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January 15, 1997 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-01-15

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 15, 1997


Serbian president concedes
election returns' validity

Milosevic ends eight-
week struggle with
political opponents
The Washington Post
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - Serbian
President Slobodan Milosevic made a
major concession yesterday in his eight-x
week struggle with his political oppo-
nents, validating disputed election
returns that would give, the opposition
control of Belgrade's city government
and could seriously weaken his 9-year-
old grip on power.
Allies and foes alike cautioned, how-
ever, against declaring an end to the
standoff between Milosevic and an
opposition movement that has staged
daily protests since the Serbian leader
annulled its victories in more than a
dozen municipal elections held on Nov.
Belgrade's municipal electorial com-
mission yesterday validated what were
decribed as preliminary election results
that gave control of the capital's city
council to the opposition coalition

known as Together. The ruling over-
turned annullments by courts controlled
by Milosevic's ruling Socialist Party
and its allies, which had ruled that the
elections were tainted by irregularities.
In addition, the electoral panel in Nis,
a city of 200,000 people, backed down
yesterday from its refusal to implement
an order restoring the opposition's vic-
tory there.
The government's reversal would
give Together 60 of 110 seats on
Belgrade's powerful city council, ful-
filling a key opposition demand and
laying the groundwork for a more-seri-
ous challenge to Milosevic in national
elections later this year. But politicians
and observers here, citing splits within
the Milosevic camp, refused to rule out
a last-minute effort by hard-liners to
thwart the opposition.
Underscoring that possibility, an offi-
cial Tanjug news-agency dispatch read
on state and private television yesterday
quoted legal experts who questioned
the legality of using administrative
electoral commissions to annul court
decisions. The electoral commission's

great scores...j


findings can be appealed within 48
Skeptical opposition leaders wel-
comed the decisions as "reasonable
first steps" but vowed to continue daily
protest marches until victories in all 14
disputed municipalities are formally
recognized and their representatives
have taken up their official duties.
Vuk Draskovic, one of the coalition's
three leaders, said that only then would
the opposition agree to meet govern-
ment officials to "start a democratic
dialogue on freeing the (state-con-
trolled) media" before parliamentary
and presidential elections later this year
and establishing the "responsibility of
those who have stolen our votes and
those who have ordered people beaten"
in demonstrations.
Because municipal councils in
Serbia do not have significant finan-
cial resources, they are largely
dependent on institutions controlled
by Milosevic. But the councils have
the power to investigate corruption
and run their own radio and televi-
sion stations.
Continued from Page 1.
Thompson said. "It's a real pain now."
Some bar managers said the freeze
on alcohol shipments had affected
them long before Monday.
"They haven't gotten any new ship-
ments for at least a month," said Jeff
More, manager of Ashley's.
The new privatization plan would
make it more difficult for bar owners
to obtain alcohol from one specific
location. This would result in an excess
in certain types of alcohol and a short-
age of others.
"Different distributors provide dif-
ferent types of alcohol," Thompson
said. "It's really confusing."
Attorney General Frank Kelley filed
an emergency appeal to the State Court
of Appeals to overturn Gidding's ruling
and continue with the privatization
"We are very hopeful that by next
week the new system will be up and
running," Masserant said.
In the appeal, Kelley wrote that the
injunction against the new system will
only result in a loss in profits for the
new private distributors.
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Continued from Page 1
said they could, and would, complete
their evacuation within 48 hours of
receiving the order.
The text of the Hebron agreement
itself has been finished for nearly
two weeks. It divides the city of
130,000 Palestinians and 450
Jewish settlers into two spheres of
control, with Israel's army holding
about one-fifth of the territory.
Netanyahu sought basic changes in
the framework agreed to 15 months
ago by then-Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin, but settled for small amend-
ments such as limiting Palestinian
police to short-barreled Ingram sub-
machine guns.
Continued from Page 1
by our generation of women. Our gener-
ation of women is sick of being fed a
bunch of bullshit."
The premiere issue of HUES was cre-
ated as an assignment for Women's
Studies 240, which co-publisher Ophira
Edut was taking in 1992. "Once Ophi
took that women's studies class, she was
the one out of the three of us who final-
ly got some direction," Logwood said.
The April 1992 issue was passed out
around campus and left in University
buildings. Because many students took
the early issues back home with them
during breaks, word of HUES gradually
reached the East and West coasts. "A
couple years ago, we decided why not
just do a national launch" Edut said.
Logwood said before she began to
'work with HUES, she had been noticing
the ways women were portrayed in the
media for a long time.
"I never really saw a magazine out
there for black women. Definitely not for
black teens," she said. "(I said) when I
got out of school, I was going to create a
magazine for black women or women of
Logwood said she found it difficult to
relate to Ebony and Essence magazines
because they catered more to older,
upper-class black women.
Students say the HUES message is
unique and welcome. "Instead of treating
women solely as consumers, it respects
women as people and different kinds of
people," said LSA sophomore Colette
Stevenson. "It's a more realistic view of
women than most magazines portray"
The co-publishers said they hope that
as HUES gets older, it will become more
commonplace, "I want it to be so that
people are like, 'Hmm, YM, Seventeen?
No, HUES!"' Tali Edut said.
HUES recently began marketing itself
with New Moon and Teen Voices maga-
zines, which promote a positive self-
view among girls and teens.
HUES is available at Borders Books
and Music, Shaman Drum, Main Street
News and Common Language book-
Continued from Page :
Kerschbaum said. "She was such an
upbeat person that we know she would
want people to gather to share their-
memories about her in this way."
Kerschbaum said a representative
from Jones' family will be at the service.
Speakers will include faculty members
and one of Jones' students.
"The hope is that this won't be long
and arduous, but simply will honor her,"
said theatre Chair Erik Fredricksen.

"We're trying to keep it manageable so it
can be brief and poignant."
Jenna Davis, a Music and LSA senior
who was part of the "Tooth of Crime"
cast, will speak at the formal service.
"It's really hard to write a speech on
behalf of the entire theatre department
because Betty Jean was extremely per-
sonal and I think that everyone had
their own kind of relationship with
her" Davis said.
Davis said the faculty's collaborative
effort to coordinate her reception shows
"what a mark she made just the two to
three years" at the University.
"The woman had immense strength
and presence, but despite all of her cred-
its and successes, she was able to be a
human being and laugh with her stu-
dents,"Davis said.
Greta Enszer, a Music senior and
member of the "Tooth of Crime" cast,
said she thinks that many students will
attend the memorial, which is open to
the public.
"She was such a vibrant, exuberant
person that even if you didn't have con-
tact with her on a personal basis, you
knew who she was,' Enszer said. "Even
if you didn't know her, you would still be
interested in going to the service because
the woman knew so much about theater."
Davis said she learned "so much from
Jones just in the way that she lived"
"I feel beyond privileged to have been


South Africa
criticizes arms deal
JOHANNESBURG - Faced with a
U.S. threat to cut off aid because of a
proposed weapons technology deal
with Syria, South African officials yes-
terday criticized what they described as
Washington's heavy-handedness and
suggested they were the victims of an
American double standard.
President Nelson Mandela and his
cabinet have given provisional approval
to a marketing deal that would allow a
South African arms manufacturer to bid
to sell a laser-guided firing control sys-
tem to Syria to outfit its Soviet-made T-
72 tanks.
The deal, on which a final decision is
to be made later this month but which
would not be consummated for about
two years, would put Syria's tank capa-
bilities on a par with Israel's. That
prospect could upset the delicate bal-
ance of power in the Middle East and
adversely affect the peace process
Because Syria is among the nations
the United States defines as a state
sponsor of terrorism, South Africa's

Clinton looks for
cuts in Medicare
WASHINGTON - After blistering
Republican plans to hold back
Medicare and Medicaid, and riding the
rhetoric to re-election, President
Clinton is taking his own scalpel to the
massive programs.
Democrats may be unhappy, but that
apparently is a price Clinton is willing
to pay for a balanced budget.
The president proposed similar
reductions in 1995 and 1996, but deep-
er cuts offered by GOP lawmakers
allowed Clinton to declare himself the
election-year champion of health care
to the poor, disabled and elderly.
Republicans accused Democrats of dis-
torting the record.
"Mediscare! Mediscare!
Mediscare!" Republican rival Bob Dole
bellowed again and again on the cam-
paign trail. Heading to the voting
booths, few people realized that Clinton
wanted to cut the health care programs,
Republicans complained.
This time, it will be hard not to
notice: Clinton is required by law to

produce a budget plan, forced by polit-
ical reality to introduce one that bal-
ances and, aides say, bound by econom-
ic forces to cut Medicare and Medicaid
to do it.
So Republicans will let Clinton make
the first move. Even as they promisc9
work with Democrats on any serious
balanced-budget efforts, Republicans
welcome the prospect of Clinton sweat-
ing Medicare and Medicaid cuts.
Democrat leader to
suggest tax cut
WASHINGTON - In an unexpect-
ed move, Senate Democratic leak
Tom Daschle intends to propose m
est capital gains tax cuts as part of a
party agenda for the new Congress,,
officials said yesterday.
In addition to those cuts - for
investors in small businesses and for
small farmers approaching retiremeit
age - Daschle is expected to announce
support for steps to make Individual
Retirement Accounts available to more

McDermott withdraws from case
WASHINGTON - Rep. Jim McDermott (.Wash.), the House
ethics committee's top Democrat, said yesterday he would
recuse himself from the case of House Speaker Newt Gingrich
(R-Ga.) as controversy escalated over his alleged involvement in 4
disseminating a tape of an intercepted Gingrich telephone call.
As the furor over the tape threatened to overshadow, at least
temporarily, the committee's investigation of the speaker, the
FBI said it has begun a criminal investigation of how the con-
versation came to be taped and how it ended up in the hands of
news reporters. In a stinging parting shot, McDermott blasted
the panel's probe of Gingrich as a "charade" and the chairship
of Rep. Nancy Johnson (R-Conn.) as "arbitrary, authoritarian Gingrich
and autocratic." He never mentioned his role in the disclosure of the taped telephone
conversation beyond a passing reference to "the present controversy"
McDermott said he would recuse himself from the Gingrich case as soon as he was
assured the panel would remain evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats.
Ethics committee Republicans and Democrats were discussing that matter even
McDermott issued his statement in Seattle, and leaders in each party said they expect'
ed an agreement.

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participation in such a deal, estimated.
to be worth about $640 million, could
subject it to sanctions under the U.S.
Counter-Terrorism Act, including the
cutting off of aid. U.S. aid to So#
Africa for the current fiscal year stands
at about $85 million.
Swiss bank admits
to purging archives
ZURICH, Switzerland -
Switzerland's biggest bank admitted
yesterday it threw away archi
material in violation of a gove
ment ban on destroying records that
might reveal financial transactions
during the Nazi era..
Union Bank of Switzerland said one
of its employees threw away the docu-,
ments last week, apparently thinking
they were unimportant.
Zurich district attorney Peter
Cosandey described the documents as
"politically sensitive material," and
said authorities had opened an inve*
gation into their contents.
- Compiledfrom Daily wire reports.

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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.Sjmail are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus s
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NEWS Amy Klein, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Tim O'Connell, Megan Schimpf, Michelle ee Thompson, Josh White.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Brian Campbell, Prachish Chakravorty, Anita Chik, Jodi S. Cohen, Jeff Eldridge, Bram Elias, Megan E ey. MarIa
Hackett, Jennifer Harvey, Heather Kamins, Jeffrey kosseff, Marc Llghtdale, Laurie Mayk, Chris Metinko, Katie Plona. Stephanie Powell,
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EDITORIAL Adrienne Janney, Zachary M. Raimi, Edit,
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Erin Marsh, Paul Serille.
STAFF: Emily Acheribaum, Ellen Friedman, Samuel Goodstein, Katie Hutchins, Scott Hunter. Yuki Kuniyuki, Jim Lasser, David Levy,
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SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Alan Goldenbach, John Lroi, Will McCahill, Danielle Rumore, Barry Soilenberger.
STAFF: Nancy Berger, T.J. Berka, Evan Braunstein, Chris Farah, Jordan Field, John Friedberg, Kim Hart. Kevin Kasborski, Josh Kleinbaum.
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ARTS Brian A. Gnatt, Jennifer Petlinski, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Greg Parker, Elan A. Stavros.
SUB.EDITORS: Use Herwin (Music), Hae-Jin Kim (Campus Arts), Bryan Lark (Film), Elizabeth Lucas (Books), Kelly Xintaris (TV/New Media).
STAFF: Colin Bartos, Eugene Bowen, Arnotha Chaiam, Karl Jones, Brian M. Kemp. Emily Lambert, Kristin Long, James Miller, Evelyn Miska,
Aaron Rennie, Julia Shin, Philip Son, Prnshant Tamaskar, Christopher Tkaczyk, Angela Walker.
PHOTO Mark Friedman, Sara Stillman, Edt
STAFF: Josh Biggs, Jennifer Bradley-Swift, Aja Dekleva Cohen, John Kraft, Margaret Myers, Jully Park, Damian Petrescu, Kristen Scha
Jeannie Servaas. Jonathan Summer, Joe Westrate, Warren Zinn,
COPY DESK Jason Hoyer, Editor
STAFF: Lydia Aispach, Allyson Huber, Jill Litwin, Heather Miller, Matt Spewak, David Ward, Jen Woodward
ONLINE Adam Pollock, Editor
STAFF: Julio Gurdian, Scott Wilcox.
GRAPHICS Tracey Harris, Editor

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