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April 03, 1997 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1997-04-03

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helm of
"'COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -
*Brien, who coached Boston Coll
for I9 years, was hired yesterday
.take over a struggling Ohio State te
after two other candidates rejected
job. ,
O'Brien signed a five-year contr
and succeeds Randy Ayers, who v
firdd March 10. He inherits a team
finished 10-17 the last two years
'was ninth in the Big Ten this past s
the deal includes a base salary
50,000 a year. The Boston Her
reported the total package, includ
outside endorsements and radio-
contracts, believed to be worth ab
$650,000 a year.
O'Brien visited the cami
lupnday after Clemson's R
Barnes and Georgia's Tubby Sm
cided to stay where they a
Athletic director Andy Geiger a
Pberviewed Illinois State coa
evin Stallings on Tuesday.
"I think Jim has coached at a hi
level in a conference (the Big Eas
tlihk is comparable to the Big T
;eiger said.
H-Ie said O'Brien convinced him
really wanted to come to Ohio State
was not dissatisfied with Bos
"It was really important to me that
be romance on the rebound," Gei
d. "He was ready for change and
is a change he feels very, very gc
Geiger also said at his news conf
ence that Stanford assistant A
Tucker said she was not interested
replacing fired women's coach Nar
Jucker was believed to be the lead
candidate. Ohio State also has in
Continued from Page 10A
As for the running game, Carr
bn pleased with the progress of sen
Chris Howard and junior Clare'
Williams, who have both seemed m
comfortable after a year of seasoning
)3ut what has Carr most excited v
s backfield corps is sophomore f
back John Anes whose size and vers
ity seem to fit with Michigan traditiC
rnold of bruising backs.
"Our backfield situation should b
19t stronger this fall than it was last y
.eause Anes is a big, powerful bac
Carr said. "He's an outstanding bloc
and receiver, and he's making us a be
football team.
*And then there's Charles Woodson
"I'm excited," Carr said. "We g
kid named Woodson. I think he's gc
to be a starter for us.'
The junior cornerback/receiver
Heisman Trophy candidate should
even more playing time on the offen:
side of the ball, not only to enhance
fhances for college football's top hot
put because he has adjusted to the ofl

dive game quite well according to CQ
"We've learned a lot a year ago at
eying a guy two ways," Carr s
"'He's had enough experience as a v
receiver. You don't have to worry at
Iiis routes, and he's catching balls a
wetter than when he first came over.'
But when Woodson jumps to
defensive side and looks across the f
'to see his cornerback partner, he
{nothing right now, a problem tha
,beginning to concern Carr.
"Defensively, I'm concerned al
e cornerback position," Carr s
"Nobody has taken over for Wo,
Hankins. Andre Weathers and Ti
Washington are in there but I'm not
isfied with that position."
With Griese's success last year
pooch punter, the position has sor
:come into vogue as a special teams p
tion for specialty position players.
"Griese did a tremendous job d
last year,' Carr said. "We may
49 odson back there. Tom Brady
punted in high school.
"It's a great weapon, becaus(
restricts people's ability to rush
Spunter. Woodson thinks he could
anything. He's not as good a punter a
is a cornerback. But who knows?"
EARN $40 In
:U of M Undergrad Studer

The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 3, 1997 - 13A

flies coop,
Ayvers at
Ohio State
Jim viewed Detroit-Mercy's Nikita Lowry
ege and San Diego State's Beth Bums.
to O'Brien, who is to have a news con-
am ference in Columbus today, met with his
the former players briefly in Boston yester-
day to tell them he was leaving.
ract Two of Ohio State's three freshmen
was recruits - forward Jon Sanderson of
that Lexington High School and guard
and Michael Redd of Columbus West -
ea- said O'Brien's hiring would have no
affect on their commitments to the
of school. Recruit Shamar Herron, a center
ald from Detroit Pershing, declined com-
ing ment.
TV O'Brien is the second Boston College
out basketball coach hired by Ohio State in
recent years. The Buckeyes took Gary
pus Williams in 1986, and he coached Ohio
ick State to a 59-43 record in three seasons
nith before leaving for Maryland. He was
are. followed by Ayers.
also O'Brien is 168-166 at BC and 235-
ach 217 in 15 seasons of college coach-
igh The Eagles are 41-20 in the last two
t) I seasons and have won 17 or more games
en" in four of the last five years. They won
the Big East regular-season and tourna-
he ment titles this year.
and Ayers, the national coach of the year
ton in 1991 when his team won the first of
two Big Ten championships, was fired a
we day after the Buckeyes finished this sea-
iger son. He was 124-108 in his eight years
this with the school.
ood O'Brien must rebuild a team that has
had four straight losing seasons, a first
fer- in school history.
my "I think we want to get a meeting as
d in soon as possible,' guard Damon
tncy Stringer said. "As soon as we bridge a
relationship, the faster we can rise as a
ding team."



Only one person out of... well, hun<
picked Arizona to win it all in TI
Michigan Daily's annual NCAA
tournament contest. Guess what
>he won and will be eating a lot of pi
the near future. Here's some other p
who were close and some who shC
watch more basketball next yeai


Advertising & Marketing
Marketing 1: Principles of Marketing
Advertising: Advanced Creative
American Culture
Studies in American Culture: Basehall and Society
F~undametalls of An thropology'
Culture and Society
Myth and Symbolism
Evolution and Cuhure
Archaeological Fieid Methods
Field Study in Anthropology
Schooling and Society
Secrets and Lies in Social and Political Lifle
African and Asian Languages
Elementary/lntenediate/I 1gb Intermediate Arabic
Elemnentary Chinese
Japa.se I
Korean I
Art History
Introduction to European Art
Ancient Art
Medieval Art in Spain
Art of the Renaissance from Giotto to Mannerism
20th-Cenotry Art
American Art: The Jazz Age
Chicago Architecttre
Museums: Power Politics and Ethics
Studies in African Art
Art Theory and Practice
Basic Painting
Basic Drawing
Intermediate Drawing
Introduction to Photography
Introduction to Understanding Art
IHighlights of Astronomy
Biological Sciences
Genetics and Biochemistry
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Genetics and People
Concepts of Biology
Mind and Brain: Biological Basis of Human Behavior
Business & Finance
Business Law I: Contracts and Agency
Basic Accounting Concepts and Methods I
Organization Behavior
Investments I
Managing in a Cross-Cultural Environment
General Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Latin
The Athenian Drama
Classical Mythology
Communication Sciences & Disorders
Electrophysiologic Techniques: Vestibular Evaluation
Advanced Aural Rehabilitation
Children/Adults with Impaired Hearing
Clinical Study and Practicum in Audiology

Learning Disabilities in Early Childhood
Attention Deficit Disorder
Mathematics and Learning Disabilities
Differential Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities
Current Topics in Learning Disabilities
Introduction to Research Methods
Acoustic lPhonetics
Family Systems: Early Childhood Intervention
Alternat we and Augmentative Commuialtion
Clinical'Vheory and Practice
Issues in Language Analysis
Managemenm of Feeding Disorders
Communication and Demen tia
Advanced Neurological Communication Disorders
Procedures in Speech and Language Pathology
Neuromotor Disorders in Infints and Children
Alternative and Augmentative Communication
Assessment and Early Intervention
Adanced 'lopics in Phonological Development
Aphasia II: reattentmfor Aphasia
Communication Studies
Interperson.il Conununication
Public Speaking
Research Methods in Commtunication Studies
' heories of PIersuasion
Forms of Public Address
Small-Group Processes
Theories of Organizational Communication
Bargaining and Negotiation
Intercultural Communication
Field Study in Coilnmunlicationl
Comparative Literary Studies
Introduction to Fiction: Literature and Intoxication
African Literature: Genres of Verbal Arts
Storytelling in Modern Jewish Literature
Playing the Body in Contemporary Drama
Modern and I'ottodern Literature
Literature and Existentialism
Computer Studies
Computer Programming
Computers and Inf ormation Technology
Computer hardware Organization and Design
releconnmunications and Computer Networks
Introduction to Multimedia Development
Managing Mission-Critical Systems
Introduction to Macroeconom<ics
Introduction to Microeconotics
Applied Econometrics
Public Finance
Intermediate Microeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Business and Government
'Transportation Economics and Public Policy
Introduction to Counseling
Intervention Strategies
Gender and Psychological Development
I Iealth and Physical Development
Practicum in Individual Diagnosis and Assessment
Childhood and Adolescence
Role of Play in the Development of the Child
Practicuin and Practicum Analysis Seminar
Law, Education, and Social Policy
Intrtduction to Organizitional Theory and Practice
Reflecting on~ Educational Problems
Law and Ethics in Higher Education
Management and Meaning of Organizational Change
School Reform: Current Efforts
Internship in Education
Foundations in Writing Processes
Educating Exceptional Children
Fundamentals of English
Elfective Reading and Writing
Introduction to Literature
Intermediate Composition
Reading and Writing Fiction
Introduction to Fiction
Introduction to Shakespeare
Introduction to American Literature
Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction
Advanced Fiction Writing

Postcolonial Literature: The Literature of Change
Postwar British Fiction
20th-Century Literature: Joyce, Pirandello, and Kala
"Fallen Women" in the 20th-Century Novel
African Literature
Literary Classics on Screen
leaching the P'rocess of Writing
Exploritig Language, Style, and Thought
Environmental Sciences
Environmental Field Studies
French for Research
First-Year/Second-Year French
French Literature: Marguerite Duras
Geological Sciences
The Ocean, the Atmosphere, and Our Climate
Slenen ta rvIterm ediate German
German for Research
Hispanic Studies
Elenentary\lntermediate Spanish
Contemporary Spain
L~atin American Culture and Civilization
Latin American Narratives of the Conquest
Europeat Civilization, 800-1750
Ecological Ilistory of the United States
I listory of South Africa
Precolumbian and Colonial andean History
Visions of History
Race and the Roots of British Rock and Roll
I listory of Imprisonment in Britain and the U.S.
The Windy City: Chicago in American I listory
Ltinos in America: 1848-Present
Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences
Economics for Engineering I
Introduction to Technology Management
Marketing Issues for Engineers
Engineering Project Management
Logistic Management
hItermediate Italian
Italian Through Media
Modern Italian Studies: Culture and Spectacle
Italian Comedy
Italian Opera
Journalistic Writing Practice
Formal Analysis of Words and Sentences
Topics in Language and Behavior: Methods of Second
Language Teaching
Precalculus Mathematics
Multiple Integration and Vector Analysis
Sequences and Series, Linear Algebra
Elementary Differential Equations
Game Theory
Introduction to Music
Is Music Theater?
The Beatles: A Multidisciplinary Mystery Tour
Ethnomusicology: Performance in the Andes
Romantic Music
Introduction to MIDI, Computers, and Synthesizers
Seminar in Musical Theater Production
Jazz Improvisation for Music Educators
Orchestral Bowing: Style and Function
Curriculum Development in Music Education
Integration of Music in the Elementary Classroom
Technology for Music Educators
Summer Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra, and Chorus
Workshop on Web Page Creation
Performance Studies
Analysis and Performance of Literature
Public Arin America: Whose Art Is It Anyway?
Urban Festivity
Ensemble Performance

Introduction to Existentialism
Social and Political Philosophy
Philosophical Issues:.Environmetal Ethics.
Philosophy of Art
Physics (calculus- and noncalculus-based)
Political Science
American Government aid Politics
Urban Politics
ltroduction to international Relations
The Presidency
Public Opinion and Voting Behavior
Political Parties and Elections
Legislative Process
African Aterican Politics in the United States
Politics of Western Europe
Czech Politics in the East European Arena
Introduction to psychology
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Social Psychology
General Experimental Psychology
Psychology of Personality
Developmental Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Human Learning and Memory
Neurobiology and Behavior
The Genetics of Sexual Orientation
Evolutionary Explanations of I luman Behavior
Psychology of Gender
Law and Psychology
Psychology of Terrorism
Mass Media and Society
Introduction to Popular Culture
Designing for the Internet
Introduction to Production/Production Aesthetics
Introduction to Computer Animation
I listory of Documentary Film
Filn/'Television Genre
Film As Business
Dramatic Writing for the Media
Sound Design
I lebrew Bible
Introduction to Buddhism
Introduction to Christianity
Introduction to Islam
Zen Buddhism
Topics in Judaism: Jewish-Christian Relations
Slavic Studies
Intermediate Czech
Czech Culture: Film, Visual Arts and Music
Introduction to Sociology
Social Interaction: The Individual and Society
Law and Society
Problems of Cities
Sociology of Sex Roles
Family and Social Learning
Social Basis of Environmental Change
Chicago Field Studies
Introduction to Statistics
Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences
Acting I: Introduction to Scene Study.'
The Circus Arts
Summer Dance Institute: Performance-Choreography
Workshop with XSIGHT!
Finding the Style-The Actor and Hiistorical Movement
Theatre Practicum: Northwestern Theatre Festival
Advanced Acting: Contemporary Scene Study
Stage Directing: Problems for high School Directors
Acting II: Performing Shakespeare
Creative Drama and Improvisation
20th-Century Theatrical Design: The AIDS Ilays
Internship in Theatre Practice
Inner Sources of Out Write Expression



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