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April 11, 1997 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-04-11

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ft A"4,im Baft

Minnesota 7,
Florida 1.
Toronto 4,
Texas 2,

Houston 5,
Baltimore vs.
Detroit 83
Orlando 105,

Milwaukee 88
Chicago 105,
Seattle 90,
Vancouver 94
Portland 98,

N.Y. Rangers 6.
Pittsburgh 3
Montreal 2
Toronto 1


April 11,



Morrison honored at
Hobey Baker banquet

By Andy Knudsen
Daily Sports Writer
BLOOMINGTON, Minn. - As Brendan
Morrison stood at the podium delivering his
a'cceptance speech at last night's Hobey
Baker Award banquet, he
stood between his past and
his future.
Sitting at the table to his
left was Red Berenson, his
coach at Michigan for the l
past four years, a time during I
which Morrison arguably had
_e tmost remarkable career in
Michigan's storied history.
At the table to his right sat
- Lou Lamoriello, general manager of the
NHL's New Jersey Devils - who drafted
Morrison in 1993.
Lamoriello was in attendance to receive
the Legend of College Hockey award, but
allusions to the future were inevitable.
"Brendan, hopefully in the very near
future we can get you to trade that Michigan
uniform for a Devils uniform," Lamoriello
said. The two didn't talk business, Morrison
said, but guest speaker Keith Magnuson, a
former NHL standout, did some playful bar-
tering on Morrison's behalf.
"Your words about Brendan" Magnuson
aid to Lamoriello, "we have them recorded,
and he would like 12 million over three
years." Morrison, apparently liking the num-
bers he heard, continued the joke by asking
Magnuson to represent him.
Lamoriello said that he hadn't seen
Morrison play when the Devils drafted him
but trusted a scout who praised Morrison
enough to make him a second-round pick.

: .

Now, having seen Michigan's
all-time scoring and assists
leader play, Lamoriello is look-
ing forward to adding
Morrison's natural hockey sense
to the Devils.
"It's something you
can't teach anybody,"
Lamoriello said. "He
sees the ice well, he
makes the people
around him better, and
he anticipates well."
Lamoriello thinks
Morrison will fit in
well with the Devils,=
assuming they can sign him.
"He's the type of player we
don't have a lot of," he said.
"With the other players we have Brendan!
and the way the pro game is, night inA
he'll get a lot of support in the
areas that aren't his strengths. And that's
what makes a team. And that's what makes
him a top prospect."
With the Decathlon Athletic Club filling
its banquet hall - at $80 a plate - in his
honor and former great players praising his
accomplishments, the evening easily could
have been an ego trip for Morrison.
But for Morrison, it was more like the ful-
fillment of a childhood dream.
"These are guys I remember watching
growing up," Morrison said of his company
at the head table. "To actually see them up
here and be associating and talking with
them - it's just a huge thrill and it's really
"It's an experience I'll remember for the

Morrison, recipient of the 1997 Hobey Baker Award, attended a banquet in his honor last
Minnesota. The New Jersey Devils hold Morrison's rights and are attempting to sign him.

rest of my life."
Also humbling are Morrison's statistics.
He led the nation in scoring this season
with 88 points (31 goals, 57 assists). His 284
career points put him in seventh place on the
all-time NCAA Division I scoring list.
But as Berenson said, team stats were
always more important to Morrison.
"He's doing the things to win games -
not to score points or to look good,"
Berenson said. This season, the Wolverines
won a school-record 35 games, and the
senior class finished with a record of 132-
26-8, also a school-best.
But what will stick in everyone's mind is
Morrison's overtime goal against Colorado
College last season - Michigan's first

national championship in 32 years. The
announcement of Morrison as the 17th
Hobey Baker Award recipient capped a sea-
son filled with awards for the senior. He was
named a West All-American for the third
consecutive season and became the first
player in the CCHA's 26-year history to be
named conference player of the year two
consecutive seasons.
Last night's speakers focused on why col-
lege hockey is a better option for young men
than playing in the major junior leagues.
And Berenson said that players like
Morrison are what have made college hock-
ey thrive. "If you continue to bring in more
players like this," he said, "Then college
hockey will be in good shape"

Perry to take.
top job at E.
By John Leroi
Daily Sports Editor
With all the hubbub over Maurice Taylor's decision
whether to leave Michigan for the NBA, another Wolverine
got away without much notice.
Michigan assistant coach Scott Perry said yesterday that he
will take the head coaching job at
Eastern Kentucky, a Division I school in
the Ohio Valley Conference, about 25
miles from Kentucky's Lexington cam-
"Obviously, it is difficult to leave
Michigan," Perry said. "I have many
strong ties here: My father is an alumnus;
my grandfather is an alumnus; I grew up
"But being a head coach has been a
goal of mine ever since I got into this Perry
profession. Eastern Kentucky represents
interesting opportunities and challenges for me to demon-
strate my ability to run a major program."
Perry will accept the position at a 10 a.m. press conference
today in Richmond, Ken. Eastern Kentucky Athletic Directo
Robert Baugh did not return phone calls placed to his offic
Perry, 33, replaces Mike Calhoun, who tendered his resig-
nation in February. Calhoun had little success in Richmond
last year: the Colonels were just 8-18 overall and shared the
conference cellar with Morehead State at 6-12.
Eastern Kentucky doesn't exactly have the basketball-rich
tradition that in-state rivals Kentucky and Louisville enjoy.
But Perry sees that as an opportunity not a limitation to build
the Colonels' program.
"People must remember that I started at the Universityo
Detroit, so I learned what it's like at that level," Perry said.
"We're certainly not going to compete with Kentucky or
Louisville, but Kentucky is a basketball-crazy state. There are
no professional sports teams there at all, so if we can make
something happen, we'll have no problem getting some atten-
Perry said what he will miss most about Michigan is the
relationships that he built with coaches, administrators and
players in his four years under Michigan coach Steve Fisher.
"I will always keep in contact with coach Fisher (and assis-
tant coaches) Brian Dutcher and Scott Trost' Perry said. "And
I'm sure I'll keep in touch with a lot of the players, becase
recruited them, and I've gotten to know them and their fami-
lies very well."
The Wolverines are losing a talented recruiter, who played
a major role in landing Detroit-area recruits Taylor, Robert
Traylor, Albert White and Willie Mitchell as well as Clinton,
Miss., native Jerod Ward, the No. I-rated high school player
in 1994. He also helped construct the Wolverines' 1994and
1995 recruiting classes, regarded many as the best classes in
the nation.
The loss of Perry, who grew up in Detroit and attende
University of Detroit Jesuit high school, leaves Fisher without
an assistant from Detroit. The Detroit area is vital to
Michigan's recruiting success. Former Wolverines Chris
Webber, Jalen Rose, Michael Talley and Leon Derricks all
played high school basketball in Detroit.
Michigan's recruiting prowess used to hinge on getting the
best players from Detroit before tapping out-of-state recruits,
but no Detroiters were in the 1996 class, nor are any as yet
signed for the 1997 class,
"It's certainly very important to get the good players from
Detroit, so it's vital to have a coach who knows the Detroit
area," Perry said. "But whether or not the next assistant i
from Detroit, I don't know.
"Fisher's been around for a while. People know him, people
respect him. I think he'll do fine either way."
Perry was an assistant at California for a season before tak-
ing the Michigan job in 1993. He was an assistant under
Ricky Byrdsong for five seasons at Detroit
He was also an All-State guard as a senior at Detroit Jesuit,
scoring 16.5 points and dishing out seven assists per gameJe
played his first two years of college basketball at Oregon
before transferring to Wayne State in Detroit for his final two



M' softbal
- y Josh Kleinbaum
.aily Sports Writer
The Michigan softball team has-
-'t done much in the late-inning
° eroics department this season.
until yesterday, that is.
The Wolverines (4-3 Big Ten, 33-
41-1 overall) used an extra-inning
lly to beat Notre Dame, 2-1, in the
rst game of a doubleheader then
-;ored two in the bottom of the sev-
> nth to win the second game, 5-4.
The opener was the first extra-
ining game of the season for
Ziichigan and only its third victory
*,' hen it's scored less than three runs.
The nightcap marked only the
eccond win for Michigan when it
-4vas trailing after six innings.
Tammy Mika had a dominant day
t the plate for the Wolverines, col-

1 plunders Irish luck, sweeps doubleheader

lecting the game-winning RBI in the
first game and scoring the winning
run in the second.
Kelly Holmes also turned in an
excellent performance, giving up
only three hits and no earned runs in
10 innings pitched over both games.
Holmes earned both victories.
Michigan got on the board quick-
ly in the first game, scoring a run in
the first inning on an RBI single to
shallow left by catcher Jen Smith.
And for a while, it looked like that
would be all the run support
Holmes would need. The Michigan
senior pitched masterfully, shutting
out the Fighting Irish through the
first five innings and looking to be
well on the way to the victory.
But after Holmes surrendered a
leadoff walk to Irish first baseman

Kelly Rowe in the sixth inning, Kara
McMahon reached base on an error,
putting runners on first and second
for the Irish. A failed sacrifice later,
Elizabeth Perkins hit a bloop single
to left field, scoring McMahon and
knotting the game at one.
This set the scene for Mika's first
stint of the day as hero. Kellyn Tate
worked a one-out walk in the bottom
of the eighth for Michigan. After a
sacrifice and a walk, Mika ripped a
1-1 pitch to left field, scoring Tate
and giving Michigan the 2-1 victory.
From the outset, the second game
looked to be the polar opposite of
the first - a poorly-pitched and
poorly-fielded game by both teams.
By the middle of the third inning,
seven runners had already crossed
the plate - more than twice the

total of the first game.
The Irish scored three runs in the
top half of that inning, taking a 4-3
lead. They loaded the bases on a
walk, an error and an infield single
before Perkins hit a bases-clearing
double, driving in all three runners.
But then the pitchers settled down
on both teams. Jamie Gillies pitched
two scoreless innings for Michigan
before being relieved by Holmes,
and Notre Dame pitcher Joy
Battersby, who relieved Kelly
Nichols in the third, held Michigan
to no runs through the sixth.
"Jamie (Gillies) wasn't throwing
poorly, but she wasn't hitting all of
her locations," Michigan coach
Carol Hutchins said. "We didn't
want to let up any more runs, and we
knew (Holmes) was throwing well."
When the seventh inning came
around, Mika had her second chance
to play hero.
Lisa Kelley led off the inning for
Michigan with a triple down the left
field line, putting the tying run 90
feet from home. After Cathy Davie

was retired on a short fly ball to left
field, Mika singled up the middle,
scoring Kelley.
But Mika wasn't done. With
Smith at the plate, Mika stole second
base, putting herself in scoring posi-
tion. After Smith struck out, third
baseman Melissa Gentile singled
over Notre Dame centerfielder
Joanna Zuhoski's head, scoring Mika
and giving Michigan the victory.
"Tammy Mika had a great perfor-
mance today," Hutchins said. "What
you need when those situations
come up is someone to come up, hit
the ball, and get on base"
Michigan first baseman Traci
Conrad had cortisone injected into
her sprained shoulder yesterday
morning and didn't play. She is
questionable for this weekend's
series with Northwestern.
The Wolverines will travel to
Evanston today for a three-game
series against the Wildcats.
"Northwestern is the coldest
place in America to play softball,"
Hutchins said.

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