4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 10, 1997 ighle ![rr ig m tt r1 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of M ic hitgan JOSH WHITE Editor in Chief ERIN MARSH Editorial Page Editor "NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'There has been some good work done on planning for the University campus, but we need a new master plan for achieving a true sense of unification.' - University President Lee Bollinger who announced Tuesday that he will move his office from the Fleming Building to central campus YUKl KUINIYUuKK G UN ZERO 'Great books' requitrement would enrich 0 Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily s editorial hoard. A ll other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Language leson LSA requirement does not achieve its goals T he LSA language requirement: Students untarily elect. Students should be able to can't live with it, the University can't take the class without worrying about its hivcwithout it. In an effort to rectify the gen- effects on their GPA. eral attitude of distaste toward the language Another of the group's recommendations department, the LSA student government is to move the focus of upper-level language urged the University to create a task force classes away from vocabulary and grammar comprised of students and faculty to improve and toward broader lessons of the culture language department class offerings and itself. Administrators in the German depart- study abroad programs. ment have redesigned the curriculum for The group's report, released on Monday, upper-level German classes to offer differ- recommended changes to broaden the ent sections with different foci, such as con- appeal of taking a foreign language. While centrations on science or mystery literature. the efforts to make the current situation Classes like these offer a more comprehen- more palatable are admirable, the sive look at the culture itself, rather than University seems to be missing the point. disjointed language lessons that students 'iie task force recommended the expan- will probably not master in four semesters. sion of programs that allow students to The lack of interest in language classes study abroad and make them more accessi- does not always surround the content itself, ble to students. Granted, studying abroad is but the fact that the class is required. Many a valuable opportunity and is also a surefire students shy away from requirements; facing way of learning another language. Being four days of language classes a week for two inersed in a culture and a language are years is a dour chore. Students' frustration in certainly beneficial to one's academic the classroom also affects language class endeavors. However, the pursuit of most instructors. It is arduous to instruct a class students' academic endeavors is graduation when the students simply do not care. - something that, in LSA, requires four The language requirement exists to seinesters' proficiency in a language. The broaden students' minds in an effort to col- requirement does not entice most students lapse their ethnocentric notions. However, to_ travel to Spain to learn Spanish; they spending hours memorizing flash cards simply want to achieve 232-level Spanish does little to boost one's cultural awareness. proficiency and be done with it. On the other hand, the LSA Race and .n 1995, the University implemented a Ethnicity requirement serves as a useful rule that does not allow students who tool. R&E accomplishes what the language entered school in the fall of 1995 or later to requirement does not or cannot. take their final semester of a language with Remembering how to ask, "Where is the a pass/fail modification. With this move, bathroom?" in French may help students the University abolished students' last say- somewhere along the line, but it does little ing grace from the language requirement. to expand their cultural horizons. While the Placing a two-year requirement on students, task force's suggestions improve LSA stu- then disallowing them take their final dents' current situation, the University's semester pass/fail, places a burden on stu- ultimate goal should focus on more effec- dents to succeed in classes they do not vol- tive educational curricula. Snlssckers State-endorsed diplomas do not help students DO t zUI os CDON,,,,e" 410MOref) - - .--- 7t_ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR M ost students stop getting stickers for good schoolwork when they are in the second grade. Michigan's state-endorsed diploma system brings stickers back to stu- dents for bureaucratic and arbitrary reasons. During his administration, Gov. John Engler made several changes to the state's public education system, including mandating that all high school seniors work to receive a state endorsement. Engler's educational brainchild strips schools of their autonomy and inches closer to his goal of state-con- trolled education systems. It threatens stu- dents' opportunities and could adversely affect state universities' admissions policies. Engler's proposals for expanding the state- endorsed diploma program pose a threat to students' welfare. He should work to increase educational quality by offering state support, not control. Under the present system, Michigan high school students must take yet another battery of standardized tests to receive a state endorsement. Many problems in the past demonstrate that these tests can interrupt the educational system. Recently, students with multiple test identification numbers cropped up in schools with largely transient student populations. The problem created a record- keeping nightmare and highlights problems with the system. The state should re-examine Engler's emphasis on state endorsements to find a system that benefits students. Engler has demonstrated state control of education as one of his top priorities. State endorsement tests serve as an ineffective means by which to evaluate individual - threatening to invalidate schools' work. The state should ensure that such tactics do not interfere with students' education. Engler's latest plan for state-endorsed diplomas would require them for admission to state universities. The proposal could pose a threat to admissions policies. While in- state students work for a state-endorsed diploma, there is no single comparable sys- tem for out-of-state students. This could cre- ate an unfair situation; while in-state stu- dents who did not receive a state-endorsed diploma would face threatened eligibility, out-of-state students would not face the same criteria. Engler's proposed emphasis on state endorsements could cause admissions problems, threatening universities' ability to find the most qualified students. Requiring state endorsements could also threaten affirmative action efforts. So- called "standardized" tests include biases against racial and ethnic minorities. Therefore, urban areas with high minority populations tend to score lower on state- administered tests, preventing qualified stu- dents in those areas from getting adequate attention. The University emphasizes on affirmative action; requiring state endorse- ments for applicants could threaten affir- mative action -- and the diversity of the student population -- by limiting the minority applicant pool. Using state endorsements to determine academic progress could hinder schools' ability to do their jobs. Engler should allow school districts to educate without bureau- cratic interference. He must stop using edu- Promote effective activism TO THE DAILY: Last Friday evening, as I was walking out of a restau- rant, I noticed a large mass of people walking down the street with candles. I was curi- ous, so I joined the march and asked a gentleman why they were marching. He explained that it was a peace rally in support of racial unity on the anniversary of the assassina- tion of Dr. Martin Luther King. I initially felt really good about what was going on. The street was filled with young children and adults of various races, peacefully marching on a nice night. However, it soon struck me however, that there were no college students to be seen. Aside from a few friends that saw me and joined me in the march, I could not see any other stu- dents. I could only hope that there were large groups fur- ther up or down the line, but unfortunately I somehow doubt that. I began to wonder if University President Lee Bollinger was right, misquote or not. Maybe activism is dead among students. I remember reading in the Daily that day about a stu- dent protest that interrupted a reception for Bollinger ("Student group crashes Bollinger reception," 4/4/97). A fierce mob of 25 angrily shouting demands. Is that all we are capable of now? Groups of 10 or 20 people stomping around with a "screw-you-give-us-what-we- want" mentality? I really hope that the stu- dent groups learn something from the march. A group of people quietly and peacefully walking down the street con- veyep more meaning and sense of purpose then any small band of irate students yelling and venting their hate. They wonder why no one listens to them. ANDREW KIM LSA SOPHOMORE ISR news feature was 'professional' To THE DAILY: Thanks for the profession- al reporting job by Marc Lightdale of the Daily news staff ("Setting the standards, tracking the trends," 4/4/97). His overview of the University's Institute for Social Research and its many facets was well done. We appreciate the feature and the he fails to recognize that a gun salesperson is not required by law to show a potential customer graphic images of the victims of gun violence or discuss alterna- tives to purchasing a gun (such as, "Can we interest you in a slingshot instead?"). Such actions would be inter- preted by the customer as an argument for not purchasing a gun. The 24-hour wait for an abortion, including cover- ing state specified literature, works in a similar manner. Advocates of the law claim that the state is simply providing information so that a woman can make an educat- ed choice. The state is clearly not objective, however: When a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy makes any choice other than abortion, there are no laws requiring her to reconsider her choice. Can you imagine the state requir- ing adoption agencies to pro- mote abortion as a viable alternative? Once an abortion is performed, the decision is final, but using this as an argument for the waiting peri- od implies that choosing to bring a child into the world is somehow a less permanent choice. After a certain point, either choice is permanent. Doctors are responsible for advising patients on the physical and psychological effects of a medical procedure as well as assessing patients' ability to provide informed consent. The state should not assume either of these roles in an attempt to promote a social agenda. Abortion is a unique procedure and the state may be within its rights in requiring doctors to ask if abortion alternatives have been considered. However, the state must not dictate how a doctor explains the medical aspects of abortion (or any other procedure) to his or her patients, nor should it impose an arbitrary 24-hour delay. If the doctor feels a patient needs more time to fully con- sider her options, he or she can advise her to wait. Informed consent involves making an educated choice, not withstanding a last-minute propaganda blitz. A doctor is responsible to patients, not a script written by politicians. The question regarding the wait period law is not whether abortion is right or wrong - the fact is that abortion is legal. As such, the state should leave the respon- sibility of providing medical information in doctors' hands and not pass laws that imply that one of a woman's legal choices is inappropriate. DAViD MoT RACKHAM Feminists want hbaic advantages that men experi- ence. Contrary to Godwin's beliefs, heterosexual sex is not always consensual; rape occurs at an alarming and frightening frequency. An estimated 1.3 rapes against women occur every minute in this country; I out of 4 col- lege women are victims of sexual assault. A woman is forced to take responsibility for sex, whether it is consen- sual or not, whereas men can avoid this responsibility. In an ideal world, both men and women have the responsibility to support and raise their children. However, realistically, women are often forced to take on this respon- sibility themselves. The new welfare laws require women to establish paternity of the child, but this is much less beneficial to the woman than Godwin believes. It is often extremely difficult to establish paternity because of issues concerning rape, domestic violence, teenage pregnancy and incest. Godwin's assertion that "a man's choice to become a parent ends with sexual intercourse" is exactly the same belief that leads many men to abandon their responsibilities as parents and forces many women and chil- dren to live in poverty. Godwin also claims that a problem in our society is that men are "seen as objects rather than people' whereas women are treated as people. This statement is almost humorous, given that women have historically been viewed and treated solely as sexual and secondary objects. This is evident in the prevalence of pornography, sexual assault, violence against women and gender inequality. The views and beliefs of people like Godwin only serve to perpetuate sexism and inequality in our society. RACHEL EDELMAN LSA FIRST-YEAR STUDENT 'Voltron' fan challenges Mega Zord To THE DAILY: This is not a letter in response to an article in the Daily. However, it is a letter of request about an issue that weighs heavily upon the minds ofthe students of the University. I was wondering if you could please take a poll of students about an extremely sensitive issue. Recently, the Cartoon Network added Voltron to its afternoon lineup, which has created mass hysteria throughout the student body and unleashed a wave of pure unadulterated pleasure. U experience The thought of what America would be like If the Classics had a wide circulation Troubles my sleep - Ezra Pound, "Cantico Del Sole" T housands of students will, graduate from col- leges across America next month. Sadly, many of these soon to-be-graduates have never read H o m er' s "Odyssey' or Virgil's "Aeneid." ZACHARY M. Unlike Ezra Pound, RAIMI I'm not troubled by SMOKE & Americans reading MIRRORS the classics - I'm troubled that they don' As my time at the University draws to a close, I have come to the conclu- sion that this school needs a classics requirement. Each first-year stude should be required to take a Great Books-type course that teaches the classics of world literature. Currently, the University is churning out large portions of students with no founda- tion in such works and, as a result, they have less-developed intellects. This proposal is not elitist; instead, it is the result of my beneficialdexperiences with such works and my deep sense of sadness that I have not had to rea more. It is hard to define exactly what are 'igreat books,' and implementing such a requirement would undoubtedly spur debate among academics and students. Generally, the classics are works of tremendous political, historical and lit- erary significance and influence. They have transcended the cultures and tine periods from which they were created to speak to a universal audience abo universal themes and value Examples include: Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey'writings by Plato and Aristotle, Dante's "The Divine Comedy," Shakespeare and John Milton's "Paradise Lost" I am not sure how a requirement would work; I'll leave that to the administrators. Instead, I wish to explain why such a requirement would be beneficial to all students. Manyestudents, administrators an faculty members object to stringent requirements. These people argue that they limit personal choice and make graduating in four years difficult Moreover, many argue that required courses enroll lessmotivated students which harms the learning process. All of this may be true. If the University were to adopt this requirement, it would have to use quality instructor and not make graduation more diff cult. While the objections are valid, the benefits of such a requirement would far outweigh any inconveniences. There are three compelling reasons to have such a requirement. First, the classics are the foundation for all of world literature and much of history. A background in the classics would allow students todeepen their under standing of the literature that has developed since. For example, a st dent's understanding of Milton i enhanced if he or she has read Homer. And knowing Dante makes Pound's and T.S. Eliot's poetry more accessible and meaningful. The classics, then, open worlds of understanding to cul- tural and literary references; without such a background, the path to knowl- edge is forever dim. A second reason for the requirement is that the classics include themes th dominate our popular literature an culture today, and reading these works would deepen our perspective. For example, in "The Iliad," themes include sibling rivalry, infidelity, jeal- ousy, the struggle for honor and the effects of war. And "The Divine Comedy" explores the varying degrees of sin and the complexity surrounding morality. By reading the original stories th dealt with these themes, students ca* view the world in more complex terms. Also, they can develop strate- gies and insights for dealing with com- plex moral and philosophical prob- lems that plague them. And in a larger sense, students can gain a better understanding of human nature. Third, the classics would benefit stu- dents in their studies. History and political science majors can lear about various time periods and th social and political factors that affect- ed culture. For example, "The Divine Comedy" is, in part, a political critique of Italy in the Middle Ages and con- tains much historical information