March 31,1997
News: 76-DAILY
Advertising: 764-0554
One hundred six years ofeditornl freedom
..1 .. N ....................................
By Mark Snyder
Daily Sports Writer
MILWAUKEE - Friday was not a
rmal day for the captain of the
Michigan hockey team, Brendan
He had been told the night before that
he would be honored with the Hobey
Baker Award - presented annually
since 1981 to the nation's top collegiate
hockey player.
Under normal circumstances,
Morrison would be overjoyed to win
e award, but this situation was dif-
ent. Michigan had fallen in the
national semifinals to Boston
University on Thursday, just hours
before Morrison was scheduled to
receive the Hobey.
But despite his disappointment after
losing the game, Morrison put on a good
face and graciously accepted the honor.
Michigan fan Kevin Ebner, a School
of Architecture junior, fully endorsed
the selection.
"I think he deserves it, Ebner said.
e's been a fantastic college hockey
player for four years. I went to the game
(Thursday) and it was very disappoint-
ing, but I'm glad he won."
The award, sponsored by the
Decathlon Athletic Club of Minneapolis,
was voted on by a select number of pan-
elists from around the nation.
Morrison, a center for Michigan, is
the first Wolverine to win th -
"It's good to bring a lot
of recognition to the
school," LSA first-year stu-
dent Rick Kowal said.
When his name wa
announced as the award reci
ent, Morrison, along ,.
Michigan coach Red Bere
emerged from behind a cur.....
accept the trophy.
Morrison's selection was hardly a
surprise to the large crowd assembled in
a ballroom at the Hyatt Regency, but the
roars of approval were significant
Fans waved signs and displayed their
Michigan paraphernalia with pride, as
much an endorsement of the selection as
a show of support for their fallen heroes.
But this was Morrison's honor and his
comments to the crowd were typical of
the soft-spoken senior.
"It's a great honor to receive this
award on behalf of the University of
Michigan," he said. "It truly is
humbling to be recognized
for such a prestigious
He then thanked the
coaches and the training
taff before turning his
tention to his four-year
Morrison then showed his
ership as captain, publicly
..,....the spirits of his disappoint-
ed peers.
"Most of all, I would like to thank
my teammates," he said. "I know some
of you guys were disappointed with
the outcome of the game last night, but
we have nothing to hang our heads
about. We have to be proud"
The withdrawal of the curtain also
revealed Morrison's teammates, and the
ceremony, which began as an award
presentation, turned into a Michigan
pep rally as fans sang "Hail to The
Victors!" following Morrison's speech.
Morrison had been down this route
He was a Hobey finalist during both
his sophomore and junior years, both
seasons leading the nation in scoring,
but had not won the award.
Now it was his turn.
But it was far from how Morrison
had imagined the day.
All season long, whenever he was
questioned about the Hobey, he said he
hoped the presentation - if he were to
receive the award - would take place
as he prepared for the national champi-
onship game played Saturday - after
the Hobey presentation.
Unfortunately for Morrison, the day
did not go as planned.
Inside: See feature story on Morrison,
Page lB.
Chair of the Hobey Baker Award Selection Committee, George Konik, presents the
Hobey Baker Memorial Award to Michigan hockey center Brendan Morrison.
By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
Two thousand years after the
Gospels recorded stories of the resur- t y,
rection of Jesus of Nazareth,
Christians around the world continue
to celebrate Easter.
Easter originated 'from the
Gospels' account of Jesus' resurrec-ay
tion after death by crucifixion. ThePY
belief that Jesus ascended to heaven rF
and returned after death is a funda-
mental doctrine in Christian religion.
"That's the origin of the tri- vs.v r
umphant ascension, life conqueringhf
over death." said religion and
English Prof. Ralph Williams. "This
one conquer over death is a conquer A
over death for all humans." t
The resurrection presented a pow- 4
erful and complex message, which
early followers of Jesus believed to a
be the beginning of a tradition. * - < .
These early followers were Jews " 4
who went to temple. At one point,3.
they began meeting on Sunday, the y a -A4
day after Shabbat, to celebrate ?
Jesus' resurrection. From that
point, they started sharing a com- -
mon meal in memory of Jesus,
Williams said.
"The feast on Sunday continued,"
Williams said. "That memorial
occurred every Sunday. Death and
resurrection became the prime sacra-
mental act of Christianity."
Easter remains one of the two r
prime holidays of Christianity and is
celebrated in a number of ways. ROB GILMORE/Daily
"In the very traditional churches, Megan Woods, with the help of her father, Tom, decorates a candle after Easter Mass at St. Mary's
See EASTER, Page 2A Church.
Holocaust speaers laud role
of Portugese rescuer ofJews
Cult suicide site
may be destroyed
Models showed off elegant African clothing in the Michigan League on Saturday during "African
Nights," a display of African fashion and culture organized by the Affican Students Association.
Africanlife celebrnated
By Daniel Nolan
Daily Staff Reporter
As Paris fell to the Germans more than 50
*ars ago, thousands of Jews and other refugees
fled to the south of France for freedom. Acting
against orders, Aristides de
Sousa Mendes, a consul gen-
eral of Portugal, helped more C ...- RENE
than 30,000 people obtain HOL AU$T
passports days before the
Carol, a history professor from Arizona, has
researched de .Sousa Mendes' past from a
unique perspective - his parents were saved by
a passport issued by de Sousa Mendes. Carol's
parents lived in Paris in 1940 and fled shortly
before the Germans invaded, he explained.
Carol said he often wonders "what would
have happened if my father had not met de
Sousa Mendes, and I envision it as being a
matter of minutes."
T« 1-fl -l- ~rT,--1 AA re.nn
When the time came, de Sousa Mendes
made the decision to disobey orders and sacri-
fice his entire political career by saving about
30,000 people, among them approximately
10,000 Jews, Carol said.
Carol quoted de Sousa Mendes as having
said, "I would rather be with God against man
than with man against God."
John Paul Abranches, de Sousa Mendes'
son, has lived to see the after- effects of his
fot ,- c r-:n:in uP xv nc- r f Pu -
By Carrie Luria
Daily Staff Reporter
Outside, it was just another rainy Saturday
night in Ann Arbor.
Rut frr more than 150 nonnle in the Michiogn
music and stories.
"The most important thing to (ASA) is that
people are both entertained and that people
understand that there is so much more to
African culture than the few stereotves.
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