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March 27, 1997 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-03-27

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 27, 1997 - 13A

Michigan baseball bucks Broncos
Young 'M' pitchers hold off Western hitters in one-run, six-hit effort

By Tracy Sandler
Daily Sports Writer
Yesterday the Michigan baseball team put
Western Michigan in its place.
Behind strong pitching and a strong
defensive performance, the Wolverines (2-2
in the Big Ten, 12-9 overall) squeaked out a
3-1 win over the Broncos and their starting
pitcher Eric Place at Ray Fisher Stadium.
On a team that usually wins with its hit-
ting, the Wolverines relied on the arms of
their young pitching staff. Starting sopho-
more pitcher Brian Berryman, in his first
career start, went five innings, allowing four
hits, one run and two walks, while fanning
three batters.
Freshman Bryan Cranson took over in the
sixth for two innings of work and was
replaced by sophomore Ryan Kelley for the
eighth. Junior Tyler Steketee closed out the
game, allowing one hit and earning his sec-
ond consecutive save. On the whole, the
pitching staff allowed one run on six hits.
"What I was most pleased with were the
young pitchers," Michigan coach Geoff
Zahn said. "They kept the ball down like
they hadn't been doing, and they needed the
work. They threw very well. They mixed
their pitches up, and we held them down."
Surprising for Michigan was the perfor-
mances of its hitters. They had only three
runs on nine hits, which is uncharacteristic
of a team with a .435 batting average going
into its game with the Broncos.
Designated hitter Bobby Scales and start-
ing catcher Mike Haskell replaced in the
eighth inning by freshman Andrew Miller,

were the only Wolverines to get extra base
hits. Each hit a double, Haskell's coming in
the fourth and Scales' coming in the sixth. In
addition, 12 runners were left on base for
"We didn't hit the ball like we can," Zahn
said. "We didn't get the clutch hits today,
like we can. But it was a tough day to hit
with the wind coming in from right. We hit
some balls pretty well that got caught, and
we hit some balls right at people."
Although Zahn is not concerned about the
team's hitting, or lack thereof, against the
Broncos, others were. Before the bottom of
the sixth inning, a team meeting was called
by Michigan assistant coach Chris Harrison
on the field.
"Coach Harrison was talking about hit-
ting," Zahn said. "We were going after too
many high, outside pitches and hitting them
the other way. We were ahead in the count
and not waiting for a pitch that was down in
the zone. We were trying to tell them to be a
little bit more selective, especially when
they're ahead in the count.
"We need to do that. I think the Bescos
(Bryan and Derek) are struggling a little bit,
so they're a little bit anxious at the plate.
(Mike) Cervenak's anxious at the plate, so
we just want to be a little more selective."
The same wind that was detrimental to the
hitters was helpful to the pitchers.
"(The wind) helped both sides of pitch-
ers," Zahn said. "There wasn't going to be
anything hit out of here today, unless it was
down the left-field line. That lends itself to
lower scoring games. What I was happy

Penn State: 0-0 Big Ten, 11-12 Overall
When: Friday, 1 p.m. Saturday 1 p.m.
(DH) Sunday 1 p.m.
Where: Fisher Stadium
Probable starters: Brian Steinbach, JJ
Putz, Luke Bonner and Pete Martay.
Last season vs. Michigan: Penn State
won three of four games.
about was that we got a lot of ground-ball
outs today."
On tap for the Wolverines is defeuiding
Big Ten champion Penn State. The Nittany
Lions (11-10) come to Ann Arbor for a four-
game series this weekend, including a 3 p.m.
Friday game, a 1 p.m. doubleheader
Saturday and a 1 p.m. Sunday game. "The
probable starting rotation for the weekend is
junior Brian Steinbach, as well as sopho-
mores J.J. Putz, Luke Bonnor and -Pete
"It's a big weekend for us," Zahn said.
"Penn State is picked to finish first, and they
came in here last year and took three out of
four. We need to play very well, and this is
going to tell us a lot about our team for the
Big Ten."

, F6r a team that was hitting as well as Michigan had been, it was a nice surprise for the Wolverines to
see starting pitcher Brian Berryman help hold Western Michigan to one run on six hits.

Wisconsin opens season for Blue softball

By Pranay Reddy
Daily Sports Writer
Qver the years, the Michigan softball
.teahas run roughshod through the Big
Ten. The Wolverines have won four of
the past five Big Ten titles, including the
*t two.
,And as an infant Wisconsin program
.onmes into Ann Arbor this weekend, the
;Badgers might have to learn that all-
,important lesson of learning to walk
before they can run.
Wisconsin and Michigan square off in
three-game series this weekend at
Alutnni Field, including a doubleheader
a urday starting a 1 p.m., followed by a
game Sunday.
*This season marks only the second in
yarsity competition for the Badgers -
and as the new kids on the block, they
could have alot to learn from Big Ten-
,bully Michigan.
Continued from Page IA
"Last year we were the top scoring
teamp in the country. We learned quick
% ,s not the way you win champi-
ons ips, Larocque said.
Larocque has taken over the starting
4uties in goal from Tom Noble, who was
he starting goalie on Boston's 1994-95
.,haMpionship team.
SThesophomore netminder is enjoying
a.six-game win streak, with a paltry 1.61
goals-against average and .935 save per-
gentage in those games. He was named
Mopt Valuable Player of the Hockey East
,urnament after giving up four goals in
o games and stopping 47 shots.
",BU claims they're a much better
defensive team at this point and a differ-
,ept kind of a team then they were last
year' Michigan coach Red Berenson
,said. "They feel they're a more solid
teem this year even if they're not as
"This whole thing will come down to
p 1eeping, special teams, and maybe a
v-bit of luck"
-J Although the Wolverines won last
ear's contest convincingly and haven't
oked back since, they aren't taking
nything lightly.
"Last year we played one of the best
ames we've ever played against
oston University, and that's what it's
:oing to take again this year," Jason
Sotterill said.
Botterill, who was named the most
tstanding player of last weekend's
~AA West Regional, has been
ichigan's hottest scorer recently. He
cored twice and had two assists on
ichigan's first four goals Sunday.
The other semifinal tomorrow pairs
~orth Dakota against the surprise team
f this year's tournament, Colorado
5ollege, in a 1 p.m. faceoff.

Nevertheless, Wisconsin coach Karen
Gallagher knows that after an inaugural
record of 14-39-1, the only direction the
Badgers can go is up.
"Expectations for this team are much
higher than they were a year ago,"
Gallagher said."We need to start grasp-
ing what it means to get to the next level
if this program is going to ever compete
for a Big Ten title."
Sporting a team loaded with talented
freshman and sophomores, Wisconsin's
potential for improvement is astounding.
Leading the youthful surge for the
Badgers is captain Amanda Berg.
Berg led Wisconsin in virtually every
offensive category last season, hitting
.344 along the way - but this promises
to thrust more responsibility upon her,
according to Gallagher.
"(Berg) is ready to take control of this
team, and I think she's very capable of

doing just that,' she said.
The other side of the coin is Michigan,
who is sitting atop the Big Ten mountain
and once again are looking down at the
rest of the conference as the regular sea-
son begins.
However, Michigan coach Carol
Hutchins feels that this season's confer-
ence quest will be one of the most diffi-
cult in recent history.
"The Big Ten is very strong this year
and the race for both the regular-season
and tournament titles will be tighter than
ever," -she said.
But if Michigan's performance in the
preseason is any indication, the
Wolverines are well on their way to cap-
turing their third-consecutive Big Ten
The Wolverines dominated last week-
end's Boilermaker Invitational, snatch-
ing the title away from tournament-host

Purdue in the championship game, 12-2.
Probably most impressive in
Michigan's tournament run was the per-
formance of outfielder Cathy Davie. The
sophomore took home Most Valuable
Player honors after hitting .438 (7-for-
16) and scoring seven runs.
As it stands, Davie leads the
Wolverines in batting at .398.
Another rising star for Michigan also
impressed last weekend. Freshman
shortstop Pam Kosanke was named to
the All-tournament team after hitting
.333 during the Invitational.
But despite Michigan's success at the
plate, the pitching is what has been dom-
inant for the Wolverines. In five games at
Purdue, Michigan pitchers Sara Griffin,
Kelly Holmes and Jamie Gillies gave up
a total of seven runs.
Not a bad way to let the Big Ten know
who's still the boss.

Michigan's Sara
Griffin is going
to have to keep
smoking her:
pitches across
the plate if the
Wolverines are
going to have a
shot at winning
the Big Teri for
the third year in

Continued from Page 10A
They say they're here to do a job, and
they sound like they mean it. And they
probably do mean it.
But if there's a likely time for a let-
down, now seems to be it. The champi-
onship is within reach, the much-antici-
pated Minnesota game is in the past and
this Boston team isn't supposed to be

nearly as good as the team Michigan beat
last year in this same game.
And at this stage, the Terriers are not
going to play dead and let the Wolverines
walk into the final game.
So there's more than enough to deal
with. Even without all the added hype.
The Wolverines say they know what to
expect. They say the extra attention won't
be a problem. They say they're ready.
They'd better be.


Hey Seniors!!!
Since we only have 1 month left before GRADUATION
why not have as much fun asp ossible! Check out some
of the events Senior Days 69 has planned from
April 2-22:_

p t

F oods

,. -

for Students

*Vita mins.Books.Cosmetics.

Violent Femmh1es


Into the Streets

Senio ays at the Call arl
ftballa& basebaall

,r . '
j a

1677 Plymouth Rd.* Ann Arbor eTel. 665-7688
Located in the Courtyard Shops at North Campus Plaza
The Psychology Peer Advisors Present
Focus Groups
Winter Term 1997
Applying to Graduate School in Psychology
Approaching the Application Process: Writing a Personal Statement,
Arranging for Letters of Recommendation, and Preparing for Interviews
Thursday, March 27, 1997, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.,
4th Floor Terrace, East Hall
All Are Welcome!!
Enter East Hall by the Psychology Church St. entrance.
The elevator is to the left. Go to the fourth floor
and follow signs to the Terrace.

Senior Ball

SrE* Fire

These are only a couple of the exciting events planned. So check
out times & locations of all events in your Senior Days Booklet
which can be picked up starting Monday, March 31 at CIC, NCIC,
& the Fishbowl.
* *Also-drop off all of your horrible, nasty rejection letters (grad
school & job rejections) at the Student Activities & Leadership
office, room 2209 in the Union to enter our PRIZE GIVE AWAY.
Put your name, phone number & email address on each & drop
them off ASAP!!

Y,,w J!

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