OB - The Michigan Daily Weeke. ,aga Ti- ursday prl 3, 1997
Huron River.
Emergency medicine involves an
Continued from Page 3B extensive range of people, including
physicians, residents, nurses, medical
Lowell then went into the dispatch students, paramedics and clerks.
room. Dr. Michael Roebuck, an emergency
Just outside the emer- medicine resident and member of the
gency room and down a survival flight crew, said the whole
corridor is a small F process begins in the field.
room faintly lit by the "The concept of emergency med-
glow of an electronic icine starts with the paramedics
panel, a gray TV monitor in the field, in the home, at the
displaying two helicopters on emergency scene."
the roof and the luster of plaques Upon leaving the dis-
adorning the wall. The plaques are -'* patch room, Lowell
awards for consecutive successful s. .,,,>' stepped into a waiting
flights. _ room to explain to a
The University hospitals' helicopter distraught wife that it
service, which began in 1983, has flown would be a while before her
more than 15,000 missions without an husband, who was brought to the emer-
accident. The helicopters average just gency room intoxicated, will be allowed
more than three flights per day. to leave.
"I like the fact that we are able to take After explaining to the woman that
things to other her husband
people;" said can't leave
Mary Ingalls, who reuntil he's
dispatches the M sobered up,
flights. "We're gets going L o w e Ill
able to do things headsed back
nobody else to theremer-
does:' elee p ca y gency room to
But Ingalls is With spinal and check on a
quick to point out young man
the importance of head injuries." who dislocat-
the crew's safety, ed his shoul-
which she said is - Kelly Wagner der playing
paramount, tak- Paramedic trainee b a s k e t b a l l .
ing precedence Lowell relo-
over the patient's, cated the
because other means of reaching the man's shoulder earlier in the night
accident scene can usually be found. after "consciously sedating" him with
Sometimes flights are grounded drugs to relax his muscles, relieve his
because of dense fog rising from the pain and allow him to breathe on his
M'Sound and Fury
University Hospital doctors discuss current patients' conditions and field calls concerning incoming patients.
own. In the room next to the young man my adrenaline gets going real high,
The young man, still groggy from the a paramedic and a student trainee especially with spinal and head
drugs, asked Lowell if he already relo- were about to lift a patient onto a injuries."
cated his shoulder. stretcher. It was 11:15 p.m. and Lowell's shift is
Lowell, who had put the shoulder The student, Kelly Wagner, said nearly finished. Lowell made a few last
back in place by swiftly shoving his treating patients at accident scenes is rounds, ensuring that the patients were
arm upward, said the young man's not frightening but extremely excit- stable until the next attendant physician
ignorance of the procedure was evi- ing. arrived.
dence of the excellent combination of "I've always wanted to do it," "One of the biggest potential liabili-
drugs. Wagner said. "It doesn't scare me, but See PATIENTS, Page 7B
Last April, I lambasted former Daily a place I worked, but don't wish to men-
Editor in Chief and Weekend, etc. tion;
columnist Mike Rosenberg for his ten- Or weekends, when I puked on my
dency to bluster and blather on with shoes,
sentimental wish-wash about graduat- under the guise of "relieving tension."
ing and being a senior. To think, I did all that,
This April, I fear I've caught the dis- and may I say, outfoxed my R.A.-
ease of college newspaper but more, much more than this,
columnists around the I've got my B.A.
country: "The Oh-no-
I-have-one-month- (Bridge)
getting-inexplicably- - Yeah, there were
sentimental-about some folks,
my - d ay s- a s,- a- at The Michigan
Wolverine (or other Review,
favorite mascot)- who attacked me, with
syndrome.' neo-conservative goo..
Indeed, I have the And death threats came
disease, despite wanting from the College G-O-P
to flee Ann Arbor at the when I erased their writings
first hint of May. And so, with a stream o' peel
without further adieu, I present a But let my columns show,
senior drinking song, a toasting tune how much campus conserva-
for all seniors making their way into tives blow,
the world outside Ann Arbor, bache- because I still got my B.A.!
lor's degree firmly in hand. (Lyrics
here are, of course, personalized; feel Verse 3:
free to add your own lyrics and sing
while standing on the table of your I have, 122 credits,
favorite watering hole.) I've taken care of all my business.
And now as this beer subsides,
"My B.A." - sung to the tune of Frank I see I spent my dough on pints o'
Sinatra's "My Way." Guiness.
To think, I'm so in debt,
Verse One: I have no job,
I'm just apoor slop,
And now, with April here, But so, oh what the hell, I've got my
I find I face, graduation. B.A.!
My friends, let's have some beers,
and forget all about, moderation. (Bridge 2:)
I've studied, for these four years,
subjects from Dinosaurs, on to Dante Because what's a degree?
- and more, much more than this,
I've got my B.A.
Verse Two: Healthcare Opportuniti
Regrets, like The Michigan Review, You f1 Ive t
And what is it not?
In corporate America,
liberal arts are worth snot.
Because the way, most business folks
Writing and reading books, just isn't
But my LSA record shows,
I took the blows,
and still got my B.A.!
Dean may be reached via e-mail at
deanc@umich.edu. Try OneI
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