t: 476-DAILY vertising: 764-0554 , trru 1aiW One hundred siv years ofeditoniafreedom Tuesday April 8, 1997 ists reveal booster may have helped recruiting Heather Kamins nd Ajit K. Thavarajah aily Staff Reporters Examination of the Michigan basketball am's complimentary ticket lists show that it booster Ed Martin may have acted as a iter for the team. In a March investigation of the ba:tketball rogram, Michigan Coach Steve Fisher is quot- as saying he "never used (Martin) as a repre- ntative of our athletic interest in any way," and at his relationship with Martin was "casual, 'endly but distant." In addition to being a season ticket holder, the list shows that Martin received 30 complimenta- ry tickets from the 1990-91 season to the pre- sent. On eight occasions, the tickets were given written authorization by Fisher. For one game in 1994, a hand-written note on the cover of the complimentary ticket list asks that recruitee Willie Mitchell be seated with then-may- oral candidate Dennis Archer and Martin. Mitchell, who had been named that year's Mr. Basketball for the state of Michigan, was a heavi- ly recruited high school prospect for the University. The message states, "Jan - please put Willie Mitchell, Dennis Archer, Ed Martin together, 3- 4 rows up." The message was not initialed by anyone, but the full list of tickets for that day was signed by Fisher. "If you are trying to recruit a student, it's cer- tainly understandable you'd want to impress the candidate," said Vice President for University Relations Walter Harrison. In recent weeks, the basketball program has come under fire after allegations surfaced that members of the team may have accepted mone- tary payments from Martin. As a result of the alle- gations, the University hired the law firm of Bond, Schoeneck & King, a Kansas-based group that specializes in NCAA infractions and compliance, to investigate all credible accusations. Harrison said the ticket lists have been given to the firm. "These are lists we had first looked at in our investigation, and now we have given them to the law firm to look at," Harrison said. "I think we would all admit that back in the early '90s, we had a looser system (of regulating compli- mentary tickets) and now we are tightening it.' Lists also show that former Michigan player Jalen Rose received a disproportionate number of complimentary tickets for the 1993-94 sea- son, and on several occasions he gave the tickets to the same men who were caught with him in a drug raid a year earlier, where marijuana and cocaine were discovered. On at least one occa- sion, the three men were seated together. Keith Molin, senior associate athletic direc- tor, said he was unable to comment on specific questions about the lists. "I have never heard anything about this until a couple of days ago,' Molin said. "I really can't comment on this. I can tell you the law firm will be handling it." . Archer was the most frequent recipient of the complimentary tickets, receiving tickets 42 times for himself and on 16 occasions for his sons. LSA exceeds donation goal By Janet Adamy Daily Staff Reporter LSA fundraisers recently topped their five-year Campaign for Michigan goal of $110 million, Dean Edie Goldenberg announced at yesterday's LSA faculty meeting. Goldenberg called LSA's fundraising success "unprecedented." "To the best of my knowledge, no other public liberal arts college has ever met this goal," Goldenberg said. The campaign, which began in 1992 with the intent to increase fundraising throughout the University, has brought about $1.25 billion to the University - a quarter of a billion more than the goal orig- inally set for Sep. 30, 1997. "This represents a fantastic collaboration between the fundraisers in LSA and in the central administration and the very compe- tent and hard work of Dean Goldenberg," said Vice President for Development Thomas Kinnear. LSA donations fall into three major categories: $71 million has come from individuals, $12.3 million has come from corporations and $26.7 million will be used to establish foundations within LSA departments. An additional $50 million is anticipated through bequest donations. Goldenberg said $8.5 million has been put toward LSA scholarships. Students will also see the new funds in the form of increased graduate student support and gifts to astronomy, honors and film and video students. "The real beneficiaries are the students because this will help us increase the qual- ity of undergraduate education," said Vice See FUNDRAISING, page 7 y, 4 4 k.r , , emu'o 4#_ rp v. s ADDIE SMITH/Daily ( mur (front) and Brian Gallaway (back) from GrunWei Cashero do construction work at the Museum of Art located on South State Street. Crews are rrently working to restore the back portions of the museum. Former Daily editor wins Pulitzer Prize study angua Janet Adamy ily Staff Reporter A study presented yesterda d faculty aims to improve th ge's language requirement. The suggested improvem ought about at the urging overnment and presented to I "ys to change students' what unpopular language arly within the department o d literature. "It's clear to us that there is a tion for students to study in ents" said David Schoem, dergraduate education. "Today, too many students t the requirement out of the nued. n effort to increase stu age, the report suggest off sugests LSA [ge ch~anges of options to fulfill the language requirement, rethinking and encouraging study abroad pro- y by LSA students gratos, improving academic support services he appeal of the col- and 'offering more intensive language opportu- nities through departments, in addition to those dents, which were that are already offered in the Residential of the LSA Student Colltge. LSA faculty, focused Prof. William Paulson, chair of the department of attitudes toward the romaince languages and literature, said he agreed requirement, partic- with miost of the conclusions in the report, includ- f romance language ing th.t finding that there is a noticeable lack of stu- dent isterest in the romance language and literature lack of strong moti- department. n (language) depart- However, he said he wasn't sure if the study's assistant dean for reconmiendations would target unmotivated stu- dents. s are just trying to "I think that a lot of those steps might be useful way," Schoem con- to those whose motivation is fair to good, to those students who have the more motivation," Paulson doesn't think that LSA can encourage students to be more enthusiastic about foreign language class- es. "I think it comes out of high school:' Pankopf said. "If you liked language in high school, you will continue with it. Otherwise, you would just take it because you have to." Spanish Prof. Luisa Lopez-Grigera said teachers can have an effect on their students' motivation to study language. "My experience with students is that they can be See LANGUAGE, Page 7 By Katie Wang Daily Staff Reporter Lisa Pollak's career as a reporter began on the second floor of the Student Publications Building at The Michigan Daily 10 summers ago. Yesterday, the hometown girl made good and Pollak's writing abilities and years spent chasing stories were recognized with a dis- tinguished Pulitzer Prize in journalism. Pollak, a former Daily news editor who now writes for The Baltimore Sun, received the award for her in-depth feature story about Major League Baseball umpire John Hirschbeck's struggle to cope with the loss of his son to a deadly neuro- logical illness. "The Pulitzer is the pinnacle ofjoumalism - it is to say she is the best' said Rebecca Blumenstein, Pollak's former colleague and Daily editor in chief. "I remember Lisa as one of the best writers at the Daily" The Pulitzer Prizes in journalism are awarded annually in 14 categories - Pollak received the award for feature writ- ing. The winners are selected by a jury of distinguished journalists. This is the 81st year that the Pulitzer Prizes in journalism have been awarded. Pollak, who graduated from the University in 1990 and worked at the Daily from 1987-1990, was unavailable for comment last night. Colleagues at The Sun said she was celebrating her accom- plishment. University alumnus Andy Mills, who dent interest in lan- ering a wider range said. LSA first-year student Kate Pankopf said she TRACEY HARRIS/Daily worked with Pollak from 1987-1990 at the Daily, said he remembered Pollak's forte as feature writing. "It is difficult to be a good feature writer because generally it is not prized as much:' Mills said. "Writing feature stories was not that valued because everyone wanted to write administration stories. "She has a very good ear for writing and she cares a lot about her writing" Mills added. "She worked very, very hard." Mills said that as a student reporter, Pollak demonstrated the desire and ambi- tion to enter the field of journalism. "Lisa from day one was going to be a reporter," Mills said. "It was just a question See PULITZER, Page 7 roE taks about caving president er welfare law Jeffrey Kosseff aly Staff Reporter Public Policy Prof. Wendell Primus, who quit his job as deputy cretary of health and human services after President Clinton sup- orted last year's welfare law, relived his days in the Clinton admio- tration yesterday. Primus went to Washington, D.C. to draft welfare reform for 1 n, but when Clinton compromised and signed regulations that Mederal welfare funding by about $50 billion, Primus said his nly option was to resign. "I had come to the administration primarily to work on welfare form," Primus said in a speech to about 30 people yesterday at the enter for Learning Through Community Service. "I had to be able defend that decision, and I couldn't." crt__* .t_ - - -"--- - - _c.. _ -, . . Bollinger to speak today By Katie Wang Daily Staff Reporter University President Lee Bollinger will deliver his first major public speech today since taking office in February. Bollinger will address the relationship between busi- niess concepts and the University in his speech, titled "The University: Some first principles and several recommendations." "I want to suggest at least one important value in the University that I think needs more attention and how that value among others leads me to think about certain policy anectinnc_" Rnllingera eid veterdav. Previous McInally lecturers include Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer and Federal Reserve Governor Martha Romayne. "I hope to do this with regularity," Bollinger said. "I'd like to have many occa- sions to talk about University matters." Although a welcome reception in honor of the new president was interrupted last week by a group of 25 students, Bollinger said he is not wary of speaking in public again. The students, who called themselves part of the movement Latinas y Latinos Unidos for Change, outlined a list of 16 demands thev felt were necessarv to fulfill the i i-