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April 16, 1997 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-04-16

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2 - The Michigan Daily -- Wednesday, April 16, 1997



Continued from Page 1
son, said a waiver is not necessary.
"It's not too much to ask people to
work 25 hours a week (to receive the
food stamps)," he said.
fTruscott said the governor's refusal
to waive the requirements is consistent
.with his welfare policies.
"Instead of (the protesters) doing
cheap theatrical stunts to get a photo in
the paper, they should do something to
actually help people," Truscott said.
BCRS member Rachel Caul con-
tends that a government waiver of food
stamp provisions is needed for areas
where a work requirement for food
stamps in not practical.
"Currently, poverty-stricken residents
of any state aged 18-50 can only receive
food stamps for a three-month period
unless they are working. However, the
governor of the state can request a waiv-
er to the work requirement for food
stamps in areas where there is more than
10 percent unemployment and labor sur-
plus areas,' Caul said.
However, Truscott said there are
work and community service jobs
available throughout the state. The indi-
viduals affected "have a lot of time on

their hands,' Truscott said.
"If the governor approved a waiver,
70 percent of the 50,000 affected in
Michigan would be able to continue to
use food stamps even during unemploy-
ment'" Lindamood said.
Students at the School of Social Work
are taking part in the drive, which
Lindamood said represents more than
just social work, but social action. BCRS
is a social action group that believes in
taking an activist role in affecting public
policy, he said. Lindamood said he feels
BCRS has chosen this aspect of the wel-
fare issue because of its basic importance
and tangibility.
"We have identified an issue where
we can do something measurable. By
collecting bowls, we are speaking
directly to what is happening. The leg-
islation concerning welfare reform is
all very removed," Lindamood said.
"This issue concerns a basic, essential
human need - food:'
The local bowl drive is the first in the
statewide campaign. The second drive
is scheduled for May 10 at the Ann
Arbor Farmers Market and the People's
Food Co-op in Kerrytown. The rally to
deliver the bowls is scheduled for May
28, from 1:15-3 p.m. at the State House
in Lansing.

Continued from Page 1
committing two NCAA violations for
its involvement with Detroit booster Ed
But University officials said yes-
terday they do not anticipate a con-
flict of interest between Cole's intri-
cate knowledge of private University
matters and her new position with the
"If she knew something about the
NCAA and the University, she would
have to recuse herself- that's standard
legal ethic"' Harrison said.
Senior Associate Director of
Athletics Keith Molin said he has
"the utmost respect for Cole's integri-
ty;' and does not foresee any con-
"Elsa has always conducted herself
in a professional manner and there is no
doubt in my mind she will continue to
do so as general counsel in the NCAA;"
Molin said.
In her new position with the NCAA,

Cole is required to oversee the manage-
ment of all legal issues affecting the
organization and the coordination of all
"(Cole) would be involved to find
counsel to represent us and to give
advice to our staff" said Wallace
Renfro, NCAA director of constituent
Renfro said Cole was selected from
an applicant pool of 120 candidates
Cole, who was appointed to
University general counsel by former
President James Duderstadt in 1986,
resigned in February.
As the University's top attorney,
Cole was involved in the first defense
of the Code of Student Conduct and
specialized in areas of sexual harass-
ment law and student due-process
Cole's starting date at the NCAA,
whose headquarters lie in Overland
Park, Kan., was Monday, but she is not
expected to officially report to the
office until April 30.

Bowles testifies in Whitewater trial
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Reaching into the White House inner circle,
Whitewater prosecutors questioned President Clinton's top deputy before a feder-,
al grand jury yesterday about whether he tried to buy the silence of a key witness.
"Absolutely not'" White House chief of staff Erskine Bowles told reporters as he.
entered the same courthouse where the long-running Whitewater investigation had'
taken a dramatic turn a day earlier.
On Monday at the sentencing of James McDougal, prosecutors said their in4
tigation had been revitalized by new information from the Clintons' ex-business
partner and now accuser. More importantly, they said that much of what McDougal
- a witness with admitted credibility problems - told them has been corroborat-
ed by documents or other witnesses.
In addition to investigating decade-old financial transactions in Arkansas, pros-
ecutors are now trying to determine if attempts were made by White House aides
or presidential supporters to influence witnesses after Clinton took office.
Bowles, who was in the courthouse most of the day, was the first of several pres-
idential aides who are expected to testify'.
He was expected to be questioned about telephone calls he made in spring 1994,
to try to line up financial help for longtime Clinton friend Webster Hubbell,
had just left the No. 3 Justice Department job under an ethical cloud.

Continued from Page 2.
anyway,- Beck said.
Others,, however, believe that the
larger paychecks will encourage stu-
dents to work more.
"It's definitely a bonus for students,
although most of them get the money
back anyway," said Michigan Student

Assembly President Michael Nag-rant.
"It will certainly encourage students to
participate in work-study more:'
On 92 college campuses in
Michigan, 22,850 students receive
work-study funds. The allocation to
work-study in the state is more than
$24.8 million. More than 945,000 stu-
dents nationwide participate in work-
study jobs.

Continued from Page I.
Cuomo also said the planned open-
ing of three casinos in Detroit will help
the city's economic state.
"This will also allow people to go
back to work;' Cuomo said.
Empowerment zones face challenges
in encouraging more profit-seeking
large businesses to get involved with
empowerment zones, Gore said.
"The private sector must be re-
engaged," Gore said. "The private sec-
tor has only just begun to get engaged."
Gore said the empowerment zone
program is effective because the people
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who will benefit from the zones are the
ones who build them.
"It's designed not to be top-down, but
bottom-up;' Gore said. "You asked, we
responded. The results speak for them-
While Gore acknowledged that some
may doubt the government's interest in
empowerment zones, he said the
Clinton administration will continue to
support them in the long run.
"There are no quick fixes. It's a
process;' Gore said. "Rest assured, we
are in this together whether we live in
the Kentucky highlands or south-cen-
tral Los Angeles or anywhere in
Continued from Page 1.
bottom-line approach to problems. I
think he's a very smart guy. He certain-
ly knows finance and budgeting, which
may be helpful for running a business
school, but from my point of view he
was not quite aware of the rest of the
As a result of Whitaker's work with
SACUA, the board became more con-
cerned with budget as it pertains to pol-
icy, which was mostly a positive
change, Dunn said.
"I was very interested in his
approach to things;' Dunn said. "It was
just much more business-oriented,
more customer-product-oriented, than
we are used to at Michigan?'
Dunn said Whitaker is very qualified
for the position at Rice, and the two
will be a good match.
"He made a lot of difference here;'
Dunn said. "He started a lot of pro-
grams at the business school here. Gil
brought a breath of fresh air to the
business school. He brought a real
sense of business to the Business
School. I think Rice and Gil will do
very well together?'

Candidate drug tests
no longer requiired
WASHINGTON - States may not
force political candidates to take drug
tests, the Supreme Court ruled yester-
day, striking down a Georgia law as
mere symbolism.
By an 8 to 1 vote, the justices said
Georgia's law violated the Fourth
Amendment's protection against unrea-
sonable search and seizure. The law
said that candidates who refused to
submit to a drug test or who tested pos-
itive for illegal drugs could not be
placed on the ballot.
"However well-meant," Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote for the
court, acknowledging the nation's
problem of illicit drug use, "the candi-
date drug test Georgia has devised
diminishes personal privacy for a
symbol's sake."
The ruling was a triumph for oppo-
nents of broad-scale government drug
testing, an increasingly common prac-
tice in an era of heightened concern
for narcotics abuse. However, the

court emphasized that the unique
Georgia law, covering the governor,
lieutenant golernor, other top offi-
cials, judges and legislators, was not
enacted in response to any reported
illegal drug use among politicians.
When the risk to public safety is real,
the justices said, blanket search,
would be allowed.
Nuclear waste site
near Vegas approved.
WASHINGTON - The Senate'
voted yesterday to establish a tempo-
rary storage facility for nuclear=
waste at Yucca Mountain, northwest
of Las Vegas. But it failed for as
ond year to muster enough votes
override an expected veto by
President Clinton.
.The 65-34 vote, two shy of the
two-thirds needed to overcome a
veto if all 100 senators vote, keeps
open the vexing question of what to
do with the nation's scattered piles
of radioactive garbage, 33,000 tons
in all.


220 South University Ave.
to. 209, A n Aror tM

300 die as fire ruins
pilrims' camp
MINA, Saudi Arabia -- Fires driven
by. high winds tore through a sprawling,
overcrowded tent city yesterday, trap-
ping and killing pilgrims gathered for a
sacred Islamic ritual. The official death
toll was 217, but witnesses said at least
300 died.
Saudi Arabia said more than 1,290
pilgrims were injured in the fire, which
witnesses blamed on exploding canis-
ters of cooking gas.
Most of the dead were Indians,
Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, many of
them elderly, witnesses told The
Associated Press. Some were tram-
pled to death as pilgrims fled the fire
on the plain outside the holy city of
"Men panicked and ran in every
direction," said an Indian pilgrim
who spoke to The Associated Press
by telephone and identified himself
only as Irfan. Helicopters dropped
water from above while civil defense
workers used firetruck hoses on the

Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims
were stranded after the fire destroyed
an estimated 70,000 tents, which= the
pilgrims use for shelter in the final
of the Hajj. Civil defense forces
Mecca and nearby Jiddah and Tail
rushed to the scene, handing out tents
and supplies.
Israeli .politicians
may face indictment
JERUSALEM -- Israeli televirt
and radio reported yesterday that--'*
have recommended felony Indictm
against Prime Minister Benjamir
Netanyahu's justice minister, his chief
of staff and a key coalition ally..
The reported police recommenda-
tions, following a three-month corrup-
tion probe, excluded Netanyahu him.-
self from calls for prosecution. But
even without official confirmation,. the
reports struck a political body blow to
Netanyahu's embattled government.=
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


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