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April 10, 1997 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1997-04-10

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 10, 1997 -11A

erupt mn
HEBRON, West Bank (AP) - The
funeral of a Palestinian drew thou-
sands to the streets yesterday in more
West Bank rioting, and protesters
hurled rocks and firebombs at Israeli
soldiers - who answered with tear
gas and rubber bullets.
About 30 people were injured as
Palestinian police formed human
chains, searched rooftops, and
blocked streets with trucks, struggling
to separate protesters from the soldiers
and prevent more deaths after, the
funeral of Nader Isseid, 24, one of
three Palestinians killed a day earlier.
"We don't want it to spread all
over" said Brig. Gen. Abdel Fatah
Jaidi, head of National Guard forces
'in Hebron. But if the casualty toll
mounts, he said, "I cannot predict
what will happen."
Two Palestinians were killed
Tuesday and 100 injured in riots that
broke out after two Jewish seminary
students shot and killed a Palestinian
"The olive branch is down and the
Kalashnikov is raised," marchers
shouted at Isseid's funeral. "Revenge,
Palestinian police fired 21 shots
into the air as Isseid's body, wrapped
in the red, white, green and black
Palestinian flag, was lowered into the
grave. Isseid died after several hours'
in a coma with a bullet in his brain.
After the funeral, thousands of

Cloning may lead
to medical cures

WASHINGTON (AP) - Lost in the
uproar over Dolly the cloned sheep is a
biological feat that doctors say might
someday allow them to grow new bone
marrow for cancer victims, fight sickle
cell anemia and other genetic diseases
or even heal spinal cords.
The idea is to turn back the clock
inside cells to when they were newly
formed and malleable - and then
reprogram their genes to regrow tissues
or switch off genes that spur disease.
"It's an area of tremendous interest,"
said Dr. Harold Varmus, director of the
National Institutes of Health. He is
pushing a Congress afraid of possible
human cloning not to ban Dolly-
spurred research with such medical
Dolly's creation from a single repro-
grammed udder cell gave a boost to
companies already trying different
methods to switch genes on and off, in
a little-known field called developmen-
tal biology.
"I used to have the door slammed in
my face," said Dr. Doros Platika, presi-
dent of Ontogeny Inc. Just weeks after
Dolly made headlines, the company
raised $25 million from suddenly less-

skeptical investors to try regrowing,
among other things, brain cells
destroyed by Parkinson's disease.
Dolly showed "this is not science fic-
tion," added Platika, a neurologist who
is preparing to publish data showing his
treatment stimulated brain-cell
regrowth in mice. "People now realize
there's a lot more plasticity in the body
than they thought."
Virtually every cell contains a per-
son's entire genetic blueprint, all 80,000
to 100,000 genes.
During, embryo development, cells
become specialized - scientists call it
"differentiation" - meaning only the
genes responsible for each cell's func-
tion in life are turned on. The mix of
genes that are awake and thtse that are
in a deep sleep determines that a skin
cell will forever be a skin cell, and not
a brain cell or a pancreas cell.
Then Dolly creator Ian Wilmut shat-
tered biology's dogma.
The Scottish researcher essentially
took a sheep's udder cell and "undiffer-
entiated" it, making it think it was still an
early embryo cell with no special func-
tion. Then he awakened all the genes to
spin off the cells needed for a sheep.

A Palestinian protestor throws a firebomb at Israeli soldiers during clashes in the West Bank town of Hebron yesterday.
The clashes followed the funeral procession of a Palestinian killed in fierce riots that erupted after two Jews were killed.

Palestinian marchers, many waving
flags with militant Islamic slogans,
marched toward the Israeli-controlled
part of the city, where 500 Jewish set-
tIers live.
At one point, Palestinians brought
buckets and cartons filled with rocks
to replenish the supplies of protesters
on the front line.
Jaidi said Palestinian police had
been ordered to be present in large
numbers. "We want to keep losses to a
minimum," he said.
Eighty people died in rioting last
September that deteriorated into gun
battles between Palestinian police and
Israeli soldiers.
There have been almost daily stone-
throwing clashes in the West Bank since
Israel broke ground March 18 for a new

Jewish neighborhood in east Jerusalem.
Palestinians see the construction as
an effort to preclude talks on the status
of east Jerusalem, which they claim as
a future capital. Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu insists Israel's
right to build in Jerusalem cannot be
This week's violence followed a
summit in Washington between
Netanyahu and President Clinton that
failed to produce a formula for break-
ing the deadlock in peace talks, which
ground to a halt following Israel's deci-
sion to go ahead with the construction
of the Har Homa neighborhood.
A Palestinian delegation made up of
Mahmoud Abbas, Yasser Arafat's top
deputy, and chief negotiator Saeb
Erekat left for Washington, yesterday

to discuss ways of restarting the peace
Netanyahu has accused Arafat of
releasing Palestinian militants and
giving tacit consent to terrorist attacks
against Israel, such as a suicide bomb-
ing that killed three Israeli women in
Tel Aviv last month.
Yesterday, Palestinian negotiator
Erekat made the same charges against
Netanyahu, criticizing him for the
release on bail of the two Hebron stu-
dents accused in Tuesday's shooting.
"It seems that he has given the
green light to settler terrorism against
Palestinians," he said. "We will put
this issue to the Americans in order to
direct the attention of the world to
what is happening on the ground,
which is a very grave situation."


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'U' alum, activist loses bid for L.A. mayor

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Mayor Richard Riordan,
who told voters he delivered on his promise to turn the
nation's second-largest city around, was re-elected to a
"second term yesterday over '60s radical-turned-legis-
lator Tom Hayden.
With all absentee ballots counted and 28 percent of
e city's precincts reporting, Riordan had 88,070
tes or 61 percent of the vote, to Hayden's 50,338 or
35 percent.
Most of the early votes were from around the down-
town area, neighborhoods where Hayden enjoyed his
strongest support.
Two hours after the polls closed, Hayden thanked
supporters who had joined him "in trying to visualize
ard dream a dream of a livable L.A."
Hayden, a former University student radical activist
and founding member of Students for a Democratic
ciety, led the student movement in Ann Arbor dur-
ing the early 1960s. He was also Editor-in-Chief of
The Michigan Daily from 1960-1961.
"Whatever the outcome is tonight, we have to reach
for that dream, because without dreams we are not

human beings, and L.A. can never be a city of hope,
only a place of survival and antagonism," Hayden said.
The last time Los Angeles voters ousted a mayor
was 1973.
The city clerk's office had estimated no more than
35 percent of the 1.3 million registered voters would
cast ballots in the nonpartisan election.
But just one hour before polls closed, only 19.6 per-
cent of eligible voters had cast ballots.
Both candidates voted in their Brentwood neigh-
borhoods early Tuesday.
The municipal elections, in which voters also were
choosing City Council members and deciding voter
initiatives, were marred by dozens of polling places
opening late and some listed incorrectly on sample
ballots sent to voters.
A Los Angeles Times poll released a week ago
showed Riordan with 57 percent to Hayden's 35 per-
cent. But the poll also illustrated the city's racial
divide, with Riordan trailing 63 percent to 17 percent
among black voters.
The race began with a focus mostly on the issues,

but Hayden grew increasingly strident, last week call-
ing the mayor a racist who abandoned the inner city.
Hayden later apologized.
To his annoyance, Hayden's background as a
Chicago Seven defendant and '60s rabble-rouser
loomed as large as his current political persona, that of
a 57-year-old liberal state senator who wears a suit and
a neat haircut.
The white-haired Riordan, 66, comes off as a kind-
ly senior citizen, devoid of charisma. His speeches are
stilted and unpolished.
Riordan, elected the year after the 1992 riots, made
expanding the police force a central theme of his first
and second campaigns. During his first term, the police
department grew by 2,000 officers -short of the 3,000
he had promised to add or not seek re-election.
Riordan also said that under the business-friendly cli-
mate he has cultivated unemployment and office vacan-
cy rates have fallen and the whole city is benefiting from
a "Hollywood Renaissance." He pointed to expansions
at Universal Studios and the Los Angeles airport and the
planned DreamWorks studio development.

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Continued from Page IA
professor of surgery in the School of
Medicine, has often been cited as one
f the world's leading experts in the
1ld of prostate cancer.
In 1982, Oesterling earned his med-
ical degree from Columbia University's
aollege of Physicians and Surgeons.
Oesterling, director of the Michigan

Prostate Institute, led research efforts
that produced a new test to better
detect prostate cancer. He has also
served as a surgeon at Johns Hopkins
He was awarded the American
Urological Association Prostate Health
Council Award in both 1991 and 1992.
Dr. James Montie has served as act-
ing chair of the urology department
since the investigation began.


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