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April 21, 1997 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-04-21

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 21, 1997--3

Pollack pushes for environmenta activism

'U' Annenian
program gets
The Alex and Marie Manoogian
Foundation has donated an additional
$500,000 to the University's Armenian
Studies Program. The foundation has
already donated nearly $2 million to
the program.
Alex Manoogian, a Turkish immi-
grant, founded a small machine shop in
betroit and became successful through
the development and marketing of a
le-handle faucet.
Wfhe University's Armenian Studies
Program courses, activities and presti-
gious Armenian Language Summer
Institute have garnered national
.U' library access
to be restricted
Access to holdings at the Untversty
,keistl Collections Library will be
rstricted during May, due to the instal-
lation of a sprinkler system. However,
materials will be available with 24
hours advance notice in alternative
reading spaces. The library, located on
the 7th floor of the Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library, also will suspend its
exhibit schedule in May.
The Special Collections Library is
home to a world-renowned collection
o rare books and manuscripts that spe-
ize in ancient Egyptian papyri, rad-
ical social movements, literature. and
Former Pharmacy
dean dies at 86
Tom Rowe, professor and dean
emeritus of the College of Pharmacy,
hied earlier this month in Sun City,
z., at the age of 86.
owe served at the University for 28
years before retiring in 1979.
3Rowe was the first educator to be
elected president of the Michigan
harmaceutical Association and was
named Pharmacist of the Year in 1975.
He received his Ph.D in 1940 from the
University of Wisconsin and joined the
1niversity of Michigan's College of
Pharmacy in 1951 as dean and a pro-
9e served as dean from 1951-75 and
as a professor of pharmacy at the
niversity from 1951-79
U Library ends
endowment effort
The University Library concluded
efforts to raiselSI million for its first
endowed post this semester.
Contributions for the Irving
rmelin Judaica Curatorship, which
would provide a source in Jewish histo-
ry and culture, arrived from many cor-
ners of the country and finalized the
establishment of the curatorship by
January 1997.-
The Hermelin family donated the
Jargest amount of money, $325,000, for
the curatorship. The University's Frankel
Center for Judaic Studies and the
University library gave the rest of the
Ids for the $1 million endowment.
le new post will provide a full-time
expert on Judaic studies who is primari-
ly responsible for providing research
s-stance to University faculty members
asd students. The position is not current-
, lled, but the library plans to
Mnounce a curator by the fall.
Psi Chi society

ames winners
Psi Chi, the national psychology
honor society, announced the winners
of its first annual undergraduate
research competition.
Three LSA seniors received monetary
awards for the Research Award
Competition. First-place winner Curt
Winnie received.$250 for his entry, titled,
"Negative Stereotypes of Homosexual
*n: The Possible Carry-over into the
Ims of Cognitive Ability."
The purpose of the program is to
ent'ourage University undergraduates
to complete research and write reports
on their findings.
.w - Compiled from staff reports.

By Brian Campbell
Daily Staff Reporter
Chair of the Michigan Environmental Council
Lana Pollack tried to shatter the popular notion
that a clean environment is incompatible with a
vibrant private sector
During a campus discussion yesterday Pollack
encouraged environmental activism in her speech,
titled "State Environmental Issues and Student
Action,' before a sparse crowd of 15 students gath-
ered in the Michigan Union as part of Earth Week.
Pollack's appearance was sponsored by the cam-
pus chapter of the College Democrats.
Pollack, a former state senator, reflected on the
claims of auto industry firms and plastic cup pro-
ducers that stringent health regulations would
cause their bankruptcy, and she maintained that
such claims are often exaggerated.
Through MEC, Pollack said she tries to deliver
the facts regarding the social and economic rami-

fications of environmental regulation to the public. hour of every day. You can see it here in
"We feel the public has a right to know and we Washtenaw County, Detroit, Saline ... in any
spend a considerable amount of our resources try- direction you'll see the slice and dice of this state."
ing to pry secrets out of the government and the Pollack said she is inclined to believe studies
private sector," Pollack conducted by public agen-
said. "There is a real (dis- cies rather than those of pri-
connection) with what the M ichigan is vate firms on environmental
public is interested in and issues. Pollack said she sus-
what the power people and losing 1 acre of pects the environment is in
opinion leaders are inter- worse condition than is com-
ested in."f eve y .monly believed.
Pollack said the envi- y "Environmentalists have
ronmental issueuthat r fe r d a" been accused of exaggerat-
Michigan residents worry - Lana Pollack ing, but I would say more
about most today is theE . often than not, we have actu-
depletion of natural MEC chair ally underestimated the con-
resources by business sequences of environmental
developments. contamination," Pollack said. "Cleanup is
"The No. I issue is sprawl," Pollack said. extremely problematic - it often costs a lot of
"Michigan is losing 10 acres of farmland every money, it's imperfect, it's uncertain?'

The MEC, which is comprised of 47 environ-
mental organizations, and is affiliated with major
health groups including the American Lung
Association, provides information to hundreds of
local environmental agencies throughout the state.
SNRE junior Mona Hanna said Pollack's speech
helped to promote student activism by raising
awareness about pressing environmental issues.
"I think it was very informative," Hanna said.
"It gave a good background of Michigan's envi-
ronmental problems and how we can get
SNRE senior Ami Grace said the discussion was
helpful for students because Pollack focused main-
ly on state issues.
"I thought it was good because it was based on
the state of Michigan," Grace said. "She discussed
landfills, recycling, zoning. ... they're all issues
that are easy for students to understand and are

Campus College
Republicans help
clean up U
* Ann Arbor Mayor conserve,' Sheldon said. "We're trying
Ingrid Sheldon works to come together about issues of the
with group Sheldon said she is pleased to see the
group putting time into beautifying the
By Jeffrey Kosseff city.
Daily Staff Reporter "Personal responsibility and volun-
Student political groups are notori- teerism are all a part of my philosophy,"
ous for plastering University buildings Sheldon said.
with campaign stickers. But on Potts agreed that because the group
Saturday, the campus College covered many kiosks and other outdoor
Republicans tried to work against that locations with stickers and fliers, they
stigma. have a duty to clean them up.
About 20 "We put it
members of the up, now it's our
group sacrificed responsibility
their Saturday We put it UP, to take it
afternoon to nour down' Potts
remove bumper now it$ said.
stickers and fliers responsiblity Elias Xenos,
- both ofr to the group's for-
Democrats and take it down." mer vice-presi-
Republicans - dent, said he is
that have covered - Mark Potts pleased to see
the campus since College Republicans president- the amount of
last November's e ent people who
campaign season. elect came out to
"The environ- take down the
ment is a Republican issue' said Mark stickers.
Potts, president-elect of the campus "I think it is excellent," Xenos said.
College Republicans. "We're being "I'm surprised there is such a turnout.
responsible and accountable for our Mark (Potts) is doing agreat job?'
actions." Xenos said the cleanup demonstrated
Also present to help clean Ann Arbor the party's commitment to the environ-
was Mayor Ingrid Sheldon, who said this ment.
is a great way to kick off National "Republicans have always had aslarge
Conservative Week. respect for public property," Xenos
"The root word for conservative is to said. "We're showing that today?'

Vivien Jones opens presents at her going-away party at the Martha Cook residence hall Friday. She is retiring after 47
years of serving as a housekeeper at the hall. Martha Cook Vice President Victoria Nelson points to one of her gifts.

U-Move offers
stress-free classes
duri-ng finals time


By Bernard Swiecki
For the Daily
Students feeling stressed by the pres-
sures of final exams can find some
relief thanks to U-MOVE. As part of
U-MOVE's Finals Fitness Frenzy, stu-
dents can attend any of its classes for
U-MOVE is a program in the
University's division of kinesiology. It
sponsors not-for-credit classes in step
aerobics, hip-hop aerobics, tai-chi,
yoga, weight lifting, tae kwon do, shi-
atzu massage and ballroom dancing,
among others.
LSA sophomore Chris Rodgers said
he may attend one of U-MOVE's
weight lifting classes. "Weight lifting
could relieve some frustration from
studying," Rodgers said.
Nicole Miller, a chemistry graduate
student who instructs a step aerobics
class, said that U-MOVE classes are
good "for people who have a hard time
motivating themselves to work out."
Miller said that a regularly scheduled
exercise program with group participa-
tion allows participants to "feed energy
off each other."
Miller said more men are joining in
the aerobic classes.
"It's starting to cross over in terms of
gender," Miller said.
U-MOVE Director Nia Aguirre said
the classes have been "very, very pop-
Most classes meet twice'a week and
cost $45 per semester. All classes are

currently held in the Central Campus
Recreation Building and are taught by
instructors who are either certified or
have a degree in kinesiology.
Mike, a Business student who
wished to have his last name withheld,
said he enjoyed taking the hip-hop aer-
obics class.
"I had two left feet before, but I got
the hang of it and it's been a blast ever
since,' he said. "It's so fun"
Mike also said he liked the fact that
U-MOVE's classes exposed students to
new activities they may not have tried
Aguirre said the classes are meant to
attract community members as well.
"My goal is to reach out to non-stu-
dents?' Aguirre said.
U-MOVE classes cost the same for
all participants, regardless of involve-
ment with the University.
In addition to these classes, U-
MOVE has personal training available
either with a partner or on a one-on-one
basis. U-MOVE also offers body com-
position testing for those who want to
determine their amount of body fat.
Aguirre said U-MOVE wants to
expand its classes "to other-sites in the
U of M community." Starting next fall,
U-MOVE will begin offering classes in
the North Campus Recreation
Those who would like more informa-
tion on U-MOVE programs and times
of classes for the Finals Fitness Frenzy
can call U-MOVE at 764-1342.

GROUP MEETINGS Photography Department, North 0 Psychology Peer Academic Advising,
Campus Commons, Atrium, All 647-3711, East Hall, Room 1346,
U Bible Study, 741-1913, Angell Hall; Day " lla.m.-4 p m.
G-144, 74p.m.- A H The Randy Napoleon Quartet," QSafewaik, 936-1000, 8-2:30 a.m.
h ?'Biomedical Engineering Student Weekly performance, Pierpont U Student Mediation, 647-7397
Association, H.H. Dow Buildin Commons, Leonardo's Restaurant, U Tutoring for 100-200 Level Courses
Room 1013, 7 p.m. ing, 7-9 p.m. In Chemistry, Physics, and Math,
U Women's Book Group, 662-5189, 764-6250, Markley and Bursley
Guild House, 802 Monroe, 12-1 SERVICES Shapiro Libraries, 7-9Room166 8-10
p.m. Spir irrymom21681
U Campus Information Centers, 763- U Tut orngfor 700-200 Rhnsic
EVENS INO, ifo~micheduand Courses 763-1680, Randell
www.umich.edu/-info on the Labs, Physics Help 'Room, 6
U 'Answers to Life's Questions," spon- World Wide Web p.m.-9 p.m.
sored by The Organization of U English Composition Board Peer Q Underrepresented Minority PreMed
Jehovah's Witnesses, Michigan Tutoring, Angell Hall, Room 444C, Peer Academic Counseling, spon-
a Union, Parker Room, 6-8 p.m. 7-11 p.m. sored by Comprehensive Studies
U "Evolution: Color Photography U Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley Program, 764-9128, Angell Hall,
Show," sponsored by The Lobby, 8 p.m.- 1:30 a.m. Room G155
CALENDAR POLICY: The calendar's purpose is to provide a place for organizations to announce free events open to the
University community. However, we can only print announcements the day of the event. Announcements for events that
charge admission will not be run.
All items for THE CALENDAR must be mailed or delivered to the Daily at least three days before publication. Events on
riday, Saturday or Sunday must be submitted by 5 p.m. Wednesday prior to the event. We can not accept requests over the
.tglephone, and we can not guarantee that an announcement turned in within three days of the event will be run.

- Not just anyone can be responsible for territory ;notyou're a leader of Marines. It's a career that's
like this. Then again, not just anyone can be one filled with unlimited opportunities, pride and
of us. But if you're exceptionally smart, tough f honor. If you want a career that's a world apart
and determined, then Officer Candidates School from the ordinary, see if you've got what it
(OCS) will be the place you can prove whether or mewn ew A .m aini takes to lead in this company.
Capt. Minor and Capt. Anderson will be handing out more
information and answering questions on Marine Corps Officer
Programs at the student union from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm today. If
you are interested please come by or call 973-7070.

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