The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 3, 1997 - 7A VIRTUAL ued from Page IA and at-risk students averaged in the "tid-40's before software usage. 'PHowever, after the software was imple- mented, the scores averaged in the mid- $0's for the overall class and at-risk stu- dents. Kliensmith said students used the computer because it gave students feed- back and control in a non-threatening Avironment. "These mirror the weaknesses of the lecture format," Kliensmith said. Douglas Van Houeling, dean of Academic Outreach and vice provost for information and technology, also pointed out many of the advantages .technology has to offer education. "One of the extraordinary changes in the way we find ourselvesliving today is that computer technology is allowing large groups to deal with us as individuals," Van Houeling said. Some feel that the use of technology will de-individualize education, but Van Houeling disagrees. "The computer is very capable of individualizing things," Van Houeling said. Kliensmith said that because of the large class sizes at universities, "perhaps we're kidding ourselves about the amount of human contact in lectures." Philosophy Prof. J. David Velleman said he worries about the overuse of technology at the University because he sees the "virtual university" being held up as an ideal. "Its a concept in where academiais being fit into a technology rather than a technology being put into a university," Velleman said. However, Velleman said "the defining element of higher education is it involves a connection between teaching and research." Velleman said he feels computers can help in this relationship. Even though the forum did not answer all the questions about the "virtual university," biology Prof. Thomas Moore said these discus- sions are necessary. "Technology is here, more is com- ing. We must plan and learn to use it well," said Moore, president of the University chapter of AAUP. "We have the opportunity to minimize the problems." PRESIDENTS ContInued from Page 1A University of Texas at Austin President Robert Berdahl earns $206,000 and the former president of the University of California, Chang-Lin Tien, earned $222,700 last year. Baker said Bollinger's salary is in line with his duties as University president. "He is responsible for a hugely com- plex organization," Baker said. Bollinger agreed that the job of president has added many new responsibilities to his life. "It's hard to imagine the range of issues that come up in a single day," said Bollinger, "and the range of responsibili- ties." The Michigan presidential salaries do not include housing, cars and other benefits presidents receive from the universi- ties. Benefits range anywhere from vacation days to mem- berships to the Detroit Club. Bollinger receives housing at the traditional presidential residence at 815 S. State St., a 1997 Jeep Cherokee and 25 days of vacation a year from the University. STAMP Continued from Page 1A addition to this year's presentation of the stamp, the University honors Wallenberg annually through a lecture series in his name. "The lectures chosen match the heroism and self-sacrifice of Raoul," Butter said. "But no one had a role like he did in the rescuing and hiding of the Jews." Butter said Wallenberg is a role model for the young gen- eration. "We can't afford to be bystanders, to passively accept what is going on around us," Butter said. "The essence of learning about Wallenberg is to realize there are such people who can make a difference." Wallenberg disappeared while on a trip to the former Soviet Union and was rumored to have been arrested. The whereabouts of Wallenberg's remains are still unknown. In 1981, President Reagan approved a special act that made Wallenberg an honorary American citizen, the only person besides Winston Churchill to hold this title. GR EAT STUDIO bet. campus and downtown avail. in May. Rent neg. Jin 913- 9218. HOUSE AVAIL. 720 Arbor. May-Aug. 8 bdrnn., prkg.. a/c, ldry. Female only. Rent neg. JR 741-0546. MEXPENSIVE ROOMS blks. to Central 'ampus, off-st. prkg. big screen TV, cable, ping pong, basketball, Idry., Fum., or unfum. Rooms range from 150-450 square feet. $150-$200/mo. incl. util. Call 930-0515. lARGE BDRM. IN 6 BDRM. hse. May- Aug. 512 Hill by Elbel Field. Own rm. Prkg. -Ldy. $250/mo. Derek 995-6707. LARGE ROOM MAID SERVICE: Hill and Tappan, fum., prkg., ldry., fem. only. - Must see, very beautiful* 668-2228. LG. 1 BDRM. AVAIL. May-Aug. W/Fall option. Rent neg. Call 213-6907. LG.2 BDRM. May-Aug., 2-4 people. Forest ace Apts.-Great loc. A/C, fully fum., Idry., atage disosal & dwshr. Water incl. Rent neg. Call 63-4472. LG.3 BDRM. apt. Balc. dwshr., wshr./dryer, prkg. 6/30-8/30, $600. 930-9250. .MAY-AUG. 1 bdrm. $280/mo. 416 Benjamin. Near bus & IM bldg. in spacious 2 bdrm. bi-lev. apt. w/ woman and cat. Hardwood firs., porch, prkg. 997-9640. MAY-AUG. 1 BLK. from Union 726 S. State Bi-lev. D/W, A/C, H20. Incl., 2 bdrms. Rent neg. Fum. Call 669-9454. MAY-AUG. Sublet. One bdrm. huge, free r, . New kitch. rent neg. 764-8683. EED TO SUBLET? Lg. rm. in hse. @ 1108 East U. Great Loc. Big back yard, w/ deck/patio. 2 Huge baths, & 2 kitch. Lots of prg rce Neg. Call 769-3942. NYC 2 BDRM. APT. avail. July and August. Call 212-477-6374. RM. IN 4 BDRM. House from May 1 to August 31 w/fall lease opt. only $180 neg. Nicole 7694241 mornings best. "SPACIOUS 1 BDRM. $430/mo. Spicetree apts. 434-2953, 973-4359. -SPRJSU. SUBLET-Great loc.: Big dbl. (or gigantic sgl.) in a spacious, fully-furn. apt. on r of Hill & Tappan. Prkg. spot, huge itch. w/ dwshr., Idry. on premises, & 2 great ,apt mates. Rent neg. 820 Hill, Apt. 1. For ^more info call Beth @995-9065. SPRJSUM. SUBLET at 1320 S. University. Lg.rm. in 2 bdrm. apt. $ neg. May-Aug. A/C, balc., fully fum. 669-0255. 'SPRING OR SUMMER Sublet: 3 Bedroom apt. Plenty of space, parking spotlaundry, A/ C. 5 mm. walk to Central Campus. 909 -Church St. The Abbey rent neg. SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET- 7 bdrms., A/ C, close to Central Campus & CCRB, fully m., wshr./dryer, prkg. avail., rent. neg. Call -,7377. SUB.-$269 MO. Apr. thm. Jun. Jul. & Aug. $150 if desired. 913-6662 Adam. SUBLET- 2 bdrm. unfum. apt. on Island Dr. :une I - Aug. 31 w/ fall lease option. Free g. Gas/water/heat incl. Rent neg. 994- 519. SUMMER SUBLET-Central Campus. Seek- mig great fem. to fill clean 7 bdrm. hse., ldry., prkg. Call Now-Jen 764-2998. SUNNY 1 BDRM. FURN. 2 blks. from Diag. Rent neg. 213-0739. VERY LG. BDRM. AVAIL. May-Aug. ry., prkg., fum. 5 min. walk to Union. Rent Veg. Call Anne at 663-6556. YOU CAN AFFORD TO BE CHOOSY... ...Once you've seen what Wilson White has to offer for spring/summer leases. You can choose a fully furnished apartment with A/C, balcony, laundry, parking, and more. For more information, call 995-9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. !AAHH! THINK MONEY-Find sources of aid to pay for college, it's there. TechLink Systems msg. 973-8719 x112. * SANDI'S WORD PRO: Resumes. Letters. Papers. Theses. Law. Editing. Tapes. Fax. Rush. U-M $ Discount. 426-5217. A-1 ALTERATIONS expert repairs- tailoring. 10 years experience. Opening spe- cial 20% off. 621 E. William, 994-3228. AIRTOUCH CELLULAR U of M Student employee rates available. Free weekends. e wil be at the Union April 7-10. Call Mike or Rick 800/327-5169. ANN ARBOR INSTITUTE of Massage Therapy's daily student clinic is avail. for student massages. $25/hr. Call 677-4430 to make an appt. ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS!!! Grants, scholarships, aid available from sponsors!!! No repayments, ever!!! $$$Cash for college $$$for info.: 800/243-2435. COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID - Student Financial Services profiles over 200,000+ in- Wividual scholarships, grants, loans, and fel- owships-from private & government funding sources. A MUST FOR ANYONE SEEKING FREE MONEY FOR COLLEGE! 1-800-472- 9575 Ext. F55984. COMPUTER ASSISTANCE? Internet hdok up, HTML Programming. Call 702- .6910. MONEY FOR COLLEGE We can help you obtain funding. 1000's of awards avail. to all students. Immed. qualification. Call 800/651- 3393. NEED HELP WITH English Composition? Former professor of English. Tutorng. 761- 3427. RESEARCH REPRUS Largest Library of Information in U.S. 19,278 TOPICS - ALL SUBJECTS Order Catalog Today with Visa / MC or COD 911111800-351-0222 gan or (310) 477 8226 Or, rush $2.00to:0 Research Assistance 11322 Idaho Ave., #206-RR, Los Angeles. CA 90025 PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING, storage available. 715 N. Univ. Call 662- 1906. WRITE ON... Writing, editing & word processing 996-0566. !OWN THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS to MI distributorship for specialty printing products. Great opportunity for self-starter to build FIT career or profitable side business while @ UM. Call 747-6336. #1 RANKED FUNDRAISER Your group, club, fratemity/sorority can raise up to $200...$500...$1000 in one week. Minimal hrs./effort required. Call 800/925- 5548, Access Code 22. Participants receive free Sport Camera just for calling. $$ IS YOUR SUMMER JOB average? Set yourself apart this summer. Get paid what you're worth. Gain serious practical experience. Travel! Call 973-7443. $1000'S POSSIBLE READING books. Part time. At home. Toll Free 1-800/218-9000 ext. R-1864 for listings. $1000'S POSSIBLE TYPING. Part time. At home. Toll free: 1-800/218-9000 ext. T-1864 for current listings. $1500 WEEKLY potential mailing our circulars. For info call 301-429-1326. $500/WK. Summer Internships Placing All Majors/Eam 3 Credits Call 975-9817. Need Experience? Any SEX Painters Needed have fun working outside with oils and latex Earn bonuses for good performance. Training provided salary ranges from $7-10 per hour. Positions avaiable statewide. CALL Colege Pro Painters 1-888-277-9787 $6.50/HR.! Now hiring for Fall/Winter posi- tions that are avail. throughout the school yr. Flex. eve. hrs.-create own sched. Obtain valuable computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training. For unfo. & applications stop by Mich. Telefund, 611 Church, Ste. 304 or call 998-7420. A SPECIAL GIFT-We're looking for heal- thy women between the ages 21-35 for egg donation. All ethnic backgrounds are encouraged. Fee paid. Send inquiries to AARMA, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. A. M. SNOWPLOW & Lawn Care Service is looking for crew leaders/crew members. Full-time or part-time. Lawn mowing/leaf raking. Excellent benefits. No experience required. Starting at $6.75/hr. Call 973-0930. AAA STUDENT PAINTER earn $6-9/hour w/ Ann Arbor's most successful team! Call 662-0747. ABBOTT'S Landscape & Nursery crew, nursery, & sales help wanted full or part time. Please call 665-8733. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Y & S Sandwich Cafe. Full and Part Time, Flexible Hours. In Michigan Union. 669-8977. ANNUAL KATHERINE'S CATERING recruitment party. Thur. Apr. 10, 4 -7pm. Call Craig/Diana for more info @ 930-4270. APPLY TODAY WORK TOMMORROW LOCAL COMPANY HIRING $400/500 wkly. CALL NOW 677-5504 Must be 18 BE A SUCCESS, WORK AT the best! En- joy your summer at Willoway Day Camp. Enthusiastic, talented, creative students needed as general counselors and specialists: from June 15-August 15. Must live in Bloomfield, Novi, Farmington, or adjacent areas. Willoway Day Camp, 810/932-2123 or e-mail CAMP COUNSELORS - Outstanding Sum- mer slim down camps on university cam- puses in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania. All specialties: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics, exercise, Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20+. 1-800-421-4321, COUNSELORS, COOK, naturalist needed at co-ed summer camp near A2. Rm., board, salary. Call 313-878-6628 for info. COUNSLERS: TOP BOYS AND GIRLS SPORTS CAMP IN MAINE Get in on an exciting, fun summer! Must have good skills, able to instruct, coach or assist. Openings in: Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Hockey, Lax, Swim (WSI), Waterski & All Water Sports, PLUS: Camping & Hiking, Ropes & Climbing, Wall, SCUBA, English Horseback Riding, Archery, Riflery, Arts & Crafts, Martial Arts, RN's, Secretaries. Top salaries, Awsome facilities, Rm/Bd/Ldry Travel. Call, E-mail(, or Write: Steve Rubiln, (800)473-6104, CAMP COBBOSSEE(kah'buh-see) 10 Si- vermine Dr., South Salem, NY 10590. COUNTER HELP Morning & lunch shifts available at Tim Hortons. Meal allowance, uniforms, clean work environment, & the op'- portunity for advancement. Up to $6.75/hr. to start. This employment may continue through the summer for those who choose to stay. Apply in person at Tim Hortons Michigan League Bldg. 911 N. University. Would you like to see your name in print? Would you like to have 40,000 people read your work? Do you like to have fun Daily? If yes, you belong with us! Be an Account Executive for the Classified Sales Dept. of The Michigan Daily. Applications available @ 420 Maynard. Due riday, April 4, 1997. Questions? Call 764-0557 and ask for Adam or Monica. CRUISE & LAND TOUR Employment - Discover how to work in exotic locations, meet fun people, while earning up to $2,000/ mo. in these exciting industries. Cruise In- formation Services: 206-971-3554 Ext. C55984. DAYCARE NEEDS organizing, cooking, baking, cleaning, baby care, pet care, and fun activities. $6-8/hr. 996-4847. EARLY CHILDHOOD Lunch assistant. Summer job. 11:30-1:30 Mon.-Fri. May- Aug. Assist w/lunches @ NAEYC Ac- credited Center. 668-0887. EARLY CHILDHOOD Part time. 3:30-5:30 Mon.-Fri. Assisting w/toddlers. May-Aug. NAEYC Acreditied Center 668-0887. EARLY CHILDHOOD Substitutes needed for Spring & Summer. Work according to your availability. Working with children un- der age 5. Call 668-0887. EARN $7-10/HR. Work outside this summer painting houses. No exp. nec. Call immediately. 1-800-405-6227. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Great earnings and career opportunity with a dynamic growing retailer. We're looking for an organized, disciplined and energetic individual. Great potential for advancement. Immediate responsibilities will include store maintenance, merchandising and inventory control. Call 995-8900, ask for Todd. GCO Carpet Outlets 2301 S. Industrial Ann Arbor, MI 48104 FEMALE FIGURE MODEL part-time hours flexible wages negotiable contact Pat- tems Perspectives PO Box 4242 Ann Arbor MI 48104. FRIENDS GIFT SHOP University Hospital Cashier experience helpful 8-18 hrs., eves., weekends, holidays Some daytime hours available Work Study Students Qualify $6.25-$6.75 Call 936-5971 after 12 noon. GENERAL LABOR/swimming pool maintenance. Top pay: $600+/wk. for self- motivated individuals. N.W. Detroit suburbs. Call Craig at 810/477-7727. GOOD-LOOKING WOMEN 18+: Attractive, photogenic, athletic women needed for new, exciting regional calendar. Interviews conducted April 14, 9 a.m. to 4 p m., Holiday Inn West, 7501 W. Saginaw, Lansing. Bring photo. Successful applicants will receive excellent pay. 517/325-1046. GRADUATING SENIORS - Mackinac Island's Murray Hotel needs year round manager. Live/Work 6 months on Mackinac Island and 6 in months Ann Arbor. Fax resume to: 313-665-2644 or write: PO Box 7706 Ann Arbor, M 48107. GRE/GMAT/LSAT/MCAT TEACHERS needed. The Princeton Review seeks dynamic individuals to teach our courses. Call 313-663-2163. INNKEEPER'S ASSISTANT. Housekeeping, breakfast preparation and serving, reservation taking. No experience necessary. 8 a.m. to noon. $6.50/hr. .994- 9100. LOOKING FOR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT? Camp CAEN is hiring students who can work June-July as dor counselors, teaching assistants, or instructors who can teach Virtual Reality classes. Salary $8-16 per hour depending on technical ability. Interested? Have more questions? Contact Craig Strickland via e-mail at CONGRESSIONAL POSITIONS Senate and House of Representatives JOBS Leg islative, Press, and Administrative Opportunities average call 5 min., must be 18 yrs. of age, touch-tone phone required, Info-Source- Boston, MA, 617-491-7824, cost of call is $2.95/minute. MODELS WANTED from Michigan. Be- tween 6-19 to compete in this year's Miss Detroit pageants. Over $20,000 in prizes and scholarships. Including trip to nationals. Call today 800/367-2125 ext. 2725. NOW HIRING PAINTERS for summer help. 40+ hrs./wk. No experience necessary. $8-12/hr. Quality Associates Painting 313/ 332-5928. OFFICE ASSISTANT to MD. Must be well organized, self starting. Must have word processing experience, bookkeeping or math skills and car. $7.50/hour. 662-9191. PART TIME TEACHER assistants needed for our licensed pre-school and school-age child care center. High energy, fun environ- ment and very rewarding work place. Apply in person at Jewish Community Center, 2935 Birch Hollow, Ann Arbor or call 971-0990. PART TIME CHILD CARE help needed. Starting in April & May; continuing into Fall. Top pay for experienced, early child develop- ment & education professionals. 995-1001. PRACTICE REPRESENTATIVE MEDICAL CODING SPECIALIST Career opportunities available in our Ann Arbor office. We are a leader in Medical Billing and we are looking for those who are dedicated, meticulous & quick thinking. Excellent communication and business writing skills along with a knowledge of human anatomy a must. Knowledge of Medical Billing and Coding helpful but not necessary (willing to train the right person). WE OFFER GREAT PAY AND EXCELLENT BENEFITS-WHAT CAN YOU OFFER? Interested: fax your resume to 313-677-7407 or mail to PMG, Personnel Coordinator, POB 1108, Ann Arbor 48106- 1108. PREMIERE BROTHER SISTER CAMP IN MASS. Counselor positions for talented & energetic students a Program Specialists in all Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketball, Roller Hockey, Gymnastics, Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball; 30 Tennis openings; also Golf, Archery, Riflery, Pioneering/Ovemight Camping, Ropes & Rock Climbing, Weights/ Fitness & Cycling; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Figure Skating, Newspaper, Photography, Yearbook, Radio Station & Rocketry; All Waterfront/Pool Activities (Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, windsurfing, Canoeing/Kayaking). Top salaries, room, board & travel. June 22nd- SUMMER GROUNDSKEEPER WANTED Responsible for maintaining campus ground and nurturing plant materials on campus. As seasons dictate, assist with mowing; weed whipping; weeding; leaf pick-up; shrub and flower bed clean-up; preparing for planting flower bulbs; pruning ornamental trees and shrubs. Duties also include litter pick-up. Pay starts at $6.75 per hour, flexible schedules available. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: *Self-motivation * Dependability * Enthusiasm * Genuine interest in creating beautiful and safe campus area To Apply call 764-3422 Or stop by UM Grounds Department office for an application between 7:OOam-3:0Opm weekdays. Grounds & Waste Management Plant Services Building (first floor) 1111 Palmer Dr. (behind the Power Center) MUSIC MAN. need 2 tickets Sat. Apr. 19. Call Barbara 763-9062. STUDENTS ANYWHERE in the U.S. on Continental $159 or $239. Bring your Con- tinental voucher & AMEX card. Elaineat Regency Travel, 209 S. State, 665-6122. SUMMER dHARTERS. Athens $759, Frankfurt $589, London $449, Paris $579, Rome $679, Shannon $409. Restrictions apply. 209 S. State St. 665-6122. WINTER ESCAPE- Cozy log cabins $54- 75 nightly. Incl. outdoor hot tub & ski trails. Traverse City 616/276-9502. THE WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY/Hut- zel Hospital Infertility Program is seeking healthy women to be egg donors for infertile couples. Participation would require frequent office visits an dlaboratory evaluations, daily injections, ultrasounds and a minor surgical procedure to remove donated eggs. The en- tire process is strictly confidential, and finan- cial compensation for time and travel expen- ses will be provided. For more information, or to initiate the screening process to be an egg donor, call Merrilie Rousseau, BS, RNC, Program Coordinator at (810) 558-1100, ext. 4016. UMPIRES ANN ARBOR Community Education & Recreation needs you this spr./ sum. open youth baseball. 5/5/97-6/13/97. Adult softball 5/3/97-7/31197. Rec. Youth baseball 6/14/97-8/1/97. Pay $17 to $22 per game. Call 994-2300 ext 214 for more info. EOF. UNIVERSITY CATERING/Training clas- ses starting now for waitstaff -' FIT, PIT - Flexible Hours - Great $ - Reliable In- dividuals Only! - Call 764-2142 and leave a message. FULL-TIME SUMMER TEACHING POSITIONS $450-500 PER WEEK Reading Enrichment Programs for children of all ages and adults. Graduate students and graduating seniors from any discipline who love books and reading are eligible to apply. We are seeking people with warmth, intellectual authority, and a commitment to high personal standards. Previous teaching expe- rience (with adults or children) is valuable, though not required. We provide a paid, comprehensive training program to equip you for reading instruction. Requires an undergraduate degree and a reliable car. (313) 665-8934 WAITSTAFF NEEDED FOR GRADUATION WEEKEND! $8-$10/hour! University Catering/Pierpont Commons Friday May 2nd and Saturday May 3rd, 1997 Call 764-2142 today! WANTED GROUNDS KEEPERS for the Mich. Union. Work part time hrs. until fall. Flexible 763-5791 Matthew Biggs. Fill out app. @ 1310 Mich. Union immed. positions avail. Sun-Drenched Summer Jobs! Available Now at A-1 Lawn Care Ann Arbor's Largest Lawn Maintenance Co. " 40-50 hrs./wk. " Outdoor Work " Will Train Crew Leader and Crew Member positions through Faii start at $6.50-7/hr. Applicants should be neat in appear- ance w/ good driving record. Apply today at 719 W. Ellsworth #8 (1 Biock West of State St) 3 4 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. or call 663-3343 WANTED: UM Student for employment S ring/Summer/Fall terms beginning May 12. General office duties, errands, Macintosh friendly, valid driver's license. Accepting ap- plications through April 18. Please submit resume to Karen Gibbons, Office of the Provost, University of Michigan, 3074 Flem- ing Administration Bldg., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1340. lf you haven't yet, but want to be a Who part of the UJA Because cares Half Shekel Campaign, Every call Andrew Echt, I 747-808R1 or e-mail:on halfshekel COUtS or, stop by Hillel. 1429 Hill Street INTRODUCTORY ZEN MEDITATION course, 5 Thurs. eves. starts 4/10. Yoga class 6 Tues. eves. begins 4/8. one day meditation retreat 4/26. Sunday services: morning meditation 9:30, afternoon meditation & chanting 5 pm. Talks follow, all are welcome. Zen Buddhist Temple. 1214 Packard, at Wells 769-6520. Have you heard the latest from "Shaming of the Sun" Available April 29th. Call 1-800-742-7269 for a preview PHILIPPIAES BUSINESS EXPANSION. Call to learn how you, relatives, and students can benefit financially. Call Gene after 4 pm for information 517-837-5532. a ATHE DAILY, A 'I= II Do you think you are funny? Then, The Michigan Daily is looking for you! If you want to. see your name on this byline, drop off 5 samples of your creative comic strips at The Michigan Daily Classifieds, 420 Maynard St., or call 764-0557 for more infnrmation 2 BDRM. FURN. at 1700 Geddes Hill for 2- 3, prkg., heat and water, dry. Fall 1997. N- smkg. fem. grad. pref. Central emps. sacious. Alison616/337-7437. FEMALE ROOMATE NEEDED for Fall. 97.411 E. Williams. Call 741-1750. . WORK STUDY' Various office-typ Center. Call Liz Cc COUNSELOR POSITIONS: Openings in all team & individual sports, also Waterfront- Art-Drama-RN's-Competitive sellers. Lo- cated Berkshire Mts. of Massachusetts -2 1/2 hrs. from NYC-Boston. Call Greylock for boys 1-800-842-5214/Romaca for airls 1- STUDENT (valid status): e duties in the Medical ole at 936-5504. child care . DIAMOND BRITE RESUMES High mi -e.imP arvi eat th ,mwest re I 11 i I i m. Y"v l ,l D * -- A ..L....'.. kne