oa 4,*1
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Tonight: Snow likely, low
around 50.
Tomorrow: Snow showers like
ly, high around 120.
One hundred six years of editonialfredom
January 16, 1997
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Israeli cabinet
agrees to begin
Hebron pullout
The Washington Post
JERUSALEM - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
faced down cabinet opponents into the early-morning hours
today, securing an 11-to-7 endorsement of his new accord
with the Palestinians to withdraw troops from most of the
West Bank city of Hebron and some rural parts of the occu-
pied territory.
The approval set the stage for a vote today in parliament,
where support for the pact from Netanyahu's Labor Party
opponents guarantees a large majority.
Israel's army is expected to begin evac-
uating most of Hebron as early as
tonight, although religious parties
sought a delay until after Saturday, the
Jewish Sabbath.
In the cabinet, a ferocious and some-
times confused debate lasted nearly 13
hours, with voices raised loud enough
to be heard through heavy wooden
doors. Netanyahu had to cancel a
tlanyahu broadcast news conference yesterday
evening, and Foreign Minister David
Levy - who had a helicopter standing by to whisk him to the
northern city of Afula - wound up missing his son's wed-
ding as the stormy session lasted into the night.
As long expected,, the Hebron deal brought a decisive
break between Netanyahu and the heirs to his party's claim to
all of the West Bank as part of the biblical Land of Israel.
Science Minister Zeev Benjamin Begin, Netanyahu's one-
time rival for Likud party leadership and the party's purest
ideological voice, led the assault on the new pact and
r 'ned from the government after casting his vote.
W e prime minister committed himself to give away por-
tions of the Jewish homeland. He gets zero from (Palestinian
leader Yasser) Arafat," said Begin, the son of former prime
minister Menachem Begin, on Israel army radio before the
Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, who gave
Netanyahu his two previous government jobs, declared yes-
terday: "I don't trust Benjamin Netanyahu anymore. He and
his companions betrayed the idea of the Land of Israel. We
have to find a new candidate for the national camp."
In the Palestinian-ruled Gaza Strip, Arafat had an easier
t in a three-hour meeting of the PLO executive committee
and the Palestinian Authority's cabinet. He secured an endorse-
ment for the Hebron accord without significant dissent.
See MIDEAST, Page 2A
Ex-prof. files
suit against 'U'
Landefeld alleges racism
By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
Former Prof. Thomas Landefeld
has filed suit against the University,
claiming retaliation for publicly
speaking out against a "racist envi-
ronment" in the Medical School.
"The complaint really is relative to
the retaliation that I feel I have received
about speaking out about the lack of
recognition that minority students were
receiving," Landefeld said.
"The main action is to make it visible
(to the Medical School) that changes
have to be made."
Elsa Cole,
general counsel
for the
University, con-
firmed that a suit
had been filed
and said that her
office received it
yesterday after-
"We are confi-
dent that we took Landefeld
the appropriate
action in this matter," said Associate
Vice President for University Relations
Lisa Baker. "He left (the University) for
another position. We believe the
charges in this suit are unfounded"
Cole said she could not comment
further until she read the suit thorough-
ly today.
Landefeld, who resigned from the
Medical School on Aug. 15, 1996, cur-
rently works as an assistant dean for
faculty affairs and as.a biology profes-
sor at California State University-
Dominguez Hills.
Before leaving the University,
Landefeld was removed from the job of
recruiting minority students, he said.
Landefeld cited the results of a cul-
tural diversity study conducted in
March 1996 by Nichols and Associates,
a Washington, D.C.-based consulting
The report found that the Medical
School had a larger percentage of
minority students than the national
However, a majority of minority
students in the study felt that other
students and professors believed they
were admitted for their minority sta-
tus rather than for their qualifica-
"The University ranks high in num-
bers if you look solely at numbers,
but it varies greatly if you look at
daily activity," Landefeld said. "The
students are really having to put up
with a lot of crap because of their eth-
During his 20 years at the
University, Landefeld was a tenured
associate professor in the pharmacolo-
gy department, an assistant dean for
minority student affairs and an assis-
tant dean for research and graduate
Landefeld continually raised issues
about the racial environment in the
entire University, as well as specifically
in the Medical School.
"Basically the students were experi-
encing racism," Landefeld said.
"The perception was that black stu-
dents, or minority students, probably
got in on lower standards. The attitudes
really create a difficult environment,"
Landefeld said. "If you have to face
obstacles, where people think that you
are not as good, it will affect your per-
formance. There needs to be some sen-
See SUIT, Page 5A
Ready to roll
Charlotte Baber of Dudley, Ill., affixes the snow chains onto her tires yesterday in Terre Haute,
Ind. Winter storms swept across the country, dumping inches of snow and making travel treach-
erous. The winter weather is expected to continue for the next few days.
piles MSU
search was
From Staff and Wire reports
LANSING - The 1993 selection
W ess that made M. Peter McPherson
new president of Michigan State
University violated the state's open
meetings law, the Michigan Court of
Appeals has ruled Tuesday.
The Lansing State Journal and The
Detroit News filed suit against the uni-
versity during the process, which began
after former President John DiBiaggio
resigned in the summer of 1992.
McPherson was selected president on
. e7, 1993, by the MSU Board of
The newspapers had alleged the
school violated the state's Open
Meetings Act because its 13-member
search committee met in private to inter-
view candidates and select finalists.
The MSU case was pending during
the University of Michigan's recent
presidential search that resulted in the
selection of Dartmouth Provost and
f er University Law School Dean
Bollinger, who will officially take
over Feb. 1.
While the MSU ruling was made
years after McPherson took over, the
University of Michigan's search plan
was questioned and then ordered to be
revised by the court in the midst of the
search -just hours before the finalists
were to be released. The Detroit News,
Detroit Free Press and The Ann Arbor
'ws sued the Board of Regents in
vember, alleging that all planned
closed meetings with the finalists
would have violated the Open
Meetings Act.
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Judge Melinda Morris ruled in favor of
the newsnaners and al meetinu
011 CoNm1uATIONS
Memorial to:
be held for
LSA student
By Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
Friends and other members of the University community
will gather next week to remember and honor LSA senior
Arati Sharangpani, whose life ended in tragedy when Comair
Flight 3272 crashed last week.
The memorial service will be held at noon Wednesday,
Jan. 22, in the Michigan Union Ballroom.
Sharangpani, who was a resident adviser in Mary Markley
Residence Hall, was active in the Indian American Students
Association and other University groups.
"She affected the lives of so many
people in so many ways," said T. Rose
Roane, coordinator of residence edu-
cation for Mary Markley Residence
Hall. "In my mind, I really think (the
service is) going to be large."
Roane spoke at a memorial service
for Sharangpani this past Sunday in
The specific details of next week's
memorial service have not yet been
decided. Sharangpani
"I believe some of the faculty mem-
bers who taught her will speak," said
Associate Dean of Students Delories Sloan. "It's going to be
left up to the students."
Roane said she will not speak at the memorial and prefers
that Sharangpani's close friends - "the people who knew her
the best" - guide the service.
Rackham student Tait Sye, who works with the Indian
American Students Association, is one of numerous people
planning the event.
"It will give anyone a chance to express their love for Arati,"
Sye said, adding that it will also give students who did not
know her "an opportunity to learn about her contributions."
Esrold Nurse, LSA assistant dean for student academic
affairs, said the memorial will give the University communi-
ty an opportunity to honor Sharangpani and to let her family
know she will not be forgotten.
"I expect that the turnout will be very good," Nurse said.
"She represented the very ideal of the liberal arts education.
We felt as a college we wanted to do something."
Psychology graduate student Incheol Choi buys medicine from Jean Burbank, an employee at Village Apothecary on South University Avenue. Many
students have taken the antihistamine Seldane, which the FDA recently proposed to ban because of health problems.
Sedn's sidfectsworry uer
* FDA proposed earlier this
week to ban the popular
cold drug
other medications.
New antihistamines, such as Allegra, have
proved to be as effective as Seldane without
causing harmful side effects. Because of
Allegra and other alternate drugs, the FDA has
when mixed with certain drugs.
"If you have a particular heart problem, and
you take these antibiotics and antifungals, they
will affect the metabolism of Seldane such that
you'll be getting much more of the drug,"