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April 01, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-04-01

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One hundred siv years ofeditori lfreedom

April 1,1i997

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University announces
September date for official
tle Wang'
1taff Reporter
Lee Bollinger will officially sprint into
niversity history and the office of the presi-
ncy this September - literally.
Inauguration festivities for Bollinger's initia-
n as the 12th leader of the maize and blue
ye been scheduled for September 19, begin-

s inauguration date set for next fall

ning with an 8 a.m. 5K run around campus.
"(Inauguration) is a time for celebration and
renewal for the University community" said
Vice President for University Relations Walter
Harrison. "It is to celebrate continuity and
change. (There is a) change in leadership but the
strong tradition of academics will continue."
The 5K run, although an unusual inauguration
event, is a fitting reminder of the president's love
for running. Following the run, an inauguration
ceremony will be hosted in Hill Auditorium at
10:30 a.m., where Bollinger is scheduled to
deliver his inauguration speech.

An outdoor reception from noon to 3 p.m.,
followed by an arts celebration to kick off the
University's "Year of the Humanities and Arts,"
will wrap up the day's events.
Harrison, who chairs the inauguration plan-
ning committee, said there was heavy discussion
as to whether the events should be held in April
or September.
"In the end we decided September would be
better for several reasons;" Harrison said.
Harrison cited better weather, more time to
plan, and scheduling conflicts in the spring as
factors behind the decision to bump the festivi-

ties until September.
Bollinger was selected by the University
Board of Regents on Nov. 5, 1996. He served as
the dean of the University's School of Law for
seven years before leaving to become provost of
Dartmouth College in 1994.
The inauguration has traditionally served as
an opportunity for the new president to formally
introduce his goals to the University.
Harold Shapiro, the 10th University president,
declared in his inaugural address in 1980 that the
University is both a servant and critic of society.
"Even in these difficult times, society

must commit resources sufficient to attract
quality talent to these institutions - both as
students and teachers," Shapiro said.
"Society must continue to preserve the
University's essential freedom to remain a
critic of existing arrangements, whether in
science or society."
Former University President James
Duderstadt pledged his commitment to diversity
by introducing the Michigan Mandate in his
inauguration speech in October 1988.
Despite his pledge to diversity, Duderstadt's


Faces of April Fools' Day

set for
By AjIt K. ThavaraJah
wily Staff Reporter

Supreme Court
refuses to hear
MDS appeal

University President Lee Bollinger sud-
denly resigned late last night.
Just kidding.
Today, many students will be hoping their
friends fall for jokes like that one, and partic-
ipating in the tradition of performing practical
jokes on April 1st, better known as April
Fools' Day.
LSA first-year transfer student Seth Myers
plans to continue the tradition.
"Last year my roommates and I didn't like
a certain group of individuals on the hall.
They were always getting on our nerves so
we caught a few of the many squirrels on
mpus and put them in their room," Myers
T id. "You should have seen the looks on
their faces.
"We were rolling around on the floor
laughing for an hour straight, but we got
in a lot of trouble also," Meyers said.
"Hey, it was worth it and we might just
do it again or something worse if we're
up for it."
Lila Green, a University lecturer for
first-year Medical students and author of
Aaking Sense of Humor," tries to inspire
Ier students to make
humor a part of their per-
sonal lives.
Green said the annual tra-
dition of pulling practical
jokes should continue, but
not only on April 1.
"Seinfeld is not about
anything real funny. It
takes a look at life from a
oint of view that makes
laugh hysterically,"
Green said.

By Ajit K. Thavarajah
and Jenni Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporters
The Supreme Court will let stand the 6th Circuit
Court ruling stand in Michigan Document Service
v. Princeton University Publishing.
The 6th U.S. circuit court ruled last year that cus-
tomers must pay the copyright royalties on course
packs purchased from photocopy stores, and the
Supreme Court decided yesterday not to hear the
"I think my client expressed it best when he
said, 'The publisher has won but the public has
lost',' Susan Kornfeild, lawyer for MDS owner
James Smith said yesterday.
The Fair Use Law states that a fee cannot be
charged on copies made from copyrighted items that
one used for educational purposes, such as class
handouts. When a business is contracted to make the
copies, the guidelines are different, however.
"The case now stands that students and profes-
sors who have the right to fair use, lose (that right)
when they use a business,' Kornfeild said.
A representative of Princeton University
-Publishing could not be reached yesterday for
comment on the decision.

MDS was originally sued in 1992 by three pub-
lishers: Princeton University Press, St. Martin's
Press and Macmillan Inc. because Smith refused to
pay permission fees for materials MDS was copy-
"Course packs were made in this country for 20
years without charging a (royalty) fee;' Kornfeild
However, in 1991, a federal judge in New York
ruled that "fair use" does not apply to photocopy
shops selling course packs.
"Everyone makes money when there is copying
done;' Kornfeild said. "The court was blinded by
the fact that you have to charge a fee to run a busi-
Joan Lowenstein, a former University lecturer
and an Ann Arbor intellectual property attorney,
said she was not surprised by the decision.
"Ninety-percent of the requests for the
Supreme Court to hear a case are denied. I don't
think the decision by the appellate court was a
correct one," Lowenstein said. "Judge Hackett
will have to decide how much Michigan
Document Service will have to pay to the three
publishing companies."
See COURT, Page 7

Lila Green, a University lecturer, shows off what April Fools' Day means to her. Green Is the
author of "Making Sense of Humor."

"I don't think everyone can be funny. I
know, however, that all people can laugh. It's
important that people go out and make a con-
certed effort to look forfunny things;" she
"Laughter is one of the best stress
relievers. Your body can lose control for a

A mova,

few moments and
not have a care in the
world, and this is
perfect on April
Fools' Day."
Green said some-
times she laughs so
hard, it hurts.
"When I'm with
my friends I laugh to
the point where I spit
up food, wet my pants
and begin to cry,"

baby pictures up or singing" she said.
LSA sophomore Lisa Young said she
thinks help from friends makes practical
jokes.more fun.
"My friends and I are usually inspired by
sitcoms. When we watch Cheers and see the
episodes where there are bar wars, we want
to emulate the fun they're having, almost.
You got to loosen up and have some fun and
not be so serious always, especially on a day
like this," she said.
"We're still kids and we have the right to act
a little childish, whether it means throwing a
water balloon or TP-ing a house. We don't
want to laugh at someone but laugh with them
- that is why I like to pull jokes on my
Nursing junior Mark Thomas is also a
strong supporter of April Fools' Day.
"I used to make prank calls all the time
when I was a kid. It's fun getting a rise
out of people," Thomas said.
"My friends and I wanted to pull some-
thing on the new president to kind of wel-
come him to the University - but it isn't
worth the risk," he said.

"It's important for us to take a step
back and laugh at ourselves for our many
imperfections," she said.
Being funny may be hard work, but every-
one should try to make people laugh, Green

Green said.
Green said making people laugh can come
from a wide range of topics.
"I think practical jokes, if correctly
done, are all right. Jokes can be done in
many different ways whether it be putting


dineta coI
fAsian P
Jeffrey Kosseff
aily Staff Reporter
While controversy is swirling around
e lt donations received by President
linton and Vice President Gore, former
ongressman Norman Mineta said Asian
acific Americans are being vilified.
"We find ourselves being used as a political
ootball for political institutions;" Mineta said to
n audience of about 50
eople at the School of
usiness Administration
esterday. "The well-being
f sian Pacific Americans
s one of their top con-
Mineta's lecture was
he first event in a lec-
ure series sponsored by JT
he United Asian -
rnPrinn Oraanane

ncerned about rights
'acific Americans

amendment rights, that I don't believe it
would stand up in court," Mineta said.
Mineta said he also has a problem with the
media coverage of Asian Pacific Americans.
"In the rush to be the first to publish, a
great deal of sloppy reporting has occurred,"
Mineta said. "Asian Pacific Americans who
are U.S. citizens are now called foreigners."
Mineta said that reporters are not blatantly
trying to be racist, but
that they are not
"They are trying to
make their stories as
dramatic as possible,
and they're using racial
stereotypes to accom-
plish their goals,"
Mineta said. "We must
call for them to report
your story, conduct

to hold the belief that Asian Pacific
Americans are foreign," Mineta said.
One incident demonstrating this attitude
Mineta remembers occurred when he spoke at a
General Motors dinner. He made a brief speech,
and he was subsequently approached by a GM
"He said 'I want to commend you on how
well you speak English,"' Mineta recalled.
"Then he asked me, 'How long have you
been in our country?"'
Mineta said these occurrences are similar
to an injustice done to his family and many
other Japanese-American families in 1942
- placement in internment camps.
"We had done nothing wrong," Mineta said.
"Our own government decided we were a threat
to national security and could not be trusted."
Mineta urged audience members to become
politically involved and make their voices heard.
Some audience members agreed with many

University President Lee Bollinger addresses a SACUA meeting yesterday in the Regents' Room in
the Fleming Administration Building.
Bollingrer seeks flew
directionpf w Ithfch


By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
During the days of former University
President James Duderstadt, Senate
Advisory Committee on University Affairs
meetings were held behind closed doors in
the president's presence and agendas such as
the Michigan Mandate were not discussed
with the faculty.

"I really do believe that there are impor-
tant issues to be discussed and I want to put
them on the table and discuss them substan-
tively," Bollinger said to the SACUA mem-
Bollinger emphasized the importance of
improving the quality of academics at the
University rather than treating the University as
a corporation.



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