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December 01, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-12-01

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One hundred seven years of editorniz1freedom

December 1, 1997

:1 IN I


Young dead at




lo SS of a
C#ETROIT (AP) Former Mayor
eman Young, a tailor's son who overcame
racism to become Detroit's first black mayor
and presided over his city for an unprece-
dented five terms, died Saturday. He was 79.
Young died at about 1:55 p.m. at Sinai
Hospital, where he had been in intensive care
since July 24. The cause of death was respi-
ratory failure, officials said.
"Coleman never stopped fighting. He put
up a good fight," said Dr. Claud Young, the
f er mayor's doctor and cousin.
think Coleman's last thing was his life,
he was hanging onto life. He loved life and
he was not willing to give in until he had to."
Young suffered a cardiac arrest Nov. 12 and
was in a coma on a ventilator after he was
resuscitated. He had advanced emphysema
and was hospitalized several times in recent
years for heart and respiratory problems.
"The people of this city have lost a great war-
rior" said Young's successor, Dennis Archer.
"His compassion, his intellect, his courage,
Iwit and even his occasionally sharp tongue
were the essential ingredients of a man who
tried to lead us to a world as it should be, rather
than accepting a world of the past."
President Clinton praised Young as "an out-
standing public servant who will be missed."
"He was not only a great mayor of Detroit
but an inspiration to so many city leaders
throughout the nation," Clinton said.
Former President Jimmy Carter called
Young "one of the greatest mayors our coun-
has known." Carter gave millions of dol-
lars in federal aid to Detroit during his term
after Young's support helped him win the
1976 presidential election.
"With compassion and vision, he provided
the leadership that lifted Detroit from a cli-


Former Detroit Mayor Coleman Young stands In front of the Spirit of Detroit in June, 1987. Young, the city's first black mayor, held the top
office for an unprecedented five terms.

cleared of
JACKSON, Mich. (AP) - A jury has cleared the
University of Michigan's Family Assessment Clinic and its
director of allegations they bungled a 1992 child-abuse eval-
uation and mislabeled a Jackson County man a pedophile.
The six jurors deliberated about four hours Tuesday before
finding in favor of the clinic and its director, Dr. Kathleen
Coulborn Faller. Both had been sued by the man on behalf of
his daughter, now 8 years old.
"We fought the good fight," the father told the Detroit Free
Press in Wednesday's editions. "I wasn't in this for the
money. I was in it for the people that have gone to this clin-
ic and may go to it in the future"
Faller said she was pleased with the verdict.
"It really goes to the whole Child Protection Act and the
need to provide safeguards for people who act in good faith
who are trying to protect children, which is what we try to
do," she said.
The father had gone to the clinic in 1992 seeking to put to
rest repeated accusations by his ex-wife that he had been
molesting their daughter. No criminal charges were filed.
Faller's clinic agreed to impartially interview both parents
and the child, conduct psychological tests and consult with
previous professionals involved in the case.
Two videotaped interviews with the then-3-year-old girl
and clinic interviewer Jane Mildred resulted in Mildred fil-
ing a report of suspected child abuse with the state
Department of Social Services - now called the Family
Independence Agency - accusing the man of fondling his
During the interviews, the girl said her father had hurt her
and she made gestures with anatomical dolls and drawings
while seated in her mother's lap.
The father's attorneys claimed the "double-team" ques-
See CLINIC, Page 7A
TD w ork to
curtail effects
of milennium
By Wajahat Syed
Daily Staff Reporter
The millennium bug, which could have devastating effects
on computer systems around the world, may wreak havoc in
exactly 760 days - the moment the clock strikes midnight
on Dec. 31, 1999.
But employees of the University's Information Technology
Division are working to assure the possibility of such a
"cyber cataclysm" remains remote.
The millennium bug may occur when the Real Time
Clock, a timing devise in the motherboard of everything
from PCs and mainframes to respirators and elevators,
changes its year units from 99 to 00. When systems convert
from 99 to 00, instead of advancing into the year 2000, the
computer may retract the date all the way back to 1900.
Some experts have speculated the invalid date will lead to
millions of corrupted files and faltering systems.
"The problem is at many levels," said Gloria Thiele, the
ITD Year 2000 Project (Y2K) leader. Thiele said the century
problem arose because data storage on widely used
University programs, some of which are 40 years old, was
such an expensive process.
"The data was stored on 2-unit-per-day, -month and -year
basis," Thiele said. "The first two are fine, but now, as the
new millennium approaches, we are faced with a serious
problem with the year programs.
ITD programmers have been examining the "century
problem" since early 1991. The division's Human Resource
Systems Product Area has developed and is currently proto-
typing a "minimalist fix strategy,"known as the Y2K project.
lTD officials' next step is devising a strategy to implement
the anecdote system across all administrative systems.
"The procedure is obviously a lengthy one," Thiele said.
Conversion processes will take place at three levels. First,
the University's main data storing assets and large data bases
See 2000, Page 7A

mate of unprecedented violence to one of
hope and greater prosperity," Carter said.
Republican Gov. John Engler called
Young, a Democrat, "a man of his word who
was willing to work with anyone, regardless
of party or politics, to help Detroit - the city
he loved and fought for all his life."
,"Coleman Young was a legend in his own
time - a leader, a fighter, a pioneer in the

battle for equal rights and against racial dis-
crimination. His humor, gusto and passion
for life will never be duplicated," Engler said.
Funeral arrangements were incomplete
Saturday. Archer ordered all flags in the city
flown at half-staff until the day of the funeral.
Though Detroit was plagued by the steady
shift of jobs and residents to the suburbs,
crime and the decline of the auto industry in

the years after he first was elected mayor in
1973, Young was always optimistic about
turning the city around.
"This city is worth preserving," Young
once said. "It has all the natural assets that it
needs to make it: its geographical location,
the strength of character of its people.
"You pool all these people who have a
See YOUNG, Page 5A

M teans get lue-
dad-whitapael r3 xi°" i _w

By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
If Michigan swimmer Andy Potts
had wanted to wear blue and white, he
would have gone to Penn State.
But despite being a Wolverine, he's
Wearing the Nittany Lions' colors.
Potts' team is one of more than seven
Michigan teams whose members have
been wearing blue-and-white warm-
ups since September, when problems in
the production and shipping pipeline
caused Nike to misplace the appropri-
ate maize and blue warm-ups.
"Obviously, our colors are maize
and blue," said Potts, an LSA junior.
"When Nike gives us blue-and-white
4 niforms, it's our Big Ten foe Penn
State's uniform. Obviously, we don't
want to be confused with our rival."
In accordance with its University con-
tract, Nike provides footwear and athlet-
ic apparel for all varsity athletic teams.

While Nike pulled warm-ups from
retail store accounts to outfit teams
such as men's football and basketball
in Wolverine colors, many other teams
were only left with the option of
choosing plain blue warm-ups or blue-
and-white warm-ups.
The mistake so incensed Michigan
athletes that all varsity athletic teams,
including those that didn't receive the
blue-and-white warm-ups, sent letters
to Nike expressing their dissatisfaction
with the mistake, Potts said.
Fritz Seyferth, senior associate ath-
letic director, said he was disappointed
with the mistake.
"We don't want our sports ordering
blue and white," Seyferth said. "We
want them wearing maize and blue"
But Kit Morris, director of college
sports and marketing for Nike, said the
shortage of maize-and-blue warm-ups
See WARM-UPS, Page 2A

Members of the men's swimming team, LSA Junior Andy Potts, LSA junior Dave Stephens and
Engineering junior John Reich, stand in Canham Natatorium, sporting the blue-and-white warm-ups they
received from Nike in September.

And then there were finals

Rose Bowl art tribute travels to Kerrytown

By Reilly Brennan
Daily StaffReporter
It wasn't until Ray Materson entered the big
house that he learned to express his love and
admiration for the Big House, the University's
Materson was serving time in a Connecticut
prison for robbery in late 1988, around the time of
the Michigan-USC Rose Bowl game, when he
decided to make a statement.
"I saw a fella hanging socks outside of his cell.
They happened to be maize and blue, so I traded a
pack of cigarettes for them." Materson said. "I tore
a corner of a bed sheet and borrowed a needle
from a block officer and fashioned a big block 'M'
so I could sew it on a visor cap and wear it during
the Rose Bowl."
Ma.tepronn said he then decide~d to buiv some

said. "To their surprise, I told them I made it, and
pretty soon I started getting orders for anything
from a Harley Davidson logo to a Puerto Rico
Materson began using socks to create his
embroideries, which went onto hats and T-shirts.
He told the other inmates that if they wanted
something, they had to provide the socks with the
appropriate colors.
"I don't know how, but if a guy wanted the
Seattle Seahawks, I'd have a pile of socks the
next day that were Seattle-Seahawks-green,"
he said.
Materson eventually decided that his idea could
become more than just an activity to pass the time.
He next produced .Renoit's "The Swing" and
Monet's "Sunrise" out of a collection of socks that
he amassed.


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