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The Michigan Daily -- Friday, April 11, 1997 - 3
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U ~ mu m ~ The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 11, 1997 - 3
threatened at
cabdriver was threatened at gun
point on the 800 block of S. Maple
>n Tuesday night, according to Ann
Arbor Police Department reports.
Reports said the suspect
pproached the cab with a small
andgun and demanded that the dri-
ver give him all her money. The dri-
ver escaped when a passenger in her
ab. grabbed the suspect and wres-
tW him until the police arrived.
AFPD arrested the suspect and is
currently investigating the incident.
Victim stalked at
West Quad
4 victim living on the first floor
of Williams Hall in West Quad*
reported she was being stalked early
t week, according to DPS reports.
e woman told officers her ex-
boyfriend had been constantly follow-
ing-her in recent weeks. When the sus-
pect was questioned by DPS officers,
he said the victim told him she would
have someone kill him if he did not
leave her alone. The case is currently
under investigation.
Valuables stolen
fpm apartment
Assorted items were stolen from
an apartment complex on the 600
block of fast University Avenue last
Monday evening, AAPD reports
The robber gained entry by
smashing a window with a small
metal pipe and stole more than
$OO O worth of valuables. Among
t se items stolen were a camera, a
Macintosh computer, and several
rare comic books.
Suspect sexually
harasses woman
in Stockwell
A kitchen staff employee of
*kwell residence hall was sexually
harassed by a co-worker Monday after-
noon, DPS reports state.
The suspect approached the victim
several times over the past month ask-
ing for sexual favors while in the mess
hall. The suspect was questioned by
Victim attacked
l motorist
A victim involved in a traffic alterca
tion on the 700 block of East
Eisenhower Avenue was attacked by
another motorist last Wednesday morn-
ing, according to the AAPD reports.
The victim told officers he was
cut off by the suspect's car. The sus-
pect then exited his vehicle at a stop
light and threw a beer bottle at the
v jm's car. The bottle shattered the
enger side window and cut the
victim. AAPD is currently investi-
gating the incident.
threatens woman
A resident of an apartment com-
fon the 1000 Block of Arbordale
reet was threatened by her live-in
boyfriend with a knife Wednesday
night, according to AAPD reports.
The victim had been arguing with
her boyfriend for several hours
about a monetary transaction. The
boyfriend threatened "to hurt her
very badly" if she refused to pay
him. AAPD is currently investigat-
-Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
* Ajit K. Thavarajah.
A grand finale
Pi Beta Phi and Sigma Nu perform "Get on the Road" at Greek Week's final competition last night at Hill Auditorium. The
Intrafraternity Council announced Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Delta Pi the winners of the competition.
Business students optimistic
Survey shows students worldwide bullish on their futures
Student wants
ROTC out of Arb'
By Ajit K. Thavarajah lolzhacker said he plans to bring
Daily Staff Reporter the issue before the Board of Regents
While running through the Arb on at their monthly meeting next week
the first warm day of spring, and has already delivered a letter to
Rackham student Ronald Holzhacker President Lee Bollinger.
was surprised by a blur of fatigues "It was really a scary experience.
and weapons pointed skyward. With all these new age militia
Holzhacker, a graduate student and groups, I didn't know what was going
member of Citizens for the on out there," Holzhacker said. "A
Preservation of Nichols Arboretum, couple that I saw looked like they
said he thinks the Reserve Officer's were in complete terror. (ROTC)
Training Corps should train else- shouldn't be out there. There are
where. safety and environmental concerns at
"It was the first sunny day and I hand."
decided to go jogging in the Arb, Director of the Nichols Arboretum
when all of sudden I see a woman in and SNRE Associate Dean Harrison
fatigues and Morton said the
boots carrying Arb has various
a machine ff~g5 fue for local
g u n "" think it would r"sidents. "The
Hozhacker be wrong to say that Arboretum is a
said. place for every-
"I thought it we were disturbing one to enjoy
was very nap- and use?'
propriate, even the peace." Morton said,
after I learned "As part of the
they were only - Kris Sullivan University, the
replica guns," ROTC member Arb is also a
B u t research facili-
Holzhacker said he became even ty and is used by different schools
angrier when he observed the rest of within the system."
the ROTC training in progress. Morton said he has no problem
"A few moments later I saw a large with ROTC members using the Arb
group of soldiers marching in two for training.
columns, singing their military fight "Like many other classes, ROTC
songs," Holzhacker said, has used the Arb for many years for
Kris Sullivan, an LSA senior and educational purposes" Morton said.
ROTC member, said ROTC members "In addition to exercise, they practice
are not trying to harm anyone or any- map and compass training as well as
thing while in the Arb. movement techniques."
"When we are participati-g in Local resident Patrica Canton said
drills, we always make sure to try not the whole issue has been blown out
to disturb any of the wildlife or visi- of proportion.
tors. I think it would be wrong to say "Leave them alone," Canton said.
that we were disturbing the peace," "They're just students participating
Sullivan said. "We work very hard in a great tradition and everyone
and we don't want to have anyone should be proud of them. They are
feel frightened or uncomfortable." just doing what they have to do."
Passover is comi1ng!
Sign up for the Hillel Seder
Passover meals by April 14th.
Call soon to be sure to save your place.
By Susan T.Port
Daily Staff Reporter
Even in an era of downsizing and
scaling back, business students
nationwide haven't lost hope.
Business students around the
world share an optimistic view of
the opportunities ahead of them,
according to a recent survey by New
York accounting firm Coopers &
The survey questioned 1,200
business students from 30 leading
universities and 10 different coun-
Results showed that regardless of
national boundaries, students share
many of the same beliefs concerning
the growth of the economy.
Brent Inman, the National Director
of Recruitment for Coopers & Lybrand,
said students are especially interested in
seeking opportunities overseas, and
maintaining a balance between business
and pleasure.
"A key thing that was very reveal-
ing was this generation of students
are very interested in international
opportunities," said Brent Inman,
National Director of Recruitment
for Coopers & Lybrand. "(And) per-
sonal life was just as important as
the student's careers."
Edward Snyder, associate dean at
the University's School of Business,
said the survey is consistent with
University graduates' succeses.
"Students have very high-quality job
opportunities," Snyder said. "The
University offers a different and diverse
MBA program."
Snyder said the business world has
expanded into a global economy.
"There has been a turnaround in the
business world," Synder said. "When a
student goes and gets a job outside the
U.S., they are not just a U.S. busi-
nessperson. They are a global busi-
nessperson going to work where there
are opportunities."
Many business students predicted
that business endeavors will have more
influence on the world's future than pol-
"Many believe companies will take a
front seat," Synder said. "I don't think
we are necessarily displacing govern-
ment. I expect business will take a
greater role in the future."
Michael Lambert, who is pursuing
his Masters of Business Administration
degree at the University, said good job
prospects are a reality for him and his
"A good number of us graduating
with MBAs already have jobs,"
Lambert said. "Those classmates
who do not already have jobs I am
certain will get one soon."
MBA student Mitchell Goodnan
said the business world thinks very
highly of the University's School of
"The University's reputation is grow-
ing,' Goodman said. "The school is a
collaborative environment that teaches
you managing skills, with a focus on
people skills."
Synder said the market is expanding,
with more opportunities than there used
to be.
"It's remarkable how fast and dynam-
ic and less bureaucratic ... the economy
has become," Synder said.
NYU dean offers
grad school insight
By Brian Campbell
Daily Staff Reporter
Getting into graduate school to study
biomedical and health sciences is no
easy task.
But Dr. Joel Oppenheim, associate
dean for graduate studies at New York
University, gave University undergrad-
uate students tips on how to make the
arduous process a little easier.
Oppenheim addressed students yes-
terday at the University Medical
Center's Towsley Center, in a lecture
titled "How to Apply to Graduate
School" as several graduate schools
from across the nation advertised their
programs for browsing students.
While most students applying to grad-
uate school to pursue biomedical and
health research have acquired the neces-
sary scientific background, Oppenheim
said he looks to admit mature students
with a range of interests.
"I'm looking for well-rounded stu-
dents, for students who read the news-
paper and can talk to me in an intelli-
gent fashion," Oppenheim said. "You
have to be able to understand the soci-
ety around you."
Oppenheim said students should take
many factors into consideration when
applying to graduate schools, including
the quality and flexibility of their pro-
grams, finances, geographical location,
library and computer resources, minor-
ity offices and child-care services.
To find information about potential
schools, Oppenheim advised speaking
with professors, using career service
programs and looking up schools in
periodicals such as Peterson's Guide.
Oppenheim said oral and written
communication skills are essential for
scientific researchers, and advised stu-
dents to hone their reading and writing
abilities as undergraduates.
"You can do great science, but if you
cannot communicate this research to
the community and your peers, your
work will never be recognized,"he said.
LSA junior Nora Kuriel said the lec-
ture was helpful because it was less for-
mal than most applications seminars.
"I've been to other graduate pro-
grams before, but I think this is the
best?' Kuriel said. "He gave a lot of
details that other schools don't give and
didn't try to be intimidating"
Oppenheim advised casual dress and
spontaneity for interviews and honesty
on applications, which he said some
students fill with exaggerations, only to
contradict themselves during the inter-
view process.
1429 Hill Street
"A Day in College for 5th Graders from
-Detroit," sponsored by Project
Serve, Call 764-0639to participate
- ."Conversations with Courtney Clixby,"
sponsored by Unions Network
Television, channel 24, 3 p.m. and 8
Q "The Music of 17th Century Italy and
Germany," sponsored by The E-17
Quartet, The Reorganized Church
of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints,
520 W. Jefferson St., 8 p.m.
J "Urban Plunge: 48 Hours in the Street
as Someone Who is Homeless,"
sponsored by Project Serve, Call
W 764-5687 to participate
"CCRB Nite-0-Funk," sponsored by
The Indian American Student
Association, CCRB, 10:30 p.m.-
1:30 a.m.
J "Cleaning, Painting, and Fixing at
Arbor Haven Homeless Shelter,"
sponsored by Project Serve, East
Quad Residence Hall, 8a.m.-4 p.m.
U "Dental School Career Day," spon-
sored by CP&P, Dental School,
Kellog Aud., 8:30 a.m.-2:30
Q "Japanese Animation Film Screening,"
Featuring "El Hazard," "Fam & Ira,"
and "Vampire Princess Miu,'
sponsored by Animania, MLB,Aud.
3, 5-11p.m.
J "Take Back the Night," sponsored
by The The Ann Arbor Coalition
Against Rape, Top of the Park,
Corner of Fletcher Street and
East Huron Street, 7 p.m.
J "Up All Night with Ozone House," spon-
sored by Project Serve, Ozone
House, 8a.m.-8p.m.
L "Weekly Rummage Sale," spon-
sored by Kiwanis Club of Ann
Arbor, Kiwanis Building, 801
200 S. First St., corner of
Washington, 9 a.m-noon
L "Ann Arbor MS Walk," 5k or 15 K
walk for charity, sponsored by The
National Multiple Sclerosis
Society, Call 1-800-247-7382 for
location information
U "Arts and Crafts Projects at Mott's
Children's Hospital," sponsored by
Project Serve, Alice Llyod
Residence Hall, call 764-6918 to
L "Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots
Democracy, Social Justice
Nonviolence," Weekly meeting,
663-3555, Michigan League,
Conference Room 2, 7-9 p.m.
J "Island Lake Warm-up Hike," spon-
sored b The Sierra Club, Meet at
City Hall on 5th Street to partici-
pate, 9 a.m.
L "Sunday Service," Bible study, spon-
sored by Laymen's Evangelical
Fellowship, Ann Arbor YMCA, 10
CALENDAR POLICY: The calendar's purpose is to provide a place for organizations to announce free events open to the
Uaiversity community. However, we can only print announcements the day of the event. Announcements for events that
charge admission will not be run.
* All items for THE CALENDAR must be mailed or delivered to the Daily at least three days before publication. Events on
riday, Saturday or Sunday must be submitted by 5 p.m. Wednesday prior to the event. We can not accept requests over the
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