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One hundred seven years of edtor znlfreedomr
December 2, 1997
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Carr win
Alan Goldenbach
aily Sports Editor
In what could be a foreshadowing of more acco-
a to come, Michigan cornerback Charles
o dson and coach Lloyd Carr were named this
'ear's recipients of the Walter Camp Foundation's
layer and Coach of the Year, respectively.
The announcement came at a press conference at
chembechler Hall yesterday. The formal presentation
ill be held Feb. 14, at the Foundation's annual ban-
luet in New Haven, Conn.
Woodson is only the second defensive player to
yin the award. Pittsburgh's Hugh Green won it in
*re important, Woodson's candidacy for the
-leisman Trophy, college football's most prestigious
ionor, could be strengthened by this recognition. The
ast six Heisman recipients and nine of the last 10
iave won the Camp Award. Green finished second in
he Heisman balloting in 1980 behind South Carolina
unning back George Rogers.
"I don't think this award (moves me closer to win-
ling the Heisman Trophy)," Woodson said. "My play
n the field is the only thing that is going to help me."
But given the chance to be a hypothetical voter for
the Heisman, Woodson's top three choices may have
raised some eyebrows.
"I'd vote me, then (Marshall wide receiver) Randy
Moss and then (Texas running back) Ricky Williams,"
said Woodson, surprisingly omitting Tennessee quar-
terback Peyton Manning, who many consider the
front-runner for the award, which will be presented
Dec. 13, at the Downtown Athletic Club of New York.
"But if the Heisman doesn't come around, I'll still
be happy," he said.
Despite being put on a pedestal yet again, Woodson
refused to comment on his future. It is widely believed
that he will forego his final year of collegiate eligibil-
ity and apply for the National Football League Draft,
where he will undoubtedly be one of the top players
But Woodson is still keeping his plans for the future
on hold until after the Rose Bowl.
"I have to sit down and talk to my mom after the
season," Woodson said. "We'll lay everything out and
we'll make a decision from there."
This is only the second time in the history of the
Camp Awards, which were first presented in 1967,
that one school has spawned both winners in the
same year. In 1986, quarterback Vinny Testaverde
and coach Jimmy Johnson of Miami (Fla.) were
honored. Testaverde also went on to win the
The Camp Awards are voted by Division I coach-
es and sports information directors. They are
named in honor of the former Yale coach credited
with many basic rule changes in the game, includ-
ing the play from scrimmages, the modern scoring
system and the advent of set plays. Thomas Lully,
president of the Walter Camp Football Foundation,
said Woodson was the voters' "overwhelming
"I'm happy to be part of something so special,"
Woodson said upon receiving the award. "I would
thank all of the coaches, especially coach Carr. I want
to congratulate him on his award. He certainly
deserves it. He's done a great job."
Woodson is the first Michigan player to win the
award since Desmond Howard won it in 1991.
Howard went on to become Michigan's second
Heisman winner a couple weeks later. Carr is only the
second Michigan coach to be so honored. Bo
Schembechler won the honor in his first year as
Michigan coach in 1969.
See AWARDS, Page 7
I I ime I
come together
for AIDS day
By Heather Wlggin
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite cold and bitter winds, members of the Muslim
Students' Association set up camp on the Diag early yes-
terday morning for World AIDS Day. Their red tent and
matching red ribbons were symbols of AIDS awareness
and compassion for those living with the illness.
World AIDS Day promotes "compassion, awareness,
and support," said RC sophomore Aimee Nimeh. There
a number of organizations nationwide planning activ-
ities to mark the day, said Nimeh, who helped to organize
the Diag activities.
"I thought it was interesting that it was international,"
said LSA sophomore Nora Mahmoud. "There are a lot of
AIDS cases around the world."'
AIDS has become an all-too-familiar angel of death
since it was first discovered more than a decade ago, caus-
ing 357,598 deaths in the United States alone, said
University Hospitals Chief Internal Medicine resident
taniel Kaul. There are currently 21.8 million adults living
h HIV/AIDS in the world.
"The situation is very different in developed countries
versus undeveloped countries," Kaul said.
Besides increasing awareness of the disease, campus
organizers said the national goal of World AIDS Day was
to raise money to aid in the search for a cure for the dis-
ease and for the establishment of AIDS treatment centers.
"Hopefully people will support (World AIDS Day) ...
not just by wearing a ribbon," Mahmoud said.
In addition to dispatching red ribbons and hot choco-
late, the Muslim Students' Association also created and
stributed brochures with AIDS statistics and facts.
"We made brochures because people know that AIDS
exists, but we're still lacking scientific knowledge about
what AIDS is all about," said Engineering graduate stu-
dent Rasha Stino.
Islamic faith teaches activism and service in society, as
See AIDS, Page 2
Wolverines' cornerback Charles Woodson receives the Walter Camp Foundation's
Player of the Year award yesterday at Schembechler Hall. The formal presentation
will be Feb. 14 in New Haven, Conn.
Bowl tickets
may be scarce
5,000-7,000 students first-come, first-served basis in
Pasadena when students pick up their
expected to wait in line tickets, which will be available at the
for Rose Bowl tickets Rose Bowl on Dec. 31 between 8 a.m.
and 4 p.m. Students do not need to be
By Janet Adamy with the students they plan to sit with in
Daily Staff Reporter Pasadena when they pick up their ticket
As students flock to Yost Ice Arena vouchers tomorrow at Yost.
today to purchase Rose Bowl tickets, "There's no reason to camp out
University administrators will cross (tomorrow)," Molin said.
their fingers and hope they are able to Students who are unable to pick up
live up to their promise of providing their tickets on Dec. 31 can get them
every student with a ticket. the day of the Rose Bowl.
"If all 20,000 student season-ticket But the Pasadena pick-up prevents
holders want to go to Pasadena, then students whose flights aren't sched-
we're going to have a shortfall" said uled to land in California until after 4
Keith Molin, senior associate ath- p.m. from getting the first-picked
letic director. seats.
Walter Harrison. Vice j . "The cheapest air we can
President for University get is on the 31st, so that puts
Relations, said he expects that f us at a disadvantage," said
5,000-7,000 students will show LSA senior Meredith Frank;
up during the next two days to who will fly into Los Angeles
buy tickets. If more students show at 7 p.m. on Dec. 31. "1 think the
up, the ticket office will accommodate whole voucher system is ridiculous.
students by dipping into the tickets We're all able to go and pick up tick-
allotted for alumni. ets (today) at Yost, but not in
"We will make sure every student Pasadena."
who wants a ticket, gets a ticket," But Kinesiology senior Kyle Dobbs
Harrison said. said he was glad he won't have to worry
Tickets will be on sale today and about getting in line early today just to
tomorrow from 12-7 p.m. To purchase get a good seat.
tickets, students need to appear in per- "I think it's a nice way to control,
son with a valid student ID. Tickets can here in Ann Arbor, mobbing," Dobbs
be paid for with cash, check or money said. "I think it's a more relaxing way
order. for us here on campus who are trying to
Students who purchase tickets will think about grades.
get a voucher that they will need when Students with spouses need to pre-
picking up their tickets in Pasadena. sent a marriage certificate or registered
Seating assignments will be given on a See TICKETS, Page 7
Salma Kahn, a member of the Muslim Students' Association, puts a red AIDS ribbon on Heidi Arraf
as she passes through the Diag.
ook into
By Chris Metinko
[aily Staff Reporter
,ore than a week after controversial
pWe handling of Michigan fans
storming the field moments after the
Wolverines' victory over Ohio State,
one of the game's chief organizers of
safety and security is still not ready to
close the book on the incident.
University Provost Nancy Cantor,
during her monthly meeting with the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, the faculty's govern-
ioody, said the Department of Public
S ty and the University are still
reviewing exactly what transpired after
ats began to rush the field last
Saturday. Cantor also announced that
she hopes to form a faculty oversight
committee to examine future DPS
planning, policy and procedures.
"We need to have, in place for the
'U' history full of campus activism, attention
By Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
In many respects, the University
community is used to being in the
national spotlight.
Although the University is now
making headlines nationwide in the
wake of a lawsuit challenging its affir-
mative action practices in admissions,
national attention is nothing new to
Ann Arbor.
Throughout the 20th Century, the
University and its students have partici-
pated in movements that have shaped
the place of diversity on campus and
often throughout the United States,
from mirroring the national civil rights
movement of the late '50s and early
'60s to taking on individual concerns in
the '80s and '90s.
History Prof. Nicholas Steneck, who
teaches a class on the history of the
University of Michigan, said that
despite a recent lull, student activism
has been constant at the University
throughout the century.
"The students are not as inclined to
get as involved as they have been in the
Diversity at the
apathy, Steneck said. Times have
changed and so have students' atti-
tudes and priorities, he said.
Activism has evolved in a cycle, with
students shifting from one concern to
another, Steneck said. "Diversity has
come back (for debate) about every
seven years," he said.
Following the civil rights movement
that laid groundwork for other move-
ments, many University students and
faculty embraced a series of Black
Action Movements during the 1970s
and '80s.
Late in the 1970 winter semester,
BAM members - comprised of stu-
- 1997
Left: A mass of demonstrators show support for the Black Action Movement during a protest that took place March 25,
1970. The demonstrators marched in front of the Michigan Union. Right: Earlier this year, members of the Coalition to Defend
Affirmative Action by Any Means Necessary voice their opinions to state legislators at a public hearing in Shelby Township.
areas of campus.
Several days into the strike, mem-
bers of the Residential College voted
to halt all classes as violent clashes
erupted between protesters and
percent by the 1973-74 academic year,
and to meet a number of other BAM
Despite the strike's surface successes,
not all students on campus supported
She said her point of view was shared
by many of her classmates.
"I went to class because I thought it
was a crock," said the Ann Arbor resi-