4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 26, 1997 e m itlgigttn jDat7lij 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 JosH WHITE Editor in Chief Edited and managed by ERIN MARSH students at the stdes at the Editorial Page Editor University of MichiganA Unle otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily FROM THE DAILY /i .Foul offers Athletics investigation must stay honest V'he now-infamous allegations of to contact the Free Press' unnamed sources. . wrongdoing against the University University Senior Associate Athletic men's basketball team have inspired a new Director Keith Molin complained that the surge of investigations. Sparked by reports University's investigation cannot operate on published in the Detroit Free Press, the the same level as the newspaper's investiga- University addressed the inadequacy of its tion, citing the Freedom of Information Act own investigation by hiring private inves- as the culprit of the problem. "We have to tigative firm Bond, Schoeneck & King. The bear our soul under freedom of informa- firm - located only a half-mile from tion he said. "We have to reveal absolute- NCAA headquarters in Overland Park, ly everything we have." Kan. - gathers the majority of its business With University athletic administrators' investigating NCAA compliance and negative FOIA sentiments known, the pub- iriftactions. The University should be com- lic could worry that the University's investi- mended for soliciting an investigation from gation could turn as shady as the allegations an impartial third party. it is investigating. Indeed, hiring a private 'However, the pursuit of sources and law firm to handle the investigation could infoirmants threatens the integrity of be a sly way of avoiding FOIA obligations. Uniyersity, private and NCAA investiga- The University should not abuse attorney- tions. Jessie Carter, grandmother and legal client privilege as a FOIA loophole. guardian of University basketball player Regardless of University athletic adminis- Robert Traylor, laid a new deal on the table trators' distaste for FOIA, information that last week. She released the information that the University - a public institution - recruiters from other schools offered her obtains must be released to the public. cash and a cushy job to influence Traylor to Although administrators could face attend their schools. Carter dangled the pressure to obtain information by any promise of releasing the recruiters' names means necessary, the University must avoid - if the NCAA or local newspapers would unethical source-swapping and conduct an release the names of their sources, who honest, straightforward and complete inves- repoirted improper cash gifts to University tigation. Those with information, like basketball players from Detroit-area boost- Carter, should cooperate with the investiga- er Ed Martin. tion without trying to swing deals of their -As much as the University needs a thor- own. By the same token, informants should ough investigation, it must not engage in feel secure speaking with newspapers with- source-swapping. The Detroit Free Press out fearing betrayal. Administrators and should take particular care to maintain its investigators must comply with ethical stan- sources' anonymity - betraying its dards and the public's right to information. sorces' confidence would annihilate jour- All of the investigation's players walk a nalistic integrity. thin line - a clean and thorough investiga- University administrators have tion will require cooperation, honesty and expressed their frustration at not being able integrity on the parts of all involved. It * Upinms mode Tobacco industry must address dangers NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'He's looking forward to it very much.' Jim McGrath, spokesman jor George Bush, on the former president s plans to skydive with the Army's precision parachuting team, the Golden Knights JiM LASSER .s",.e AS.T....... ('MDRN1:T HEYDIDN'T EVEN HAVE ONE FAST FOOD SFoNSO/ fy j -f 3CST ?t TVK TH WENG'LISH PATIEN: V V t y A t4- I Z(.t %'" r LETTERS TO THE EDITOR S cientists have long recognized nico- tine's addictive, properties. However, tobacco companies have spent millions fighting the fact, lobbying lawmakers and defending themselves in court. At last, a major player in the tobacco industry has adriitted that smoking cigarettes that con- tain nicotine is addictive and that tobacco naers cater their advertising to minors. The'rest of the tobacco industry should fol- low suit and take accountability for the smoke-related health problems of millions of Americans. Last Thursday, Ligget, the maker of Chesterfield cigarettes, settled lawsuits in 22states, agreeing to warn on every pack of cigarettes that smoking is addictive. They also offered a pre-tax settlement of 25 per- cnt of its pre-tax profit for the next 25 years to settle state health care claims. Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods saidyit marks "the beginning of the end for ;this 'conspiracy of lies and deception per- petuated on the American public by tobacco companies." However, the powerful tobacco lobby does not want Ligget's admission to set a precedent. Denying Ligget's acknowl- :edement of addictiveness will prove fruit- :leg- any such efforts should be halted. ' Ligget, as part of the settlement, agreed to release thousands of documents outlining the industry-wide discussions of tobacco's dangers and marketing strategies, reported- ly including plans to convince teenagers to smoke. On Thursday, Phillip Morris and three other Ligget competitors won a tem- porary restraining order, blocking release of the documents, and vowed to "defend vig- orously against the meritless lawsuits." ately and any executives who perpetrated a deliberate plan of lying to the public should be prosecuted. Historically, tobacco companies have glamorized smoking, using celebrities and models in advertising. They even sponsor athletic events - such as the Virginia Slims tennis tournament - which indirectly mar- ket smoking as a part of health and vitality. Moreover, tobacco icons, like Joe Camel, appeal to youth and imply that if teens smoke, their peers will consider them cool and popular. Advertisements fail to illus- trate the most important tobacco industry fact: smoking kills. Ligget and other tobac- co companies should put a stop to such deceptive marketing strategies - especial- ly campaigns that admittedly target young people. Ligget still faces liability in private law- suits. It should make efforts to settle these suits immediately. In the past, tobacco lob- byists have prevented successful lawsuits by using financial resources unavailable to private citizens. Instead, Ligget and its competitors should spend their litigatory dollars to solve health problems caused by their products and to compensate those who suffer from tobacco-related illnesses. The tentacles of the tobacco lobby reach deep. It gives millions in contributions to politicians and, in court, pays "expert" wit- nesses to deny nicotine's addictive proper- ties. Ligget's admission of tobacco's addic- tiveness is monumental but means little unless Ligget's larger competitors fall in line. Tobacco companies must end mislead- ing advertising and compensate those whose health is damaged by the industry's Real issues escape Congress TO THE DAILY: Never in the history of this country has there ever been a Congress as partial and divided as this 105th ses- sion. This is a sham. So far, in a matter of three months time, the only major decision to have been made is that more money should be allotted to investigate the fund raising tactics of the Democratic National ; Committee. Have we forgotten that it was the Republicans who raised 60 percent more than the Democrats last year? It is simply because the Democrats started to raise money with as much vigor as the Republicans that they are now crying fowl. It is interesting to note that the party doing the foot- dragging on campaign- finance reform is the GOP. For all their finger pointing, they don't want to confront an issue if it hurts their chances of remaining in power. Why did all those Republican congressmem- bers support Gingrich when he was confronted with sev- eral serious allegations? It was because he had raised money so intently for all of them that they were indebted and could not turn their backs on the person they knew would give them the funds they needed to stay in office. The members of this ses- sion of Congress refuse to confront the real issues at hand: the budget, education, social security, defense and crime. The Republicans have yet to present a budget plan, with only one more week before a decision must be made. Instead, they criticize Clinton and push more partisan poli- tics. Come on guys. Stop this pitiful bickering and start working. LUKE KuPP SCHOOL OF MUSIC Bone marrow registration can save lives TO THE DAILY: Every year, thousands of individuals die from leukemia and other blood dis- eases. These deaths often could have been averted by a successful bone marrow transplant. However, compat- ible matches are sometimes close to 80 percent of the individuals currently in the National Registry are of Caucasian descent. In short, if you are a minority and need a trans- plant, the likelihood of find- ing a match is very slim. To increase awareness of the need for bone marrow donors and to educate the community about this impor- tant health subject, the Minority Marrow Donor Coalition, a student organiza- tion at the University, is sponsoring a bone marrow registration drive next week. By reaching and encouraging individuals to join the National Registry, the MMDC hopes to help give patients who need bone mar- row transplants a second chance at life. The drive is open to the community, and all healthy individuals - especially minorities --are encouraged to participate. The times and sites for the drive are as fol- lows: March 27, West Room, North Campus Commons, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; March 28. Pond Room, Michigan Union 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Registering in the National Registry is a simple way for concerned citizens and students to give of them- selves, and to potentially help save lives, with minimal dis- comfort. At the drive, two tablespoons of blood will be drawn from each participant, to be typed and entered anonymously into the nation- al database. This procedure takes 15 minutes, and will be provided free of charge to interested individuals at the sites listed above. Should a need and match arise, the potential donor will be con- tacted. However, there is at no time any obligation for the potential donor to actually donate his or her marrow. Of course, it is hoped all who register are prepared to donateif the need arises. TIMOTHY CHU LAW SCHOOL The death penalty is Unjust policy TO THE DAILY: David Taub's arguments in favor of the death penalty lack both substance and logic ("Mumia guilty and should be executed," 3/21/97). First, Taub claims that the death penalty is a deterrent to crime. To date, there is no convincing evidence that supports this assertion. Indeed, some of the evidence points in the other direction: crime statistics in states that implement this "deterrent" wrongfully executed. Would he still proclaim that the murder of an innocent indi- vidual by the state is justified if it is to serve some dubious public good? To avert the possibility of wrongful executions - no doubt, for the benefit of Taub as well as the rest of society who do not commit murder - the U.S. Supreme Court has developed a series of rig- orous procedures that are indeed costly, but necessary for upholding the moral prin- ciple we hold so dear in this country: individual rights, which includes the right to life for individuals not guilty of murder. I am sure Taub values his individual rights and would not want to part with them without a fight. The appeals process is a means of guaran- teeing that everyone's indi- vidual rights are respected and protected. Why, then, would he want to take that opportunity away from peo- ple who are wrongly placed on death row'? Hence, Taub, I and the rest of the law-abiding public should be grateful for the safeguards contained in the legal code that ensure we will not be executed for crimes we did not commit. Indeed, a human life is worth the tremendous expenses of the appeals process. Before tak- ing away someone's life, one must ascertain beyond any doubt the individual's guilt because the death penalty is an irreversible punishment. We must also be thankful for the "bleeding heart lawyers," as Taub scornfully calls them, whose purpose we often ignorantly dismiss as counterproductive to soci- etal good, but whose commit- ment to justice should be a lesson to us all. Third, Taub strongly implies that in order to carry out justice, the state should have the right to decide who is worthy or deserving of life. One does not have to go far back in history to understand the dangers of such an arrangement. Under this sys- tem, the worthiness of life would be inevitably contin- gent upon political whims, which in itself exposes the system as faulty and unreli- able in serving justice. Two hundred years ago, the state held that the worth of a black man's life was much less than the worth of a white man's life. If both committed the same crime, whose life does Taub think would be sooner spared and whose life would be sooner taken away under the political conditions of the time? Would Taub consider this justice? The purpose here is not to argue against death penalty, hut to point out the ver sei- Stupidity is an unchangeable part of ife crew what they say about baseball. Dodging responsibility is the American pastime. And you can see it everywhere, from the highest and wealthiest levels of our culture to the grubbiest poorest neighborhoods. Our culture no loiger expects its cit- izens to be smart or competent. Children graduate from high school with closets full of "hey, thanks for showing up, it probably wasn't your fault you did your science pro- ject in 20 minutes before school" JAMES trophies and MILLER diplomas that say KU 'we know that you really wanted to learn to read, but you know whatever, just try and get a job involving lots of pictures: Adults have free reign to be idiots too. Remember the stupid old broa who forgot I) that coffee, at least on this planet, is served hot and 2) that the human crotch is a rather sensitive region near which to be placing volatile liquids'? She now has more money than most people who work hard for a living. A jury of 12 seem- ingly normal citizens awarded this woman a huge cash settlement because she claimed that it was McDonald's fault for serving her coffee that was too hot for a drooling, mouth-breathe like her to handle. What a great idea! I recommend it to everybody! Why, in fact, I'm waiting to hear about my lawsuit against Smith & Wesson. They viciously and negli- gently decided not to warn people not to clean their ears with the barrel of one of their loaded revolvers. So I'm suing to replace my inner ear canal, to have my drapes and carpet dry cleaned and for my pain and suffering. Wish me luck. When those little trailer rats burned down the ol' double wide after a par- ticularly inspiring episode of "Beavis and Butt-head," our response was not to chastise the parents or the children, but to excuse their moronic behavior. We childproof cigarette lighters. Rather than accuse them of being responsible for their own fate, we ele- vate brainlessness to the position 0 natural state of man. Delusions o grandeur swimming in our heads, we have tried to legislate bad luck out of existence too. You can even see it in political activism. When those women protest- ed the Playboy interview session last week, they were making an excuse. The argument against pornography is that its depiction of women leads to higher rates of sexual violence (let' put aside for a moment the fact that this is a statistically provable state- ment). When deconstructionist feminists state that pornography causes, or least contributes to, violence against women, there is a tacit sense of eva- sion here. It wasn't the fact that the aggressor was a nitwit or just a violent swine, it was his pornography addic- tion. Economic causes that do con tribute to crime can be changed, some one's desire to look at dirty pictures cannot and should not. The next time one of those bastards who has been beating his wife and children for years gets caught, don't ask if he has a pornography problem. Ask the prick if he has a last request. There is a strong psychological basis for our worship of the doctrine of blamelessness. We have a need believe that everyone islike we per- ceive ourselves to be. That is to say, nice, kind, sensible and capable of liv- ing a clean,healthy and productive life. That way, when something bad happens, we can safely believe that if it were to happen to us it would be someone else's problem and someone else will clean up after us. Because we're just a bunch of idiots. Aren't we'? The truth is much more horrifyin People are not always just innoce victims. Not every wife-beater, thief, murderer, rapist, molester or coffee- spiller has been unfairly crushed in the jaws of circumstance. There are some people who just don't get it and never will. You can't save everyone. Just try not to be living next door to them when they go off. No matter how hard social activists, the American Bar Association and th talk show community tries, the wor will never be made out of Nerf. There will always be sharp edges, small moving parts and other nasty little sur- prises that make getting out of bed in the morning a questionable enterprise. To the blame-shifters and other peo-