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April 08, 1997 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1997-04-08

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 8, 1997
Clinton, Netanyahu begin peace talks


WASHINGTON - With Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at
his side, President Clinton agreed yes-
terday that Israel should never "have to
bargain to be free of terrorism." But
their White House meeting failed to
produce an immediate formula to
resume stalled Mideast peace talks.
Clinton said he would explore "any
reasonable opportunity" to end the
impasse. A Palestinian delegation will
come to Washington later in the week to
broaden the discussions.
"We keep our commitments; they vio-
late theirs,"Netanyahu said at the end of
the day, signaling that divisions remain.
However, he affirmed that new

homes for Palestinians should be built carry out commitments for a three-

in Jerusalem, a ges-
ture designed to
offset the harsh
criticism surround-
ing Israel's project
for 6,500 new
Jewish housing
The statement
was welcomed by
the Clinton admin-
istration. "That's
obviously posi-

We keep our
they violate
-- Benjamin Netanyuhu
Israeli Prime Minister

stage pullback on
the West Bank
whether or not
the Palestinians
accept his pro-
posal to move
quickly into
negotiations over
refugees and
other tough
Still, Hasan

Palestinian position that the talks
would not be resumed until Israel
stopped construction of the Har
Homa project.
The Palestinian official also dis-
missed Netanyahu's attempt to focus
attention on terrorism.
"Mr. Netanyahu knows very well
that we oppose terrorism because we
feel that terrorism is against our
national interests for Palestinians,"
he told The Associated Press. "Mr.
Netanyahu bringing up the issue of
terrorism is an attempt, in our view,
to cover up for his own policies that
are very disruptive to the peace

Meltig snow causes severe flooding
GRANITE FALLS, Minn. - Volunteers raced to stack more sandba'
yesterday, afraid that the meltdown from a spring blizzard could wose
what's already some of the most severe flooding on the northern Plains i
Across the Plains, fields were sheets of wbite stretching to the horizon aflet
storm over the weekend left more than 2 feet of snow in places.
In northwestern Minnesota, along the Red River that forms the state line wa
North Dakota, bright sunshine melted a little snow, but the real thaw is expecde
Thursday or Friday, said Mark Seeley, cimatologist with the University
Minnesota Extension Service.
"Everything predicted for the Red is a flood of historic proportions," he saik
The National Weather Service issued a flood warning extending for the next
weeks along parts of three rivers in other parts of Minnesota - the Minflest
Mississippi and St. Croix.
There was no quick way to gauge how bad the flooding might become once
snow melts, but 4 to 5 inches of heavy, late-season snow could be equal to1 inc
of rain, Seeley said.
In Granite Falls, wind-blown snow stung the faces of workers stacking san*
on the levees as they worked to protect about 40 homes along the Minnesota Rive

tive,' State Department spokesperson
Nicholas Burns said.
The Israeli leader also pledged to

Abdel-Rahman, the chief Palestine
Liberation Organization representa-
tive in Washington, reiterated the

Child protection law
triggers controversy
SAN MATEO, Calif. - The child
molester everyone fears could, per-.
haps, be here. Not scowling from the
shadows. Not cruising in a van. Bit
This quiet bayside city has enact-
ed the first law in the nation ordt-
ing every volunteer who supervises
children to submit to a crimial
background check.
The law - which took effect last
month - requires nonprofit greps
from the Pop Warner Football Le ue
to the YMCA to fingerprint all ccach-
es, tutors and mentors who look after
one or more children without another
adult present.
"It sends a message to perpetrators,"
said Beth Salazar, executive director of
the Peninsula Family YMCA, "that
they will need to go somewhere else to
get a kid to abuse."
As clearcut as that sounds, San
Mateo's Child Protection Ordinance
has generated a fair share of opposi-

*From the mayor to a local Iit
League president, critics have object
to the law on philosophical and jrct
cal grounds.
Underlying their critiques
wounded, wistful question: Since
did good deeds and clean fun
so darn suspicious?
Republican refuses
to concede race F
NEW ORLEANS - Five nottI
have passed since the US. Senate ele
tion was held in this politically colrf
and sometimes scandal-prone 'sict
and Louis "Woody" Jenkins stile
not conceded defeat.
Since losing to Democrat lVai
Landrieu by 5,788 votes, Jenkb,
Republican state legislator well know
for his conservative causes, has refug
to slip quietly away.
With single-minded tenacity 1
has alleged a broad range of fbit
fraud that he believes cost hio '


British return to
races after threats
LONDON -An angry ~ritain went
to the races yesterday in a national
show of defiance against the Irish
Republican Army.
"We beat them. It was fantastic,"said
one fan as he left Aintree racetrack in
Liverpool after the belated running of
the Grand National, the warld's premier
Prime Minister Johrn Major and
Princess Anne, the dauglhter of Queen
Elizabeth II, joined more than 20,000
fans who came for a single race yester-
day and were cheered on, by tens of mil-
lions across the country watching on
On Saturday, the 150th running of
the Grand National was canceled at the
last minute by bomb threats allegedly
from the IRA, which has repeatedly
disrupted Britain's transportation net-
work over the past two, weeks in its own
editorial comment on a national elec-
tion campaign.
Saturday's threat triggered the evacu-

ation of about 70000 people . ii
Aintree. ..-
"The message to the IRA is thbafy
cannot bomb the British out of Jhe
national institutions" Major sai#
yesterday's race. "You cannot brt1-
British out of Northern Ireland, a1y
cannot bomb Northern Ireland out <
the U.K. The message is very plan."
Vietnam to rep a'
U.S. $145 million,
yesterday to repay more than $I
lion in debts to the United Stat
incurred by the defeated 'ou
Vietnamese regime, eliminating
major roadblock to the eventual no
malization of economic and trade rel
tions between Washington and Hanoi
Hanoi's' commitment came 41
accord signed by Vietnamese Financ
Minister Nguyen Hung and 4J.
Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin'wl
is visiting Hanoi this week.
- Compiled from Daily wire report

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Jodi S. Cohen, Managng

EDITORS: Jeff Eldridge, Laurie Ilayk. Anupama Reddy. Will Weissert
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Brian Caffbeil, Greg Cox. Jeff Enderton, Sam England, Megan Exley, Maria Hackett. Heather Kamins. Kerryfl0ISS
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STAFF: Emily Achenbaum, Kristin Arola, Ellen Friedman, Samuel Goodstein, Heather Gordon, Scott Hunter, Yuki Kunmyuid, Jim Las*1
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EDITORS: Alan Goldenbach, Jbhn Leroi, Will McCahill, Danielle Rumore.
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PHOTO Mik FidMan, Sara 8t11101an, W
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