8 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 21, 1997 Three one-act plays have common themes that bri By Evelyn Miska For the Daily After a brutally short 2 1/2 week rehearsal process, direc- tors James Steortz and Heather Guglielmetti will bring three onQ-act plays to the Arena Theater. They are all based on one main theme: "All the characters are emotionally unstable and P share a common hope for something At more in life than what they presentlyA have' Steortz said. '' "Talk to Me Like the Rain and let me Listen ..." was written by Tennessee Williams and centers around a married RI He ight 1 The second play was written by Christopher Durang and is titled "Naomi in the Living Room." Similar to the piece by Williams, the theme of emotional problems is quite prevalent in this play. Focusing on a woman who believes her dead hus- band is still alive and living with her, the audience gets a glimpse of the deteriora- E V I E W tion of her family. As the mother's psy- ome With,.. chological state continues to decline, so does that of her son, possibly as a result through Sunday,at7 of the death of his five children in a car Arena Theater Free accident. The third play, "Dreamers$' was writ- ten by Shel Silverstein. Unlike the other two plays, "Dreamers" doesn't center so much around psy- chological problems. Instead, we are given a look into the lives of two plumbers, one of whom is trying to cope with an unsettling dream. "It's a very male play" explained Steortz. Of the three plays, Steortz feels Williams' piece is the most poetic, whereas "Dreamers" is more of a straight drama with some humor in it as well. Durang's play is the most comedic of all three. In addition to having similar themes, the three one-acts take place in the same New York City apartment and are set in the 1970's. With the short rehearsal schedule, the production of "At Home With ... " might be described as anything but smooth. "It's hard when you're meeting at odd hours. I don't think any rehearsal process is very smooth. There's always some sort of thing that comes up here or there that takes you off guard," Steortz said. Regardless of this setback, Steortz feels the actors have helped move the process along as well as could be expected. "We have a pretty strong cast. I'm grateful that I can work with a great bunch," Steortz said. Directing one-act plays isn't as easy a process as directing full-length plays, either. "It's harder. Things don't flow as well. With a straight play you fin- ish one scene and the next one comes and builds on it. One- acts lack the dramatic structure - the climax just comes and then its over," Steortz said. ng them 'Homq'. The concept for three interrelated plays was takenTrm a similar production done in New York City called "The Home Series." "Naomi in the Living Room" was also part of the series. Steortz is proud of the very concept of the show and how the plays can be linked together. Due to casting difficulties, Steortz will be perforning in "Naomi in the Living Room," and his co-director Heaher Guglielmetti has taken over the direction of this .piece. Oddly enough, Steortz doesn't like acting. "I don't real have the ability to show my vulnerabilities on stage'h said. Always having had positive experiences with Ann Arbor as a theater venue, Steortz hopes "At Home With ... "will be received well. "I hope the audience members appreciate it because a lot of the actors and the directors have sacrificed their time, and a lot of planning goes into it in a short amount of time" Steortz said. With three such similar, yet individual, one-act plays, "At Home With ... "is likely to be an intrigu- ing and poignant evening. couple living in a very consuming situation. The two are drawn to each other in a codependent way and dream of something better. "I like the Tennessee Williams piece a lot. I call it a mood piece. Everything is very slow and enchanting. It gives me a good feeling to watch it," Steortz said. No lyin' - you'll laugh your pants off at Carrey in 'Liar Liar' By Julia Shih Daily Arts Writer Jim Carrey is about to prove that he can make the world laugh without talk- ing through his ass. Honest. In his new film, "Liar Liar," Mr. Elastic contorts his face and body beyond imagination in his trademark style while telling nothing but the truth, for a hilarious and entertaining romp through the life of a liar ... er, a lawyer. Carrey plays Fletcher Reede, who is not only an unscrupulous lawyer but a negligent father as well. When he misses his son's fifth birthday, the disappointed boy (Justin Cooper) secretly wishes that his father could tell nothing but the truth for 24 hours. It first begins with Reede blurting out, "I've had better" after a sexual encounter whether audiences will still find with his aggressive and cunning boss Carrey's physical humor amusing. But Miranda (Amanda Donohoe). Soon, his not to worry - Carrey is back with a compulsion toward the truth wreaks passion and just as funny as ever. havoc on his life. He arguments in trial, tells the moronic head of the firm exactly what he thinks of him and gets his car impounded when he admits to a cop of his countless traffic objects his own He has bounced back from the depths REVIEW Liar Liar At Briarwood and Showcase of "The Cable Guy" with a strong performance that is reminiscent of his work in "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective." His unique brand of comedy makes this To place an ad in the i1E I Ietgan tBi-L or to request rate information call an Account Executive at (313) 764-0554 today! violations. Reede soon realizes just how rough life is without his greatest weapon - his proficiency at lying. Yet, Reede also realizes that telling the truth has its benefits (probably something most normal people learn in preschool). Reede's attempts at discov- ering how to become a better father give "Liar Liar" much more depth and emo- tion than many of Carrey's other antics- based comedies. Admittedly, "Liar Liar" is not a film that is riding on plot. It is simple and predictable with basically one joke, but this might have been done intentionally so that a storyline would not detract from Carrey's performance. The film rides completely on a laugh-'til-you-cry type of movie that audiences of all ages will be able to enjoy. The funniest scenes in the movie come when Reede is fighting himself to tell a lie. Whether it is struggling to call a blue pen red or trying to spit out a schpiel about his adulterating client's bogus defense, Carrey's violently schiz- ophrenic antics are ever-present and always a joy to watch. Maura Tierney (TV's "NewsRadio" ) complements Carrey well in her role as Reede's ex-wife Audrey. Tierney is like the eye of the storm, counteracting Carrey's effervescence with a mellow and likable demeanor. In a surprising performance, Cary Elwes plays Audrey's current boyfriend Jim Carrey plays a lawyer who can't lie. Jerry, who wants her and her son to move with him to Boston. Reede acg rately describes Jerry as "Magoo" inthe film, because of the man's eccentric behavior and sometimes childlike qual- itics. Elwes, who has been previously seen in hits such as "Twister" and "The Crush," is a little out of place but never- theless funny in this comedic rJe,, Also, following suit with a trend revered by Jackie Chan films, "Liar Liar"provides some bloopers clips.from the filming. This segment is not- hilarious to watch, but it also further proves what a funny man Jim Carrey is. "Liar Liar" is not a movie that requires a lot of thought or intelligence, but it is not a film that is completely flat and devoid of reality. It serves as a showcase for Carrey's talent, much like "Dumb and Dumber" and "Ace Ventura," while also exploring the realm of ethics and estranged relation- ships.mae This movie is one that was made please. Kids will love it. Adults will love it. Fans of Jim Carrey will love it. Everyone who likes to laugh until their ribs hurt and they've lost bladder con- trol will love it. So, for a good time, go out and watch "Liar Liar." I'm not lying when I say that it's one of the funniest movies this year. lll , i r 1211 a-mail; SELLING T-SHIRTS AT HASH BASH? ORDER FROM US AND GET 10% OFF PROSPT ANN ARBOR, Al 48104 mril@provide.net tel: 313 665-1771 I I I F movie comedy ig9t $2 9:30pm student 9pm perormanCes ( ancertheatre, : . muskc , -. r r 4 ...A ,..r 1 T ' M J 4 - call or U-Ckly update of U-Club events I'll Enbre Plus accepted 4 onthe firstflo of the Michigan Union fly VpwsuW9t C * sA 4pt ftw CosrS~~ . . "W'" Mfi O-WwkaMnyMb4M~f1 P74 TT ,, w "qpw UAC Committee Chairs Wanted! for the 1997-1998 school year Universities Activities Center is the largest student-run organization on campus. UAC's purpose is to enrich the student community. UAC has a spot for everyone. If you enjoy the arts, the entertainment field, or are. interested in technical work, business, or advertising, UAC would love to have you join the team! UAC is made up of a fantastic team of students. We're so much more that just programming; we're about fun, too. Not only do we work together, we play together! There is never a dull moment at UAC! Committees Include: Amazin' Blue Comedy Company Impact Dance Theatre M-Flicks The Rude Mechanicals ffr..mo.Ir, nzh Chnwl Laughtrack Soundstage Special Events Viewpoint Lectures +4 r Y''i Eclipse Jazz Hnmecoming m 11