans to renovate a
vacant computer lab in the basement of Pierpont
Commons for office space that MSA wants the
administration to allocate for expanded dining ser-
"I think it's necessary for the administration to
understand the opinion of the student body,"
Burden said. "The space in the Commons should
include more food choices and student entertain-
"We are hoping to convince the administration
to change their plans. I think everyone agrees the
bus system and food selection on North Campus
needs to be improved," Burden said.

"/ think everyone
agrees the bus system
and food selection on
North Carpus needs
to be improved"
- Dave Burden
Student General Counsel
Engineering Rep. Mark Dub also agreed that
action should be taken to support the survey find-
"I think the University needs to expand its ser-
vices to include North Campus," said Dub, an
Engineering junior. "i think the bus system is seri-
ously lacking on weekends."

Students to earn
credits for service

By Lee Palmer
Daily Staff Reporter
Between tests, papers and work,
many University students are hard
pressed to find time to just relax -
much less tutor at-risk middle school
students or teach creative writing to
inmates of an area prison. But this past
semester, more than 300 students vol-
unteered at these and other sites and
more than 400 are expected to partici-
pate this winter.
Students can earn University credit
through Crisping into one of 40-plus
sections of Sociology 389, also known
as Project Community.
Depending on the number of credits
earned, course requirements include
four to six hours of weekly service, one
weekly seminar, regular contribution to
a personal reflection journal and a final
"Project Community's biggest suc-
cess is that it focuses on a different
model of education," said Graduate
Student Instructor Robin Lake.
"Lecture format is not used and
instead we have peer-led seminars that
keep students more actively involved in
their own learning," Lake said.
Program director Joe Galura attribut-
es the course's increased success to stu-
dents sharing their good experiences
with other students.
"Students enjoy service learning and
they talk to their friends about their
classes," Galura said. "Their friends
then want to take the course."
LSA sophomore Linda Bassett
took the course last spring and is now
a section coordinator of a class
designed to help tutor at-risk high
school students. Bassett's job is to
lead weekly discussions and read stu-
dents' journals.
"I'm basically there to make sure the
discussion keeps rolling," Bassett said.
"My group this year has been amaz-
ing,"she said. "We've come across a lot
of difficult issues but I think they have
handled it very maturely."
Sharla Smith, coordinator for the

section focusing on HIV and AIDS
awareness said her students are entirely
responsible for planning the
University's World AIDS Day activities,
which will be observed Dec. 1.
"The students from my section are all
from different years and different ethnic
backgrounds, but they have really come
together and learned about this dis-
ease," Smith said.
Smith, who will teach the same sec-
tion next semester, said she could not
recommend the program more highly.
"This class challenges your very
belief system about education;' Smith
said. "If students really want something
dramatically different to happen to
them before they graduate, they should
take this class"
LSA senior Lisa Goldman, who is
currently enrolled in Smith's section,
said Sociology 389 is different than any
other class she has taken at the
"In this class you learn more through
dialogue and discussion than through
lectures," Goldman said.
"With volunteering, you get a prac-
tical hands-on knowledge of the
issues you are learning about," she
said. "And I always look forward to
going to class and doing the readings
because they are about issues that I
am interested in."
Joan Shaw, director of Project
Community, said the program is
expanding in several ways for the win-
ter semester
"We are now looking for more ser-
vice opportunities in Detroit," Shaw
Project Community has offered
credit to University students since the
early '70s, making it one of the oldest
service-learning programs in the coun-
For more information on course
offerings, visit the Project Community
office located at the corner of Hill
Street and East University Avenue or
check out its Website at

Michigan Student Assembly President Olga Savic congratulates LSA Student Government President Lauren Shubow at last
night's LSA-SG State of the College address. Shubow spoke to constituents and fellow representatives about LSA's future
LSA-SG delivers first State
of th ole e ad r s

Late-night fire, smoke
damanges Cottage Inn

* LSA-SG members detail goals of its
theme, "Initiate," yesterday
By Kristin Wright
Daily Staff Reporter
Representatives of the LSA Student Government present-
ed LSA's first State of the College address last night.
The event in the Michigan Union included a brief slide
show, detailing major ongoing projects to the University
"No one's ever put on a presentation that summarizes all
they've done," said LSA-SG Rep. Sanjeev Krishnan, an
LSA sophomore.
"One of the things you'll see from our presentation is that
we're differentiating from any other student group on cam-
pus," Krishnan said.
LSA-SG chose the word "Initiate" to represent this year's
theme of cooperation and communication within the col-
The theme describes projects such as collaborating
with LSA Academic Advising, fostering an open dia-
logue with the administration and starting a campus
speaker series.
The presentation mapped out current and past efforts to
better the quality of the LSA experience for students.
"The purpose is to show the University community what
projects LSA-SG has been working on this semester," said
LSA-SG President Lauren Shubow, an LSA junior. "Our
main goal as a government is to facilitate our members into
taking a more personal initiative:'
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg congratulated LSA-SG on

its strong leadership and success in creating closer relation-
ships between LSA students and administration.
"I want to commend the student government leaders
Goldenberg said. "We've really reached a new level of part:
nership this year, which I'm really excited about."
Major LSA-SG projects this semester include offering
midterm evaluations in all classes to give students the
opportunity to express concerns, and forming more depart.
mental student clubs to reinforce the relationship betweeit
students and their concentration department.
LSA-SG representatives said their work will benefit
LSA students.
"It's rewarding because we actually make decisions that,
are going to affect 12,000 students," said LSA-SG repre-
sentative Pejmon Shemtoob, an LSA first-year student.
"I'd like to encourage everyone to come to meetings,"
Shemtoob said. "It's a great way to have your voice
The presentation is appropriate because LSA-SG has cul-
minated to its highest point of success in history, said LSA
Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education David
"We really need to build upon the success of this year andi
the leadership that all the representatives of student govern
ment have brought this year to SG to build for the future,'
Schoem said.
Schoem also said LSA-SG should be an influential group"
on campus, as well as within LSA.
"I firmly believe as the students in the largest college
should be the strongest government in the University"
Schoem said.

By Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
A small fire broke out in the Original
Cottage Inn Restaurant last night when
a possible electrical short caused a mal-
function in the ventilation system used
for the restaurant's wood-fire oven.
Fifteen members of the Ann Arbor
Fire Department responded to a 10:01
p.m. call and arrived at the restaurant,
which is located at 512 East William St.
"It's under investigation, but it looks
like an electrical short". said AAFD
Capt. Bob Lechtanski.
Cottage Inn Manager Lorenzo Viera-
Patron said the few customers in the
restaurant at the time were asked to evac-
uate. No injuries were incurred by either
customers or Cottage Inn employees.

Damage was contained to the ventila-
tor system and did not affect the build-
ing's frame or interior, Lechtanski said.
Although some employees originally
thought the fire began when grease and
other cooking materials got caught in
the chimney of the wood-fire oven,
Lechtanski said that was not the case.
Rex Bender, a Cottage Inn cook and
Ann Arbor resident, said he was cleaning
near the oven when it started smoking.
"It was vibrating and bright red," he
said. "I looked outside and saw flames."
Viera-Patron said most customers
were nearly done eating when they
were asked to leave because of the fire.
"It wasn't a big deal. They made it pret-
ty worry-free," said customer and Ann
Arbor resident Doris Malfese.


Pollyanna Johns considered leaving the University, but never actually withdrew. This was incorrectly reported in
Monday's Daily.


U ENACT, 647-9189, Dana Building,
Room 1040, 7 p.m.
v Reform Chavurah, 769-0500, Hillel,
1429 Hill St., 7:30 p.m.

Sponsored by the Institute for
Research on Women and Gender,
Michigan Union, Art Lounge.
Q "NAACP presents: Angel Gift-Giving
Tree," Sponsored by The
Salvation Army, Michigan Union,
First floor across from IC desk.
U "The Real Deal: Interactive Panel
Discussion of HIV/AIDS,"
Sponsored by Project Community,
Michigan Union, Anderson Room

Amphitheater, 7 p.m.

U Campus Information Centers, 763-
INFO, info@umich.edu, and
www.umich.edu/-info on the
World.Wide Web
U "HIV/AIDS Testing," Community
Family Health Center, 1230 N.
M Anp ri AD Q n ~m


Tv nai the MCATlennuinn the sciences isn't enough.

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