I 4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 2, 1997 bt~e £kIignx ?&ili 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed byi students at the University of Michigan JOSH WHITE Editor in Chief ERIN MARSH Editorial Page Editor NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'Men or women, that doesn't matter. We're trained as Marines, to rise above any situation of male-female. All we see Is another Marine.' - Pvt. Leon Nicholas, in response to Monday's decision to allow women into the Marines; it is the first US. military outfit to allow women into combat training with live ammunition Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. JIM LASSER SHARP 5 TOAST FROM THE DAILY Paddong I Structure shutdown w Students know that parking in Ann Arbor is never an easy task - and those who buck the system usually pay dearly in tick- ets and fines. Both factors may become tougher to swallow in the coming months, as the city shuts down parking structures for badly needed repairs. The first pending clo- sure - the South Forest St. structure locat- ed behind Tower Records - was the focus of a public meeting held last Thursday. Residents and business owners potentially affected by the closing aired views on its projected effects on the community. Participants also discussed various propos- als for funding the repairs. Currently, options include an increase in city taxes and a rise in citywide parking fees and ticket fines. Although neither option is desirable, the second unfairly enmeshes stu- dent motorists. Students already pay an inflated share of the more than $1 million in parking, fines collected annually in Ann Arbor. Ticket fines in Ann Arbor are already excessive - the campus population cannot afford even higher fees. The city should not ask students to shoulder the additional burden. To raise the current parking rates while simultaneously shutting down public park- ing structures is to invite disaster for student motorists. Finding convenient parking pre- sents enough of a challenge with a full com- plement of garages. With fewer options - and higher prices - commuters' risk of receiving punitive parking citations will increase. While the specter of higher taxes is never friendly, it may be a better way to fund city improvement projects than simply upping parking fees and fines again. Besides the commuter lots at far corners Parentli Arbitrary rating A ccording to leading researchers at four major universities, the recently institut- ed television ratings system may not be effective. The project analyzed .more than 6,000 television programs in the last two -years and saw no significant increase in tele- visised violence. However, the study did find that many children's programs portray vio- lence without consequences. The study also showed that children could actually be attracted to shows that are rated above their age group and will watch programs, based on their ratings, that they might normally ignore. The backfire in children's viewing habits are just another reason why television ratings are ineffec- ' tive; parents, not programmers, should be making these decisions. The ratings, to which networks voluntar- ily submitted their programming earlier this year, are intended to work with the "V-chip," a technology that will become standard on every television sold in the United States after this year. The chip would filter out television shows rated above a parent-deter- mined level, but like the ratings themselves, V-chips are just another scapegoat for tele- vision programmers. Ratings give program- mers a feeling that they are absolved of the responsibility of addressing the quality and content of children's programming. As the study shows, they falsely believe that ratings keep children from viewing harmful materi- al; therefore, programmers pass the buck to parents without having to tell advertisers that shows will lose viewers. Parents may feel safe simply letting the ratings make the decisions about their chil- dren's viewing habits. Parents should not make arbitrary decisions according to rat- problems ill aggravate shortage of campus - which require pricey permits distributed by a lottery - the University does little to help accommodate the number of student drivers. Although it is not involved with the city's parking structure renovations project, the University could help alleviate students' parking woes. A lot on the corner of Hill and State streets stands empty, as it has since the fiery destruction of the former Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity house 18 months ago. Most of the talk sur- rounding the University-owned site has centered around building a new, albeit tem- porary, parking lot. However, the lot would be another "staff-paid" lot, barring students during the day when they need campus parking space the most. If only to signify it is serious about helping student motorists, the University should designate the lot open to students, faculty and staff, allowing everyone the chance to obtain a permit. Such a small step will not permanently solve the crisis, but it would help in the parking crunch students will find during city renovations. A real solution requires a concerted effort on the parts of both the city and the University. Among the proposed answers is construction of new structures. Given the funding needs for repairs to existing struc- tures, new construction does not seem fea- sible at this time, but should remain a prior- ity in future city budgets. While city parking structures are in need of repair, the city should come up with a funding option than does not punish stu- dents. Students should be patient during the closing and appreciate the facelift to parking facilities, and the University should help out by increasing access to restricted lots. sliscretion rs are ineff'ective ,T KNEW 3 S HOULL DHAVE -PLAYEtP FOOT8A L L ... L RT E LETTERS TO TH E EDITOR Parents should be involved with their chil- dren's viewing habits and make informed and conscious decisions on the appropriate level of programming. As V-chips become more common, parents must realize that it is not an infallible technology. Some indus- trious tot will figure out how to get around the V-chip, just as children circumvent other protective barriers. Moreover, network shows that target young audiences are often violent. Networks should address the content of shows that "fit" a rating for children, but may contain messages as violent as those in adult shows. Of the more than 800 children's cartoons identified to have violent content, less than 4 percent featured anti-violence messages. Ratings don't change that fact. Ratings present other dangers: Advertisers can use them to chill networks' free speech. While advertisers have always held the power of the purse over television, ratings can make those decisions more ran- dom and may preclude any serious attempt to investigate the quality of program content. Some violent programming on network tele- vision can actually promote strong anti-vio- lence messages. NBC's prime-time broad- cast of Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List," for example, raised doubts in executives who missed the film's valuable lesson to society. If the Ford Corporation had not come for- ward to sponsor the broadcast, it might have never aired on network TV Ratings only inflate advertisers' disproportionate power over what the American public views. Most of the responsibility remains with parents. If children are drawn to program content that they are not developmentally ready to handle, as the study indicated, it is Residence hail lounges are for all students' use To THE DAILY: Recently, it has come to my attention that residence hall facilities are no longer available for use by student groups outside of each partic- ular residence hall. This is quite troubling to me, an off-campus student who participates in activities held by groups such as Alianza, the Caribbean People's Club and the Mixed Initiative. Every year, Alianza holds a Posada in the Mosher-Jordan lounge, an event that will have to be relocated if this policy does not change. And where will it go next year? Student lounges in resi- dent halls have always been available to all students for functions that benefit all stu- dents. Taking away these rooms forces students to use the Union and the League, both of which enforce restrictions (such as no food from out- side the Union). It is upset- ting that the University is not fully supporting and cooper- ating with the efforts of stu- dent groups, especially multi- cultural student groups, by denying room space that should be nothing but acces- sible. MELANIE LAWRENCE LSA SOPHOMORE Social norms to blame for objectification of women To THE DAILY: This is in response to Greg Stevens' letter to the editor ("Anti-Playboy letters make questionable assump- tions," 3/31/97). He suggest- ed that being viewed as a "sexual object" rather than a "thinking individual" is the same thing. For a grad stu- dent, that sure is an ignorant comment. I don't blame him for thinking this way, because he has sadly been socially constructed to grow up with such views, as has this messed-up society we live in. Well, let me spell it out for you, my friends, display- ing the female body in a pornographic magazine or film is definitely destructive to all women because men (and even women), no matter how caring, intelligent, or pro-women they might be, that those who feel that way are simply victims of this tainted society that values "free speech" over human beings. He also said that all these "assumptions are question- able." There is nothing ques- tionable about the fact that even today, women are not taken as seriously as men and they still don't have the power men so wrongly abuse - and this is largely due to the harmful effects of pornography which eroticizes keeping women subordinate to men. On the surface it seems like pornography is all in "good fun," but I think peo- ple need to look beyond the animalistic pleasure they derive from it and fully com- prehend the devastating toll such images ultimately have on the lives of not only women, but all of us. LARA HAMZA LSA JUNIOR Arguments ignore porn's serious issues TO THE DAILY: I am writing in response to the list of "questionable assumptions" that Greg Stevens presented in his letter to the editor ("Anti-Playboy letters make questionable assumptions," 3/31/97). Although the arguments presented in the anti-Playboy letters may warrant further debate, the points that Stevens raised in opposition to these "questionable assumptions" are far too abstract to create a convinc- ing argument against the views of the anti-Playboy authors. To begin with, Stevens seems to disagree that "being viewed as an object can only possibly be a bad thing." In the most abstract case, Stevens' viewpoint may have merit. However, we are not considering an abstract case. In our society, whether an individual is commonly and acceptably reduced to being a sexual "object" depends on one - and only one - thing: whether that individual is female. Just as there may be some men who would not have a problem with being objecti- fied, there are also some women who do not have a problem with being objecti- fied. The real problem lies in the fact that, in our society, all women, regardless of their personal feelings, are thrown into the "object" category. This is made manifest by Playboy and its sister publi- cations. With the "Women of the University students" and, without regard for the views of the majority of the mem- bers of this group, portrays this collective group as being sexual objects while inten- tionally downplaying their intellectual capabilities and achievements. Thus, although Stevens lists a number of assumptions that may indeed be "ques- tionable," his viewpoints are only able to be considered in a vacuum. All in all, Stevens' letter does not directly address the specific and seri- ous issues at hand. KAREN JASKIE LSA SENIOR Spending caps are not constitutional TO THE DAILY: Supported by MSA President Fiona Rose along with a majority of the Michigan Student Assembly, a proposal was passed on Wednesday, March 26, to limit campaign spending for MSA at $500. This proposal is clearly in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Contrary to the belief of many of the members of the assembly, this proposal does infringe upon candidates' First Amendment rights. The problem with this rule is that it limits the candidates' spending, regardless from where the money came. It would be perfectly fine'if MSA passed a proposal to limited campaign contribu- tions, but to place a limit on the total amount of money any candidate can spend on a campaign out of his or her own pocket is completely absurd. Candidates, and especially non-incumbent candidates, for MSA or any office should be allowed to spend as much of their own money as they want in order to get elected or get their ideas and name out into the public. We all saw H. Ross Perot and Steve Forbes spend millions of their own dollars in their desire to get elected presi- dent. So why should MSA be any different? By placing restrictions on the total amount of money a candidate can spend, MSA has violated the rights grant- ed to every citizen, including MSA candidates, under Amendment I of the U.S. Constitution. This is not just my opinion, either. A similar law was also declared uncon- stitutional by the United States Supreme Court in 1976. In Buckley v. Valeo [424 U.S.1 (1976)], the Supreme Court, in a per curi- an opinion, wrote, "Limiting Soulless music for a soulless generation T here is a school of thought in the world of music criticism that states that there is no "good" or "bad" music. The idea is that music is always in a process of change and revision and that new music is merely differeit. There also used to be a theory medicine that the way to cure insan- ity was to drill a hole in the middle of the patient's forehead and let out the Evil Spirits. Bullshit is bull- shit, in any disci- pline. So it is with a certain amount of Aa JAMES warped glee that I MLE tell you that the MILLER ON coldest, most viru- TAP lent, hate-filled part of my heart is reserved for the popular music of my college years. That is to say, techno and Brit-pop. Techno is a kind of electronically generated music. It features lo* rapid, droning drum and bass loops with arrhythmic samples and instru- mental figures played over top of them. The music is usually playedin large empty buildings at dance parties known as "raves.' It's music to slaugh- ter cattle to. Listen to it for two or three minutes and you can actually feel yourself getting dumber. There was a time when you could criticize rotten music by saying thin like, "They don't know how to p their instruments," or "That guy can't sing.' Techno has circumvented this line of attack by eliminating the human element from music entirely. It's all generated electronically, because, I think, no human being could bring himself to create music that hideous without mechanical help. It's not enough that we have become totally dependent on computers for communication, information, co merce and other nuts and bolts of daily life, but now we've perverted art with an ugly smear of silicon, forsaking Bird, Hendrix and the Drifters for William Gibson, Plastic Man and the slow homicide of our humanity. Like any cultural movement, one can judge it by looking al its followers aid true believers. Gack, what a crowd. The males of the species are typically pierced beyond recognition, have s4g logo-festooned clothing and green Airwalks. They will be sucking ona clove or Marlboro Light and look asif they haven't eaten anything but Pixie Stix for the last six to eight weeks. The females tend to be much worse. Tight stretch pants, big, black clog-type shoes, dark (read: dyed) straight hair and tiny, baby doll print T-shirts so ugly that they have to be made in da factories to keep the workers fiW going insane. Their faces will be marked by glitter and a vacant expres- sion that comes from living to take cheap drugs with sketchy people and get felt up in an empty furniture ware- house in Grosse Pointe. Brit-pop is a tougher nut to crack, because on the surface there's nothing really wrong with it. It's just as gutless and bland as pop music has always been, from Vic Damone to Blur. what is truly amazing about Brit-p is just that: how empty it really is. At least techno has an entire culture being dragged behind it. Brit-pop has noth- ing. No life, no energy, no fire and no talent. It is the same sniveling, sneer- ing British pantywaists over and over again. Now that I think about it, this is the perfect music for our generation. It's hollow, soulless and unoriginal. Oa, Elastica, Bush; they're all images, cre- ations of MTV's marketing depart- ment. They exist to sell records, fill stadium seats and look pretty on album covers. The making of the music is secondary. They play guitar like high school kids and sing with thin, flat voices. And yet, people flock to them and revel in their every snotty word. They listen to them bitch about how hard it is to be a celebrity and t paid obscene amounts of money make dull, pedestrian music. They look at poor Gavin Rossdale or the tor- tured Gallagher brothers and wonder what kind of complex geniuses they must be to trash hotel rooms, take street drugs and screw supermodels. Which is a shame if you consider the debt the United States owes to British artists like Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce, Robert Plant, John Mayall, andk mighty Beatles. Looking at this 1 g and distinguished tradition, it makes it all the more awful to look at this gag- gle of poncy hairdressers who couldn't hold Jimmy Page's jock selling mil- lions of records. I