Vfllii Fn cmesiD o museum
Learn about the comet Hale-Bopp at Family Fun Night. The comet
makes its closest approach to Earth tomorrow. Prepare for it with
this unique and interesting informational session. How can you
resist? The activity will begin at 7 p.m. at the Exhibit Museum, locat-
ed on 1109 Geddes. Admission is $3. Call 764-0478 for reservations.
March 21, 1997
You, Mrs. Robinson
Nichols' classic 'Graduate' returns to big screen for 30th anniversary celebration
0y Geordy Gantsoudes
Daily Arts Writer
The movies of yesteryear somehow
seem to be better than .the films of
gay. Perhaps it is simply the feel of an
er movie: the way the colors aren't
so vivid, or the way the camera zooms
with the aid of the human hand, not a
c'omputer. "The Graduate" may seem
antiquated in the sense that it does not
boast special effects or digital sound,
but the film is genuine, and the topic is
This spring marks the 30th anniver-
sary of Mike Nichols' "The Graduate."
is film launched the career of a
en-virtually unknown
Dustin Hoffman, and it
helped to broaden the
fanbase of a duo by the
name of Simon and
Garfunkel. "The
Graduate" is a refresh- :
ing look at what it is to
be young. What makes
it so refreshing is that
involves no one
ath long,
unwashed hair or
a-goatee, whining'
about how hard it
is to succeed in a
rich man's world.
Since its
release to wide-
spread acclaim
and many Oscar Katherine Ross and
nominations, some of which the film
won, "The Graduate" has gone on to be
one of the most influential and copied
films in the last three decades. Its
anniversary also marks its impact as a
satire and social commentary on life in
the late '60's that still resonates for
today's audiences.
Benjamin (Hoffman) is a bumbling,
stumbling recent college graduate who
does not know what he wants to do with
his life. He does not know much of any-
thing, except that he is sick of everyone
asking him what he wants to do with his
life. Enter Mrs. Robinson (Anne
Bancroft), a beautiful family friend who
knows what she wants:
Benjamin Braddock.
Mrs. Robinson con-
vinces Benjamin to
take her home during
Benjamin's gradua-
tion party, from which ::.
he is more than happy to
leave. Following their exit is
one of the more
scenes in movie history. Though
Benjamin escapes her first attempt
unscathed, Mrs. Robinson successfully
seduces Benjamin and they start an
Soon, though,
Elaine Robinson
(Katherine Ross),
daughter of Mr
and Mrs.
Robinson, returns
home from
Berkeley, and
Benjamin - with newly instilled confi-
dence - wants to date her, though Mrs.
Robinson has forbidden him to do
Hoffman is outstanding
as Benjamin Braddock.
When we first meet
Benjamin, he is a boy,
though 20, trapped in a
world run by his parents.
He wants to find a way
out, and Mrs. Robinson is
the means to his end.
Anne Bancroft's Mrs.
Robinson is in
control: She sees
the young and
h e l p l e s s
Benjamin, wants
him and takes
As most audi-
ences recall from
scene, her demeanor during their first
time is a testament to her personality.
After meeting him in a hotel bar, she
seems to use
he Graduate
At Michigan Theater
naive Benjamin.
mind tricks on
B e n j a m i n .
Questions such as
"Won't you buy
me a drink?" and
"Will you get the
room now?" are
almost commands
thrust upon a very
willing yet very
He follows her com-
mands like a soldier afraid of dis-
obeying a direct order form an offi-
cer. The chemistry between Hoffman
and Bancroft is so outstanding that
sidesplitting laughs are common-
place, along with the squirming that
accompanies the seduction of a 20-
year-old inexperienced virgin by a 40-
year-old woman.
When Elaine returns home from
school, Benjamin does want to date
her and the jealous and vindictive
Mrs. Robinson would rather tell her
daughter about the affair than give up
Benjamin. When Elaine finds out and
stops talking to Benjamin, he is
dejected: He loves Elaine, but feels
helpless, much as he did at the start.
The rest of the classic deals with
Benjamin's attempt to win back the
heart of the young Ms. Elaine
"Mrs. Robinson, you're not trying to seduce me, are you?"
impeccable soundtrack performed by
Simon and Garfunkel. The melodious
tunes of "The Sound of Silence,"
"Scarborough Fair" and wonderful
versions of "Mrs. Robinson" comple-
ment Benjamin's blossoming man-
hood. The toe-tapping rhythms add
something to the movie that a orches-
tral score would have failed to do.
Mike Nichols does a more than ade-
quate job directing this film. His direc-
tion and placement of the actors created
scenes that will be remembered foreve'r;
the image of Dustin Hoffman looking
like a deer caught in headlights, being
partially blocked by a woman's sexy I g
is something all viewers will remember.
Images such as that are impossible to
forget and make "The Graduate" good
the second, third or thousandth ,ime
Koo-Koo-Ca-Choo, Mrs. Robinson.
Dustin Hoffman star in Mike Nichols' classic, "The Graduate."
famous Driving the movie along is the
New 'Ruff'
miXes two'
Diamond In The Ruff
MCA Records
Cast of superstars to perform Webber's 'Jesus'
By Kristin Bartus
For the Daily
This weekend, UAC/Musket presents
the popular rock-opera "Jesus Christ
Nearly 40 cast members will give an
energetic portrayal of Jesus, his disci-
ples and his ene- _
mies in Andrew
Lloyd Webber's I
retelling of biblical
stories. Friday
"Mark tells a
Presently in the music industry, the
fusion of reggae with R&B and hip hop
Sbecoming commonplace. New artist
the reggae scene, Ruffa, has taken
this concept and used it to help him cre-
ate his quality debut CD, "A Diamond
In The Ruff."
After the traditional CD intro track,
Ruffa hits listeners with the
reggae/R&B mix as he samples the
guy hit "Piece of My Love" to create
the smooth track "Don't You Worry."
This cut also features the soulful sound
of female vocalist Tasha.
Continuing with the R&B fusion,
uffa also has the upbeat tracks, "I
Know A Place" and "All Right Now"
both featuring male vocalist, Shawn
Meadows. Meadows' vocals add plenty
of spice to the tracks. In an age where
singers with no talent receive air play
and big contracts, it's impressive and
refreshing to hear singers who are actu-
ally able to bring something to a musi-
cal project.
*Even with the R&B present on the
album, Ruffa hasn't forgotten the lovers
of hip hop. He hooks up with Kool G.
Rap on "Representin,"' while Shyhiem
kicks a little something on "What Does
Ruffa succeeds with his debut album.
It Mean." The track "True Gangsta" has
no special hip-hop appearance, but
Ruffa's raspy voice and strong
Jamaican accent are backed by a hard
drum beat and piano break, making this
arguably the best cut on the disk. Ruffa
was also able to bring in rap talent
Stress, and have him further add to the
quality of the CD (he's featured on "All
Right Now").
The entire disk is especially impres-
sive because Ruffa is one of the main
producers on the album. His involve-
ment on both sides of the music scene
illustrates the sign of a talented artist.
Ruffa's dual talent, along with the good
chemistry between the other new artists
on the disk, allows him to put together
a good debut.
"A Diamond In The Ruff" is worth
checking out, even if you are not really
into reggae. Ruffa doesn't limit himself
to one type of music. He is open to
working with other talented artists who
are not necessarily involved in reggae,
which should help Ruffa become a suc-
cessful artist.
Ruffa was able to blend his reggae
style with smooth R&B and hard hip-
hop to create a sound of his own. He's
created his own identity, something
that is becoming rare in the music
_ Henry Robeson
version of the
story; Matthew L
tells a version of the story; John tells the
story. This is Andrew Lloyd Webber's
and Tim Rice's version of the story;'
director and BFA sophomore Lauren
Miller said.
The play tells the story of the last
seven days in the life of Jesus of
Nazareth. It generally follows the sto-
ries told in the gospels in the New
"The plot is the same as what is in the
bible, but the themes explored is where
it may be different," Miller said.
Miller chose to add several characters
to reflect the beliefs expressed in the
gospel, according to Thomas. Thomas'
gospel speaks about the kingdom of God
being on Earth, which resembles
Buddhism. "We added three characters
and they're, for lack of a better word,
called the temptations.' They're sort of
abstract representations of the qualities of
fear, desire and ego," Miller said.
In addition, Miller has changed other
aspects of this "Superstar" production.
Musket presents a completely modern-
ized version of the play. The Jewish
authorities now look like businessmen
and teachers in
E v I E W suits, while the dis-
ciples appear to be
Jesus Christ a colorful crowd of
Superstar people who have
nd Saturday at 8 p.m. aoed he
Sunday at 2 p.n abandoned their
Power Center $7 occupations to fol-
low Jesus.
Miller uses a minimal set, not feeling
the need for a huge, elaborate produc-
tion. Instead Miller simply calls on her
energetic cast to play out the conflicts
and emotions surrounding the turbulent
life of a man who is both human and a
god. She also focuses less on the lone
thoughts of Judas and more on the rela-
tionship between best friends Judas and
Jesus, which further explores the
human element to this story.
"What we have tried to do, and I think
successfully, is not to get this zombie Jesus
who is separated from humans, but who is
very human. You can appreciate why peo-
ple would want to spend time with this
guy because he is that appealing," Miller
The appeal factor does not end with
Jesus. Miller also feels her cast offers a
great deal of appeal. "They are just
"Jesus Christ Superstar" comes to the Power Center this weekend.
immensely talented people, too, in terms
of dancing and musicians and acting"
Miller believes that audiences will
enjoy the show, in part, because it stands
out among the musicals Musket has pre-
sented in the past. "It's another interpreta-
tion of a very controversial story and that
alone is one (reason) to come and seeitĀ°'
"Jesus Christ Superstar," with the
magic of its intriguing story and power-
ful music, promises to be an intense
experience for most mortals.
These days, the THE The Transcendental
thought of wasting Meditation program
our natural resources T'RANSCENDENTAL is a simple, natural.
is downright crimi- MEDTATION* technique to unfold
nal. Yet everyday we your mental potential
waste the most TECHNIQUE and to develop clear
incredible resource creative thinking.
known to man. Our CAN HELP ANYONE The TM technique
The University of Michigan
School of Music
Friday, March 21
Concert Band
Kevin Sedatole, conductor
Woody Bynum, baritone soloist
" Ives: Variations on "America"
* Copland: Old American Songs
* Welcher: Zion
" Reed: La Fiesta Mexicana
Hill Auditorium, 8p.m.
Saturday, March 22
GueC1I4 -r Class
Her.-A V E 1
Britton Recital han, re Bldg., 10 a.m.
Percussion Ensemble
Mike Udow, director
-Miranda: Polysonics
-Alfieri: Legend of the Sleeping Bear
eAlfieri: Tambourine Fanfare
-Harrison: Suite for Percussion
McIntosh Theatre, E. V Moore Bldg., 8 p.m.
Monday, March 24
Michigan.Youth Ensembles
Hill Auditorium, 7 p.m.
Tuesday, March 25
Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble
Fritz Kaenzig, director
McIntosh Theatre, E.V. Moore Bldg., 8 p.m.
Thursday, March 27
Music Engineering Seminar Series
"Computer Music Compositional Techniques"
by Diane Thome, University of Washington
1 I I N ' " I I ?
i , ;,
. .
Most scientist believe
we use less than fif-
teen percent of our
mental potential.
Leaving over 85 bil-
lion brain cells to sit
around and get men-
tally flabby. Cells
which would love to
does not require a
change in religion,
philosophy, or
And studies conduct-
ed by researchers at
Harvard Medical
School and other
institutions have
shown that the daily
of the TM technique
intelligence and
help you be more creative. Think
more clearly. Solve problems.
Improve your memory. And make
the most of your intelligence.
Fortunately, there is a way to tap
improves concentration and mem-
ory while reducing stress and anx-
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